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Dragonblade: The Forum game

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Rep: +0/-0Level 89
If a moderator would be so kind as to move this to forum games, I'd be greatly appreciative.

Dragonblade is the name of my RMXP game, and I'm bringing it to the forum! There are 3 races and 11 classes, and anyone that wants to play can pick any race/class combination to play as.

Character generation is as follows:

Step 0: Make sure you can type

Take your time when you type, and do not use single letter replacement words, like "u", "ur", "r", "y", "o", and so on. It will not be tolerated.

Spelling errors should be kept to a minimum; for the love of god, if you can't spell, use a spell checker before you post. If you don't have a program that can do this for you, this wonderful website can spellcheck for you: http://www.spellcheck.net/ It's that simple.

Last, but not least, try to capitalize and punctuate once in a while. Most of us have taken classes on this, some of us many, many years of classes. Let's show it, mmmk?

This step, really, is simply one of courtesy. If you expect someone to take the time to read your post, take the time to make sure it's readable first. I, and everyone else, thank you in advance.

Step 1: Choose a Race

Humans - The most abundant race. Humans are well balanced and adapt to any role easily. They have no racial bonuses or penalties.

Elves - The 'first' race. Elves are aloof and graceful, but very frail. Elves make great middle and rear-line characters. Elves gain a racial bonus to Dexterity and Magic Points, but a penalty to Hit Points and Strength.
+1 Dex, +5 MP, -1 Str, -5 HP

Dwarves - Hardy, underground race. Dwarves are sturdy, and built for combat. They're powerful fighters, and should be avoided in direct combat. Dwarves gain a racial bonus to Strength and Hit Points, but a penalty to Magic Points and Agility.
+1 Str, +5 HP, -1 Agi, -5 MP

Step 2: Choose a Class

Fencer - Skilled duelists whose quick attacks and parries have earned them a feared reputation in one-on-one combat.
Starting Stats: 80 HP, 35 SP, 8 Str, 8 Dex, 7 Agi, 5 Int
Weapons: Daggers, Light Swords
Off-Hand: Light Shields
Headwear: Hats, Caps
Armor: Robes, Light Armor

Dragoon - Warriors capable of powerful leaps who use spears to impale their enemies upon landing.
Starting Stats: 70 HP, 45 MP, 7 Str, 7 Dex, 8 Agi, 3 Int
Weapons: Spears
Off-Hand: None
Headwear: All
Armor: Robes, Light Armor, Medium Armor

Soldier - Trained fighters skilled with all types of weapons and armors. Very powerful in melee combat.
Starting Stats: 90 HP, 30 MP, 9 Str, 7 Dex, 6 Agi, 2 Int
Weapons: All
Off-Hand: Arrows, Light Shields, Heavy Shields
Headwear: All
Armor: All

Thief - Stealthy combatant with an affinity for shadows. Can pick locks with ease. It's advised not to trust thieves for very long.
Starting Stats: 60 HP, 40 MP, 5 Str, 9 Dex, 9 Agi, 4 Int
Weapons: Daggers, Light Swords, Bows
Off-Hand: Arrows, Light Shields
Headwear: Hats, Caps
Armor: Robes, Light Armor

Archer - Warriors highly skilled with the bow and arrow. Its been said that, when an archer takes aim, you'd best start praying to every god you know.
Starting Stats: 55 HP, 40 MP, 6 Str, 8 Dex, 8 Agi, 4 Int
Weapons: Daggers, Bows
Off-Hand: Arrows, Light Shields
Headwear: Hats, Caps
Armor: Robes, Light Armor

Knight - Powerful fighters that fight for honor. A squad of knights entering the field of battle is enough to inspire fear in the heart of nearly anyone.
Starting Stats: 85 HP, 50 MP, 8 Str, 5 Dex, 5 Agi, 4 Int
Weapons: Maces, Heavy Swords
Off-Hand: Light Shields, Heavy Shields
Headwear: All
Armor: All

Monk - Warriors skilled in unarmed combat who are unable to use any weapons or wear any heavy armor.
Starting Stats: 75 HP, 55 MP, 7 Str, 7 Dex, 8 Agi, 5 Int
Weapons: None
Off-Hand: None
Headwear: Hats
Armor: Robes

Priest - Divine spellcasters that are also skilled in direct combat. Able to call the power of the gods to their side in the heat of battle.
Starting Stats: 50 HP, 70 MP, 5 Str, 4 Dex, 4 Agi, 7 Int
Weapons: Maces, Staffs
Off-Hand: Light Shields, Scrolls
Headwear: Hats, Caps
Armor: Robes, Light Armor, Medium Armor

Oracle - Divine spellcasters able to cast powerful buff spells. Its rumored that powerful oracles can summon divine beings to aid them.
Starting Stats: 45 HP, 75 MP, 3 Str, 4 Dex, 4 Agi, 8 Int
Weapons: Daggers, Staffs
Off-Hand: Scrolls
Headwear: Hats
Armor: Robes, Light Armor

Wizard - Arcane spellcasters that are the true masters of magic. A single utterance from a powerful wizard could level entire cities.
Starting Stats: 35 HP, 95 MP, 2 Str, 3 Dex, 3 Agi, 9 Int
Weapons: Staffs
Off-Hand: Scrolls
Headwear: Hats
Armor: Robes

Elementalist - Arcane spellcasters with command over the forces of nature. Can morph into beings of pure elemental power.
Starting Stats: 40 HP, 80 MP, 3 Str, 3 Dex, 4 Agi, 8 Int
Weapons: Spears, Staffs
Off-Hand: Scrolls
Headwear: Hats
Armor: Robes

Step 3: Apply racial modifiers

Apply your racial modifiers to your class's starting stats, if your race has any. For example, Gnorak, the Dwarven Soldier, would have the following starting stats, after modifiers:
95 HP, 25 MP, 10 Str, 7 Dex, 5 Agi, 2 Int

Step 4: Buy stuff

You get 250g to purchase stuff. I'd recommend considering saving some money for Inn stays and Tavern meals.

Potion - 50g - Heals about 50 HP worth of damage instantly
Firebomb - 50g - Deals about 50 HP worth of damage (Fire, Single Foe)
Kerba Leaf - 75g - Heals about 1/3 your max HP worth of damage (cannot be used in battle)
Gonshi Needles 150g - Restores about 1/3 your max MP (cannot be used in battle)

Bronze Dagger - 40g - 10 Attack Power, +1 Agi [Dagger]
Bronze Mace - 40g - 12 Attack Power [Mace]
Bronze Maul - 200g - 16 Attack Power, +1 Str [Mace]
Bronze Shortspear - 40g - 12 Attack Power [Spear]
Bronze Longspear - 90g - 14 Attack Power [Spear]
Bronze Handaxe - 40g - 12 Attack Power [Axe]
Bronze Battleaxe - 90g - 14 Attack Power [Axe]
Bronze Greataxe - 280g - 18 Attack Power, +1 Str [Axe]
Bronze Gladius - 40g - 12 Attack Power [Light Sword]
Bronze Rapier - 100g - 12 Attack Power, +1 Dex [Light Sword]
Bronze Broadsword - 90g - 14 Attack Power [Heavy Sword]
Bronze Claymore - 200g - 16 Attack Power, +1 Str [Heavy Sword]
Wooden Quarterstaff - 40g - 12 Attack Power [Staff]
Wooden Shortbow - 60g - 12 Attack Power [Bow]
Wooden Longbow - 135g - 14 Attack Power [Bow]

Off-Hand Equipment:
Custom Bronze Arrows - 40g - +1 Dex [Arrows]
Wooden Shield - 20g - +2% Evasion [Light Shield]
Bronze Shield - 50g - +4% Evasion [Heavy Shield]
Mundane Scroll - 40g - +1 Int [Scroll]

