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Integrated Reserve Party

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Level 97
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Integrated Reserve Party
Version: 1.0d
Author: modern algebra
Date: June 11, 2009

Version History

  • <Version 1.0d> 06.11.2009 - Fixed issue with self-targetting skills
  • <Version 1.0c> 06.10.2009 - Fixed major bug with targetting actors not in active party with skills and items
  • <Version 1.0b> 06.08.2009 - Fixed major bug with event commands that iterated actors.
  • <Version 1.0> 05.07.2009 - Original Release


    This script allows you to have a reserve party. Basically, this means that it allows you to have a larger number of actors in the party than are active at any given time, and it allows the player to choose which actors are active. This is a system implemented in a number of games in the Final Fantasy series, as well as the Tales series and numerous other RPGs. What makes this different from other reserve party scripts is that it is integrated in the DMS, thus allowing you to access menus such as the status menu on party members in reserve, rather than only in the active party. Characters in reserve can be swapped into the active party by the player at any time and vice versa.

    As the game maker, you have a number of options to limit this. You can set a minimum size for the active party, so if you wish the player cannot have fewer than whatever number you set, and as well you can set a maximum size for the reserve party. Further, you can set the percentage of exp received by characters in the reserve party, thus allowing you to limit how much exp is received by characters not in the active party. You can also lock individual actors to either the active party or the reserve.


  • Integrated in the DMS, so this gives access to the other options for the reserve members. Thus, you can check the Status or the Equipment of characters in the Reserve Party easily.
  • You can control where the option to alter party composition appears in the command menu and what it is called.
  • You can lock actors in either the active or reserve parties, thus not allowing the player to rotate that character out
  • You can control what percentage of exp is received by actors in reserve.
  • You can enable and disable access to altering party composition option at any time.
  • Easy configuration and a number of options to change settings in game.


Choosing status for a reserve party member:

Switching Party composition


Place above Main and below other custom scripts in the Script Editor

Please see inside the header for detailed instructions on configuration and in-game options


Script is too large. Please see the demo, or the attached txt document.


  • modern algebra


  • Aranarther and skulper34, for reporting the iteration bug
  • Abimopectore, for reporting the targetting bug
  • chronofreak, for reporting target all bug


Please post in this topic at rmrk.net with any bug reports or suggestions.

Bug Fixes

Spoiler for Target All Bug:
There is a problem with the target all use of an item or skill, where it scrolls down to the last party member. To fix it, place the following code in its own slot in the editor, somewhere below the Reserve Party script, but still above Main.

Code: [Select]
# ** Window MenuStatus
#  Summary of Changes:
#    aliased method - update_cursor

class Window_MenuStatus
  # * Update Cursor
  alias mdrnalgbr_fixallcursor_irp_cfrk_4nv2 update_cursor
  def update_cursor (*args)
    mdrnalgbr_fixallcursor_irp_cfrk_4nv2 (*args)
    self.top_row = 0 if @index >= @item_max && @index < 100


Spoiler for Lock Position:

This addon will allow you to lock an actor to their position, thus barring the player from rearranging him or her. It is useful, for instance, if you always want the main character to be the lead actor.

Code: [Select]
#    Lock Position
#      Addon to Integrated Reserve Party 1.0d
#    Version: 1.0
#    Author: modern algebra (rmrk.net)
#    Date: December 23, 2010
#  Description:

#    This addon allows you to lock an actor to the position they are in. This
#   is useful if you always need a particular actor to be in the lead.
#  Instructions:
#    Place this script in its own slot above Main but below the Integrated
#   Reserve Party script in the Script Editor.
#    To lock an actor in position, place the following code in a Script command:
#        lock_position (actor_id)
#          actor_id : the ID of the actor you want to lock.
#    To unlock, use the following code:
#        unlock_position (actor_id)
#          actor_id : the ID of the actor you want to unlock.
#    To set what icon will be shown for actors who are locked in position, go
#   to line xx and choose the icon index.


