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Signature And Avatar Rating

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This is where you rate signatures and avatars. Now, you can't just rate it 1/10 with no explanation. To keep this topic from being a spam topic, rate it (1 being lowest, 10 being highest) and make sure you give an explanation on why you like/dislike the signature or avatar (about 10 words).

Ava 10/10
Sig 9/10

Both very good.  8)

Sig 8/10
AVA 9/10

I like my avatar better than signature.

Um... Who were you rating? lol, all you did was rate...

On this, you gotta put the person's name, i.e.,

Bob - Avatar 5/10, sig 5,10 and a brief description, you know, too keeo it from being just post and rate.

AV- 8/10 Mandy moore is cool. She looks relly good in that pic.
Sig- 0/10 It looks like your advertising a Porn site.

AV- 9/10 Love the pic, it rocks
Sig- 2/10 Too much advertising

Av- 8.5/10 I like the drag thingy. It rocks, the texture looks awsome.
Sig-2/10 some ads, a banner, a saying then a life length? Too much in one.


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