Straw Hat - 20g - +1 Resistance [Hat]
Leather Cap - 20g - +1 Defense [Cap]
Bronze Helm - 50g - +2 Defense [Helmet]

Cloth Robe - 75g - +2 Defense, +6 Resistance [Robes]
Silk Robe - 125g - +3 Defense, +7 Resistance [Robes]
Linen Vest - 75g - +3 Defense, +4 Resistance [Light Armor]
Leather Armor - 75g - +4 Defense, +3 Resistance [Light Armor]
Bronze Chainshirt - 100g - +5 Defense, +3 Resistance [Light Armor]
Bronze Scalemail - 125g - +5 Defense, +4 Resistance [Medium Armor]
Bronze Chainmail - 140g - +5 Defense, +3 Resistance, Slashing Resistant [Medium Armor]
Bronze Breastplate - 150g - +6 Defense, +4 Resistance [Heavy Armor]
Bronze Bandedmail - 200g - +7 Defense, +5 Resistance [Heavy Armor]
Bronze Platemail - 350g - +7 Defense, +5 Resistance, Piercing Resistant [Heavy Armor]

Step 5: Finish and post!

Choose a name and gender, and then post your character in this format:

Name, Gender Race Class (Level 1; 0 exp)
#/# HP, #/# MP, #+# Str, #+# Dex, #+# Agi, #+# Int
# Attack, # Defense, # Resistance, #% Evasion
Weapon, Off-Hand, Headwear, Armor
Items, Gold

For example:
Gnorak, Male Dwarven Soldier (Level 1; 0 exp)
95/95 HP, 25/25 MP, 10+0 Str, 7+0 Dex, 5+0 Agi, 2+0 Int
14 Attack, 6 Defense, 3 Resistance, 2% Evasion
Battleaxe, Wooden Shield, Leather Cap, Bronze Chainshirt
20 Gold

Formatting your post - A guide to making your post look great!

1) Whenever you make a post, always make sure to post your character's stats at the end of the post. If you want to make it your signature, that'd make it easier, as it'd be at the end of all your posts.

2) Make all dialogue bold. This will emphasize what your character says, making sure no one misses it.

3) Make all out of character text italics. This will let everyone know that you're talking, and it has nothing to do with what your character is doing.

For example:

Quote from: Saber
Gnorak enters the dark tavern, scanning its patrons as he shifts the weight of his armor around. As he secures his axe and shield to his back, he approaches the bar. "Aye, gimmeh whatever that'un's drinkin'." he says to the barkeep, jerking a stubby thumb towards a roguish looking fellow at the end of the bar.

How much does the drink cost?

Gnorak, Male Dwarven Soldier (Level 1; 0 exp)
95/95 HP, 25/25 MP, 10+0 Str, 7+0 Dex, 5+0 Agi, 2+0 Int
14 Attack, 6 Defense, 3 Resistance, 2% Evasion
Battleaxe, Wooden Shield, Leather Cap, Bronze Chainshirt
20 Gold

And now, the intro scenery:

No longer at war, the troops of Kilvarn's military find themselves unemployed. Most wandered from city to city, doing general labor work, a rare few finding permanent jobs. There are many, though, that upon returning to their war-torn country, have found their own form of opportunity... Crime.

Recently, pockets of organized crime have arised in numerous cities, and the local governments have found themselves without funds to hire and equip enough guards to keep the gangs in check. Some have become so desperate as to hire 'adventurers', as they like themselves to be called (even though they're really just glorified mercenaries), to take care of the infestations.

You (yes, you, the one with that funny hat) have recently arrived in Honour, a small port-town on the southeastern edge of Kilvarn. You're one of the many unemployed ex-troops, and are desperate for work. Money is growing thin, and you're looking for any way to make good coin. So, what's a wanderer to do? Go to the local tavern, of course...

