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RMRK RPG Maker Creation => RPG Maker General => General Tutorials and Eventing => Topic started by: hawwk on September 03, 2010, 03:57:44 AM

Title: Is it possible to emulate "Fire Emblem" rather than "Final Fantasy"?????
Post by: hawwk on September 03, 2010, 03:57:44 AM
I have been planning a game for months now, and i just realized that what i wanted was more of a "Fire Emblem" type gameplay rather than a "FF" type. Would it be possible to create an event sequence that can emulate that type of movement, turn-based attacks, etc. ????

fyi. I'm running on Rm2k3
Title: Re: Is it possible to emulate "Fire Emblem" rather than "Final Fantasy"?????
Post by: modern algebra on September 03, 2010, 03:11:17 PM
It's possible, but it's not simple. I don't know of any in-depth tutorials for building a TBS through events though, and there are so many elements to it that it would take a lot of skill and work, from defining movement algorithms to damage algorithms to creating a decent AI for the baddies. If you're dedicated and know events really well, then give it a shot and you can post more specific questions when you run into obstacles. But it's really not something that can be handed to you; you'll have to work at it very hard.
Title: Re: Is it possible to emulate "Fire Emblem" rather than "Final Fantasy"?????
Post by: hawwk on September 18, 2010, 04:26:42 PM
Can you make a variable that counts the number of steps you take?

If i can figure that out, i think the rest of the battle system ive been messing around with will just fall into place.
Title: Re: Is it possible to emulate "Fire Emblem" rather than "Final Fantasy"?????
Post by: modern algebra on September 18, 2010, 04:49:59 PM
You can in XP and VX. I don't know about 2K3 though... it would be in Other of Variable Operations if so probably.

If what you want it for is to restrict the number of steps an actor takes when it's his/her own turn, then there are other ways to do it. For instance, you could check the map x and y of the actor, then ensure that the actor cannot move to any squares where it takes more than z moves.
Title: Re: Is it possible to emulate "Fire Emblem" rather than "Final Fantasy"?????
Post by: hawwk on September 18, 2010, 05:18:07 PM
and i would do that how?
I'm sorry, i'm familiar w/ the eventing, but i'm not entirely savvy w/ everything.
Title: Re: Is it possible to emulate "Fire Emblem" rather than "Final Fantasy"?????
Post by: modern algebra on September 18, 2010, 05:54:28 PM
Well, it will depend on how you are controlling. I would recommend having each actor and enemy be an event, and use the player solely as a cursor. If doing that, it is relatively simple. You can use variables to get the map X and Y of the event where it currently is. Then, the player would move the cursor to the place he wants to move the event. At that point, you can save the x and y of the cursor into new variables. Then all you'd need to do is use another variable or two to record the difference between the x's and the y's, get the absolute value by multiplying by -1 if they are negative, and add them. If that number is greater than the movement range, then disallow the movement. If less than or equal, allow the movement.
Title: Re: Is it possible to emulate "Fire Emblem" rather than "Final Fantasy"?????
Post by: Orangedragon91 on November 01, 2010, 09:33:59 PM
There's something called Gubid's Tactical Battle System. Try that, and good luck! I'm making a Fire Emblem fangame myself, so we're in the same boat.
Title: Re: Is it possible to emulate "Fire Emblem" rather than "Final Fantasy"?????
Post by: modern algebra on November 01, 2010, 10:53:21 PM
He's using RM2k3.
Title: Re: Is it possible to emulate "Fire Emblem" rather than "Final Fantasy"?????
Post by: Orangedragon91 on November 02, 2010, 12:50:03 AM
So Gubid's doesnt work on that version? Bummer...
Title: Re: Is it possible to emulate "Fire Emblem" rather than "Final Fantasy"?????
Post by: corlenbelspar on November 02, 2010, 07:40:42 AM
Can you make a variable that counts the number of steps you take?

If i can figure that out, i think the rest of the battle system ive been messing around with will just fall into place.

You could use two sets of variables to test the player's X and Y coordinates to determine if they took a step in RPG Maker 2003... one set for the hero's current X and Y and the other set for the previous X and Y and when those differ it turns on a switch or adds to a variable of the number of steps taken or whatever and then you set the previous X and Y variables to the current X and Y variables.  If you want I can write out how to pull this off.

I have pulled this off in my current RPG in RPG Maker 2003 to make enemies only take a step when you do.
Title: Re: Is it possible to emulate "Fire Emblem" rather than "Final Fantasy"?????
Post by: corlenbelspar on November 02, 2010, 07:51:52 AM
I'm going to go ahead and write it out for you anyway because I'm bored.  Make this a common event as a parallel process.

<>Variable Oper: [0002:Player X] Set, Hero X Coord.
<>Variable Oper: [0003:Player Y] Set, Hero Y Coord.
<>Branch if Var [0002:Player X] is V[0004] Equal
  <>Branch if Var [0003:Player Y] is V[0005] Equal
  : Else Handler
    <>Variable Oper: [0029:Number of Steps] + , 1
  : End
: Else Handler
  <>Variable Oper: [0029:Number of Steps] + , 1
: End
<>Variable Oper: [0004:Player Last X] Set, Var [0002]'s Value
<>Variable Oper: [0005:Player Last Y] Set, Var [0003]'s Value
<>Wait: 0.0 Sec

What's the wait 0.0 seconds for?  It for some reason reduces lag in parallel processes in RPG Maker 2003.  Make a habit of putting it at the end of all your parallel processes, especially if you use a ton of them.  I modified my step testing engine to accommodate counting steps and it works.
Title: Re: Is it possible to emulate "Fire Emblem" rather than "Final Fantasy"?????
Post by: Kyotita on November 04, 2010, 01:50:58 AM
Just wanted to post and say Kudos to corlenbelspar for writing out this script! its much appreciated!
this is one of the things i needed on my steps toward recreating my old game since it will control the number of spaces the units can move &^^.
Title: Re: Is it possible to emulate "Fire Emblem" rather than "Final Fantasy"?????
Post by: corlenbelspar on November 04, 2010, 09:20:13 AM
And kudos to you as well, you just gave me an idea for the makings of another minigame in my RPG that revolves around the number of steps you and something else takes in turns.