# ** Game Actor
#  Summary of Changes:
#    new accessor instance variable - position_locked
#    aliased method - setup

class Game_Actor
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_accessor :irp_position_locked
  # * Setup
  #     actor_id : actor ID
  alias ma_resrvlock_stup_8hg3 setup
  def setup (*args)
    @irp_position_locked = false
    # Run Original Method
    ma_resrvlock_stup_8hg3 (*args)

# ** Game_Interpreter
#  Summary of Changes:
#    new method - lock_position, unlock_position

class Game_Interpreter
  # * Lock Position
  def lock_position (actor_id)
    $game_actors[actor_id].irp_position_locked = true
    $game_party.ma_lock_party (actor_id)
  # * Unlock Position
  def unlock_position (actor_id)
    $game_actors[actor_id].irp_position_locked = false
    $game_party.ma_unlock_party (actor_id)

# ** Window_MenuStatus
#  Summary of Changes:
#    aliased method - refresh

class Window_MenuStatus
  # * Refresh
  alias malbra_lckposton_refrsh_7yv4 refresh
  def refresh (*args)
    malbra_lckposton_refrsh_7yv4 (*args) # Run Original Method
    ($game_party.members + $game_party.ma_reserve_members).each { |actor|
      next unless actor.irp_position_locked
      rect = Rect.new (self.contents.width - 32, actor.index*96 + 8, 24, 24)
      self.contents.clear_rect (rect)
      draw_icon (IRP_LOCK_POSITION_ICON_INDEX, rect.x, rect.y)

# ** Scene_Menu
#  Summary of Changes:
#    aliased methods - ma_select_active; ma_select_reserve

class Scene_Menu
  # * Select Active
  alias mara_slctact_lockpos_6uc1 ma_select_active
  def ma_select_active (index, *args)
    if $game_party.members[index] && $game_party.members[index].irp_position_locked
    mara_slctact_lockpos_6uc1 (index, *args) # Run Original Method
  # * Select Reserve
  alias mara_slctres_lockpos_2ef3 ma_select_reserve
  def ma_select_reserve (index, *args)
    if $game_party.members[index] && $game_party.members[index].irp_position_locked
    mara_slctres_lockpos_2ef3 (index, *args) # Run Original Method

The actor will need to be in the position that you want him or her to be in before you lock it. I probably should have added the function to specify a position to lock him or her to, but I kind of grew tired of looking at how terrible I used to be at scripting :P In any case, you want to do it at the start of the game so it shouldn't be a problem. Even if you want to do it midgame or something, it isn't too hard to rearrange the party manually first using the Change Party Member event command.

Known Compatibility Issues

By default, it does not work with Yanfly's Scene Menu Redux, but this compatibility patch should fix it:
Spoiler for Scene Menu Redux + IRP Compatibility Patch:
First, make sure that the Integrated Reserve Party is lower in the editor than Scene Menu Redux is.

So the order in the Script editor ought to be:

Scene Menu Redux
Integrated Reserve Party
IRP SMR Compatibility Patch

Then add this code in its own slot below both scripts in the editor.

Code: [Select]
# ** Window_ReDuxMenuStatus
#  Summary of Changes:
#    aliased method - refresh
#    modified super method - create_contents

class Window_ReDuxMenuStatus
  # * Create Window Contents
  def create_contents (*args)
    if @calling_from_refresh
      super (*args)
  # * Refresh
  alias adrbr_yanfly_irpsmrcomp_rfrsh_7ou9 refresh
  def refresh (reserve_input = false)
    $game_party.ma_draw_party_space = reserve_input
    $game_party.ma_return_reserve_members = true
    @calling_from_refresh = true
    # Run Original Method with Reserve Members
    adrbr_yanfly_irpsmrcomp_rfrsh_7ou9 ()
    @calling_from_refresh = false
    # For all locked actors, draw an icon
    $game_party.ma_locked_actors.each { |actor_id|
      index = $game_actors[actor_id].index
      draw_icon (PARTY_CHANGE_LOCK_ICON_INDEX, self.contents.width - 32, index*96 + 8)
    $game_party.ma_return_reserve_members = false
    $game_party.ma_draw_party_space = false
    @item_max = @scrn_item_max

# ** Scene_Menu
#  Summary of Changes:
#    aliased method - create_command_window

class Scene_Menu
  # * Create Command Window
  alias mairp_yerdsmrcomp_crtcmmndwin_4jn2 create_command_window
  def create_command_window(*args)
    @command_window.height = [@command_window.height,
      YE::REDUX::MENU::MAX_ROWS * 24 + 32].min
    @command_window.index = [@menu_index, @command_window.commands.size - 1].min

Also, you don't need to do any of the setup for Yanfly's script in order for it to be added to the menu. It should be added automatically.

By default, it does not work with Scene_Status ReDux, but this compatibility patch should fix it:
Spoiler for Scene Status Redux + IRP Compatibility Patch:

Place this in its own slot beneath both Scene Status ReDux and the IRP in the editor.

