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[2k3] Touhou Fantasy

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Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Spoiler for:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyrcW0oUaus" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyrcW0oUaus</a>

The starting episode of my own Let's Play for my own game, for those of you interested.

Spoiler for:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSYl_Vv2TCc" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSYl_Vv2TCc</a>

In this video, I show off some of the world map, as well as tell where NOT to go, for people who for some reason want to go to the places that are not of the going (and due to this, every area other than a few select areas are meow locked off until the player has to got here).
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 07:07:04 PM by Xenomic »

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Spoiler for:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FyJUEUoGak" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FyJUEUoGak</a>

Your basic introductory dungeon of the game right here. Misty Lake was never intended to be super long or confusing, and meant to be a simple area with simple fights. At one time, Misty Lake was a maze-type area, but that got scrapped and reverted to the original map.

Enemies encountered here:

Fairy: Standard mage-type enemy. Has access to a few level 1 elemental spells, such as Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Aero, and Water.
Eagle: Standard physical-type enemy that tends to come in a large pack with other Eagles.
Hornet: Standard physical and status enemy that tends to come in large packs of itself.
Water Toad: Standard enemy to introduce elemental weaknesses.
Alligator: Standard strong enemy to introduce Notorious Monsters.

If you don't know Touhou, the bosses for this area is Daiyousei and Cirno, a couple fairies that tend to roam around Misty Lake in canon (whether they live there or not, we do not know yet). Daiyousei is a standard support character (though I need to do more with her to make her more of a support enemy), while Cirno is the standard boss that'll attack relentlessly while also using status effects. Cirno is meant to be a big introduction to paying attention to item management as well as equipment; having Barettes not only halves her Ice-elemental attacks, but also negates the Freeze status effect, which is what makes her so dangerous.

All in all, in hindsight I think this dungeon is a good enough introductory dungeon. Some may disagree with me but eh! I wouldn't mind hearing some of your guys' opinion on these dungeons as you see them here!

In addition, have a new update to the game!


What's fixed:

*Can meow progress in the second half of Remains of Hell (where you're chasing after Yuugi). There were bad teleport events that prevented the player from progressing.
*Can meow finish Mystia's story segment. There was a bush that prevented the player from progressing.
*Dialogue has been touched up on some more, so there's not so much abuse of ellipses. Still need to get someone to check the dialogue and clean it up more for me, if they can, without ruining how the characters are meant to be portrayed.
*Some abilities have been readjusted due to how powerful they were (Bio is the main one to be changed at the current time).

There's still a lot more work to be done, but for the most part I think the game should be playable moreso meow than before. If there is anything else that you can suggest or help with, or if there are any bugs still left, feel free to drop me a line!
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 07:07:26 PM by Xenomic »

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Spoiler for:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ec7VK22GuU" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ec7VK22GuU</a>

There's not much about the dialogue in this game that bothers me personally. Most of the dialogue I think is fitting for most of the characters. The only thing that annoys me is how much I abuse ellipses. I don't know why I did it either...I never did in anything else I've ever written. So who knows?
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 07:07:53 PM by Xenomic »

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Spoiler for:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bx25NQC1Yy0" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bx25NQC1Yy0</a>

The first actual dungeon with two separate paths really, as Misty Lake doesn't differentiate between Normal and Hard paths at all really. The Hard path is a lot more difficult than the Normal path by far, as it has the Parasite enemies, and the player can run into upwards to six of them in one fight. The bosses are also different until the last fight on both paths, where the final fight will always be the same, sans different boss music.

Monsters encountered:

Kedama: Standard all-around resistant enemies, and your typical Self-Destruct user.
Forest Specter: Weak enemy in terms of defenses and HP, but hits pretty hard with Shadow-elemental and Lightning-elemental attacks.
Ameboid: Mushrooms that can inflict various statuses, including Poison and Sleep, to the entire party. Highly dangerous and should be disposed of first.
Toxic Plant: Fought mostly on the Hard Path. Specializes in Poison-elemental attacks, making them quite dangerous as Poison is one of the three Advanced Elements.
Heal Rabbit: More of a nuisance than anything else, as they tend to heal HP/MP/Statuses and revives others. They tend to come in groups.
Parasite: The Notorious Monster of the area. Loves to use Gravity spells as well as inflict the Lock status effect. Tends to come in groups of threes or sixes with itself.

Bosses encountered:

Rumia: Fought three times on the Normal Path, and only once on the Hard Path in the final fight. Is fought alone once on the Normal Path, then with enemies the second time, and finally with Mystia on the Normal Path. Specializes in Shadow-elemental attacks and can single-target heal. Not too big of a threat and is more of a nuisance compared to Mystia. Rumia absorbs Shadow, but since nobody in the party uses this, it matters not. Weak to Holy, meaning Reimu is extremely effective against her.
Mystia Lorelei: Fought only once in the final fight on the Normal Path. Fought once in the final fight in the Hard Path, and with enemies once on the Hard Path. Is much more dangerous than Rumia, and is the first actual boss to introduce a variety of status effect attacks on the entire party. Mystia is meant to have the player come prepared with status-healing items (particularly, Antidotes for Poison, Eye Drops for Blind, Echo Notes for Silence, and Alarm Clocks for Sleep), or else she can easily cripple the party. Aya is largely useless unless she has Graceful Dash, as Mystia absorbs Wind.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 07:08:14 PM by Xenomic »

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Spoiler for:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lwg4r9oRg9c" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lwg4r9oRg9c</a>

In this episode, we go to find out what happened at Marisa's house, and get beaten up by a Marisa because that's how all stories go, right!? It's a bit reminiscent of FFIV with Kain, meow that I think about it...

