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[2k3] Touhou Fantasy

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Level 67
Jack of all Trades
yeah, but it's good for getting Yen and getting my levels up ... Also, I discovered it because I wanted to say hi to Youmu, but she wasn't home :( ... Also, you should totally make it so that you can only get the Perfect scroll while Cirno is in your party, though you will more likely have Cirno in your party in that area, so ... meh, w/e

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
If you could, think you could take a look at the crafting system for me too while you're at it? I'm working on the Armors right now (which is the last thing before I hit the big stuff, the character-exclusive stuff...), and would like to get some feedback on those before I move on TOO far...I might have to drop ya the Inventory document to help with that though...

Level 67
Jack of all Trades
Honestly, I'm not too big on the idea of the crafting system ... seems like a headache to add and a pain for the users to use to me.  That's one of the things I didn't like about FF8.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
FF8? You mean FF9 right? Since that's where the Synthesis shop was in lol.

This is more based on Genius of Sappheiros' crafting system however (costs no money to make the items, so only need the materials). It's not THAT big of a deal to add really (I have the concept down and everything), and it lets me make it harder to get the really good stuff without thinking of how to go about NOT making them easy to get.

Level 67
Jack of all Trades
no, I mean FF8, where you upgraded your weapons with materials.  Really, though, I don't like crafting systems too much in games ...
Also, it would be awesome if you can make HRCS available at all times ... if it won't let you do that, I can try tinkering with it, like I did with the Member Change room, to see if I can get it to work, if you want.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Oh...well in VIII it's not really even worth upgrading anyone's weapons other than Selphie and Squall so ehhh. I like crafting systems personally since it opens up a lot of possibilities, but depends on how it's done I suppose.

It was like that originally, but I changed it to avoid having it conflict with times where before boss fights you can open the menu and whatnot. I figured it'd be too broke in this kind of game to do something like that.

Level 67
Jack of all Trades
Yeah, but then again, you ARE travelling with everyone, so you might as well be able to choose who you are with, if everyone is with you.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
That might be done as an experimentation later on before I actually implement it or something, since I'm not sure how much that would screw with things (especially later on when I go to implement party-split paths and whatnot).

Level 67
Jack of all Trades
Sounds rather easy .... for the variable that checks if they are in the party ... 0 = no, 1 = party A, 2 = party B ... HRCS checks if the leader of the party is Reimu (1) or whoever you have as party B (2), and only places in the people with the matching variable, so everyone who has 1 as there in-party is in, and everyone who has 2 in-party while you are Reimu doesn't show up, and if you have, say Momiji because she was used in the video I saw on that, then it checks for everyone with 2 and only places people with the var as 2 in the HRCS.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
If you want to try and refine the party-split system, you can try that in the debug room since it's there (can use the Boss Room to test it between screens as well, since THAT is the biggest issue that I'll be having right now with the system and why it's in the debug room as well)

Level 67
Jack of all Trades
I might have to change some things, for example, if you have a switch, I might need to change it to a variable, to allow more than just a "true/false" test, but a "0/1/2" test.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
The character change system does go with a switch, but for the party-split system, I think it uses variables to determine how it's done. Not sure.

Level 67
Jack of all Trades
Alright ... I'll probably check it out later ... Also, would be nice if Reimu had an AoE attack ... I vote replacing Spread Amulet with an AoE attack, since it sounds like it would be AoE rather than a debuff.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
It was going to be an AoE Holy attack, but there was nobody that reduced Holy resist, and that was the only other thing I could think of giving her. It's kinda like how Marisa was going to get an AoE Thunder spell (which was going to be Earthlight Ray), but I decided against that as well.

Level 67
Jack of all Trades
Well, since you can't change Reimu out of the party, I feel she NEEDS to have at least 1 AoE attack ...  I dunno, make a spell called "turtle summon" or something and make it so that reduces holy resist.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
She does get Youkai Buster later on anyways, and that's Exorcist attributed so...

Level 67
Jack of all Trades
Still, she needs an AoE skill ... it's important, since she can't be removed.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Youkai Buster is AoE

Level 67
Jack of all Trades
She needs an AoE sooner, I mean.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Ehhh...main reason I don't give everyone AoE is then you could just easily kill everything using just AoEs. Granted, it would make some characters a lot nicer to use (Marisa especially since only her Meteonic Shower is AoE IIRC), but eh

Level 67
Jack of all Trades
Still, Reimu is the only person that NEEDS it, since she can't be exchanged.  If Momiji is forced to be the leader of 2nd party, then she should also have AoE, but that's not as important.

Rep: +0/-0Level 71
RMRK Junior
I've found Reimu's lack of AoE annoying at times, too, but also you don't want her to be TOO good right off the bat.  I mean, she gets a decent attack and healing from the get-go...

Anyway, you're not as low on area attacks as you might think.  Cirno has AoE, Aya has AoE, Meiling has AoE, Patchy has AoE...

Level 67
Jack of all Trades
Yes, I'm aware of that, almost everyone has AoE except Reimu, but what will happen when you have to split up your party into groups ... who gets good AoE members, and who gets non-AoE members, etc.

Breakin' your HTML
Level 74
Kurosuhato Rokkuriba (Crossed Heart, Rock River)
I wonder what tricks do you have up your sleeve Xenomic?

You invented new systems that is unique to each character...

Well I was thinking of an Item from the outside world that is known as a PDA...
A miniture Shopping Device you can take anywhere with you...

The Shopping System Change depending on which event you do...
The more you progress into the story... The more good items you're likely to get...

Now that I think of it... Are you thinking to put an optional incident that involves the outside world?
We were all newbies at first (Low Level), Then we suffer, We became greater as we fought (Mid Level) and now then we stare in the face of the end of the world! (High Level)

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Probably not.

Also, that idea is already implemented as a skill for someone too. The higher the level that character is, the more items that are in the shop. That's how it's set up right now anyways.