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Christian Topic Be warned

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Resource Maker
Level 91
Also Silver is right about the bible~

It's funny how people who have religion can see others as being faulse, but not their own.

I think with the same eye you cast on the Bible you should use while reading your own doctorine...

Religion is a good thing to have, but there is having religion then there is devotion to a religion, Both I see very differently... People that go door knocking or preach in the street do their faith's very little good, infact I think these people do the religions damage...

The religion I am looking at the moment that holds great inetrest is Spiritism and the English counter part the Golden Dawn (Watched Sea of Souls on BBC one the other night got me interested)... Here's what I have read:- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spiritism

For a run down of lots of religions:- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion

Going through each of those listed takes some time, but it is a great read...

I plan one day to construct my own religion from all the bits I find true to me.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2007, 04:51:21 PM by landofshadows »

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The <3 of RMRK
Level 87
o_O What I ment about Silver being right was his comment that we do believe/read the bible.  As far as anyone else. I'm not going to say they are wrong and havent~ ^^ I also say good luck with your ideals ! Also I see why no one uses this forum layout. SO ANONYMOUS and also I cant see the little captions of what was posted before, my brain totally needs refreshment. WHICH is kind of like Religion, you believe / do what fits you. No one can tell you otherwise! ...

Level 88
What a waste of paper...
If any of these things that religious people beleive in are true, why is there more than one religion? :P

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The <3 of RMRK
Level 87
^  ^ Why are there different flavours of Soda? Because there are what 6.5 billion people in the world. Do you think exactly like your neighbor?

Resource Maker
Level 91
I think what ever religion you are, you can go through the docterine and look at each area, and make true to you or faluse as you see fit... These books of rightiousness can be used in any way seen fit by the reader...

For example... Muslim Extreamists using it to right blowing them-selves to bits... If you read the Koran it says making a self scrafice to protect your faith or fellow Muslim is the greatest act of all... But I don't think when it was written strapping jappty flower and hair bleach as a bomb to your self was in mind...

Its like the Westboro Baptist Church using the bible to oust out gay's and call the Western world pervurse for backing new gay rights and so on...

I am all for people using their faith for good, byt when it comes to harming others... OTHER GODS CREATIONS... How can that be deemed keeping the faith... None of us are better than another...

If there is a devine God/thing I don't think it minds if we do or don't pray to it/him/her... I mean if GOD wanted us to know all about Him/her/it, Surely we would have seen God by now... If God can make all living things why not make a shell for it's self, one that can't be harmed, some thing that looks God like and come and see us...?

If we have been created by a God, that God has either forgotten about us, or doesn't really feel we are worthy of his time... Or at least that's how I see things... I mean we have been praying at him for years, yet on the medically insane can hear him talking back...LOL

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Well alot of people like to see things like, say, a cancer receding as an act of god. Say you couldn't find your car keys for a few minutes, which meant you left for work a minute or two late, but you pass by an accident that you would have been in if you'd have left on time, they like to think these are works of their god too.

Of course every last thing is something that could have just happened on it's own anyway, your illness goes or that near death experience was just that, instead of a fatal one, it's never something that really would actually be a definitive miracle.

Though pretty much every theistic religion out there has one of it's main principles being that you're not allowed proof and you simply have to "beleive" and have "faith".
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Resource Maker
Level 91
Silver - I have never been to a church through my own wanting... I went to a Church for a school trip, a funeral and a wedding... I have been to both catholic and christian funerals... I have been to a Sinogog again on a school trip.

I see no God in those place, only outcasted gently spoken men in dresses, that look like they either have a train set in their lofts or little kids in their basements...LOL

I remember seeing in the News a Church roof falling in and killing many of his most devoute... Was God short of angles that day, or did he have a day off, heck may be the singing and praying gave him head-ache ?

But then I also remember seeing in the great flood in south America a church withstood the waves, but all other building got crushed...

If you follow the Bible or any other religious book, God Causes all these events, mainly to test us and confuse the shite out of us... One day he is killing his followers the next saving them...

