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Witchtooth {VX} [Full Game] (V1.1)

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Raped by DrSword
Level 83
Dance with the enemy
Contestant - GIAW 10Contestant - GIAW 9
I've played the demo and I've done the cabin sidequest in Andale. I've also given Lin that place to live.
I have noticed three mistakes out of the whole hour or so I played it for.

-"I usually try to stay hidden most of the day." "The" cuts off at the end.
-"Are you to... Together?" Two, not 'To'.
-"Bring this girl to Andale" should be Take.
-"I don't need to go on a boat." 'Go' cuts off.

Level 76
Praise the Sun (Arcana)
GIAW 14: 1st Place (Hard Mode)
Nice spotting pal! I fixed all of those and you've made me begin searching for more, thanks a lot.

Raped by DrSword
Level 83
Dance with the enemy
Contestant - GIAW 10Contestant - GIAW 9
Cheers :D
I'm a proper grammar nazi :P In my GIAW Halloween project, I'm spending all day tomorrow checking bugs.

Rep: +0/-0Level 66
Live Fast, Die Young And Leave A Beautiful Corpose
Looks pretty and Fun. :)

Maybe tomorrow or tonight I'll try the demo


Level 76
Praise the Sun (Arcana)
GIAW 14: 1st Place (Hard Mode)
An Average Sized Update:

Well, as of Two Days ago, my school's football season has come to an end, freeing up a good 3-4 hours for me to spend on Witchtooth. I've been doing a lot of work on the Experience, making enemies give more and making the amount needed a bit less. Ideally, you should be about done with the game around level 30, which is where you'll recieve most of your best abilities, so naturally I decided to make that come a bit quicker seeing as I'd like the game to span around 15 hours. I've created a whole new continent for the game, which is accessible through riding on the boats that will be usable later in the game. I've been doing a lot of work on the Ultimate Weapons as well, it's going to be a lot of fun trying to acquire them.

I've been creating more weapons and armors so that the player's equipment doesn't become stale quickly. Enemies drop more unique equipment and drop consumable items at a higher percentage. All enemies, excluding those of the opening areas (mainly before meeting Lin), have been beefed up, they deal more damage and have more HP, I felt that to be necessary. The characters' and equipment stats have been edited greatly, since I found many ways to exploit the system by creating unique builds. A good example would be making a godly Talis, with super high spirit and defense; my remedy to this was making his base Spirit a bit lower and increasing how much Heavy Armor decreased his spirit.

A Patch Note of Sorts:
Spoiler for:
Characters - Rolan has been weakened, as his damage output while dual wielding can be pretty crazy, especially at the earlier stages of the game.
Lin's Spirit has been increased and the power of her primary spell, "Dim" has become stronger. Her Seals have all be renamed and the states they apply have had their durations shortened by 1 turn. Her defense has been raised along with her max HP.
Talis has less Spirit (mentioned already) but his Heals replenish more of an ally's HP.
Items/Equipment - Many Equipment prices have been raised. Strength of most weapons have been increased, with prices also increased. Less Casai Flowers found in the World, so you're gonna have to make use of the ones sold in stores. The Merchant in New Baveria no longer sells "Tesla Gems," instead she'll sell "Aqua Gems" for the same price (200G). Added "Wolf Claws" to the drops for the Wolves in the Havel Forest, they are weapons usable by Rolan. "Scalemail" a new piece of armor dropped by Dire Fish, also only usable by Rolan. Raging Plants now drop "Chilling Pike", a dagger usable only by Lin.
Mapping - Havel Bridge has become accessible by more than one person, limiting frustration for everyone who waits for slow NPCs to get the &@#! out of the way.

Still, I'm looking for people who'd like to test the game in its entirety (As in, from start to finish) before its official launch to help with bug spotting and error eradication so that its super tidy when it's ready to be revealed.

Raped by DrSword
Level 83
Dance with the enemy
Contestant - GIAW 10Contestant - GIAW 9
Nice updates! Should make everything more fun. I found the game a bit easy except for the wolves. The wolves were the only challenging bit for me. Now I just keep beating up the birds and upgrading my armour :D

What do I do once you've killed the dead guy in his house though? I've also done the whole Lin's room in Andale thing.

Level 76
Praise the Sun (Arcana)
GIAW 14: 1st Place (Hard Mode)
After killing the dead guy, go back to the woman who gave you the quest. Unless you're asking how to progress the main story, then just go to sleep in the beds in Cindy's house.

I've heard that same thing from others as well, the wolves in the opening are tough, but everything else is weak. I'm going to make them a bit weaker (or maybe just remove their skill), the other monsters are already being beefed up for the full game.

Raped by DrSword
Level 83
Dance with the enemy
Contestant - GIAW 10Contestant - GIAW 9
The woman isn't there...