No, you're not meant to win this fight at all, hence her 65,535 HP that you see. And why yes, that is an IOSYS reference in her Intel description!
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 07:08:45 PM by Xenomic »

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Spoiler for:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9Hy64UEJFk" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9Hy64UEJFk</a>

In this episode, we invade the Scarlet Devil Mansion and go key hunting! Yes, it's a bit vague as to where the keys are, but they shouldn't be that hard to find! Even moreso considering most of the rooms are unavailable anyways.


Fairy Maid: Basically an upgraded Fairy. Still uses level 1 elemental spells.
Scarlet Maid: The upgrade to the Fairy Maid, and uses level 2 spells, including Fira, Blizzara, Thundara, and Cura.
Magic Book: A more advanced mage-type enemy, using various elemental spells, up to and including AoE versions of each spells and up to level 2 spells.
Patchbot: Everyone's favorite Notorious Monster. Extremely high defenses makes it nigh impossible to damage it with physicals, and it's immune to magic and heavily resistant to most elements. How to defeat it? Well, it's weak to Earth-elemental attacks at the very least...


Hong Meiling: Meiling may SEEM to be a tough boss, but she really isn't. As long as Cirno continues to heal, and Aya continues to attack, nothing should really go wrong as Aya is immune to most of Meiling's attacks (go elemental affinities!). Simple fight really!
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 07:09:14 PM by Xenomic »

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Spoiler for:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISLNVeFWugc" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISLNVeFWugc</a>

In this episode, we continue onwards and face off against a couple bosses in a row, and then more storyline! And I get my first game over! Seriously though, Patchouli isn't supposed to be THAT hard. I just screwed up badly or something fierce. Ugh...


Patchouli Knowledge: Patchouli's main difficulty stems not from the damage she does, but the ability to hit just about any elemental weakness easily (Silent Selene can murder Reimu, Agni Shine can murder Cirno and Meiling, and Spring Wind can murder Meiling). And let's not go into Philosopher's Stone, which reduces all elemental resistances by a whole level. Still...she's not as difficult as I made her out to be! Remember, don't go into fights with only 4 1-Ups!

Sakuya Izayoi: Sakuya can be difficult, but it's totally possible to gimp her by paralyzing her with Meiling's Yellow Quake Kick, if lucky. And due to the inclusion of the Provoke skill and status as well as the Sentinel skill, it makes the fight a lot more easier to deal with as Meiling can take the damage and still live.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 07:09:41 PM by Xenomic »

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Spoiler for:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-clAwNFsMAk" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-clAwNFsMAk</a>

In this episode, we explore the oh-so-lovely Bamboo Forest of the Lost. This time around though, it's not as annoying and it's a lot shorter! The overhaul was done by Narise, and for that I am glad. No sign puzzles, no instant death traps, and no forest maze. Overall it's a much needed upgrade. Oh, and there's a game over because I forgot to change the Poison Smoke Curtain. Oops!


Tewi?: Not a particularly tough enemy by any means, but it is an introduction to a boss later on. Pretty much one and the same.

Shanghai: Expect to see this particular enemy a lot throughout the game, and only with upgraded stats. Heavily physically resistant and immune to magic for the most part, and will Self-Destruct at 50% or less HP like a Kedama will. Defeating them though can sometimes yield nice rewards however...

Bamboo: Nothing special about these guys, as they're rare enough to show up really, and they're easily taken care of by Royal Flares and Diamond Blizzards.

Yin-Yang Orb: Highly physically resistant enemies and absorbs Shadow/Holy. They're kinda hard to break through, but Earth does just fine from recollection. They're kinda tough to kill though.

Senior Kedama: The Notorious Monster for the area. They're highly resistant like the normal Kedamas, and also come with stronger moves. They usually show up in pairs.


Reisen Udongein Inaba: Reisen likes to focus mostly on status skills while doing high damage with them, or doing nonsense like Life Elixir which does nothing for her since stat buffs suck in this game. Mind Explosion, Poison Smoke Curtain and Lunatic Red Eyes are the prime attacks to watch out for!

Tewi: Same as the regular Tewi? enemies. Nothing really spectacular about her at all.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 07:10:03 PM by Xenomic »

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Spoiler for:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Qrv65n0qZM" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Qrv65n0qZM</a>

Ho boy! Eientei...there's only been two changes to this area thus far, and that's a) The Tewi boss fight has 3-4 less rabbits meow than previously to make it more fair, and b) There's meow a Tewi by a save point/warp point to tell the player the hint for the forest puzzle here, as the original puzzle no longer is in the game. I really do need to remake Eientei, but I'm not sure how to do so without throwing out all of these ideas...ugh!