And it's many little things like this that set me to think there is no God that cares and watches over us... If there is a God he has distanced him self, we are like an ant farm, he may watch but not interveen or understand our ways...

The only reason I leave my mind open to there being a God or creator of some sort is there is no proof there is no devince God / creature out there... But the other way around there is no proof there is...

I discredit the Bible in it's intiraty, there is hardly any elements within it's pages I could find any tangable evidence, it's all hear say... Same goes with so many other books...

I wish some one would make a religion based on common sense and free notion... Every one here must feel a reason to continue living, why ?...

There must be some thing we are striving to, why are we here if not to reproduce and create more, like the Nat, it only lives to breed, Why ?...

We are pre-programmed to live reproduce then die... There has to be a reason to keep reproducing... So that leave only one real answer and that's energy... Energy changes forms but does not die, so when we die (death as we know it) what happens to our energy, it changes forms... And may be put to better use, or may be we are food for the next creature on the food chain, and energy based creature. Most creatures are food for another, we could be lower in the food chain than we know.

Who's to say...

But I know one thing for certain, those pages we govern as faith are older than Jimmy Salvels Pants, and I wouldn't trust them any place near me.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2007, 11:38:32 AM by landofshadows »

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Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
I used to be Christian, and went to church for around twelve years. Maybe more, I don't remember. I got my first communion, my confirmation, and then quit. The reason I quit wasn't because something life-changing happened and I swore off the church forever. It was more like a "kid-realizing-there's-no-santa-claus" experience. Now I go on Christmas and Easter, but this is mainly to placate my family. I don't really believe in miracles, but I think sometimes things do seem to coincide and work out for the better, and there's no explanation as to why.

Level 87
He's got my gravity gun...
I don't believe heaven or hell are material places you go to when you die, but rather the state of being of your soul after death.
You just got Frohwned!

Level 88
Alright, I'm gonna come in state my opinion and leave.

1. Heaven is real and so is Hell
2. I'm Christian, so I believe the main thing that gets you to Heaven or Hell is wether you accept Christ.
3. Once you are sent somewhere, you stay there.

I'm done.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
Alright, I'm gonna come in state my opinion and leave.

1. Heaven is real and so is Hell
2. I'm Christian, so I believe the main thing that gets you to Heaven or Hell is wether you accept Christ.
3. Once you are sent somewhere, you stay there.

I'm done.

I'm not trying to rag on your beliefs, but do you have basis for it, or is it just how you were brought up? Sometimes I think a lot of Christians just don't sit down and think about what they feel, and let the church's teachings become a substitute for actual belief.

Level 87
I'm muslim so we have different beliefs in hell. I believe hell ISN'T a perminate place for your soul, instead it'a a "hospital" for your soul where it is cleansed of sins before going to heaven.

That's interesting, because I am muslim as well and I have a different belief than you. So do most people I know.
i pretty much believ the same thing but u clence ur sins then go to heaven but if ur a non muslim u stay there

Resource Maker
Level 91
i pretty much believ the same thing but u clence ur sins then go to heaven but if ur a non muslim u stay there


I mean why just cuz you state your a devout muslim are you any better than any one else ?

The Musilm Faith came about centries ago, it's lost parts and re-jigged them like any religion, just cuz you have prayed and read a certain book, how does that define if your soul gets cleansed...?

It's tosh... out and out tosh... I mean GOD (weather it's Allah or the Christian God, or any other) is the devine creator, he created all of us... So we are all equal, why would he forsake one creed of person over another ?

Every thing people hold in high regard as their passport to heaven is based on nothing but delussions and readings of prehistoric text, to the point if idioticy...

There is no true way to live your life as doctorine in a book of said Faith... It's a measure granted, but not to be taken to the point of gradure over another race...

Put it simply, if you feel Muslim / Christians etc... as a higher race your no better than a Nazi !!!... Religion causes hate and racisium... End of...

Spoiler for:
RELIGION is Bad...!!!

Give up religion today, with a religion free stick on patch !!!... Beat this brain cancer that turns your brain to crap !!

