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[2k3] Touhou Fantasy

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Level 86
Sonic Dog -> Light Spear -> Overlimit -> Slash
It's actually looking pretty good, Xenomic. My only concerns with the shrine map:

-Way too much open space, you can probably shrink the map to about half that size and keep the same amount of objects and it'll look great.
-The red entryway is missing one tile on the left side, and the big shrine is one tile uneven on the right side.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Yeah. Figured it'd still be too big ^^. Though I didn't notice the uneveness with those things. I'll have to take care of that when I get to them. Right now, in the process of completely overhauling my items (new weapons, armors, helmets, shields, and accessories).

I was going to make an accessory for allowing a character to change to and fro from her alter ego, but I can't seem to make an accessory that'll let me do that sadly. Booo! .V.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Well, some more name changes and whatnot:

Scrolls: I changed several of these, and added new things in here too (which some can only be gotten after a certain point in the game)

Skill Scrolls (Items that let you use techniques):

Hakurei Scroll: No longer lets you use Hakurei Amulet (which is a piece of crap anyways), but now lets you use Fantasy Orb.
Fire Scroll: No longer lets you use Agni Shine, but lets you use Fire.
Blizzard Scroll: No longer lets you use Icicle Fall, but lets you use Blizzard.
Spark Scroll: No longer lets you use Narrow Spark, but lets you use Thunder.
Kappa Scroll: No longer lets you use Hydro Camouflage, but lets you use Water. Also now costs 100 instead of 1500.
Tengu Scroll: No longer lets you use Gale Fan, but lets you use Aero.
Earth Scroll: No longer lets you use Earthquake, but lets you use Quake. Is also now buyable at 1500 instead of being 30,000.
Feu Scroll: Casts Fira. Costs 750.
Eau Scroll: Casts Blizzara. Costs 750.
Foudre Scroll: Casts Thundara. Costs 750.
Glace Scroll: Casts Watera.  Costs 750.
Kaze Scroll: Casts Aera. Costs 750.
Bio Scroll: Casts Bio. Costs 750.
Shadow Scroll: Casts Megid. Costs 200.

Skill Books (Teaches abilities, though only appears after defeating certain bosses or enemies):

Moonlight Scroll: Teaches "Moonlight Ray". Appears after defeating Rumia.
Meteor Scroll: Teaches "Meteor on Earth". Appears after defeating Wriggle.
Book of Life: Teaches "Resurrection". Appears after the first Scarlet Devil Mansion event.
Genealogy Scroll: Teaches "Sky-Born Genealogy". Appears after defeating Eirin.

There will be more like these, but most of these you'll either have to buy, find, or earn through "missions", which is something you'll see possibly in the next beta ^^

Still thinking of what else to add for scrolls and books.....speaking of books, here's the full list of Patchouli's weapons! All of them have been finally done, most of which can cast a spell if Patchouli uses them as items and have statuses that can be inflicted if you attack with Patchouli.

Magician's Book
Black Pullet (Casts Death)
Grimmerie (Casts Amnesia. This will more than likely change though)
Clavicula Salomonis (Casts Elixir. Yes, Elixir as in the item)
Feu (Casts Fira)
Eau (Casts Blizzara)
Glace (Casts Watera)
Foudre (Casts Thundara)
Grand Grimoire (Casts Quake. Will probably change)
Clavis Salomonis
Liber Juratus
Almagest (Ultimate weapon)
Necronomicon (Bonus weapon)

Also, a few other changes:

*Marisa's 2nd weapon is now known as Light Broom
*Youmu's Genji and Musashi are now  known as Petalchaser and Silkmoon respectively. Also, Onimaro is now known as Muramasa.
*Momiji's Orochi is now known as Colada.

That is all. I am still missing weapons for a lot of people, so if you want to contribute to naming them, you can. ^^

For those of you interested in seeing the full inventory lists, I can post them here if you wish to try and help with naming things ^^;;. Also, still no luck on finding a good mansion inners chipset to fix up the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Ugh x_x

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
NOTE!!!! I AM LOOKING FOR ANYONE WHO CAN HELP WITH MAKING A CUSTOM MENU SYSTEM!!! The reason behind this is that I'm trying to make the game a bit more unique by giving it a CMS, and I was thinking of doing a FF7 PHS system as well, though dunno how hard that'd be to do or not. If anyone is interested in helping on that bit, or anything with the project, drop me a line ^^

Fixed up the Hakurei Shrine, so that it's even smaller now (and the little graphical errors too, thanks to Sirius for pointing those out). Blue Magic system is working fine as well, and I THINK I have the attack/defense system set up and ready to go. Now all I'm trying to figure out is if I want to set attack to 255 max per party member or not.....because right now, Reimu (my main character, and the one in my avy btw) at Level 99 has an attack of 815.....and that just looks wrong to me in every way, shape and form. lol

Also added in a *gasp* skip intro command, for those who don't want to watch the intro for the billionth time, and now, after completing certain dungeons, an option to completely skip the dungeon whenever you revisit it (like the Misty Lake for instance) will become available.

