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Walking Billboard
Level 87
APOLOGY IN ADVANCE: ERR, SORRY. I might use a couple of 2k3 terms by accident throughout the course of this question.

Hi :)

Justa quick question:

I was bored, so i tried out a little experiment with RMXP character sets: Y'know how there's two "idle" frames on each charset? two identical frames where the actor simply stands as opposed to walking? I marked each separately, and this is what i found:

The first "idle" frame is the default standing position. the second is only for use in walking frames. Each idle frame is used alternately throughout the walking animation.

What I want to know is, is it possible to use scripts to stop this alternation? Is it possible to tweak the animation so that one frame is used as a true "idle" frame, only to be used when the actor isn't walking?

The idea is that one idle frame could be used to let the actor "relax" into his own cool standing position. That's the only merit I could think of to it, really.

Is it possible? What do you think, folks?

Spoiler for:
I put this in troubleshooting because I'm simply wondering if such a thing is possible. Now that I think about it, it's a very fine line and i probably should have put this in scripting, but I'm in too deep now o_o
« Last Edit: December 14, 2009, 02:07:31 AM by kitkatkan »

Level 87
Yes.  In the Game_Character 2 script, the function update specifies which of the frames to use during walking by adding 1 to the previous frame number and modding by 4.  You could change that calculation to make it use a 2-3-4-3 pattern instead of a 1-2-3-4 pattern (though you'd have to experiment with the sequence).

The function straighten in Game_Character 1 looks like it might be the one that sets the sprite to the resting position, but I haven't looked at this thoroughly, and it wouldn't surprise me if that's for some other purpose and there's something else that handles this event.
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Walking Billboard
Level 87
Thank you, m'dear  :tpg: