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Building a Town?

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Rep: +0/-0Level 89
I was just wondering if someone could help me with making a town. I don't really get how the house tiles line up with each other.
And how many houses shoudl there be before it gets too big to navigate or starts an insane amount of lag?
Your Army wears my Mother's boots.

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
how do you mean, line up with each other? like how they are set in the tileset, or how they can be put to look good?

I have a village with like 5 houses, but i don't really know how much is too much, my computer didn't start laggin until i made the world map stuff, then it got really bad for my computer so, yeah.

oh! and what version are you using, i mean, if i have XP and you have 2K3 its kinda hard to give advice

Current project: Virtues and Sins: Legend of Virtues
<llllllllllllllllllll> 2%

Level 91
a town should be at least 60X60 and max 200X200, and it should be loaded with stuff

200X200 might be annoying to run around but you can always put teleporters that lwads to the west north south and east in the 4 directions of town

but i am sure it's still possible to walk around... but then again.. OMG WHERE THE HELL DID THE ARMORY GO!?!?
and that's why you should put a map :P
holy shit my sig was big!

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Hahaha, alright.

Oh, and I'm using XP.


how do you mean, line up with each other? like how they are set in the tileset, or how they can be put to look good?

Well, I mean, there's the tiles in the tileset for "Town Exterior" that already look like a small house. Then there's the individual ones to the right of that, that are all just helter skelter.
I tried using those, and the ones on the preassembled house, to make a wider building, but the tiles don't line up right.
Sorry if that sounds confusing.
Pardon my scribblings, but this is what I mean:

Your Army wears my Mother's boots.

Resident Cloud
Level 91
by the looks of it the top two are used thus:

the bits with the sloping roofs are the edges of the building heres som rubbish acii art to help
 | |___________| |
 | |___________| |

as you see(or not)

the part marked ok on your image is used for the edges and the part imediately right of that is the middle of the building

and im still working out the other bits

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Alright, thanks, ahref! I appreciate the help.
Your Army wears my Mother's boots.

Resident Cloud
Level 91
:) my little di agram helped then yay!

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
I always thought they were house facing at you, and the other one was the side of a house so if you were going vertically and houses were at the side of you, the house would appear as just the side of the house, wher as if the house was horizontally facing you you'd see the front. That was confusing, but I got what I wanted to say out.

Level 91
it's better when u use 2D isometric (i've posted a tuto for that)
I'm the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.


My padawan (Tsunokiette) and me :p
I'm French so forgive my bad english!

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
can you give us the link then .... nvm ill search for it myself