Code: [Select]
class Scene_Status
  alias mdrnalg_irp_scsttrdux_comp_init_k23a initialize
  def initialize (*args)
    $game_party.ma_return_reserve_members = true
    mdrnalg_irp_scsttrdux_comp_init_k23a (*args)

When using Atoa's Materia script, it will not allow access to the Materia Menu for Reserve Actors, but this patch will fix it:
Spoiler for IRP + Atoa Materia Compatibility Patch
Place the IRP below the Materia script, and place this patch below both of them, but still above Main.
class Scene_MateriaEquip
  # * Start Processing
  alias malg_matirpcomp_iniz_7uj3 initialize
  def initialize (*args)
    $game_party.ma_return_reserve_members = true
    malg_matirpcomp_iniz_7uj3 (*args)
    $game_party.ma_return_reserve_members = false
  # * Update Weapon Select
  alias modal_irpmatria_updwpn_6yh4 update_weapon_select
  def update_weapon_select (*args)
    $game_party.ma_return_reserve_members = true
    modal_irpmatria_updwpn_6yh4 (*args) # Run Original Method
    $game_party.ma_return_reserve_members = false

It will not show Reserve Member's level ups through BigEd's Level Up Display script, but this patch should fix it:
Spoiler for IRP + BigEd's Level Up Display Compatibility Patch:

Place this in its own slot beneath the Reserve Party Script and BigEd's Level Up Display script. The order in the editor should be the IRP, then BigEd's Level Up Display script, then the patch, so:

Integrated Reserve Party
BigEd's Level UP Display
IRP + LUD Patch

Code: [Select]
# ** Game_Actor
#  Summary of Changes:
#    aliased method - gain_exp

class Game_Actor
  # * Gain EXP
  alias modnabr_bed_displvlup_gnep_irpptch_2nc2 gain_exp
  def gain_exp (exp, *args)
    if $game_party.ma_reserve_actors.include? (self.id)
      exp = (exp * @reserve_exp_percent) / 100
    # Run Original Method
    modnabr_bed_displvlup_gnep_irpptch_2nc2 (exp, *args)

# ** Scene Battle
#  Summary of Changes:
#    aliased method - display_level_up

class Scene_Battle
  # * Display Level Up
  alias mdrnalg_irp_bgedlupwin_beth_7hg2 display_level_up
  def display_level_up (*args)
    # Retrieve all actors through members
    $game_party.ma_return_reserve_members = true
    # Run Original Method
    mdrnalg_irp_bgedlupwin_beth_7hg2 (*args)
    $game_party.ma_return_reserve_members = false

Obviously, it will not work well with other party changing scripts. It does not support an active party larger than 4 characters, but it can support smaller active parties. Just change the constant MAX_MEMBERS in Game_Party to allow for that.

Further, since it is integrated into the DMS, it will likely not work with exotic CMSes. I have, however, taken some effort to make it compatible with scripts that change the DMS in less drastic ways. It ought to work with KGC CustomMenuCommand scripts as long as it is placed below all KGC scripts that utilize CustomMenuCommand. Further, graphical changes that alter how the actor is displayed in the Menu window should also be OK. If it does not work, there are a number of Party Changing Scripts not dependent on the DMS. For instance: KGC Large Party, Prexus' Party Selector, or Dargor's Party Changer

It should also work with my Quest System. It likely will not work well with my Multiple Parties script, though I will work on a compatibility patch.

If you encounter any problems, please post here and I will do my best to fix it.


See attached demo.

Creative Commons License
This script by modern algebra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.5 Canada License.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2013, 09:51:54 PM by modern algebra »

Level 84
I like how easily accessible this one is without the need of a new scene. On top of that, I'm even more thrilled that it doesn't re-order your party when you swap different positions, which is something most party switchers don't retain. Kudos on this great script, MA. =D

EDIT: Also, a little off topic but looking at the demo, how'd you manage to put in those grass flowery patches without them blending into each other?
« Last Edit: May 08, 2009, 03:12:54 AM by Yanfly »
Side-battle systems are the lens flare of RPG Maker.

Level 97
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Thanks! It's always a little tricky integrating things into a scene, and the trade off is compatibility, but I think it's better to have all of the actors accessible from the DMS.

As for the grass patches, that's a little trick I stumbled upon wholly accidentally. If you hold shift and right-click/drag a plot, then it takes the map as it is, so if you hold shift and left click then it wil draw the square exactly as you recorded it, ignoring all adjacent autotiles. You have to hold shift both when you're selecting and when you're drawing though.

Level 84
I don't think there'd be any compatibility issues involved regarding the menu scene since all but the new definitions are aliased. You're always so set on compatibility (it's a great thing that more people need to do) and you did a good job of that like always. =]

And that's a really neat trick. I'm glad to have learned it, thanks! You're always one to find and figure out something new, haha.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2009, 03:27:43 AM by Yanfly »
Side-battle systems are the lens flare of RPG Maker.

