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Legend of Zelda: The Platformer (On Hold)

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Shooting for the "MEMBER MODERATOR OF THE YEAR 2007" Award
Level 89
Hi, there.
OK, a while back when went on a pause from this site I got into the Game Maker program and figured, wouldnt it be cool if someone made a platformer for zelda that was good. (Yes I know about how the platformer Zedla II turned out) So I began working on the engine. It was all going great till I re-picked up on RMXP. But now I will be working on this project seeing as how we have a Game Maker section.



*Couldnt manage to get a decent ingame pic of Link doing a spin attack on the ground/mid-air while facing left or right (up/down look bad XP). If you can please post so I can update this section

Hopefully you notice that this isnt a real stage but is intended to be a test map. Link has jumping, running, slashing, weapons, and many other abilities.

Project Staff


Characters info

If you have played the Zelda series you would know

Playable Character(s)
Spoiler for:
Link: Protaganist
Young Link: More Info Later

Zelda/Sheik: More Info Later

Goron/Zora/Deku/Oni(Fierce Deity) Link: More info later  

Story basics

Spoiler for:
This time around...(meh, you can wait till a little longer to hear the plot)


Spoiler for:
New update May 19, 2007. Many new features included. Check it out and enjoy!


(If link doesn't work, please notify me so I can either fix it or upload the file here.


May 10, 2007
  • Fixed Falling sprites
  • New landing/impact with ground sprite (check 4th pic)
  • Wall collision is now fixed (No more getting stuck in them)
  • Attacking is now alligned (might notice 2 swords/slash images in 2nd pic)
  • Running/sprite animation speed have now been adjusted to work together
  • Double jump feature as been removed(was only used for test purposes: meant to be learned with something in the future)
  • Camera now follows you (to get a feel of what it will look like)
  • Fixed sounds when attacking/falling out of stage(more to come)
  • Fixed wall/roof/floor test sprites (Cant tell in pics)
May 19, 2007
  • Spin Attack (ground/mid-air) added. When used in mid-air you fly up a little further (may change to make you go higher)
  • A new(not permanent) main menu with 4 options: Test Rooms, How To Play, Credits(So Far), and Quit Game
  • The original Test Room and now a Big Drop Room so you can practice your Mid-Air Spin Attack Skills
  • Credit Reel
  • BGs/SFX added
May 28, 2007
  • Official name change (The Legend of Zelda: The Shadow Mirror)
  • Young Link engine almost finished
June 17, 2007
  • New start up screen
  • Sheik engine in progress
May 10, 2007
  • Link can walk into part of any wall on his left side and not his right (Will be fixed soon)
May 19, 2007
  • Quick Attack removed for fixes

I'll keep you posted.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2009, 06:36:34 PM by ChaosSpartan28 »
Sig by MacGravel

Level 89
I is my hero!
Nice! I can't wait to see how you do techniques and stuff.

Shooting for the "MEMBER MODERATOR OF THE YEAR 2007" Award
Level 89
Hi, there.
I can tell you that I have a good line up of weapons that will become available as you progress. Many of the original weapons that appear in almost all Zelda games will be available as well...cant tell you which ones though...hehehe
Sig by MacGravel

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
Just keep in mind that you'll DEFINITELY want to fix the view you have set-up. Zoom in on the action, bra.

Shooting for the "MEMBER MODERATOR OF THE YEAR 2007" Award
Level 89
Hi, there.
lol, I know, I have to set the view later on, right now I have it off so that I can see my entire surroundings.

I like to work like that Thats why its kinda hard for me to work in RMXP since you only have so much room to work with where visibility is fine
Sig by MacGravel

Crew Slut
Level 93
You'll love it!
For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
Just keep in mind that you'll DEFINITELY want to fix the view you have set-up. Zoom in on the action, bra.


Awesome! This looks amazing!!!! I really can't wait.  :o This is one of the ONLY games here that I really want to play.

Shooting for the "MEMBER MODERATOR OF THE YEAR 2007" Award
Level 89
Hi, there.
The long awaited up date.

There is now a demo that includes fixed Link engine and the modified Test Room by Arrow-1.

Which brings me to my next point. Arrow-1 is now an official/unofficial staff member of this project.

Many bugs have been fixed but others have still yet to be found. So if you find any please post them here.

Reminder: this project is not permitted to leave the RMRK forums under any circumstances.

Next update will include more test maps, enemies, abilities, etc.

Enjoy. Have fun.
Sig by MacGravel

Crew Slut
Level 93
You'll love it!
For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
Simple put:

EFFING AWESOME! My my sweet sweet lord, what did I do to play such a sweet game?...  ^-^

Shooting for the "MEMBER MODERATOR OF THE YEAR 2007" Award
Level 89
Hi, there.
Im also open to level/enemy/tech/boss ideas. Anything to get the consumers interest.

Sig by MacGravel

Crew Slut
Level 93
You'll love it!
For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
What about like a big dinosaur boss, that can only be damaged from the behind?
Would that be tricky? I barely use Game Maker...

Shooting for the "MEMBER MODERATOR OF THE YEAR 2007" Award
Level 89
Hi, there.
Tricky = YES

Impossible = NO

A dinosaur boss would be great. The only thing would be to give him techs that either knock Link back in front of him or he turns around after a few seconds.
Sig by MacGravel

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
And you'd have to sprite him. :P I'm better with smaller, less natural looking stuff, so you'd probably wanna pester Biohazard about that. (How would you get around him in 2D? You'd have to jump really high...or maybe his legs can't touch you?) By the way: If you need weapons programmed, throw the .gm6 at me again.

Shooting for the "MEMBER MODERATOR OF THE YEAR 2007" Award
Level 89
Hi, there.
Getting behind him isnt a problem ("Hookshot" ;8) Spriting will be a rather difficult task but not too hard.

