The RPG Maker Resource Kit

RMRK RPG Maker Creation => RPG Maker General => General Tutorials and Eventing => Topic started by: Best-Gammer on November 13, 2006, 04:11:04 PM

Title: My tut for tasks andm events
Post by: Best-Gammer on November 13, 2006, 04:11:04 PM
This is for Rpg maler 2000 and 2003 only,,Only!

this helps with tasks and other that you can think of...

so you want to make a even that becomes a task..basiclly going bak and forth bring items from one person to another and you see that you keep getting the same item and every time you deleiver it the other person keeps on saying thnx alot and keeps giving you money...

well heres my tutorial

1st off you should alredy have  youtr even set up and the task up and rddy

person-i need you to delever a iron swprd to my firend.
you-ok i will but what is my reward
person-you will get 100gp for your ahrd work
you-ok i will
person2-o you got my sword!
person2-take this money back to my friend

ok now you got that set up

now you wanna do this

copy the page this even is goin on

then highlight the page again and press paste

now you got a copy of the origonal

now all you do is change all the event to something different

tele you guy to the exact place hes standing but in the copy map

make sure everyonen says something different

now you want to return to the person and he'll say thank tou and heres 100gp

now set another even or keep on going
Title: Re: My tut for tasks andm events
Post by: Blizzard on November 15, 2006, 11:18:05 AM
Lol, why is it supposed to work only with RM2k and RM2k3? Also I think there is a better solution for this in the RMXP FAQ. No multiple maps and a lot better explained. Look under "How do I make a quest where..." and you will see what I mean. Other than that you should improve this tutorial. Some screenshots are always a good idea.
Title: Re: My tut for tasks andm events
Post by: Best-Gammer on November 16, 2006, 05:09:00 AM
ok i will