Enemies are the same as in the Bamboo Forest of the Lost.


Tewi: Exact same as the previous fight. Fought twice in Eientei, once with flunkies and once alone.

EX Tewi: Just Tewi, but more beefed up and with a couple new skills. Healing is not required in this fight, as you get a free full heal afterwards so just wail on her with everything you got! Only revive if necessary!

Eirin Yagokoro: The original hardest boss in the game, but has since been nerfed massively. What made Eirin so difficult previously is that she could spam Hourai Elixir if her HP stayed between 31-33% of her Max HP, and that's a +50 boost to all of her stats. meow, she'll only use it once and be done with it. It'll still make her final phase a challenge, but meow it won't be near impossible to win. Reisen should be relegated to healing duties for this fight.

Kaguya Houraisan: Much like the first Marisa fight, this fight cannot be won, so just do yourself a favor and let Kaguya maul you to death.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 07:11:23 PM by Xenomic »

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Spoiler for:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DTTdGQBhRI" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DTTdGQBhRI</a>

Wrapping up beta1 and going into beta2! Remilia is the only boss to worry about after Eirin for the beta1 segment, and she's not really that difficult per say. You can get through the entire fight without healing (well, you'll NEED to revive at least), IF you're lucky. Once she gets down to 25% Max HP, she can start using "Red Magic", which if you're not at full HP, may probably outright kill your entire party. Other than that, you should be golden!

I do apologize for the week-late video. Thunderstorm completely destroyed my internet line and modem, so had to go a week before I got a new line and modem.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 07:11:41 PM by Xenomic »

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Spoiler for:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1l2hTno428w" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1l2hTno428w</a>

Starting up on beta2, we head to the Human Village to check up on Keine, to only have one bad thing happen another! And another game over happens because this game hates me! Also of note, this design is completely different from the original as I revamped it from the ground up basically. All in all, I think it looks rather nice!


Bat: Only will attack or use Blood Suck, and if 2 or less enemies remain, it will run away. Not a very difficult enemy at all.

Evil Post: A bizarre enemy that can actually deal pretty decent damage. In fact, it can pretty much one-shot characters with Dimension Door and possibly Darkra, and also uses various status spells such as Confuse and Berserk. Best to take it out quickly and efficiently!

Toxic Flower: The most dangerous enemy by far, as it specializes in Poison-elemental attacks, which half of the party is weak to (Reimu, Sakuya, and Marisa in particular). Either kill them with AoE spells, or just run away. Poison-elemental attacks will be fixed up later so that they don't murder the party.

Elemental Flame: Basically a rehash of the Scarlet Maid, but with a few other abilities such as Heal and Bio. Decently powerful foes who are a bit harder to take down due to their elemental resistances.

Chimera: The Notorious Monster of the area. They hit with strong AoE elemental spells, so it's hard to guard against their attacks but they're nowhere near as dangerous as the Toxic Flowers. It is possible to steal a skill for Meiling here that would otherwise cost 4000 yen, so it's highly advised to do so! Not only does it save money, but it makes Meiling relatively powerful for this stage of the game.


Keine Kamishirasawa: For those of you who has played Super Mario RPG, Keine borrows a gimmick from the boss Bowyer from this game. She hits with a moderately powerful AoE attack which will lock one command and unlock another command (the commands that can be locked/unlocked are Attack, Skills, and Items). Not super difficult though, and even less so if Patchouli has Spring Wind on her.

Tenshi Hinanawi: Tenshi's a bit more powerful than Keine, but not by too terribly much. Meiling is key to this fight, as most of Tenshi's attacks will just heal her, and giving Wind-elemental to Meiling's attack will help speed up the battle a bit. Overall, not the hardest boss out there.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 07:11:57 PM by Xenomic »

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Spoiler for:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDlFJiQBOBE" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDlFJiQBOBE</a>

Despite how long beta2 may seem, it's actually one of the shortest betas, with only a mere 5 dungeons in it (actually, beta1 has the same amount...). Youkai Mountain is probably the most important place in the game bar none, as a lot of things happen in this one location alone. Hang in there guys, this is gonna be a long one! Also, damn you Suwako for breaking my game!


Crow: Nothing special about this enemy. It will either attack, double attack, or run away.

Mountain Toad: An upgrade to the Water Toads fought way back at Misty Lake. Aqua Breath is bugged and is meant to be like Gravira but Water-elemental (and by Water-elemental, I mean it'll be faux Water-elemental since I can't make it such with the way the coding has to be handled). Not a difficult enemy by any means.

Mountain Specter: An undead mage that specializes in status magic. Can also use Fira and Thundara for offense, but dies super quickly to physicals.

Thunderous Cloud: A dangerous enemy that can hit all party members with Thunderbolt and AoE Thundara. Best to defeat first if possible!

Sunflower Fairy: Not technically an upgrade to the Fairy Maid nor the Fairy from Misty Lake. It's not particularly a dangerous enemy, and can even heal you instead of hurt you! How nice!

Kedama Stack: The Notorious Enemy of the main mountain area. Main offense is Word of Pain, which inflicts Poison/Blind/Silence and damage to one target. And if that's not enough, like other Kedamas, it will Self-Destruct if it drops below 50% HP.