As for weapons... Yes, I will need you for engine perfection.
Sig by MacGravel

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
Fantastic. Pop into IRC whenever you are ready. :D

Crew Slut
Level 93
You'll love it!
For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
What about a hybrid toad dino?
That can lick you up with it's tongue or spit or something...

Shooting for the "MEMBER MODERATOR OF THE YEAR 2007" Award
Level 89
Hi, there.
LOL. Great idea. But I was thinking of bringing in some bosses along the lines of Megaman graphics. It would look better and fit in with the fighting style against bosses.
Sig by MacGravel

Crew Slut
Level 93
You'll love it!
For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
I don't quite get what you're saying...

Are you going to put in a Minish cap? That would be awesome.

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
The Link sprites was done in the style Inticreates used for RMZ, he means he wants that style.

Crew Slut
Level 93
You'll love it!
For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
Ahh...I get it.

Why do people say RockMan? That's so retarded. Isn't that just the Japanese name? Because they have RMZ here too.

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero

A lot of members of different megaman communites prefer the japanese names for some reason. To me it's kind of annoying, but its their choice in the end.

Level 93
2014 Funniest MemberParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)
With the demo, I have an issue with the jumping. Holding down the space key gives an effect like Link is bouncing off the ground. You should have it so that he is not able to jump until the space key is released and then pressed again. Other than that, I love it.

Ancient Mummy
Level 90
Okay i just tryd the game and its totally awsome i mean the engine and stuff is.
Really like it !

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
With the demo, I have an issue with the jumping. Holding down the space key gives an effect like Link is bouncing off the ground. You should have it so that he is not able to jump until the space key is released and then pressed again. Other than that, I love it.

@Chaos: Look up clear key in the helpfile. Make it so when you press up, after everything happens, it clears the key. This way, it shouldn't respond again until you release it, then press it again.

Ancient Mummy
Level 90
And for some reason this game worked for me !?
It looks like a really nice system though !
Do you have enemys yet :D ?

Shooting for the "MEMBER MODERATOR OF THE YEAR 2007" Award
Level 89
Hi, there.
No enemies at the moment since perfecting Links engine is the most important thing right now. So enemies will be in another update.
Sig by MacGravel

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
As I told Spartan: Jumping and Quick Attack now work flawlessly.

EDIT: On my computer. He can quick attack in mid-air on his computer. I don't get that.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2007, 12:18:54 PM by Arrow-1 »

A Random Custom Title
Level 96
You should make him be able to jump off walls (if that's possible) or make him able to jump twice because you can't get back up without falling :P

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
That's totally possible, I all ready have code for it in an old project of mine. He'll just have to sprite it.

Shooting for the "MEMBER MODERATOR OF THE YEAR 2007" Award
Level 89
Hi, there.
Update! May 19, 2007 (Check first post for more infonot posted here)

You should make him be able to jump off walls (if that's possible) or make him able to jump twice because you can't get back up without falling :P

This update has the Spin Attack (ground/mid-air). When used in mid-air you fly up a little further (may change to make you go higher).

A new(not permanent) main menu is in. It has 4 options: Test Rooms, How To Play, Credits(So Far), and Quit Game.

When Test Rooms is selected to can choose between the original Test Room and now a Big Dop Room so you can practice your Mid-Air Spin Attack Skills.

Credit Reel works perfectly and can be sped up by pressing enter.
*Arrow, there is a section in there for you to add a message/quote/shout-out

New BGs and SFX.

The Quit Game option does as it says. So i feels more like a game :D

Bouncing after jumping fixed.


PS: Make sure to read the Characters Info section... you may enjoy what you read.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2007, 10:29:47 PM by ChaosSpartan28 »
Sig by MacGravel

Shooting for the "MEMBER MODERATOR OF THE YEAR 2007" Award
Level 89
Hi, there.
What about a hybrid toad dino?
That can lick you up with it's tongue or spit or something...

I took your advice and voilĂ !

I still need to work on importing, editting, and making an engine. Could be a possible first Boss.
Sig by MacGravel

Level 88
How long have you been working on this project?
Project: Assult

Developed by: Phoenix studios.

Release Date: 2008 [Scheduled]

Game Engine: Irrlicht Engine (Graphics Engine) (Gameplay Engine unconfirmed)

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
I'd say since the time of the first post at least.

Crew Slut
Level 93
You'll love it!
For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
I'd say since the time of the first post at least.


What about a hybrid toad dino?
That can lick you up with it's tongue or spit or something...

I took your advice and voilĂ !

I still need to work on importing, editting, and making an engine. Could be a possible first Boss.

Nice! But I think the toad needs some revamping.

I am epic, you are not.
Level 93
Defender of Justice
so, for some reason the .exe demo crashes when I try to run it :(

i know it isn't a vista issue, because Arrow's MMX demo works fine...

Level 87
What are you looking at...Yes im a frog.....*Lick*
did u have to pay to make that one or is it The lite version

Shot at 2007-07-26

Level 88
wrath of winter
Looks like an interesting game.  Zelda is one of my favorite game series.  I'm not too fond of platformers but if it's Zelda and pretty well laid out, I'll take it gladly.

Do you take weapon or plot suggestions?  I got craploads of ideas but no time to use them.

Want a personal sig like this? Ask Firerain:

Level 86
Im R is teh Pwn3g.....me!(>^.^)======0(/#.#)/you
Legend of zelda  ;D platformer  ??? Its kind of a a breakthrough but still good in all

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
Sorry to say, but I instantly dislike it.  Too many cloned LoZ games, and I've seen that sprite so much it makes me sick.  Get a personal spriter, and come up with original ideas, unless the engine for this is going to blow me away, dont bother.

Level 86
Looks god, I'll be downloading this!