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[2k3] Touhou Fantasy

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Level 84
It's not exactly a great one, and when I do feel like it, I'll make a sample game with a party switch example and PM to you. Hands full in making WDRPG v0.3 and my other game I'm trying to start...

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Ah....gotta love being busy eh? lol ^^;;

Anywho, I'll probably do some more and work the PHS in somewhere after that's done. So maybe next week I'll have SOMETHING to show for the next part ^^;

Level 84
I could give you an example of the party switching system I could make...

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
If you want. All up to you. ^^:b

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Well, after such a long break, I'll be working on this game again (even moreso after I'm done with my FFVI Advance video walkthrough....), though I still haven't touched the PHS system yet....still dreading that thing x_x

Level 84
Umm er... PHS?

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
The party-switch system basically. I don't know why I'm used to calling it PHS. Maybe too much Final Fantasy VII for me or something. lol

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Alright, I'm just going to bypass the party-switch system right now until I can get some help on this. For anyone that would like to really help on it and get a decent system going, just let me know. I can send the project to you so that you can help fix it up. It's the only thing that I just cannot understand on working T-T

Level 84
I can make a really crappy Party Switching System.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
As long as it works right now, I don't care. I just want to get a system done with it to begin with, then I'll try and expand on it later. Unless you want to take screenshots of the coding, I can send you the project. The only downside to me sending it though, obviously, is that I'm working ahead right now and getting things done. x_x

Level 86
Sonic Dog -> Light Spear -> Overlimit -> Slash
Well, I made myself a cop-out of a CMS party switcher (for the time being); and you can probably tie some sort of story into it. If you want, I can send you that system and you can get some inspiration.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
That would be extremely helpful if you could do that. Dunno if email or PM is the way to do the sending though. I'll leave that up to you I guess.

Right now, working on the southern part of the Human Village finally. I think I'll put a tutorial center here, since there's usually always a tutorial place in RPGs I think. ^^

Level 86
Sonic Dog -> Light Spear -> Overlimit -> Slash
I just PM'ed you the link. Enjoy (I guess).

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Will be adding this to the first page post, but here's the final fix patch for the beta (includes ALL bug fixes that I'm aware of, some that were.....unknown to me quite a bit) as well as the south part of the Human Village. There won't be anymore patches for the beta until the next beta release!


Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Weeeeellll.....some good news! I got the PHS (Now known as the HRCS, or Hakurei Reimu Calling System :v ) working now, thanks to Sirius for helping me with the idea behind it! Without him, I wouldn't have gotten it done, and probably wouldn't be able to move onwards like I can now ^^

So there'll probably be SOME progress now, though I still need to get Nitori's and Mokou's battle sprites in....oi vey x_x

Also, first post updated with an updated beta, since for some reason I couldn't just do a patch to the game. Probably due to me making a new area to the game or something....I don't know D:

One more note, avoid using the PHS for now, since even though i have it working, it's not installed in the game yet ^^;;
« Last Edit: August 09, 2009, 11:15:36 PM by Xenomic »

Level 84

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
One more patch boys, this is more or less a test to test out EXP and Leveling up (also patches up a few things I missed too)


If anyone can give me feedback on how this works as opposed to the original level up system (which I think sucked btw), do so ^^;

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Speaking of PHS system: 

There's the vid of how it works right now. I think it's perfect so far.

As for the EXP problem, I THINK I may have it down, so if I get it working right (requires me to go through a new game again, which makes me sad cuz of that opening. I know  I know......it is a long opening, but it is required kinda T-T) then a patch for EXP will come, along with a few new scenarios that are still locked :3

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic

THIS might be the EXP that I'll work with, so there ya go boys! Enjoy!

Fixes some character sprite issues, as well as Equipment issues (the status prevention accessories didn't do anything ^^;) as well

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Well, expect a couple new vids here later to showcase some sprites. Granted, I don't have attack animations for attacks and whatnot, but at least you'll get to see what things do, and how the sprites are ^^

Also, I'm thinking of having a few more temporary party members, or those that you can only use for certain areas only (such as Yukari I had planned originally as a temporary party member for much later in the game, and Sanae for the Youkai Mountain event). If anyone has any ideas on what to do for party members, just let me know! Here's what I have in mind for each area (granted, this is only a temporary list. Not all of these will even be used more than likely):

