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[2k3] Touhou Fantasy

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Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Hmmm....Time and Date system....could be useful in a way perhaps....could be....

What I'd like is to have a skill that's similar to Warp spells. Like I WANT Sakuya to be able to either warp out of the dungeon to the overworld, or to warp back to the previous floor or something. I just don't know HOW to make that work >_<

Also, in a way, the "overworlds" do parallel FFIV from what I noticed~

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
And new update patch! Fixes some bugs and whatnot. Expect more patches later to fix things up so that everything is tidied up before work on beta5 begins!


Breakin' your HTML
Level 74
Kurosuhato Rokkuriba (Crossed Heart, Rock River)
Hmmm....Time and Date system....could be useful in a way perhaps....could be....

What I'd like is to have a skill that's similar to Warp spells. Like I WANT Sakuya to be able to either warp out of the dungeon to the overworld, or to warp back to the previous floor or something. I just don't know HOW to make that work >_<

Also, in a way, the "overworlds" do parallel FFIV from what I noticed~

Try to do a warp spell eh? I can fix that... You've got to make a paralelle common event...
Have two groups of variables...

Make the event for overworld. Which always memorizes the postions of where you came in... Like Kourindou for example... Use Teleport to go to the overworld map outside his shop... Go further in if you wish to make further notice... Make an animation to give it further effect...

The Warp event is different from what I've had in mind... Use the memorize position command BEFORE teleporting to another area... So that way... You can go back to the previous floor only ONCE! But if you really want to go back more than once... You may teleport back to the area you warped from... If you want to make your character go back to previous floors... Like Floor 9 to 8 to 7 to 6 etc... Then my advice is subtract or set the map ID variable to a certian number... This may be a long method but I see no better way...

The overworld teleportation maybe a different case but if you don't want to teleport onto a building then it's best to decrease the Y variable to teleport outside the building...

I hope this helps you in future...
We were all newbies at first (Low Level), Then we suffer, We became greater as we fought (Mid Level) and now then we stare in the face of the end of the world! (High Level)

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
And new patch! This one should fix up ALL of the bugs thus far, so I hope! Will still keep testing later tonight though!


Level 67
Jack of all Trades
After downloading the patch you posted a little while ago, I decided to run around the world map to look for remaining glitches.  This is what I've found so far:

If you go left in the image, and choose NO, your character attempts to go to the RIGHT, but since you are blocked by the mountain, the game hangs, waiting for your character to move, forcing you to close out the game.

Spoiler for:

Because of this 1 spot in the forest border, you are capable of entering an area that you are not supposed to be able to get to.  I'm pretty sure this part of the game isn't even built yet, since you can't go in the castle.

Spoiler for:

Spoiler for:

Also ... This should probably be fixed later on.

Spoiler for:

This one is a bit minor, since you can access this area through the shrine, but I thought I would point it out anyways ...

Because of the trees here, you are capable of going to the forest behind Hakurei Shrine.

Spoiler for:

Anyways, can you tell me exactly how far into the story you have done so far?  I can't figure out where I'm supposed to find Remilia after she goes crazy ...

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
The story is essentially 50% done at this rate, since there are meant to be 7-8 betas, and this goes up to the end of beta4. And I didn't even notice some of those bugs...especially Winter Forest's. And I thought I patched up all of those forest tiles lol...oh well! Do appreciate you finding those out for me! Oh, and as for that castle, I should probably remove it since you never go there anyways. That was going to be for Higan, but that wouldn't make much sense, now would it?

As for Remi? It's actually rather easy to find truthfully~ I think I MIGHT size down SDM today too, just so people don't get freaking lost in it...

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
FINAL UPDATE PATCH FOR BETA4!!!  Hopefully this is all that I need to do...


Fixes ALL bugs that I've personally encountered, as WELL as most importantly, remaps SDM to be much smaller...I think it fits a mansion more now, though it's still missing full rooms so don't mind that too much!


IMPORTANT! You'll need this map fix patch in order to continue with the game. You know what they say...if something goes super well, it'll go bad eventually...APPLY THIS AFTER APPLYING THE NEWEST BETA4 UPDATE PATCH!

« Last Edit: July 31, 2011, 07:03:49 AM by Xenomic »

Level 67
Jack of all Trades
No problem on finding those bugs! :D  I enjoy making and testing games myself, so when playing a game (especially a beta game) I will look at every possible thing that can go right  or go wrong.  I'll probably do some more testing and update you if I find anything :)
edit -- I like using Game Maker for making games because of the looseness of how you can use it, but RPG maker is extremely good for making ATB games and other games similar to Final Fantasy games.  If you really want me to, I can go through and pick out EVERY single bug, error, typo, etc. I find, but that might get annoying.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2011, 07:42:30 AM by jjwebb »

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
That's up to you on that bit. Though places do start getting larger and larger later on so...I think that last map patch + update patch takes care of most of the worst bugs so....lol

Though I do think someday I need to go back and fix up the script...yeah...