Shanghai: Same as the ones from Bamboo Forest, just stronger.


Suwako Moriya: Suwako isn't super difficult, but one has to pay attention to how the fight goes. Since Nitori cannot use the Item command, having her be last alive is basically game over, so she needs to constantly be healing the others with P. Aya or Momiji should always be on standby for using status-healing items or 1-Ups if necessary. Momiji is best for attacking with Thunder Slash as Lightning is Suwako's weakness. All in all, it shouldn't be super hard if handled right!
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 07:12:14 PM by Xenomic »

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Spoiler for:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vC7GQHo3j0k" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vC7GQHo3j0k</a>

Continuing on with the mountain, we meow have access to both parties! And with that, there's nothing left to do but take down everyone that opposes up! Or Hina will just maul me to death constantly...


Hina Kagiyama: Status-inflicting specialist, mainly in Confusion but can also inflict Blind I believe as well as reduce stats. Not TOO difficult...until she decides to use Bad Fortune constantly and inflict Confusion on everyone...

Sanae Kochiya: No need to heal during this fight, as you'll be fully healed afterwards. Well, no need to revive or use items anyways. The only attack to worry about is Falling Stars really, as it can really mess up the party.

Parsee Mizuhashi: Parsee's a tricky one. She relies on inflicting Confusion on one target, and more importantly, inflicting Silence on the entire party. All while doing pretty decent damage. If possible, it is best to give Meiling the Youkai Ring, if she's in the party, or give it to whoever will be dealing the most damage with skills. Once at 25% or less HP, she'll start using Midnight Anathema, and while powerful, it can only hit one target so just keep at her!

Tenshi Hinanawi: Same as the first fight essentially. Aya + Meiling + Yuuka (if gotten before Underschool) makes this fight a joke. Momiji won't be doing much however...


Lily White: Lily is the first superboss of the game (not shown in the video I believe, but she's shown later) who will appear the moment you get to use Momiji's team, and will stay there until defeated. Lily is one of the hardest bosses up to this point, hitting a massive 25,000 HP and having various powerful AoE elemental spells, Stop, and Curaga. She is weak to Wind and Shadow though, so having a team consisting of Aya/Reisen/Patchouli/Meiling is feasible. Yuuka, if available, is kinda terrible for this fight as she's just too slow to be able to do anything decent in this fight.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 07:12:29 PM by Xenomic »

Level 97
Definitely better than Hitler.
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oh my god why are you still doing this to me

It's been over 4 years, you can stop now

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
What? I'm not just going to stop until the game's fully done. .=.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Spoiler for:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TnWttPCVY0" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TnWttPCVY0</a>

In today's episode, we take control of Sanae and see how things are on her end. Let's just say, they are not going quite well. And especially not for me! So many game overs in such a short span of time....ugh.

Yes, I could've cut out all of the game overs and saved a lot of time, but this LP is meant to show just how the game is without having to play it for yourselves. Some didn't have the troubles I had after all!


Aqua Toad: More dangerous versions of the Water Toads and Mountain Toads. These also have access to Watera, but can also use Stun Bubble (if that's supposed to do anything, I'm not sure. I don't think I've ever seen it hit).

Red Wolf: Boring enemy that's just there for the Tent drops really. They only use regular attacks and double attacks.

Giant Mantis: The Notorious Monster of this area. It is the most powerful enemy in this area, and can easily one-shot characters due to its insane attack power. Wind Sickle is also very powerful, so one will want to defeat it quickly. It does drop a skill scroll for Nitori though, so you may want to try and get it from it if you want to save 5000 yen!


Rinnosuke Morichika: Fought twice on the mountain. First time is scripted up until later in the fight, at which point you should be able to mow him down. Losing here is kinda bad as you're NOT supposed to lose at all, given the tools you get for the fight. Second fight is almost like the first, except he's a bit more dangerous and can one-shot anyone (except Sanae) with Wind Tunnel for 5000 damage. He also carriers Flare Star and Aura, both of which are highly dangerous.

Yukari Yakumo: Yukari is an odd one. She attempts to constantly reduce MP of your party and their defenses, while also buffing the defenses of her side. She can do some pretty hefty damage with Illusion Manji and Nest of Fireflies though, so be wary!
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 07:12:50 PM by Xenomic »

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
For those curious to how much is left in the game, where they may be at in the game, or how much is done, here's a timeline of the game's events. Keep in mind, this is full of spoilers!

Spoiler for:
Touhou Fantasy Order of Events:


1) Introduction - Kourindou, Myouren Temple, Chireiden, Sunflower Fields, Hakurei Shrine
2) Hakurei Shrine (Start of Game)
3) Human Village (Supplies)
4) Misty Lake (Defeat Cirno and Daiyousei. Cirno joins the party.)
5) Scarlet Devil Mansion (Meeting with Remilia. Marisa leaves the party.)
6) Hakurei Shrine Ruins (Meeting with Hope)
7) Kourindou (Meeting with Rinnosuke and Yukari)
8) Forest of Magic (Defeat Rumia and Mystia, event with Reimu and Cirno)
9) Marisa's House (Lose vs. Marisa)
10) Scarlet Devil Mansion (Defeat brainwashed residents. Patchouli and Meiling join the party. Aya leaves the party.)
11) Bamboo Forest of the Lost (Defeat Wriggle, Reisen, and Tewi. Reisen joins the party)
12) Eientei (Defeat Tewi and Eirin. Lose vs. Kaguya).
13) Scarlet Devil Mansion (Defeat Remilia. Sakuya joins the party. Revelation about Hope. End of beta1).


