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Hi, Presenting my game Fallen Angel Episode 1

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Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Hey guys and gals, my name is adam. I'm 24 years very old. I just wanted to present my game Fallen Angel, i made it 5 years ago soon after  RPG maker was first translated, i spent a few months on it but never really got to finish it. But i decided to release it now anyways with the new title, Fallen Angel: The First  Episode. Classic Edition.

The games story is very unconventional but funny and entertaining.The gameplay is very basic no special combat system or anything, and there is ALOT of cursing, caps and typos. I am currently working on the Second Episode, it will continue where the story left off and hopefully i'll be able to add better gameplay elements in the second episode.

The focus of this game was to test and learn what the game had to offer  so please do not rush through the game, be patient and explore, i have plenty of comical events. It shouldent take you mor then 2 hopurs to get through the game and exploring all it has to offer. Enjoy.


Level 89
Made with what rpg maker?
Started RPG making once again!

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Yup, PRG maker 2k.

Level 92
Guns don't kill people. Magic missiles do.
As much as I love humorous games, but the cursing, caps, and typos are turning me away from this one...

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
yeah sorry about that lol. I never revised it and nothing was scripted befor hand. I guess you can say it was an improv-rpg...I just did anything that came to mind at the time.

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
it doesnt even work.... *interface was not found* or somethin like that.....
Project X <--- my game
Demo 100