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Level 91
they are??? sounds like a band

\/ has eatern a frog

Dark_Prince - Pegasus Saga
Level 92
No I haven't eaten a frog, but aren't the legs just the only thing that a human could eat.

VWants to be a movie star.

Rep: +0/-0Level 91
Heck no, id look stupid.

\/ holds a grudge for a long time over nothing

Level 91
dependends on what its over

regrets making a game and posting it on the net for all to play

Rep: +0/-0Level 91
yes, but i dont want to re-open old scars.

\/has the tendency to spam alot or flame other ppl on the forums.

Rep: +0/-0Level 91
Who, me? Never!  :humph:

\/ Likes their mom more than their dad
The above post (Final Fantasy quotes and references to George W.Bush's simian-like appearance excluded) is a copyright trademark of Maestress Xina

Level 91
hell yas im a mummas boy.... OH CRAP I SAID THAT OUT LOAD can i change my ancer....................................... fine be that way

 :oops:  :oops:  :oops:

has a very strange and a bit scary fetish

Rep: +0/-0Level 91
does socks count as strange and scary? "nono... leave those on..."

\/is craving burritos... right now,
At least I have chicken.

Level 91
no i hate burritos uuukkkk :x

\/ Which show is better Peace Maker (thats my avitar and sig) or Pokemon

Level 91
I own you.
peace maker ive never seen it pokemon pissed me off its the same thing over and over....

      parents made u got to fat camp
1 death is a tragedy but 1 million deaths is a statistic.
-Joseph Stalin

Rep: +0/-0Level 91
Not really. If anything, they try to get me to eat more (they're convinced that I don't eat at all when what I really do is go out to eat like any right-minded person who's seen what my parent make me eat whould do).

\/ Prefers snowboarding over skatebording
The above post (Final Fantasy quotes and references to George W.Bush's simian-like appearance excluded) is a copyright trademark of Maestress Xina

Level 91
snow bording rocks i cant scate for shit but i rule at snowbording..

using google or yahoo to find stuff on the net

Rep: +0/-0Level 91
And when that fails, I ask about it here.  :^^:  I only search for RM resources and tutorials (and a bunch of easy-to-find junk).

\/ Watches cartoons
The above post (Final Fantasy quotes and references to George W.Bush's simian-like appearance excluded) is a copyright trademark of Maestress Xina

Level 91
CARTOONS FOR EVER!!!!!!!!! that means yes i love them....

flying (by plane) or boat

Rep: +0/-0Level 91
Did you get mixed up between this game and This or That?

I actually like both (despite the sea-sickness and jet lag)

\/ Hates games based on movies
The above post (Final Fantasy quotes and references to George W.Bush's simian-like appearance excluded) is a copyright trademark of Maestress Xina

Level 91
I own you.
thier always some of the worst

 hates moives based on games
1 death is a tragedy but 1 million deaths is a statistic.
-Joseph Stalin

Rep: +0/-0Level 91
not really cuz square enix is making ff7 advent children for p2p and i am a HUGE ff7 fan.

\/prefers pranks over jokes.

Rep: +0/-0Level 91
Pranks are more devious and planned. :twisted:  Oh yeah, and funny.

\/ Would raise an army of zombies to take over the world
The above post (Final Fantasy quotes and references to George W.Bush's simian-like appearance excluded) is a copyright trademark of Maestress Xina

Level 91
zombis are weak and pointless to raise now dragons that whould be a kick ass army..

thinks im anoying

Dark_Prince - Pegasus Saga
Level 92
I believe you are. lol. I'm joking. Nah. Your not annoying. Well to me atleast.

VHas been spoil by their parents.

Rep: +0/-0Level 91
You know you're spoiled when you get a PS for your 9th birthday.  :D

\/ Has once wished they were actually adopted
The above post (Final Fantasy quotes and references to George W.Bush's simian-like appearance excluded) is a copyright trademark of Maestress Xina

Rep: +0/-0Level 91
heck yeah, my brother drives me insane.

\/hates games based on tv shows.

Full Metal Mod - He will pillage your women!
Level 93
The RGSS Dude
too short, doesn't make sense, hard beyond recognition (only one game I'm thinking of, it STINKS)

V knows how many pecks of pickled peppers that peter piper picked
"The wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is Tiggers are wonderful things
Their tops are made out of rubber
Their bottoms are made out of springs

They’re bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy
Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun!
But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is I’m the only one, I’m the only one."

Level 91
I own you.
he picked 7

  how much wood would a wood chuck chunk  if a wood chuck could chuck wood
1 death is a tragedy but 1 million deaths is a statistic.
-Joseph Stalin

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
a wood chuck would chuck all the wood if a would chuck could chuck wood
Ninjas are cool;
and by cool,
I mean totally sweet.

_______________food chain of ROCKING:
______________Pirates Superheroes Vampires
____________________everyone else