1) Human Village/Underschool (Defeat Keine and Tenshi)
2) Youkai Mountain (Switch to Momiji and Aya. Save Nitori from youkai. Defeat Suwako. Party split between two teams, one lead by Reimu and the other lead by Momiji. Defeat Hina, Sanae, and Parsee with Reimu's team, and defeat Tenshi with Momiji's team. Switch to 3rd team (Sanae) and defeat Rinnosuke, where Kanako and Suwako temporarily joins the party. Go to Giant Toad's Pond to defeat Rinnosuke/Yukari, and then Exodus. Storyline events unfold, and then Momiji and Nitori joins the party. Sanae and Suwako can then be bought from the shop. Lily White can also be fought here at any time after switching to Momiji's team.)
3) Scarlet Devil Mansion (Optional fight with Remilia. Can get Remilia as a party member if victorious).
4) Winter Forest (Defeat Ice Behemoth)
5) Hakugyokurou (Defeat Youmu, then storyline events. Defeat Yuyuko, then later Saigyou Yuyuko. Lose vs. Rinnosuke. Introduction to Fate. Youmu joins the party.)
6) Bamboo Forest of the Lost (Cutscene as forest is destroyed)
7) Eientei (Defeat Tiamat. Storyline events. Cirno and Komachi joins the party. End beta 2.)


1) Road of Reconsideration (Defeat Lich and Kraken. Storyline events with Shikieiki. Can battle Advent Cirno for a brief time before is unavailable.)
2) Remains of Hell (Defeat Kisume, then later Marilith)
3) Sunflower Field Ruins (Defeat Yuuka. Yuuka joins the party.)
4) Road of Reconsideration (Cutscene with Shikieiki. Final chance to fight Advent Cirno)
5) Bamboo Forest of the Lost (Defeat Mokou. Mokou joins the party. Keine becomes available to buy at the Tengu Village shop)
6) Road of Reconsideration (Cutscene with Shikieiki.)
7) Remains of Hell (Defeat Yuugi. Yuugi temporarily joins the party. Defeat Kisume/Parsee, then later Kisume/Parsee/Tenshi. At Chireiden, defeat Satori. At Blazing Fires of Hell, defeat Utsuho. Storyline events unfold from here.)
8) Mayohiga (Defeat Chen and Ran. Storyline.)
9) Human Village Ruins (Cutscene)
10) Poltergeist Mansion (Defeat Lunasa, Lyrica, and Merlin, then defeat all three together. Lunasa temporarily joins the party. Defeat Alice and Chaos. Reimu is temporarily unusable from the party. Defeat Meimu with forced party of Momiji, Marisa, Yuuka, and Byakuren. Storyline. Byakuren and Remilia joins the party. End of beta3.)


1) Kourindou (Defeat Adrammelech. Cutscene at Youkai Mountain).
2) Misty Lake (Defeat Kraken. Temporarily lose Cirno and Yuuka.)
3) Scarlet Devil Mansion (Defeat Culex, then later Flandre and Hades. Temporarily lose Remilia and Patchouli.)
4) Mayohiga (Cutscene with Ran)
5) Road of Reconsideration (Cutscene with Lich)
6) Remains of Hell (Defeat Marilith, Koishi temporarily joins the party. Defeat Omega Weapon, Yuugi leaves the party and Utsuho temporarily joins the party. Defeat Rin. Cutscene. Teleporter becomes active in Chireiden. Koishi and Utsuho are then buyable from the Tengu Village shop. Komachi temporarily becomes unavailable.)
7) Hakugyokurou (Lose vs. Mima)
8) Myouren Temple (Cutscene).
9) Hakurei Shrine Ruins (Enemy gauntlet. Defeat Iron Giant)
10) Youkai Mountain (Temporarily control Sanae. Hina, Minoriko, and Shizuha temporarily joins the party. Defeat Exodus at Giant Toad's Pond, then head to Kappa Caves. Defeat Chaos Spider and then Kanako. Defeat Tenshi with Momiji/Aya, then defeat Ozma with Momiji/Aya/Byakuren/Tenshi. Defeat EX Tenshi, then lose vs. Order. Temporarily lose Aya.)
11) Dream World (Defeat Kurumi, Meira, Elly, Kana, and PC-98 Yuuka)
12) Scarlet Devil Mansion (Koakuma temporarily joins the party. Head to Interdimensional Rift, then defeat Medicine and Yamame.)
13) Icicle Caverns (Tempoarily use Iku/Letty/Nazrin. Defeat Alice.)
14) Insect Forest (Tempoarily use Mystia/Wriggle. Defeat Tenshi, then Chen/Tewi tempoarily joins the party. Lose vs. Order, then in 2nd round with Iku/Letty, have Iku use 5 turns. Defeat Order with forced party of Iku/Letty/Yuuka/Cirno.)
15) Eastern Forest (Yuuka, Cirno, Remilia, Komachi, and Patchouli all rejoin the party. Koakuma leaves the party.)
16) Cave to Makai (Defeat Alice, Shingyoku, Meira, Sara, Elis, and Rikako. Mokou and Aya rejoins the party, then defeat Fate. Storyline. End beta4.)


1) Cave to Pandaemonium (Defeat Iron Golem, Asura, Shadow Dancer, and Pandaemonium Warden.)
2) Pandaemonium (Storyline, then defeat Alice, Yamame/Medicine, and  then defeat Rikako with Yumemi.)
*3) Hollowed Caverns (No Magic can be used in dungeon. Defeat Yuugenmagan. Yorihime temporarily joins the party. Defeat Louise).
4) Hollowed Caverns - Interdimensional Rift (Yorihime is no longer available as a party member. Avoid Omega with 3 separate parties (Marisa/Hope, Momiji who later finds Aya/Nitori, and Remilia who later finds Sakuya/Patchouli/Meiling. Defeat PC-98 Marisa with just Marisa, then defeat the Magic Stone).
5) Makai Fields (Defeat Inferno with one of three separate parties, then defeat Yukari using Shinki/Mima/Youki).
6) Makai Caves (Tempoarily use Rinnosuke/Yukari/Yamame/Medicine. Lose vs. Akyuu, then lose vs. Meimu. Defeat Kanako).
7) Pandaemonium (Storyline events involving Byakuren. Defeat Myouren with Byakuren. Storyline events involving Cirno. Teleport to Hakurei Shrine becomes available.)
8) Valley of Corpses (No Items can be used in dungeon. Does not affect Nitori's Stock command. Defeat Yuugenmagan, Marquis Malboro, Lich, and Tiamat.)
9) Valley of Corpses - Dimensional Rift (Defeat Kotohime and Magic Stone)
10) Pandaemonium (Storyline events. Relationship between Mokou and Reisen expanded upon)
11) Frozen Fields (Defeat Yuugenmagan, and then later Yuki and Mai)
12) Frozen Fields - Dimensional Rift (Defeat Gilgamesh, Kotohime, and Magic Stone)
13) Pandaemonium (Storyline events. Revelation of Byakuren and Mima working together)
14) Hollowed Caverns (Defeat Curse Dragon)
15) Miasma Fields (10 minute time limit before Strong Poison is inflicted on the party and will constantly deal damage over time. Defeat Rika/Flower Tank, then later Ice Behemoth/King Behemoth)
16) Ruins of Vina (Three separate parties. First with main party, second with Mima/Youki, and third with Chaos/Lunasa/Koishi/Utsuho. Defeat Rika/Evil Eye Sigma, then later Elis)
17) Ruins of Vina - Dimensional Rift (Defeat Erich, VIVIT, and the Magic Stone)
18) Pandaemonium (Storyline events. Battle vs. Seiga who steals various ultimate weapons that Shinki gave the party.)
19) Fallen Shrine (Defeat Zodiark and Death)
20) Fallen Shrine - Dimensional Rift (Defeat Magic Stone)
21) Reimaden (All gimmicks from past dungeons appear here with a couple new ones. Defeat Akyuu, Tenshi, Five Magic Stones/Phantom Mima, and Pestilence.)
22) Pandaemonium (Storyline)
23) Sealed Cave (Storyline)
24) Pandaemonium (Defeat Yumeko with Sakuya alone. Defeat Shinki, then defeat Sara/Luize/Yuki/Mai/Yumeko/Shinki with various parties.)
25) Silent Shrine (Defeat Rika, Warmech, Meira, and Mugetsu).
26) Pandaemonium (Storyline. Defeat Nazrin and Shou.)
27) Myouren Temple (Defeat Kogasa)
28) Palanquin Ship (Defeat Ichirin and Murasa)
29) Hokkai (Defeat Nue. Nue temporarily joins the party. Can choose a party from Marisa/Hope/Byakuren/Shinki/Shou/Nazrin/Mima/Nue/Youki/Alice/Chaos/Lunasa/Koishi/Utsuho. Defeat Kikuri, Elis, and Meimu. Defeat Order, then Order again with only Byakuren, then defeat Sariel. Lose Byakuren from the party. End beta5)


