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Dawning of a Dragon's Valor {Demo 5/31/09}

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Rep: +0/-0Level 84
Corfaisus - Cold-Souled Sovereign
Dawning of a Dragon's Valor

The meaning of existence lies not within a single answer, but is defined by those who question it...

Those who live to better the world, such as defined as heroes...
This tale speaks of such a hero.

These lands, they require a savior..
But what would happen should hope vanish?

The shadow of "night" taints these lands... the dawn is far away.

This tale speaks of a youth, who will bring the "dawn" to these lands that thirst for hope...

Serving in the Zilmurik military for years, you have been given many missions to undertake, and every time you have succeeded in your goals. Now the day has come that your training is put to its greatest test, entering the Night Blade headquarters and assassinating a man that Zilmurik knows only as the "Dark Leader". Departing with a battalion of your troops, you fight your way through the fields and to the gates of the construct, though now your force has been decreased to only a few due to violent confrontations. "Sir Lefarnius, you and your troops must remain behind until I give the order to attack. I would much rather it be me than our battalion slaughtered at the gates. We have already lost too many." you command. After fighting off multiple troops of the Night Blades, you manage your way through to the throne room where the figure in black armor and eyes glowing of crimson sits in wait.

After a quick observation of your figure, he feels you are not significant enough to waste his time with, so he orders his henchman to dispose of you. With both weapons drawn, the fight draws on for only a short amount of time before even the ninja grows tired of your strife. Calling upon the ancient's magic that was blessed upon his blade, he paralyzes you while the Dark Leader commands "Crush this zealous fool, and scatter his remains amongst my domain. Our force shall not falter to this worm." Having sworn allegiance to the man, the ninja follows through with an attack of exploding ice magic. Your body disappears on impact.

"Ugh... where am I? Where have I awoken, am I dead?" you mumble to yourself as you drift without feeling through the cosmos. A divine voice answers to you, "Worry not my child... for I am with you." Questioningly, you say "What is this place? What can I do to escape?" In a soft, almost comforting voice, you are answered, "Let me guide you." An emerald force separates your form into pure light as you are drawn away to a small collection of islands that float in place. Following this path, you eventually come to two statues that depict Goddesses. Suddenly, two beings that seem to be the source of the voice you heard appear before you. "Do not fear us, child." "We are and have always been." "Without us, life would not exist." "We nurture life, and protect it from evil." "Though, there are those who choose to oppose us."

You call out to them, "Such as the Dark Leader?" After some time of speaking with these heavenly beings, you request to be sent back to your planet to strive once again at defeating the Dark Leader, as the Goddesses told you that if he were to be stopped that "...Surely many innocent lives would be saved." After the deal is settled, you disappear in the same emerald light... You wake up in the soft grass of your childhood village, confused and seeking an answer to this.


Age: 20
Description: Main hero of the story and a troop of the Zilmurik military (read above). Not a typical RPG hero that was called on by destiny to save the world, more less one that just wants to make the most out of life and searches for answers to as of what this "shadow" of night is and what it plans to do with the world.

Age: 19
Description: First seen in the Vermolin castle dungeon wearing an alligator costume that was bought in her home village, seeming to want to hide  from overwhelming responsibility. The kind-hearted one in the group, but non-approving of the behaviors of the pirate.

Description: Self-proclaimed legendary pirate of the seas and sky, but feeds more into the "violent and stupid" classification. After the crashing of his airship due to the ignorance of the main hero, he constantly looks for a suitable time to slip the accident into conversation. Notorious for having a sick sense of humor, getting a laugh out of infuriating others.

Name: Corfaisus (Dark Leader)
Description: Cold-souled sovereign of the Night Blade military. Believing he was made an outcast during his childhood, he fell into a deep depression that was cured by the guiding hands of three demon-like creatures. Almost as if playing a puppet to Rage, Greed, and Fear, he would take suggestions into how to test his power. The fall of Hronulum was brought about in this manner, as this was the first target to test his strength after the killing of his former leader, thereby bringing him to the top.

Name: Rage
Description: One of the six offspring of the "Dark One" (His name is revealed by Fear later on) and first boss of the game. Encountered in the Vermolin Castle to the east of Hero's Beginning, and later in the Mysterious Swamps with two of his brothers (Greed and Fear). Used by his father to destroy the law/order bearing ones of this world (governments).

Description: Not much is known of this ninja, as his face is always hidden, but he serves as Corfaisus' right hand man. At times he does seem to hate his job, but having sworn allegiance to Corfaisus, he has no choice but to follow instructions.

Name: Greed
Description: One of the six offspring of the "Dark One" (His name is revealed by Fear later on) and tenth boss of the game. Ruling over the explosive nature of the FireBreath Volcano, he sits in wait to find the ideal time to bury Lireseron under the molten lava of its own avarice. Used by his father to destroy the law/order bearing ones of this world (governments).

Name: Fear
Description: One of the six offspring of the "Dark One" (His name is revealed by Fear later on) and twelfth boss of the game. Finding a cozy home amongst the dead in the Graveyard of Shadows, he raises the dead from their slumber to keep guard over his underground abode. Used by his father to disrupt the will of the people of this world, filling them with paranoia. He is called on to do so to encourage them to embrace his father as a ruler in the future once all law is wiped away.
Screen Shots

What am I working on now?

[hide=5/25/09]Finished working on Corfaisus' Airship, though I will need to work on the Tower Gate areas to continue with the game. A new demo has been made available to add in this area, which then drops the player off at a more "cliffhanger" moment than the old demo. Also have gone back through and edited all skill descriptions of skills that can be used by the player to give a better idea of how much damage a skill does aside from just "Inflicts fire damage to a single enemy." Has now been changed to "-/+ ### HP/MP Effect •element/condition• (single/all)[/hide]
About the Game

A project of mine that has been worked on since its creation back in 2005. Using strictly RTP graphics while moving different chips such as mountain/trees/etc. to give me a bit more freedom to make towns with cliffs, or dungeons with different floors/walls on the same map without having to make the transition squared. The game has seen at least 3 full re-visions up to now (if I remember correctly), and has come a long way since I originally declared it done in 2006, back when the game was playable at best. I still laugh at seeing how far it's come, even by the 2007-08 release. I've been the only one working on this project since the start, and I have no plans on bringing together a group of beta-testers this far in.



A new extended demo release is now available. Along with a few minor fixes here and there, the new demo allows the player access to these areas/quests that were previously "unavailable in demo".

• Tree of the Wolves
• "Call of the Wolf" side quest
• "A Musician's Dream" side quest
• "Unforgiven Souls" side quest
• Swamp of the Lost
• Ternotris
• Mountain Pass
• Ice Forest
• Corfaisus' Airship
• Caldinasus Crossroads
• More one-of-a-kind items/skills
• Caldinasus Arena
• "Main Quest" quest log (all info relevant to demo)

Dawning of a Dragon's Valor {Extended 2009 Demo} - http://rpgmaker.net/games/1254/
« Last Edit: July 19, 2009, 08:09:46 AM by Verilo »
Dawning of a Dragon's Valor : http://rpgmaker.net/games/1254/
Tales from Zilmurik : http://rpgmaker.net/games/1255/

Rep: +0/-0Level 83
Looks great man!