« Last Edit: May 08, 2007, 12:14:58 PM by landofshadows »

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Level 87
He's got my gravity gun...
I am of the opinion that anyone can go to heaven, they don't need to believe necessarily in god, they just need to believe in being a good person. 

I also think it is more difficult to get into hell than heaven, as going to hell would mean you utterly reject the idea that there could ever be a god or that you should be attempt to be a good person. 
You just got Frohwned!

Resource Maker
Level 91
It's natural instinct to kill and feed off of weaker creatures (Natrual selection and the food chain)... and by the scale of things we have all killed and eaten many of God's creatures... We are all evil to a degree... Muslim's have holy / blessed meat, but that doesn't make the act right.

I mean do you see any of the worlds other creatures praying to a God ?... Are all animals destined to hell ?...

We are mamals, animals, just slightly more intelligent than primates and dolphin's...

We are nothing special...

Hell and heaven are nice idea's, there are infinate dimenssions for all we know one of those could be heaven or hell and our energy could exsist in either after death... I am not ruling the chance out... But just saying it's far fetched


My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
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Holier then Jesus.
Level 87
Guys I am sorry but we are not on topic. We are debating on a Christian debate that is big with Christians. So follow your Ideas up with the bible and not just what you believe with but whether is is more than one hell or not or heaven or not

Resource Maker
Level 91
So follow your Ideas up with the bible and not just what you believe with but whether is is more than one hell or not or heaven or not

That's just plain Christian thinking right there... What you think has nothing to do with if there REALLY is a Heaven or Hell unless you use the bible to show that...LOL

Well if the Bible is the only source of refference we are aloud to draw from, then YES there is a heaven and a hell...

Darn I feel brainwashed !!!

But common sense tells me, the bible is a book of lie's.

I am really sorry cobragamer... Look at it this way, around the time the bible was written they still burned witches at the stake... They typed Crocdiles as dragons, squids as monsters, and the world was flat... Things change, but the bible has not... it's a relic, a relic that people can interp as they see fit... Rather than reading it with an open heart, read it with an open mind.

Common sense should kick in at say Chapter two... and kick in hard !!!...

If it doesn't then Heaven help you...LOL

We have infinate dmenssions with infinate possiblities... Heaven or hell or what we may invisage as either could be one of those dimensions... and who knows what our soul does once we die... But on a biblical level, I don't think we see pearly gates, God or Hell's fires and a half goat like Satan... But then again, I guess there could be, with the infinate dimenssions as pre-mentioned...

I have an open mind.

The Topic Title is Christian Topic Be warned

Back on topic...

Christianity for me and in my eye's failed long ago, and those that cling to it have nothing or very little... All church does in my eyes is gives preist the chance to mess about with kids...

And when you mention heaven and hell in a Christian scheeme of things, the reason's for going to either seem a little wishy washy... for example, being Gay, you go to Hell and burn, yet preist now join people who are Gay in marriage... Errrr... So does the priest Burn...?

And if the priest is wrong and he does God's work, is the Church and God wrong... and the Bible... The Bible states being Gay is wrong, but if it's now deemed right, is the Bible wrong... and if the Bible is wrong then does that mean there is no Hell or Heaven...?

In a Biblical sense I am past caring... And I think many modern day people are too.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2007, 10:24:33 AM by landofshadows »

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Level 91
Common sense should kick in at say Chapter two... and kick in hard !!!...

Well that's the thing Los, 99% of Christians haven't read the bible, the reason why common sense hasn't kicked in is they don't know what they're worshiping!

It's funny, I know of more Atheist who have read through the bible then Christians. Sad really...

@Cobragamer- Have you read the bible, that book in which you've given your life to..?

Resource Maker
Level 91
I have read loads of religious doctorines... Not all of them and most I skip read... I find religion interesting... But at the same time I draw nothing from it that would rule my life.

You know Hindu's don't see us as any thing greater than a pebble... They see every thing as created by God as equal... I like the Hindu Gods... They have loads, and their theories are fairly interesting and the stories wipe the floor with those in the bible, much more of an interesting read.

