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Affecting targetting with equipment? (Yanfly Engine Melody)

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Rep: +0/-0Level 83
I want to have weapons and armor affect the targetting of certain skills - staffs (staves?) add targets to magical skills, knuckles and claws add hits to physical attacks, heavy armor reduces targets and/or hits from physical skills, and so on. I'm using Yanfly Engine Melody for this project, and I can't seem to find a setting for this. Does anyone know of a script - or a setting in the YEM scripts - that will make this possible? Any help is appreciated.

Level 75
Notetags, it's everything in the notetag description, and in the script(s) instructions.

Rep: +0/-0Level 83
Sorry it took me so long to respond.

But um. I feel a little dumb asking this, but I don't see a notetag option anywhere that will go in a weapon or equip notebox. That was originally what I was looking for. it possible for weapons and armor to dynamically modify the targetting settings with YEM?

Level 75
Oh I see, sorry, I misunderstood your request. You're right, target notetags work on Skills and Items only, there isn't an option for Equipment and Weapons.

knuckles and claws add hits to physical attacks
If by "adding hits to phisical attack" you mean raising the ATK parameter, you can use <equip atk: +x>.

heavy armor reduces targets and/or hits from physical skills
To reduce hits you could raise evasion, same notetag as above, except change atk to eva.
No idea how you could impact targeting though.

Sorry I cannot be of more help D:

Level 76
~Crazy Lazy Workaholic~
I'm not sure, but you may be looking for Shanghai's addon Weapon Attack Replace. You may also want to look into Modern Algebra's Note Editor for other kinds of updates.

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