The tavern (named the Salty Dog) is fairly busy this eve, as many of the local fisherman are shorebound, thanks to today's rough winds. The grubby bartender is busy serving drinks and keeping the counter scrubbed clean. A mangy-looking dog scurries about the room; every now and then, the barmaid shouts at the pooch.

"Salty! Yer gittin' in ever'ones' way! Shoo, doggy. Go play with your bone!" she pleas with the mutt, kicking Salty's chewbone behind the counter of the bar. No one seems to notice your entrance.
Dragonblade: First Awakening - Demo not yet available
Dragonblade: The Forum game - Join now!

( ´ิ(ꈊ) ´ิ) ((≡^⚲͜^≡)) (ી(΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵)ʃ)
Level 102
(っ˘ڡ˘ς) ʕ•̼͛͡•ʕ-̺͛͡•ʔ•̮͛͡•ʔ (*ꆤ.̫ꆤ*)
2014 Avast Ye Merry Pirate!2013 Avast Ye Merry Pirate Award2012 Avast Ye Merry Pirate AwardFor frequently finding and reporting spam and spam bots2011 Avast Ye Merry Pirate2011 Most Unsung Member2010 Avast Ye Merry Pirate Award
You certainly take your time and puts effort into what you do around here

We only move games to the forum games section if/after they've become popular :| But I can't see this being unpopular :P
bringing sexy back

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
You certainly take your time and puts effort into what you do around here


I'm kinda surprised no one has posted a character yet, though.  :|
Dragonblade: First Awakening - Demo not yet available
Dragonblade: The Forum game - Join now!

Level 91
I own you.
Garr, Male Dwarven Soldier (Level 1; 0 exp)
95/95 HP, 25/25 MP, 10+0 Str, 7+0 Dex, 5+0 Agi, 2+0 Int
Attack 14,Defence 6, Resistance 4,Evasion 2%
Bronze Battleaxe,Wooden Shield,Leather Cap,Bronze Scalemail
-5 Gold
1 death is a tragedy but 1 million deaths is a statistic.
-Joseph Stalin

Level 91
seems like you've been working, think you can handle it good?
i mean inaru tried making it and it didn't really work too great.

i'll make a char then.

Blue, Male elven archer
50/50hp, 25/25mp, 5+0str,9+1dex,8+0agi, 4+0int
12 attack, 6defense, 3 resistance, 0% evasion
Wooden Shortbow, Cutstom Bronze Arrows, Leather Cap, Bronze Chainshirt
30 Gold

(what happened to good ole employment centers?)
Blue enters the tavern and sits infront of the barmaid "I noticed you got some dog problems there mate, i'd be happy to watch the little fella for a little inner info about job offerings around this little town, seeing as you are the barmaid i am sure you heard a thing or two.."
Blue winks at the barmaid
"besides being a fine lady like you i am sure the town's richer people might have opened their heart with job offerings, you won't mind sharing them with an old soldier would ya mate?"

(bottom of the post here)
Blue, Male elven archer (level 1, 0exp)
50/50hp, 25/25mp, 5+0str,9+1dex,8+0agi, 4+0int
12 attack, 6defense, 3 resistance, 0% evasion
Wooden Shortbow, Cutstom Bronze Arrows, Leather Cap, Bronze Chainshirt
30 Gold
holy shit my sig was big!

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
The barmaid, as she dodges a drunken fisherman's roudy advances, looks towards Blue smiling kindly until he winks. "Oh, another un, huh?" she clicks her tongue. Sighing, she continues, "We'ah seen a lot of ye war veter'ns aroun' here lately. Might bit unset'lin' if ye ask me."

She looks around for other thirsty patrons and turns back to Blue. "But, ta' an'sa yer ques'shun, Salty's a good dog. 'E just likes to git in ma way, ye-uh know? So, can ah get ye annah thing ta' drink? Ye-uh look might dry."