There is also now a "Moogle Charm" accessory in the game as well, though that won't show up until later on. I'm about to also add in a new item that works as an "Enemy Repel" type deal, for a few seconds (making it somewhat expensive, yet cheap and available at the start of the game. Mainly for those that like low-level games and the like).

Still need to add in Utsuho, Keine, and Yumemi's sprites, and still need to get original sprites (as they have none at all, even in MUGEN) for Satori, Yuka, and Advent Cirno. Speaking of some sprites, video for you all:

As you can see, sprites for Yukari, Alice, and Sanae are all done. What's that? I thought Alice is a bad guy! Well.....that's what a story is for, isn't it?

Will probably work on techniques for these 3 (and the others) later on, though that'll take quite a bit of time. Still need one more "bonus" character to add to the game....not sure if I'll add more or not ^^;;

Currently test playing through the game again to see how the current attack/defense system works....also completely redid the inventory, so expect some new and neat things!

Big update there, since I haven't posted anything here in quite a while! Whew.....if you have any suggestions, feel free to let me know! Also, in case anyone missed this, the new world map was redone as well, as was the Hakurei Shrine. Human Village I think I'm going to leave as it is, but the Scarlet Devil Mansion will need redone (you'll probably spot the error right away with my early coding for the game here the first time you visit. Need to fix that). Yes, I know, it uses the regular RTP set, but hey! It's hard to find a good mansion chipset, or at least one that would work for the SDM if you know anything about it.

Info on the SDM can be found here, for those who are interested. Might give insight on how each area is supposed to look (namely, the roof, the library, and the lobby. If anyone wants to try and help with this, or can custom make the area sprites, do let me know ^^; )  : http://touhou.wikia.com/wiki/Scarlet_Devil_Mansion
« Last Edit: September 21, 2009, 08:01:03 AM by Xenomic »

Rep: +0/-0Level 83
*Hehehe I joined this forum just because i see your thread (via googling)*

You are awesome for editing image from SWR to be a RPG animation Sets...
(i never tried 2k3, up until now only 2k i've used... just because i can't edit the battle char set)
Right now i download it from the lastest link you post.. wanted to play it from the first time i see this thread...
and from the way i see it....

about the shrine...
your hakurei shrine is large (by looking at picture above)
but i think all you need is decrease it just a little and give it one or two things that can call an event that have a little useless event... such a talk between character or else...
Because.. if the shrine is too large it will painful just for walk and if it small, it seems that it only a small shrine...
and it lack trees... from what i saw in SWR hakurei's shrine is surrounded by trees

sorry if my post offended you...
i'm new in this forum but i liked your work by only just watching...

edit : It's....haaaaaarrddd.....
my Download Speed is 15KBPS at most (without browsing)....
i'll try to download it thought.
but still.... i think i can't finish the download at near time.... i may off well...
« Last Edit: September 22, 2009, 06:48:59 PM by Suzakurenzan »
Suika Suika Tsurupettan Suika~~
And sorry... for my bad english...

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Don't forget the fix patches for the game, which should be in the first post as well ^^;;

And yeah,  I shrunk the shrine down a lot compared to how it was originally. And I probably SHOULD add more trees to it....It'd at least make it look not so bare, and keep in-line with how it's supposed to be. ^^;;

Note that that beta is kinda hard yeah....so in order to make up for that, I'm testing through it again to fix up issues so that it's not so ridiculously tough like it was. So don't worry, next beta release, expect it to be slightly easier than it is in that beta ^^;;

Rep: +0/-0Level 83
MY Download Finished!!
from my last post up until now....
...phew... long time isn't it? (the speed is down... the fastest speed is 11kbps, but average is 7....)
the way i see it, SDM is quite quiet...
maybe gives a random movement "above" and Fast speed (not fastest) bats will give it a "vampire house" kind of image...
if you don't have bat's char set... here's one...

can i edit some of your maps...
just wanted to added something accecories in your map...
And so...
my first opinions:
1.In Event 1, When he walked from right to left...
i think he did better walked first and the screen pan eft with VERY~ slow....
so it can cathed up with his speed
(or speed him up one lv of speed then slow him down after he reaches the treasure)

2.Still In event 1, when marisa first came...
the screen (in my opinion) is too left, just pan it right for 3 or 4 and you will get a nice view with the gangs in center of map

edit :
ONE MORE..... i forgot....
how can you have mp3 in 2k series?
« Last Edit: September 23, 2009, 08:37:43 AM by Suzakurenzan »
Suika Suika Tsurupettan Suika~~
And sorry... for my bad english...