1) Hakurei Shrine Forest (Defeat Chaos with only Hope)
2) Hakurei Shrine (Defeat Reimu with Hope and Chaos. Chaos leaves the party. Reimu rejoins the party.)
3) Forest of Magic - Lunatic Path (Defeat Marisa)
4) Misty Lake - River Bank (Defeat Cirno/Advent Cirno)
5) Youkai Mountain (Defeat Aya and Momiji. At Genbu Marsh, defeat Nitori. At Moriya Shrine, defeat Sanae and Suwako.)
6) Scarlet Devil Mansion (Defeat Meiling, Patchouli, Sakuya, and Remilia, then defeat all four together.)
7) Bamboo Forest of the Lost (Defeat Reisen and Mokou/Keine/EX Keine)
8) Hakugyokurou (Defeat Youmu and Yuyuko)
9) Road of Reconsideration (Defeat Komachi)
10) Sunflower Fields (Defeat Yuuka)
11) Probability Hyperspace Vessel (Defeat Chiyuri, then defeat Yumemi)
12) Remains of Hell (Defeat Koishi and Utsuho)
13) Myouren Temple (Defeat Nue. Nue can then be bought from the Tengu Village shop)
14) Mirage Tower (Party split with 2-3 parties. Tempoarily lose Cirno)
15) Pandaemonium-R (Defeat Rikako/Yuugi/Flandre/Suika, then defeat Rikako with Cirno/Advent Cirno and Daiyousei. Heart of Pandora also takes place during this event, with the player having to use Mystia, Tewi, Chen, Wriggle, Shikieiki, Minoriko, Byakuren, and Eirin as their party members)
16) Eientei - Pathway to the Moon (Yorihime tempoarily joins the party)
17) Lunar Path
18) Lunarian Capital
19) Lunarian Palace (Defeat Kaguya, then defeat Yorihime and Toyohime)
20) Sea of Clouds (Tenshi temporarily joins the party.)
21) Bhava-Agra (Defeat Ultima with Tenshi/Yuuka/Mima/Youki. Defeat Rika/Meira, and then finally defeat Konngara. End beta6)


1) End of Gensokyo (Defeat Youki, Mima, and Yukari. Yukari joins the party.)
2) Gaplands (Trials)
3) The Void (Storyline and defeat all guardians and components. Defeat Rinnosuke/Pandora Rinnosuke/Pandora. End game if good ending is not active, and give bad ending.
4) Heart of Pandora (Storyline and defeat Minoriko, Eirin, Satori, Shikieiki, and Byakuren, then finally defeat Sariel, Pandora Sariel, and Hope Complete. Final battle against Sariel with just Reimu and Hope. End game).


TOTAL = 100 events
Current Done = 48 events
Current Left = 52 events

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Spoiler for:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ufy8pliI8VQ" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ufy8pliI8VQ</a>

In this episode, we wrap up the remainder of Youkai Mountain! And then we get what skills we can before moving along! This is the point of the game where you, as the player, need to make the decision of what you want to buy and who you really want to use. As Chef pointed out in his LP, the estimated cost for all of the skills runs around 300,000-400,000 yen, which you are NOT going to have unless you grind all of that money. And in addition, after this LP, Suwako got more skill scrolls added to her section, so meow it'll cost even more for all of the scrolls.


Exodus: From Final Fantasy XII (sprite from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance). Exodus is slightly tough, as he has access to various elemental attacks such as Flare Star, Tsunami, and Earthquake, can debuff stats with Offense Down Omega and Defense Down Omega, and lastly deal heavy non-elemental damage to everyone with Ragnarok, which is a trademark attack amongst all of the Pandora-type enemies. Don't expect Sanae to be of much use as per usual, and focus on keeping Suwako and Kanako alive. Hopefully you have plenty of healing items to keep going?
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 07:13:10 PM by Xenomic »

Level 97
Definitely better than Hitler.
2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Best Musician2013 King of RMRK2013 Best Musician2013 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Funniest MemberFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Username2012 Best MusicianFor frequent good quality Wiki writing [citation needed]2011 Funniest Member2011 Best MusicianMost entertaining member on the IRC2010 Most Missed Member

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Not gonna stop me from keeping on going so...

Level 51
RMRK Junior
He hasn't been talking to himself, these still a few of us that keep watch, I check this a couple times a day for instance.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Spoiler for:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7n-JTRvz0c" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7n-JTRvz0c</a>

In this episode, we take on the dreaded flower youkai, Yuuka Kazami! You can actually fight Yuuka right at the start of the game, but you can't really win at that point in time. It's totally possible to get Yuuka prior to even the Underschool, which is something I didn't account for and had to fix a lot of things for because Chef.

Yuuka is slow, but powerful. However, she's not nearly as tough as she SHOULD be, so I may be adjusting her moveset to make her more dangerous and challenging. Intimidate may go away, Envenom may have a higher hit rate, and Yuuka may gain a couple other abilities. Overall, not the hardest boss in the world, but bring Marisa if you can! Getting an extra Youkai Ring is always useful, and Marisa helps a lot against Yuuka.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 07:13:32 PM by Xenomic »

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Spoiler for:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inYMrSWoOXM" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inYMrSWoOXM</a>

In today's episode, we take on another optional boss, who becomes available immediately after Youkai Mountain, but is forever gone after the end of beta3. Unlike Yuuka, whom you HAVE to fight at a later point in beta3, you don't have to fight Remilia later at all. As in the first fight, Remilia can easily OHKO party members, and she uses roughly the exact same attacks as in the first fight, although she can use Red Magic at any given notice. On top of that, she comes with a beastly 25,000 HP, meaning you're going to have to hit her with strong attacks and quickly. Yuuka can help with Master Spark, though it may be hard due to her speed. Bringing along Reisen or Aya as item users is recommended, and having them only use 1-Ups. Healing isn't going to help a lot, especially since Remilia can absorb HP and just OHKO anyone anyways. The only real danger, as in the first fight, is simply Red Magic. If you want to save 8,000 yen, bring Marisa to get the Master Scroll Lv2 from Remilia.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 07:13:44 PM by Xenomic »

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Spoiler for:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T02XyQeS58c" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T02XyQeS58c</a>

In today's episode, we go through the newly renovated Winter Forest to get to Hakugyokurou! As long as you bring Barettes on everyone, you should be just fine. In addition, bringing Patchouli with a Barette will make you night invincible, as the only things that'll hurt her are physical attacks, or the Half-Phantom.