Sepiroth666, you can't spend more money than you have. Change your equipment so you have positive cash, or at least only 0.
Dragonblade: First Awakening - Demo not yet available
Dragonblade: The Forum game - Join now!

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Name: Kowdon, Male Human Knight. (Level 1, 0 Exp)
Stats: 85 HP, 50 MP, 8 Str, 5 Dex, 5 Agi, 4 Int.
         14 Atk, 7 Def, 3 Resistance.
Weapon: Broadsword --- 14 Atk Power -90 Gp
Off-Hand: None
Headwear: Bronze Helm --- 2 Def -50 Gp
Armor: Bronze Chainshirt --- +5 Def, +3 Res -100 Gp
Money: 250 Gp -  100+90+50= 10 Gp left :shock: , whatever :D

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Quote from: Khyber
Kowdon, Male Human Knight. (Level 1, 0 Exp)
85 HP, 50 MP, 8+0 Str, 5+0 Dex, 5+0 Agi, 4+0 Int
14 Attack, 7 Defense, 3 Resistance, 0% Evasion
Broadsword, Bronze Helm, Bronze Chainshirt
10 Gold

Looks good. Feel free to jump in whenever you'd like.
Dragonblade: First Awakening - Demo not yet available
Dragonblade: The Forum game - Join now!

Level 91
(i did some math, sepi meant gold = 5 he is just writing weird)

Blue ,embarrassed by the barmaid's comment, remain silence for a while.
He looks at the barmaid and say Look, i apologize for my behavior, hard times call for weird behavior, i ain't got much of gold on me so i can't buy any drinks , though i will be honored if you will allow me to work around the tarven as a token of my sorriness

Blue, Male elven archer (level 1, 0exp)
50/50hp, 25/25mp, 5+0str,9+1dex,8+0agi, 4+0int
12 attack, 6defense, 3 resistance, 0% evasion
Wooden Shortbow, Cutstom Bronze Arrows, Leather Cap, Bronze Chainshirt
30 Gold
holy shit my sig was big!

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Smiling again at the apology, the barmaid flicks her hand as if swatting a fly. "'Tis a'right. Ah get it all day, ye see. Drunk'uns, tha find'n it 'ard ta' keep thems hands in thems laps. You, poin'ee ears, ye-ah seem a bit more manner'd." She looks over her shoulder as the barkeep shouts something impossible to hear over the rest of the tavern.

Turning back, she nods to you and starts to walk away. "Oh, an' uh, if-n yer lookin' fa' some work, may'e ta ol' man 'hind tha counn'er can help ye-uh right out. Tha 'keep's name is Willtonne, buh jus' call 'im Willy." She smiles again, and heads off to serve other patrons.

Oh, and Sepiroth666 did spend too much:
-90g = Bronze Battleaxe
-20g = Wooden Shield
-20g = Leather Cap
-125g = Bronze Scalemail
Dragonblade: First Awakening - Demo not yet available
Dragonblade: The Forum game - Join now!

Level 91
(ooo... i was looking at the price of another armor Oo now i see why i fail math -.-)

Blue gets seriously annoyed by the horrible english the barmaid is using, but doesn't show it as he got what he needed.
my thanks barmaid, i will never forget your kind help
Blue walks toward Will and sits next to him.
Hello there my good sir, could you by any chance be Will?
I am an ex-soldier with too much spare time and too less of a job, rumors came to my ears saying you offer some kind of a job, any chance this is true?

Blue, Male elven archer (level 1, 0exp)
50/50hp, 25/25mp, 5+0str,9+1dex,8+0agi, 4+0int
12 attack, 6defense, 3 resistance, 0% evasion
Wooden Shortbow, Cutstom Bronze Arrows, Leather Cap, Bronze Chainshirt
30 Gold

i bet that barmaid spits when she talks... is it allowed to shoot arrows at npcs?
holy shit my sig was big!