Rep: +0/-0Level 83
Where did that battle music come from? It's really nice.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
The battle music came from one of the Touhou games called Mountain of Faith, it being the stage theme for the final boss of that game.

As to Suzakurenzan, those are good suggestions. I'll probably do that to fix that scene up, since it kinda needs it (it was one of my earliest codings which I don't think I fixed the coding up at all really, so that could be something to do). And yeah, the SDM is pretty....empty, but that's due to most of the maids not being there (as stated by one of the maids). Then again, I'll probably add more maids after I fix up the entire inside, since I'm sure there's more rooms than what's there right now (that, and I would think the hallways would go in a square pattern anyways). The bats though....those will be a nice touch. ^^:b

Rep: +0/-0Level 83
I only have played it a little
but from the way i see it...
you have reimu as main character and when an event occur, she always faster than anyone...
it's natural since the walking speed is faster than event speed...
so what i want to tel is, if there's an event..
just slow down reimu / hero one bar, and after event return it..
so with that, you'll have reimu/hero have the match speed with other event....
and also i'm still doesn't know how to use mp3 in RPG 2k3...
Suika Suika Tsurupettan Suika~~
And sorry... for my bad english...

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
There should be an option to let you import MP3s IIRC. Just as long as you select MP3 from the drop-down list.

And yeah, that is something else I need to fix is her walking speed. I never remember that x_x

Rep: +0/-0Level 83
umm...... no
there's no mp3 files in my RPG Maker 2k3....
they played at game, but cannot edited...
they are even not showing the name of files..
the ony one which is showed is "evening star" which is ".wav"
it's normal for WAV can be played... but for MP3... i don't know...
how you did that so the mp3 can played in games?
btw, i LOLed at


but after that, i don't know which way i must go....
i turned my way to kirisame househod which is in south but cannot enter becase
"it's still not the time"
same goes to eientei.. then back to SDM and...
Died because of those maids... (I'm a moron didn't I?)
when i "load" back to world map the first before i beat cirno...
(AAARGH!!! i AM really a moron!!)
Suika Suika Tsurupettan Suika~~
And sorry... for my bad english...

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Yeah, you were supposed to talk to Hope first before going to the Forest of Magic ^^;;

And yeah, so far EVERYONE'S fallen for those maids....^^;;;

And that's odd....I don't know why you can't see MP3s in your RPG Maker when I see them just fine in mine. It was like that when I got mine o_o

Rep: +0/-0Level 83
Oh... need to talk to Hope once more eh?
i see... must play it again from cirno (the tomboyish girl theme is cool)
So nano ka~?
strange not in mine.... i can't see it.... btw
can you Upload your 2k3 folder
in my case :
C:Program Files/ASCII/RPG Maker 2003
but please...
move the "project" folder first so i don't download your project again
(or i'll must wait for another day just to download it *sob*)
if you can mediafire is nice but if you can't it's ok for MU
(my region is good at MF but is bad at MU)
Suika Suika Tsurupettan Suika~~
And sorry... for my bad english...

Rep: +0/-0Level 83
Marisa will becomes enemy i KNEW IT!!! BRAVO!!! you are great!!
I like your story up until now!!
(I love Master Spark but not now, Instant Death....sob....)
especially :
Marisa-Alice event : Aya
(......I think my nose is bleeding
from the shear amount of material
this can give me...)

and Reimu-Cirno event :
(Where is my camera)
and now for another sugesstion so far:

Event Easy or Hard :
1.Can you giva a choice between them...
i choose the wrong one (hard) and it didn't give me a chance to run for easier path
it's better to player to know and choose what path are they played...
and after choosing, i suggest to close for warp into world map...
because, when i try it, i can EXP&item farming from fighting Rumia and then fighting Mystia and then back to easy
path... so if you close the "teleport" to world map just for this event, i'm sure it will give impression that
"Rescueing Rumia/Mystia is much important now"-like

2.When Rumia and Mystia's hyptnotiz came off and rumia/mystya said that they want to help you..
better change the BGM with cirno one in boss battle so we can see they are really pumped up for assist you...

