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[2k3] Touhou Fantasy

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Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Holy crap it's been a month and nothing here!? Don't worry! It's not dead (and neither am I)! I've been (slowly) working on it, doing sprites and whatnot for future betas so I don't have to do them later (that, and people won't have to restart the game everytime I add someone new!). Story is also progressing, albeit extremely slowly. I *MAY* do a video on the brand new characters too, but that's heavy spoilers there. Just know that the cast went from 24 something characters to 48 characters...

Rep: +0/-0Level 82
That's a lot of playable characters
I'm stuck, I don't remember where I have to go after the SDM
Yeah, I had to restart yet again

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Which time that you go to the SDM? lol

If it's the first time, you go to the Hakurei Shrine. If 2nd time, you go to...um....Forest of Bamboo I believe. Either there or back to the shrine....don't remember x_x

herp derp
Level 81
Newclear Bomb
I thought touhou games were like bullet hell games. IDK. looks good though

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
They are bullet hell games. Though kinda hard to make a bullet hell type of rpg tbh ^^; lol

Rep: +0/-0Level 82
First time
I did go to the shrine, then I tought I was supposed to go to Rinnosuke's house to trigger that event, but I didn't

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Did you make sure to talk to Hope after the event there then? You have to to trigger the event at Kourindou afterwards.

Rep: +0/-0Level 82
Ah, thanks. It seems I only thought I talked to Hope, but did not.
Now to Mystia and Rumia

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
And now I need motivation to work on this again lol >_<

After my 3 month break from the release of beta3, I haven't really done much. Been pretty much been doing sprite crap for the other 24 characters so I don't have to do them later (That, and I'm trying to tidy up database crap for future betas so people don't have to restart later on in the game....which would suck considering beta4 is meant to be the halfway point....yes, I know....long freaking game. Only been working on it for 1 1/2 years now....x_x).

So yeah...unless I get motivation to work on this, not much is gonna get done. This is what I'm currently doing:

*Spritework for all characters (4 characters don't have sprites, while 2 others NEED better sprites since their sprites don't match with the rest of the characters. 2-3 characters need their sprites resized....joy). This also includes fixing up status sprites for EVERYONE....ugh.
*Attack animations for everything. Haven't really worked on this AS much save for the new characters, but you know....also need to fix up some animations since they're wonky and don't work right (stupid Global positioning...).
*Mapping....oh joy mapping! We ALL know how I love that (and how good I am with mapping...). I really think I should go back and remake some of the older dungeons/towns, but that would take ages for me to do...blech.
*New skills/weapons for each character. Yup...I actually upgraded/nerfed some characters with skills. For instance, Reimu I thought wasn't that good, while I thought Momiji was TOO good, so stuffs happened. I still don't think Reimu's that good though even with the new stuff....maybe it's because I did a speed run of my own game when I streamed it....

That's pretty much it right now. DID manage to get SOME storyline done, but yeah...the storyline won't move really until I get the mapping done and well...I hate mapping so that should tell you how much will get done >_>

Also, still open to sidequests/optional areas for the game! Though that may be the last thing I work on as I'm trying to get the main story stuff done first before working on the optional/side stuff, hence why I haven't fixed the missions at Youkai Mountain yet...

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
I am currently looking for people who are willing to help with mapping! Dear lord I'm looking for people who are willing to help with mapping T-T. Why? Because I hate it and I'm just no good at making innovative designs. That, and I'm not good at coming up with ideas of making dungeons more progressively difficult (I don't want a bunch of maze like dungeons for later dungeons...maybe trickier puzzles or something but I'm no expert at coding either...). That, and I need a couple spriters to help with getting character sprites (battle animations in this case) done so I can actually HAVE them for the characters x_x

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Don't worry folks! Still going at it, and almost done with this event (not going to spoil ANYTHING). Once this event is done, the rest of beta4 will be a breeze (yes, beta4 IS that short. Might be a bit longer though since I have more ideas to implement which heavily affect the storyline). Beta5 however, WILL take a while to do, and I plan on doing that with beta4 so....why is that gonna take a while? Because beta5 is essentially NOTHING but new maps. And note, it's not in Gensokyo either.

And before anyone asks about the 3 fairies (Sunny Milk, Star Sapphire, and Luna Child), yes, they ARE in here...just not very plot related (they somewhat ARE for Cirno, but that's for an event in beta4). They're more sidequest related and whatnot (especially when you control Marisa later on at the Mushroom Grove). Also, expect quite a bit of new moves for each character. And a LOT of temporary characters in beta4/5 especially. This is where those other 24 characters kinda come into play too.