Level 67
Jack of all Trades
Yeah ... sometimes it's a good idea to fix your script, but sometimes it just works out in the end. :)  I have high hopes for this game, because it's fun, entertaining, and I don't believe I've seen a touhou game that was ATB style before.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
It'll be a while before I start work on the next beta though. Working on this alone for the most part is kinda tiresome, plus I hate mapping. And I still need to think out more things for the beta as well as dungeons and stuff x_x

Level 67
Jack of all Trades
Yeah, I know ... that's hard when making games, especially alone.  I've learned that joining a group tends to make it MUCH easier.  I'm in a game making group of 4 people (3 coders, 1 graphics artist) and we mess around a lot, however, we are capable of doing things that we didn't think were possible alone.  It also allows us to take advantage of other team members strengths, for example, now I have graphics that don't suck! :D  Anyways, game making has a few hard points, mapping is a pretty easy one, however, coming up with a design that's good can be pretty hard. For me, personally, creating a story line is the hardest part.

EDIT: oh wow, I already found a bug in the new SDM ...
« Last Edit: July 31, 2011, 07:55:10 AM by jjwebb »

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Storyline is usually what I consider myself good at doing for the most part. Mapping? Can't do it to save my life methinks! I do wish I had a spriter though...would make things so much easier and make enemies so much more diverse than they are T-T

Level 67
Jack of all Trades
hahaha!!!!  Well, not sure if he will do it, but I could talk to Edwin to see if he's making sprites for you?  Though, if he is, he will probably do it after making sprites for our current game (which is either completely or mostly done).  I hope he ends up helping you though.

EDIT: 2 glitches found.
EDIT2: Still can't find Remilia in the mansion.  I'm at the point after you escape Eintei and go back to SDM to see if Sakuya would join.  Can't find them anywhere.  Though they might be in the wing I can't get to because of that bug.
EDIT3: 4 glitches, one of them preventing you from getting the 4th barrier key when trying to break Patchouli's barrier.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2011, 11:48:51 AM by jjwebb »

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Oh, about the Remilia thing, she's on the roof.

As for the Barrier Key. You have to obtain all 4 of the keys themselves, even if it says you have 4 (for some reason, the game gives you an extra key, but the EVENTS are what triggers the variable increase for getting inside the library).

Yes, I have started work on Beta5 now. So, to get an idea of what I'm aiming for right now, here's the areas I currently HAVE for Makai (no gimmicks or anything thought up for these areas yet):

Dark City
Secluded City (no real name for it)
Ruins of Vina
Sealed Cave
Hokkai (though only through storyline means)

Now, I'm trying to come up with more dungeons, to fill out the roles of storyline purposes and whatnot, since I don't know if all of those will be used or not. The gimmicks that I have in mind for various dungeons are as follows:

No Items
No Physicals (includes Attack and physical skills. Attack is completely removed and all characters are under perma-Amnesia status)
No Magic (All characters are under perma-Silence status)
No Revival

I haven't thought of that many other gimmicks yet (feel free to think of some to toss in if you want), but coming up with names for these is ugh x_x. Plus trying to fit these in with bosses too for each place (I think I'm forgetting the Frozen Fields, but not sure WHERE I would put that at in Makai at all x_x). Also STILL need spriters severely (mainly for the addition of the 2 new characters). ^^;

Breakin' your HTML
Level 74
Kurosuhato Rokkuriba (Crossed Heart, Rock River)

Now, I'm trying to come up with more dungeons, to fill out the roles of storyline purposes and whatnot, since I don't know if all of those will be used or not. The gimmicks that I have in mind for various dungeons are as follows:

No Items
No Physicals (includes Attack and physical skills. Attack is completely removed and all characters are under perma-Amnesia status)
No Magic (All characters are under perma-Silence status)
No Revival

(mainly for the addition of the 2 new characters).

No Items, Physicals, No Magic, No Revival. (That clearly sounds to me that it's nearly impossible to do anything to damage all monsters so the only option is escaping?

For two new characters I wonder whoever it could be?

I know that Hatate isn't playable I know that for sure and the MUGEN char of his out... The other playable character... Well... I wonder if Yumeko can be playable... But am I thinking too cheaply?
(A blonde red dressed Sakuya?) I would be suprised if you can play as PC-98 Reimu...
We were all newbies at first (Low Level), Then we suffer, We became greater as we fought (Mid Level) and now then we stare in the face of the end of the world! (High Level)

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Actually, those gimmicks are for individual dungeons. No dungeon will have more than one gimmick at a time.

Level 67
Jack of all Trades
As for the Barrier Key. You have to obtain all 4 of the keys themselves, even if it says you have 4 (for some reason, the game gives you an extra key, but the EVENTS are what triggers the variable increase for getting inside the library)
No, I mean ... if you go up the stairs and go to the left, you get stuck, because it puts you in a wall, so you can't get the 4th key, since it's in that area.

Rep: +0/-0Level 74
RMRK Junior
Whoa I never thought you're already back!
Welcome Baaaack!
*downloads all the updates*
*plays again* (--,)b

( ゚д゚)ο彡゜ Meiling! Meiling!

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Oh, that should be fixed in the update now though o.o;;

Level 67
Jack of all Trades
Oh, that should be fixed in the update now though o.o;;
the update is what caused it, though ... it wasn't like that till the SDM was updated.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Did you get the LATEST update from the first post? That should fix it...since I'm assuming this is the path that takes you to the roof, correct?

Level 67
Jack of all Trades
I'm pretty sure I did, but I will try again. I'll do both patches at the bottom.

EDIT: apparantly, I didn't apply the map patch ... sorry about that.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2011, 09:48:53 PM by jjwebb »

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Remember, you HAVE to apply the Beta4 update patch first, THEN apply the Map Patch afterwards for it to work right~

Level 67
Jack of all Trades
yeah, I just redid the updates, I think I forgot the map patch.