Event Marisa :
1.The Gap still open even the sound of closing gap is heard (i know this sentence is wrong, sorry for bad english)

2.and another suggestion on marisa event, when marisa caught alice (when serious conversation, not aya's joke)
how about give "Love Coulored Master Spark" BGM, so we can heard marisa do her best at stoping alice
and makes the event more touching...and ended with fade.. maybe 3-4 seconds

Event China... I mean, Hong Meirin :
When She joined party, she moves too much...
she walked throught reimu and suddenly dissapear two or three box behind reimu...

Event SDM...about Patchi's barrier
i will be good if you put
"need 4 key to turn off barrier" on koakuma's line
because i stuck when i think only 1 key needed...
(i knew from looked at "library door event" in RPG Maker)

(SDM mansion event now, after this event, i'll try to give another sugesstion... hehehehe)
Now i locked at Patchi's Key...
i got 3 out of 4...
1.in backyard (same map as roof)
2.from vivid in roof
3.from lil girl in Remi's room...
That's all maybe...
Once again, Sorry for being a lot words, hehehe...
i really liked your works...
Suika Suika Tsurupettan Suika~~
And sorry... for my bad english...

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
I'll look into adding those in and fixing them up. I was testing out the RPG as of right now, and well.....the Forest of Bamboo I think I made pretty darn tough....might have to make the enemies drop more Yen there so that it's fairer (and I need to be smarter about it and bring some darn Amulets....)

Also, regarding the Easy/Hard path, there's a sign at the start of each area that tells what path you're on. ^^;

As for that last key, you have to fight a specific maid in order to get it ^^;
« Last Edit: September 25, 2009, 02:45:44 AM by Xenomic »

Rep: +0/-0Level 83
no no Xenomic (lady yuyuko style), about easy/hard...
what i mean is, when i doesn't know where's the easy path,and incidently step in to "hard" mode...
it'll bring you a live threatening situation, because it's straight to boss without a chance to choose easy/hard first...
but then again, when i played in bamboo forest... i think i can quite know what are you thinking so...
those 2 sudden split route is act like a surprise doesn't it?

Phew, I'm beat....from unlimited maids work into unimited doors works

I've finished up until the last one...
Marisa and Alice that's it...

forrest of bamboo....agree
it's tought one... first trap....OK
second one.... ugh...OK
third-fourth... what.....uh... still hangon

and in eientei
"more traps? oh my...."
after all of that (i spent more than 4-5 hours just for look for traps in forest and in eientei)
when i reached fallen cirno
"YAY~!!! at least i reached it!!!"
(I can proud of my self can't I? Can't I? hehehehehehe...)
but I get a status [Renzan's status *Dizzy* *Confused* *Poisoned*]
ok now for another report
some error event occur...
1.in eientei first floor where's there's "unlimited door works" with trap...
i never get the real one... then when i checked on RPGM 2k3, it's located at right down of map...
no wonder i never get the next floor (so i cheated with ctrl just for advance to the next floor)

2.in shrine where reimu's step is less than the others...
so we can't see marisa and alice... and after battle (doesn't know why) it repeated once again from start

3. Theres 3 error event but i forgot... what's the 3rd one... if i remember it i will post it

right now i stopped at marisa and alice attacking reimu and gang in shrine ruin...
but i can't advance because of this eternity loop...

really looking forward for the next patch...
i love your story up until now... hehhehheh~
(*sigh* my post is long as ever.....sorry)
Suika Suika Tsurupettan Suika~~
And sorry... for my bad english...

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Yeah, if you manage to somehow beat them at the shrine, then it will loop. Then again, that's where the beta is supposed to end. I think I forgot to put the debug room at that point for the final version of that beta x_x

I'm trying to get the next beta going so that when I get that released, it'll be worth the wait. Currently working on the next dungeon (SDM, I only added 4 new rooms, branching from one hallway. I can't find any good chipsets that would work for the inners, especially if I want to mimic the style that I see of the lobby in IaMP/SWR/UNL. ^^;; ).

I also still need to finish naming Marisa's and Aya's weapons.....oi.....

And yes.....that's one thing that I love about the first floor of Eientei. Everyone misses that hidden path they can walk on at the start of the area. ^^

Rep: +0/-0Level 83
x_x no wonder no matter what i do can't reach that one door... now i can get it why many girls (remi and maid IIRC) said just look the wall T_T
I spent most of my time in that one... up until 3 times of loop with all door's trap defeated

it probably hint which is given by remilia already but how about gives the player a little hint in that room... say if :
Spoiler for:
I see.....these hallways are
an illusion....there's only one
real door to where we want

Leave it to me! My intution
will get us through this.