Forest of Magic - Dark Recesses: Possibly Alice
Hakurei Shrine - Uncovered Burial Grounds: Possibly Suika after beating her
Forest of Bamboo - Lunarian Path: Possibly Eirin
Makai Realm: Possibly Shikieiki. Yes, you heard right...
Youkai Mountain Assault: Possibly Sanae, or even possibly Sanae, Suwako, and Kanako
Hell of Blazing Fires Depths: Possibly Utsuho or Yuugi
Hakugyokurou - Netherworld Planes: Possibly Yuyuko
Pandaemonium: Possibly Tenshi, Keine, or Yumemi (yep, you heard right again)

So yeah, there's QUITE a bit that I have planned, and some might even become secret party members *hint hint*, though who would be the secret party members, good luck figuring THAT out. ^^

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
And video:

All that remains for sprites are Advent Cirno and Yuka, which will probably take a long while to do. As for the temporary party members, still waiting on that  right now.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic

THE absolute final patch for Touhou Fantasy Beta 1. Do note that it may or may not work with the old beta, hence the link to the new beta below:


HOPEFULLY I won't have to reupload the entire thing again since I added a couple new maps to the patch that's not in the beta.....
« Last Edit: August 31, 2009, 06:59:28 AM by Xenomic »

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic

Thanks to Grilleds, who found a few errors in here, mostly dealing with invisible people on the SDM roof, cutscene error with the first time to the SDM, and bad teleporting in the Hakurei Shrine ruins....stupid game .V.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
New video!

Yup. Completely redoing the entire world map. It's even bigger now, and uses the map up above as a reference. However, that's all the map is IS a reference, since there's still things not where the map would have them, and other things that will be there as well (Hell of Blazing Fires isn't even there at all :v )

Compare and contrast to this video of the old world map if you dare ^^

Also, new map of the Hakurei Shrine, which I think looks better than ever ^^

Human Village, I might just leave it as it is, and move onto the SDM to fix it up (that'll take quite a while ^^;; ). After that, I'll fix up the world map some more (if anyone has any suggestions on that, feel free to let me know ^^ ), then fix up the inventory some, give new techniques (as well as abilities that can only be gotten through items), add new enemies for the overworld, and then finally FINALLY move on with the story ^^;
« Last Edit: September 04, 2009, 03:02:46 AM by Xenomic »

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Basically, EVERYONE is getting new weapon names. Here's the rundown on who's getting how many weapons:

Reimu: 16
Marisa: 14
Sakuya: 16
Patchouli: 13
Meiling: 16
Aya: 12
Youmu: 18
Momiji: 14
Komachi: 15
Remilia: 9
Mokou: 12
Reisen: 12
Yuka: 8
Nitori: 11
Advent Cirno: 14
Spoiler for:
Yumemi: 7
Yukari: 7
Sanae: 9
Alice: 13
Utsuho: 8

Yup. Those in the spoilers are the new ones being added in as "special" characters. In other words, even if you get them (save for one or two), they won't have any impact on the actual story. Think of them like the special characters in Seraphic Gate in Valkyrie Profile. Like them. Also, a run-down on the weapon types:

Reimu: Goheis, Talismans, Ying Yang Orbs
Marisa: Brooms
Sakuya: Knives
Patchouli: Books
Meiling: Fist weapons
Aya: Fans
Youmu: Katanas
Momiji: Bastard swords
Komachi: Scythes
Remilia: Claws (think of how Bowser was in SMRPG....kinda like that for Remi)
Mokou: Fist weapons
Reisen: Bullets
Yuka: Umbrellas
Nitori: Special weapons, wrenches
Advent Cirno: Broadswords
Spoiler for:
Yumemi: Guns
Yukari: Umbrellas
Utsuho: Arm cannons
Sanae: Onusas
Alice: Dolls

There is also one additional character that may or may not stay....haven't decided yet ^^

And here are the current names of weapons for each character so far:


Ying-Yang Orb
Divine Talisman
Mystic Sage
Noble Gohei
Ailment Talisman
Healing Gohei
Asura Gohei
Ether Gohei
Virtue of Light (ultimate weapon right now)


Tsubame Gaeshi
Amaterasu (ultimate weapon)
Tsukiyomi (ultimate weapon)


Bastard Sword
Ama no Murakumo (ultimate weapon)


Tepes (ultimate weapon)


Járngreipr (ultimate weapon)

Advent Cirno:

Watermelon Blade
Waffer Sword
Chocolate Sword
Lucky Popsicle Stick
Honey Sword
Tsurugi -EASY- (ultimate weapon)

Yup....that's it. If anyone has any other names that would be good, go for it. I have no idea for most of these guys' ultimate weapons ^^;