Level 97
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haha, I doubt I was the first to figure it out. I think I even saw it mentioned in a tutorial on some other site recently. It is a useful trick though.

As for the compatibility, I do try, but it is impossible to account for everything. And for a script like this, it is dependent on them having a DMS-like menu system, whereas if it had its own scene it would work with any menu system. Thanks for the compliments though. You have been making some great scripts yourself.

Level 83
I'm getting an error: Script 'MA_Reserve Party 1.0' line 504: ArgumentError occurred. wrong number of arguments(1 for 0)

Line 504 says: 'refresh (reserve_input)'

The error pops up when I press X in the map to open the menu.

I have quite some scripts  :-\ so, it might as well be a compatibilty problem with one of them, but I'm not using any other party script.
I use Yanfly's Custom Menu Commands, since it has premade command for KGC, your Quest journal and others.
Other menu commands I have are: Skill Slots (Yanfly), EquipLearnSkill (KGC), Distribute Parameter (KGC) Quest Journal (modern algebra), Bestiary (Yanfly) and Outline (KGC).

If this isn't enough or the right information, please ask what you need.

|Cheers| Nitro-RMVX

Level 97
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Yeah, it's incompatible with Yanfly's Custom Menu Command. I will look into it, but it might be hard to fix.

Level 97
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OK, try adding this below both scripts. Also, make sure that the Integrated Reserve Party is lower in the editor than Scene Menu Redux is.

So the order in the Script editor ought to be:

Scene Menu Redux
Integrated Reserve Party
IRP SMR Compatibility Patch

Code: [Select]
# ** Window_ReDuxMenStatus
#  Summary of Changes:
#    aliased method - refresh
#    modified super method - create_contents

class Window_ReDuxMenuStatus
  # * Create Window Contents
  def create_contents (*args)
    if @calling_from_refresh
      super (*args)
  # * Refresh
  alias adrbr_yanfly_irpsmrcomp_rfrsh_7ou9 refresh
  def refresh (reserve_input = false)
    $game_party.ma_draw_party_space = reserve_input
    $game_party.ma_return_reserve_members = true
    @calling_from_refresh = true
    # Run Original Method with Reserve Members
    adrbr_yanfly_irpsmrcomp_rfrsh_7ou9 ()
    @calling_from_refresh = false
    # For all locked actors, draw an icon
    $game_party.ma_locked_actors.each { |actor_id|
      index = $game_actors[actor_id].index
      draw_icon (PARTY_CHANGE_LOCK_ICON_INDEX, self.contents.width - 32, index*96 + 8)
    $game_party.ma_return_reserve_members = false
    $game_party.ma_draw_party_space = false
    @item_max = @scrn_item_max

Also, you don't need to do any of the setup for Yanfly's script in order for it to be added to the menu. It should be added automatically.

Level 83
I've tested it and this is the result:

I get no error, that is the good part (I did get an error when I tried to make CMC open the Party Command, but that is just my doing and has nothing to do with your script and patch)
The downside is that the Party Command is grey and I can't access it. Another thing that happends is this:

My Menu looks as following: Status, Item, Equip, Skill, Slots, Skill Book, Level Up, Party (PARTY_CHANGE_MENU_INDEX = 7), Quests, Help, Save, Game End.

When I try Quests, it opens Help. The Help option doesn't do anything and the rest does open the right menu, but party is still grey.

Thank you very much for your time. Nitro-RMVX

Level 97
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Can you send me a copy of your scripts.rvdata?

I've tested it, and so far nothing bad has happened. Party is not grey, so I figure it must either be in setup (if you disabled access, which I don't imagine you'd do) or some type of incompatibility with what scripts you are using. So yeah, can I see the Scripts.rvdata or even the entire project?

Level 83
 :'(  ???  >:(  :mad:  :tpg:

After getting really annoyed, I finally discovered what was wrong. To save you all the details, I forgot to make sure the party had more then 1 member.  :-\ Party does work now.
I still have a problem though, but that one is probably for Yanfly. The party overwrites the custom menu command of the Quest Journal, and the Quest Journal overwrites the KGC Outline, resulting that the Quest option opens Outline and outline ("help") doesn't open anything, since save and End Game work fine.
Or might there be any way to make a 'call' to the party script so it kinda runs from the Custom Menu Command script and takes a spot in the Custom menu command list? Because I do believe that would solve the problem.

Again, thanks for your time!

Level 97
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I don't think the Party command would run smoothly from the Custom Menu because it doesn't call a Scene, it operates within Scene_Menu itself. It would almost certainly be faster for me to see your Scripts.rvdata directly and find out where the problem is from that.

