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d20srd 3.5 style Search skill.

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Level 87
RIP w-hat the fork
I would like to start off by saying "Hello once again my fellow friends!"
But that's a bit off subject, so let me redirect you're attention.
This tutorial, was chosen from a list I thought might be good to teach to my community.
This has a lot of random little traits that you will rarely find together, so you might learn something new.
Now then, if you have ever played Dungeons And Dragons, you shall know what this tutorial is setting to accomplish. If you haven't, here is a recap:
Spoiler for:
The PC(Player Character) has the ability to put "ranks" into specific skills. These skills are mere things that anybody can do, such as search, spot, use rope, climb, swim, ride, etc. They are not skills such as those found in RMXP. These skills are rarely called upon at critical moments, but are rather subtle events that affect gameplay. Here is an example: You dropped a few coins in a dim-lighted bar full of people, in an attempt to find them all, you must use a search check. Usually in DnD, the DM (dungeon master) will roll the die and add up the points to determine if you find all of them, or which ones you find. A random variable(such as a 20 sided die[d20]) is rolled, then added to the PC's intelligence modifier(The governing attribute of the search check), and then added again to how many ranks the PC has in search.
d20+int mod+ranks = final score
This is then compared to the DC(Dice Check) score that is required to find some coins. If it exceeds, then the player finds all the coins. If it falls short, the PC may find a few coins, or none if he rolled low enough.
Normally, the DM rolls a d20 to find a random number between 1 and 20, but you may change this in order to make it work right with your project.

Ok, im assuming that my characters start out with an intellegence of 3 to 18, and gain only one every four levels.
Using that as my base, you can use some ratios and math to find out what the right random variable amount would be for you're project.
Mine will look like this:
Why int-10/2?
Because that is the d20srd way. Feel free to change this to suite your needs.

Now onto the actual RMXP tutorial:

Open up RMXP and create a new event where you want the character to search at. I chose a wall, to search for a hidden button disguised as a rock!
Now we make "Control Variable" event command.
I have a few variables set as a "Temporary Variable" or temp var, for things like variable detection durring that moment the event goes off.
I shall be using this variable for all search checks in my project, along with other small things. Feel free to duplicate me, or use your own variable setup.
Control Variable setup:
Operation: Set
Operand: Actor - actor01 - INT
Now we use another Control Variable  with the same variable:
Operation: Subtract
Operand: Constant - 10
And again:
Operation Divide
Operand: Constant - 2
and more:
Operation: Add
Operand: Random - 1-20 (this is my 20 sided die)
And lastly:
Operation: Add
Operand: Variable - Search Ranks (This is optiniol, but to have a variable dedicated to how many ranks the player gets to search is nice)
Now we make a conditional Branch, to compare what the player rolled to the difficulty of the search:
Variable: Temporary Var used earlier
Greater than or equal to 20 (20 is the difficulty I gave my event, change this to suit you're needs)

Now, this event is nice, since the player needs to go to the specefic location, press enter, and then the player may or may not get a response. If the player does not get a response, then nothing happens, as if he isn't even activating an event at all.

If this was a bit confusing for you guys, refer to the attacked images.

Note: I change my temp var to 0 at the end of the event.
Huge sig is huuuuge.