But beside that, this topic is seriously floored if what you say is true about many (99%) Christian's not reading the Bible... LOL

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
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Rep: +0/-0Level 87
I am not christian or any other main faith... some would frown or laugh at my religion as they wouldn't understand...

I believe there is no heaven or hell just one pure state of energy which everyone becomes part of when they die... here there is no suffering or joy just peace...

Full Metal Mod - He will pillage your women!
Level 93
The RGSS Dude
1.) I am really sorry cobragamer... Look at it this way, around the time the bible was written they still burned witches at the stake... They typed Crocdiles as dragons, squids as monsters, and the world was flat... Things change, but the bible has not... it's a relic, a relic that people can interp as they see fit... Rather than reading it with an open heart, read it with an open mind.
2.)And when you mention heaven and hell in a Christian scheeme of things, the reason's for going to either seem a little wishy washy... for example, being Gay, you go to Hell and burn, yet preist now join people who are Gay in marriage... Errrr... So does the priest Burn...?
 And if the priest is wrong and he does God's work, is the Church and God wrong... and the Bible... The Bible states being Gay is wrong, but if it's now deemed right, is the Bible wrong... and if the Bible is wrong then does that mean there is no Hell or Heaven...?

In a Biblical sense I am past caring... And I think many modern day people are too.

1.) The Bible was written WAY before that. :/ The old testament itself was written 1000's of years before that.

2.) The Bible is unchanging. God is unchanging. The only thing changing is our sense of right and wrong. Or what we percieve is okay. A couple of years ago being gay (no offense intended to any who are homo/bi-sexuals on these forums) was embarasing and wasn't something you'd proclaim. You knew it was wrong. Also, if God says something is wrong and we say it's not, it doesn't mean God is wrong, it means WE are wrong.

[/end only post I'm making in this topic]
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But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is I’m the only one, I’m the only one."

Level 91
Wow, that's just sickening!

A couple of years ago being gay (no offense intended to any who are homo/bi-sexuals on these forums) was embarasing and wasn't something you'd proclaim. You knew it was wrong.

Knew  it was wrong..? Who knew it was wrong? If you mean a higher level of open prejudice in the non-gay populace due to ignorance and fear, shamming homosexuals into regression because of the contingent of rejection and actual physical harm if they where to reveal themselves as gay, then yeah, I'd have to agree with you...

You know that homosexuality isn't just a human thing? It's in the animal kingdom too... Perhaps Satan has nothing better to do with his time then influence monkeys and dogs into sin!

Your going to acquire some serious problems if you continue to grip onto your faith with such unwavering, dogmatic views.

Rep: +0/-0Level 87
Wow, that's just sickening!

A couple of years ago being gay (no offense intended to any who are homo/bi-sexuals on these forums) was embarasing and wasn't something you'd proclaim. You knew it was wrong.

Knew  it was wrong..? Who knew it was wrong? If you mean a higher level of open prejudice in the non-gay populace due to ignorance and fear, shamming homosexuals into regression because of the contingent of rejection and actual physical harm if they where to reveal themselves as gay, then yeah, I'd have to agree with you...

You know that homosexuality isn't just a human thing? It's in the animal kingdom too... Perhaps Satan has nothing better to do with his time then influence monkeys and dogs into sin!

Your going to acquire some serious problems if you continue to grip onto your faith with such unwavering, dogmatic views.

you put that in a nut shell, to be honest, I have nothing against what people are attracted to... These days people tend to care how many friends they have and what they think of them.... popularity is over rated and fake

Level 88
Common sense should kick in at say Chapter two... and kick in hard !!!...
Well that's the thing Los, 99% of Christians haven't read the bible, the reason why common sense hasn't kicked in is they don't know what they're worshiping!

Is that so DS? Amazing. It's a shame someone hasn't idolized you yet with such divine knowledge. Seriously... how much bullshit can you continue to say without people noticing.

( ´ิ(ꈊ) ´ิ) ((≡^⚲͜^≡)) (ી(΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵)ʃ)
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I know nobody in my family has read the bible, book or mormon, or any of the other ones.

And my dad is pretty high up in his church :tpg:

He probably just does what I used to do, and wing it using the topical guide.
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