Tundra Turtle: Not a very difficult enemy, as it mainly sticks to physical attacks.

Tundra Scorpion: Likewise, this enemy will mainly stick to physical attacks.

Snow Beast: Without Barettes, this enemy is pretty dangerous, especially if they show up in groups of 4. They will often use either Blizzara or Ice Storm, which will do quite a bit of damage to the party.

Lost Soul: These enemies don't really do much on their own other than use physical attacks or Drain. However, leave them alone for about 5-10 turns, and they transform into Half-Phantoms.

Frozen Toad: A very rare enemy, but very powerful, moreso than the Half-Phantom. They have HP Apples to steal, but at a 5% chance and they flee after about 20 turns. They have access to powerful Ice spells such as Freeze and Blizzaja, so even with a Barette, most characters are going to die fast.

Half-Phantom: The Notorious monster of the area. They are different from other enemies in that they don't use a single Ice-elemental attack, and instead use Ghost/Shadow-elemental attacks. They do drop the rare Youkai Sword "Inubashiri", so they're worth to fight at least to get those!


Ice Behemoth: The boss uses powerful Ice-elemental spells and attacks, and that's it. Bring Patchouli + Barette, and she's pretty much invincible against him. Other characters can survive decently with a Barette, so Ice Behemoth is far from being a tough boss at all.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 07:13:55 PM by Xenomic »

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Spoiler for:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIH3JBbOH4c" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIH3JBbOH4c</a>

In this episode, we step up the game's difficulty a little at Hakugyokurou. The main gimmick in this area is that there's no random encounters, and all encounters are touch encounters. On top of that, you cannot run from ANY of these fights, so if you fight something you can't handle, you're pretty much dead. There's also technically 2 Notorious Monsters, but one is less so of one and instead a rather powerful enemy. Oh, and we fight a half-ghost and a ghost princess and get mauled by a tree.


Ghost Kedama: Typical ghost-type enemy, and where you'll see how ghosts are kinda. Heavily/fully resistant to physical attacks, likes to inflict various statuses, and can deal pretty decent damage. Oh, and instant death attacks, though this fellow doesn't use those.

Wandering Spirit: This enemy is highly resistant to physicals, and on top of that likes to inflict Poison/Blind/Silence or heal the party. Not super difficult to defeat at all.

Spirit Dragon: The Notorious Monster probably not listed as such, and is just instead one of the stronger enemies in the area. Hits like a truck with various elemental AoE attacks (Atomic Ray, Quake, Dragon's Frost), as well as capable of inflicting Stop and heal up massive HP with Curaga. A pretty powerful foe, but worth fighting if only to steal the Release Scroll Lv2 from!

Soul Flame: A pretty powerful enemy, and in fact should be killed off quickly. It has access to Aurora Flash, which can inflict AoE Sleep, making it the prime threat in any battle, but on top of that, it can inflict massive damage to party members with non-elemental attacks such as Magic Missile, Rainbow Bullets, and Prism Beam.

Greater Fairy: The Notorious Monster of the area. Who'd thought a fairy would be one eh? In any case, hits like a truck with Death Lance, which is Ghost-elemental, as well as with various Reimu spells (Fantasy Orb, Binding Border, and Spiritual Orbs). Can come in groups of 2, making them that much harder to defeat!


Youmu Konpaku: Youmu is fast, and she hits hard. Most often, if your name is not Meiling, Yuuka, or Momiji and if you're not defending, that character is going to die in one hit from any of her attacks. Other than that, she's easy to deal with as she has no way to kill the entire party in one shot.

Yuyuko Saigyouji: When fought with a party, Yuyuko's not that bad. Her attacks are single-target, despite her having Light of the Undead which seems like it should be AoE, so she can't really kill the entire party. However, the player has the option to fight Yuyuko with only Youmu, which makes the fight that much more difficult. However, should the player defeat Yuyuko in the solo fight, they will get the Netherworld Ribbon, which is a helmet found only once in beta6.

Saigyou Yuyuko: One of the more dangerous bosses encountered in beta2. What makes it so dangerous is that not only does it have Instant Death attacks (and an AoE one at that), but it has access to AoE Sleep, so the player has to decided if they want to prevent Instant Death or Sleep. Insomnia Charms bought in the shop can deal with Endless Nap, but the player will have to risk instant death with the Saigyouji Robe and Netherworld Dress, as those only reduce instant death by 40%. Or bring along a character with high resistance to instant death (Reimu, Sanae, Youmu).
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 07:14:07 PM by Xenomic »