And remember....
you musn't trust your eyes
there's must be a path that
cannot be seen around here


And you mustn't trust the one
which can be seen
Like i said,
these hallways are an illusion

even with that chat, i think everyone still need one or two loops before they realized "that" wall...

but then again it's your decision what "chat" is used
that lobby style in SWR....wow....
it's hard o_O
but i think SDM is good already...
if you want to more accescories, then maybe elegant type wallcandle will do...
it is mansion, if you want to give a little impression and acceccories, i think elegant type Wall candes...
with animated...
I have a candle set but that is for dungeon... a "normal" one not an "elegant" one...
i'll try to find the char set for this candle if you want it

And one more....
for the Hallways in SDM....
add some of pilars will make the map a little nice.....hehehe
well at least that's all what i'm thinking...
if there's any that i can help you, i'l try...
« Last Edit: September 25, 2009, 12:39:05 PM by Suzakurenzan »
Suika Suika Tsurupettan Suika~~
And sorry... for my bad english...

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Ironically enough, the "wall" bit that Remi talks about was in reference to a barrier I had in the old world map. Though I should add that hint as you have it put to Reisen's dialogue, since it'd make it a bit easier methinks.

And well....my gripe about my SDM is that....it just feels empty and bare as to what the SDM would be like. Or what I would imagine it to be like anyways. Probably would be candles there since there's not supposed to be that many windows, as stated in the SDM article on the Touhou wiki.

And pillars huh? Hmmm.....might not be a bad idea actually.

Rep: +0/-0Level 83
Ironically enough, the "wall" bit that Remi talks about was in reference to a barrier I had in the old world map
o_O WhoOoOps... i don't think about those walls...
all i know is those wall will came off if i continue the story and that's it..... ^_^;
miscommunication perhaps? ^_^;
SDM huh?
in different peoples SDM have different image...
it's cool isn,t it?
ok for more suggestion....
errr...... how about giving the hallways and front foyer useless door(s)
so there's a door but when you try to open it

Spoiler for:
It's Locked


Spoiler for:
*Theres a maid standing beside it*
Sorry this is a changing room
for Remilia-sama
you can't enter this room

and adding a bathroom....
but when reimu try to open it

Spoiler for:
I think this is bathroom
I can heard many sound
of splashing water


Uh-oh, the way we're stand
here for nothing is just like a
peeping tom...

Better escape from here before
that head maid misunderstandme

so the players can see many rooms in SDM (even thought half of it is illusions/fake doors)
and SDM looks like not empty...

and actually i have another idea but it will make you must re-design almost all of SDM inner design...
what about this...
Spoiler for:
have the floor tile in SDM inner is not red carpet but a normal tile
and then gives the second floor "edge tiles" at edge of the carpet
just like i pointed in my picture
(I always used edge tiles in my inner map... like edge ties for wall, edge tiles for carpet.. etc)

for 1st floor, i didn't use carpet because of *ojou-sama ego*
Remilia mosty used 2nd floor all of time
so most maid mostly used 1st floor all of time
Suika Suika Tsurupettan Suika~~
And sorry... for my bad english...

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Hmm....that would be a good idea with the tile, but AFAIK, it's all red carpenting in the mansion x_x

Hm....that's not a bad idea with the doors though. I should add more hallways perhaps?

Rep: +0/-0Level 83
all red in mansion is agree.......
i wrote & made that because i think of making SDM more variant...
another hallway.... umm....
i think those 4 hallways are already enough...
the way i see it is, SDM is empty at front and at hallways...
so if you made another hallways it will have no effect... except if you realy want to make use of that hallways
for flandre's old room for treasure perhaps (before she prisoned underground)
there's something missing and i always wondered what it is....
and now i know... it's living room for tea where remi can have a cup of tea...
it imposible for master (at least remilia) eat and drink with same table as maids
and for wall...
a couple of painting?
i never seen a vampire painting just like lahar fathers at disgaea in RPG maker char set....
make it is easy but it will downgrade the picture a lot
Suika Suika Tsurupettan Suika~~
And sorry... for my bad english...

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
I suppose that is true. So no more hallways then ^^

As for the place where Remi would eat....hmm.....that is something I overlooked. I always thought she ate out on the balcony, which you can see outside from the front foyer. Just no way to get to it ^^;

Rep: +0/-0Level 83
wew....i played toho 2, (Love coloured Magic is surely a great song)
and didn't realized that i not yet click "post" to reply you...
The balcony eh.... umm.....
i can't think anymore for acceccories in vampire mansion...
maybe if you combine all my suggestion it will full....
just try first hehehe.. i want to look the difference when it's done
Suika Suika Tsurupettan Suika~~
And sorry... for my bad english...