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[vx] EpiQuest v2G [now with videos]

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Resource Artist
Level 94
Project of the Month winner for June 2009
Midnight music isn't bad like the first 15 times, but it plays over everything outdoors. That's way too obsessive and very annoying for a song that's on loop for like 30 seconds.

I don't know what wall you're talking about to look for quests. In game? Or do you have a website with that info on it? I didn't see a wall anywhere with any quests except for that note on the bar outside. I only got to read it 1 time before apparently my character decided to rip it off the wall so no like I remember what the name of the NPC was. You should really think about these things. You're missing a lot of common sense stuff.

Level 82
Look for sheets of paper on walls in the game. I will comment on everything else later :-)

Resource Artist
Level 94
Project of the Month winner for June 2009
It'd be nice if they didn't disappear after reading it a single time O_O

Level 82
There are more than one that say the same thing. Anyway, I'll get to it later.

Level 82
1: Remove the SE from the cat on player touch and make it only if player activates. It's annoying as hell when you touch or push into and it plays like 4 times in a row. Mega echo.
 - Fixed, but cats don't wait for you to talk to them.
2: Fix the very very first door in the entire game. You can walk over the ceiling tile. Just make that tile an event and place it above the player so that the player can only walk under it.
 - People complain about this a lot, I like it how it is.
3: Fix the dog just outside of the house for the exact same reason as #1. Just don't do that.
 - Fixed. A dog sees you and runs to you sets up a new mechanic that you'll use later in the game.
4,5,6+ : Just fix all your doors and animals and anything that does stuff on player touch.
 - ok
132: Hah, you have way too many people in that pub to begin with. There aren't even enough houses in this starter town for all of them + everyone outside.
 - Yet each one of them has valuable information for you.
133: Turn ON direction fix for the event of the woman playing the piano in the pub.
 - Fixed! Wow a real bug! Thanks :-)
134: haha, You die instantly if you use Hide in battle and you have no party members. Ought to fix that asap.
 - Yeah that's a serious issue, let me fix that. Actually there's no real way to fix it other than flat out removing it. So I'm removing it for low level items. Removed.
135: There's no one in the pub corresponding to that note that's tacked on the wall outside of it. So no way to actually get a job there...
 - Fixed, The note sends you Creall, but I will send you to Creall at the armory...
136: Your indoor maps dim way too much, I don't see why they need dimmed at all, it doesn't add a single to the player's experience in your game.
 - Nitpick. Fixed. Now it is only -51 darkness when its night time. However, When you walk into a house in general it gets dark before picture windows.
137: Mapping errors on the map at that Tent Camp thing on the world map just west of the starting town. Look at the trees.
 - Those are stub trees 1 tile high. But if they look wrong, I can just replace them.
138: Your day/night system is way too fast... like 2 minutes between dawn and dusk...
 - Time passes by steps ala Dragon Quest 3. You must be running, which is fine, I'll just make it require more steps. It is now double.
139: Your BGM continues to play after exiting the 'secret' inn tile in that forest area on the world map south west of the starting town. Fuck. It continues to overplay on top of EVERYTHING.
 - Strange, because when you enter the overworld map it switches the music and changes the BGS to silence.

I stopped playing. You can't do anything without a weapon - there's no quests, you don't start with a weapon, you get money anywhere to get a weapon, you die before you can actually do damage to anything because you start with shitty things. There's no direction in the game yet either. More bugs, but this midnight/twilight/sleeping music from that inn on the world map is getting very annoying.
 - You get the first weapon on the first quest. You find the first quest by finding Creall at the armory.

 - Fixed the tear sheets. They are no longer tear sheets.

 - I'll get to the other things that have been piling up from other forums and upload a new version.

Level 82
V2E is up

Saves from 2D and earlier do not work in 2E I do not consider this to be a big update, so if you have 2D already, do not get 2E, because it will mess up your save file.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2010, 12:33:28 AM by ShortStar »

Level 82
V2F is up

 - Doorways will now be passages and not doorways.
 - Fire now has a note popup when you run into it for the first time. It tells you walking into fires is bad, and it damages you and you need blue potions to restore your health.
 - Statements and notes about how you can avoid enemies on the map to avoid battles.

Level 82
V2G is up

 - Enemies drop more things to aide you.
 - A new shop to use some of those things and make new items.
 - A powerful, yet vulnerable class called "creepy girl"

Rep: +0/-0Level 76
It looks great but, how exactly do I play the game? I rarely play other people's projects so I have no idea how to play them. I have downloaded the file but what next?

Level 82
Um use the .exe file and it should install itself.

Level 82
V2H is now up :-)

ADDED in V2H ---
 - After a battle, you now have 1 second of invulnerability / immunity to average enemies. You can plow through them without having to fight them. There is a note telling you too.
TWEAKED in V2H ---
 - Lullaby is less effective. Most enemies that use it now use it slightly less.
TWEAKED in V2H ---
 - Wind Spirits now attack more. Peaches have slightly more attack power. Guardian Angels have less starting MP.
TWEAKED in V2H ---
 - Notebook transparency.
ADDED in V2H ---
 - If you've already put out the fires at the first tower and exit the tower, you can select to visit the top or start at the bottom.
ADDED in V2H ---
 - In the first tower, enemies are blocked by invisible walls to prevent bottlenecking.

3==D This is my bellend.
Level 83
M8 this game is simply awesome,where did u get the scripts from? :) i really like the party 1 that has the standy thing and that and the one with extra equipment slots,i can't seem to find that one anywhere lol,where did u find it?

By Kraft

Level 82
Thanks for looking at the game. Sorry this reply is really late. Google the scripts or check this forums RPG VX scripts.

3==D This is my bellend.
Level 83
Thanks for looking at the game. Sorry this reply is really late. Google the scripts or check this forums RPG VX scripts.
i tried that but wot r they called?

By Kraft