Level 76
Praise the Sun (Arcana)
GIAW 14: 1st Place (Hard Mode)


Didn't want to double post; But this is an Update-

>Been thinking for a long time about this and I've finally decided to go along with my decision. In order to make the choices for characters (as in making custom builds for characters), I've made Rolan able to either dual wield or use a shield. Along with this I've made Lin able to equip all helmet items that Rolan can and the ones that Chester can. I'm not sure if this has already been fixed in the demo, but Talis can equip all types of armor that Chester can, so if you want to make a super powerful, yet squishy healer, go ahead.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2011, 11:07:53 PM by hiromu656 »

Raped by DrSword
Level 83
Dance with the enemy
Contestant - GIAW 10Contestant - GIAW 9
Excellent. I love exciting things like that.
Just a question though, how do I use fogs in VX? I've looked at the event commands and can't find anything D:

Level 76
Praise the Sun (Arcana)
GIAW 14: 1st Place (Hard Mode)
I use a script. Falcao's to be exact.

Raped by DrSword
Level 83
Dance with the enemy
Contestant - GIAW 10Contestant - GIAW 9
Cheers, I'll look for it.
Just out of interest, how many scripts DID you use?

Level 76
Praise the Sun (Arcana)
GIAW 14: 1st Place (Hard Mode)
Just Check the Script List in the OP to see how many I'm using.

> Added a new video, a short Teaser of a new location in the game.


Screenshots will begin to appear more frequently in later dates.

Raped by DrSword
Level 83
Dance with the enemy
Contestant - GIAW 10Contestant - GIAW 9
Brilliant, and please play my game at the end of the week, I think you of all people need to play it XD.

Level 76
Praise the Sun (Arcana)
GIAW 14: 1st Place (Hard Mode)
Which game is that? Because if you mean Cross Portal, I don't see the demo link

Raped by DrSword
Level 83
Dance with the enemy
Contestant - GIAW 10Contestant - GIAW 9
Nah not Cross Portal. That won't be ready until next year.
I meant Golden Trinity DX, the enhanced version of my GIAW submission.

Level 76
Praise the Sun (Arcana)
GIAW 14: 1st Place (Hard Mode)
So, where do I find this enhanced version? Or are you saying it'll be released at the end of the week?

Raped by DrSword
Level 83
Dance with the enemy
Contestant - GIAW 10Contestant - GIAW 9
Released at the end of the week. I'm about to make a thread now though.

Level 76
Praise the Sun (Arcana)
GIAW 14: 1st Place (Hard Mode)

> At this point I'm almost certain that the game will be complete (not released) before the end of November. Preferably before I buy Skyrim. Since I've been doing a fully main quest playthrough as I test the game, I have 12 hours currently; I was trying to get to 15 hours, but i'm going to finish it out however long it becomes. Once I'm done with the story though, the side content will be on my agenda. Already I've been adding more drops to enemies, allowing more customization, new shops and side quests, secret bosses and I've completed all of the Ultimate Weapons for each of the (4) classes.

Initially when I started making this game I wanted there to be a crafting system, allowing you to upgrade and create items, such as potions and what not, and I also wanted cooking to be in the game. At this point I'm not sure if I'll be adding this into the game, but I think they'd be great time consumers for those who don't want to be following the story for too long. The side content is sure to add at least 5 more hours onto the game, I want there to be plenty to do along the way towards the endgame.

I'm going to be making a bunch of more videos for the game instead of screenshots, because I'd much rather do it that way. The videos will mainly be sneak peaks of new areas, or showing off gameplay mechanics and other things. The next is going to be up in probably the next hour or so of the day.

Again, I'm still looking for people who'd playthrough the game from start to finish before I release, it'd be very helpful.

Raped by DrSword
Level 83
Dance with the enemy
Contestant - GIAW 10Contestant - GIAW 9
End of November? Brilliant. As I said, I'll be a tester to report any bugs.

You pie feeders!
Level 68
Everyone... Actually Everyone hates me :)
2012 Biggest Drama Whore
looks like you've been doing really well, but just wondering (because i'm too lazy to download again) did you remap that pestering bridge? or did you leave it the way it is?

but anyway great work, better than what I've gotten done that's for sure!
Final Statement: I chowder5lock am a dipshit and MA is a pretty cool dude.

Level 76
Praise the Sun (Arcana)
GIAW 14: 1st Place (Hard Mode)
Yes, lol, I did change the Bridge. The demo wasn't affected however, I haven't made any changes to the demo since July 24, 2011. And I don't think I'll be changing the demo either as the game is near completion.

Level 76
Praise the Sun (Arcana)
GIAW 14: 1st Place (Hard Mode)
Working on the Final Dungeon at the moment, and having a lot of fun doing it. So here's a few more screenshots that I feel are good to put up.

Spoiler for:

Raped by DrSword
Level 83
Dance with the enemy
Contestant - GIAW 10Contestant - GIAW 9
Where's the tileset from? It's amazing.

Level 76
Praise the Sun (Arcana)
GIAW 14: 1st Place (Hard Mode)
Thanks, it's a mixture of Mack, RTP and some stuff I grabbed from different locations.