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First game questions

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Rep: +0/-0Level 89
First of all hi! :D

And now my questions:
 1- Can I make a character selector in some way, before you actually starts the game. Like you choose your own proffesion and namn

 2- Can I change the battle system so it looks like Final Fantasy V (oh god I love that game :D) or any similiar?

 3- I have made a training arena and have diffrent masters to diffrent proffesions, like if make the master Kushun (just a random name) that is the master of fighters, he'll only be learning those who choose to be a fighter in the beggining of the game.

 4- I've tried to make one little sub quest thats about you have to return a little teddybear to a little girl. How do I make that you'll only get a reward after you've returned the teddybear to her, and not before :?. Right now you could get the reward without finding the teddybear and returning it to her?

 5- Can I change the first menu by adding "Credits" and a "Help" section. If you click the credits button it should say its made by made and thanks to all those pixel artists, and a help section which describes what's this game all about and how you control the character etc.

I'm sorry if there any misspellings and I'm thankful if someone could help me out :D

Level 90
Which version of RPG Maker are you using?

And for numbers 3 and 4, switches.  Theres a tutorial on them somewhere.

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Quote from: DeathTrooper
Which version of RPG Maker are you using?

And for numbers 3 and 4, switches.  Theres a tutorial on them somewhere.

Oh, I thought that I forgot something.
I'm using RPG Maker XP - Postality Knights(or how its spelled) version, btw thx for the help :D

Level 90
u want it like a side view battle system then look up side view battle systems your sure to find one
Yay i got a zoo sort of

Level 89
To bad you where not using the Legal version. Some one made a script for side view battle system.