Also, I've tested Quest Journal and Party commands with Scene Menu Redux before and it's worked.

Are you setting the Quest option up through the Scene Menu Redux? Because that might cause the problem. It might be a script order problem too; I'm not sure until I see the Scripts.rvdata
« Last Edit: June 24, 2009, 07:34:29 PM by modern algebra »

Level 83
Very well, if you think something else then me, I go trust you!

I'll send you a PM with the script.rvdata tomorrow, after I find out how xD.

Good luck and I'll just keep thanking you at the end of each post, so thanks again
« Last Edit: June 24, 2009, 09:49:59 PM by Nitro-RMVX »

Level 97
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To upload it, just archive it (with a program like WinRAR or WinZip or etc...), and then you can either attach it to a post under the Additional options thing in New Reply or upload it to sendspace or another uploading site and send me the link. :)

Level 83
Right,... Additional Options  :-\
Scripts don't make the game so I might as well upload it here. (People, just know you can't use my script without the animations :P)

And yes, I am setting the Quest option through the Scene Menu Redux, because it was already built-in when downloading the script.

« Last Edit: June 25, 2009, 03:04:38 PM by modern algebra »

Level 97
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OK, it looks like whatever the Help script is, it is interfering ... KGC Outline?

Anyway, Put the Quest Journal and the Party Script below that script in the editor and it should work.

Also, I deleted your attachment and it had only had my download, so no worries on that front.

Level 83
whahaha, totally awesome xD... if you had any userbar or something xD...
Anyway, if you want, I could make one, but I have no clue where to link it too :P

Thanks, it works!

A very satisfied 'customer', Nitro-RMVX

Level 97
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haha, I don't think I need a userbar :P Thanks for the offer though.

I am glad it is working now.

Resource Artist
Level 94
Project of the Month winner for June 2009
... if you had any userbar or something xD...

We think this all the time sir.  :P

Level 83
@ Modern Algebra: Hhmmm, ok, no userbar *snif*...  :D

@ Grafikal009: Well, you can't blame me, I use 8 scripts of Modern Algebra, so... 
Spoiler for:
that rocks! :edgarrock:

Rep: +0/-0Level 83
It looks like a really good script, though... And I'm sure it's something on my part, because I'm still fairly new to RPG Maker VX, though I've gotten installing scripts down and the others are running okay, but whenever I run it and try to lock my party or removed a character from it I get this error:

Script 'Integrated Reserve Party' line 159: NoMethodError occured.

undefined method 'delete' for nil:NilClass

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Not sure if this information helps but I am using the Side View Battle System from Kylock(?) and the Lightning Effect system from Kylock.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2009, 04:31:48 PM by Ashigaru »

Rep: +0/-0Level 83
Very nice script; it's easy to use and is just what I need.  However, there is one issue I'd like to bring up: when I use a spell to heal my entire party out of battle, the window that shows the characters that will be healed only displays the last character in my reserve list.

Screen shot:
Spoiler for:

There is a scroll arrow at the top of the window that indicates that there are more characters above that one, but I can't scroll up to view them.  I currently have 4 active party members and 6 more members in the reserve party.

Can anything be done about this?  Maybe a quick fix to rearrange the actor list and show the first characters instead of the last?
« Last Edit: July 21, 2009, 03:39:16 AM by chronofreak »

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It looks like a really good script, though... And I'm sure it's something on my part, because I'm still fairly new to RPG Maker VX, though I've gotten installing scripts down and the others are running okay, but whenever I run it and try to lock my party or removed a character from it I get this error:

Script 'Integrated Reserve Party' line 159: NoMethodError occured.

undefined method 'delete' for nil:NilClass

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Not sure if this information helps but I am using the Side View Battle System from Kylock(?) and the Lightning Effect system from Kylock.

Try placing the Party Script below all other custom scripts, but still above Main.

@chronofreak - that does seem to be a problem. I will see what I can do to fix it tomorrow.

Level 97
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Hey chrono, sorry for being late, but here it is:

Just place it above Main and below the Reserve Party Script

Code: [Select]
# ** Window MenuStatus
#  Summary of Changes:
#    aliased method - update_cursor

class Window_MenuStatus
  # * Update Cursor
  alias mdrnalgbr_fixallcursor_irp_cfrk_4nv2 update_cursor
  def update_cursor (*args)
    mdrnalgbr_fixallcursor_irp_cfrk_4nv2 (*args)
    self.top_row = 0 if @index >= @item_max && @index < 100

Rep: +0/-0Level 83
Ah, that's great!  Thank you!