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Custom Soundtracks

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Level 84
All Hail the Motherboard.
Id just like a little input on how people feel about custom soundtracks in games. I've been playing an instrument since 3rd grade, and im in highschool now and I understand it enough to compose my own songs, but if it doesnt mean much to have a custom soundtrack in a game I dont want to waste my time.

In Short. Does Custom Music, Interesting Music Attract people to games?

Level 83
I am the love in your heart. <3
Custom music adds an original feeling to games and I think people would like to play a game with original soundtrack more than a game that has ripped stuff from Naruto or Final Fantasy. But music doesn't make a game. It just adds up to the favor. If you are going to make a good game WITH good original music, it's certainly pretty good to have them and definitely not a waste of time.

So summary, go for it. People like original soundtracks.