Rep: +0/-0Level 75
Let's Player
May I ask how you made your character's face on the bottom of the screen, during a battle. I got some systems that I could use really well if I knew how.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
In the Battle Layout tab, just use the Gauge option in the Battle Type segment. It'll use whatever face portrait you have for them in your menu screen.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
And now I'm contemplating on revamping the skills system to where the player does not learn skills through level ups, but by unlocking them through using other skills, and then buying them. Though I'm not sure on how to go about doing this, nor how to set it so that you can't use the skills/buy them/use the items to learn them until the appropriate character is at the right level. I think I have to go into Monster Groups and put it on every tab such as

If [Hero] uses [Fire]
Variable [Fira] +1

And then after [Fira] would hit 50, I would make it so that it would be buyable in the shop then. Or something like that....I'm not sure. Can anyone help me on this at all? I would like to at least be a bit different with skills than most rpgs if possible x_x

And don't worry...I'm working on this as fast as possible now to release beta4. Yes, I said release beta4. I decided to do this instead of waiting for beta5 since we've gone too long without a beta...so I thought it'd be nice if people had something to mess around with until beta5 got done (which is gonna take forever since I hate mapping). If anyone that is good with mapping can help, do let me know D:
« Last Edit: September 05, 2010, 03:56:07 AM by Xenomic »

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic

No, the beta isn't out yet. I'm still working on it but getting closer to getting it done (currently working on Yuka's story path). But here's the thing...I need good remixes of themes! Why? Because I don't HAVE good remixes for themes for certain areas in the game. I'll list the areas in the spoilers below.

Spoiler for:
Kappa Caves - No, Nitori's stage theme won't work here. It needs to be...dark for this. I won't go into details since that'd spoil the story of that area, but yeah....

Confrontation with Entities of Pandora - This is an overworld theme for when confronting the entities, mainly with Order as she's the main antagonist hereon out for most of the story aside from Rinnosuke and YuugenMagen. Doesn't HAVE to be Touhou related for this one for once...just something that'd fit.

Battle with Kurumi - Yeah...I can't really find any good Scarlet Phoneme remixes so unless SOMEONE can find a really good one....this is gonna be tricky...I may have to use the normal boss theme for this...

Mugenkan - Yup...dunno if Alice Maestra or Lotus Love would be best for this...

Battle with Elly - Perdition Crisis is probably what will be used here, but which one? I have like 2-3 on my playlist, but not sure which one would fit the best!

Yuka's boss battle with Yuka - No, you're reading this one right. Anywho, Flower Land is out since that's Yuka's NORMAL boss fight, so that really leaves Inanimate Dream or Sleeping Terror. I MAY have a good one for this, but I want to see if anyone else has any good suggestions. Right now, Time Limit's version is the one I'm thinking of using.

The rest are later on in the story, so MUCH SPOILERS, but for those that would like to help, feel free to ^^;

Spoiler for:
Battle with Seihou Reimu - Dichromatic Butterfly is the theme I'd like to use here, but I don't know which one would fit perfect for this fight. This is mainly for Reimu to learn Fantasy Heaven btw.

Battle with Seihou Yuka - Again, Flower of Japan would be nice here, since it's her Seihou theme, but I haven't found one that would work...x_x

Battle with Three Fairies - Right now, I'm using this theme for this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aGQDrdF714

However, I don't know if that'd work for this or not. I originally had this intended long before FW came out, but yeah...lol...also, they have no relevance to the plot whatsoever. They're pretty much optional all in all.

Pandaemonium - Not sure WHAT to use for this place's theme....Last Judgment? End of the World? What!? x_x Btw, this is Shinki's castle for those who don't know.

Battle with Shinki - I HAVE a theme (being O-Life Japan) but wondering if anyone knows of any other themes that'd work for this boss fight?

Battle with Minoriko - Originally, this wasn't going to be a boss fight, but it's much MUCH later that this happens. But yeah....good remixes for this?

Battle vs EX Letty - A very special battle later on, but not sure WHAT will work. Some special version of Crystalized Silver?

Battle vs EX Rumia - This one...no idea at all!

Battle vs Koakuma - This is mainly Patchouli & Meiling vs Koakuma really, but yeah....

Battle vs PC-98 Alice - Plastic Mind of course, but dBu's or another?

Battle vs Medicine - Currently using dBu's but is there better?

Battle vs Meira - Only have one remix, but could use more if there's one more suiting...

Battle vs Nitori - Special boss fight, but yeah...would her theme from MoF work at all??

Battle vs Youki - Was thinking a remix of Border of Life or Till When, but not sure...

Remember, those WILL spoil a bit of upcoming events, but if you don't care about that, and would like to help on the music bit, then feel free to help! I can use it for this x_x  I'll probably have a LOT more that I'll need later on, but that'll be for when I get to them...

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Yeah...I didn't get the beta out at the end of this month like I wanted to, but it's ok I suppose, since I'm trying to make sure the script is smooth and doesn't drag on too much (I think it kinda does at some points). Also...for those that would like to help with this project, I'm including a link to all of the maps thus far. It'll include maps NOT done yet, so be on the lookout for those. If you need additional info or data, just let me know.


All help is greatly appreciated once again. Note that this will not include future maps, as those will be for much later. If you wish to improve on the old maps, by all means, go ahead and try to make them better. Though I still like Youkai Mountain a lot...I don't know if you can see events just by those alone, or if you need other data or whatnot...eheheehe.....and of course, this is spoilers for the game, so unless you don't want spoilers, don't get :x 

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Oh man! Over a month and I never got the beta out...I'm disappointed in myself >_<

Anywho, I actually AM making progress now. Just two more dungeons to go and I'm done with story and mapping for this beta. What's left after that? Monsters is all that's really left, then one final runthrough to test things out. Still deciding on how to do abilities and whatnot. Might make it so that you have to buy them or something....well, here's all the ideas (contribute to em if you want, though whether or not I'll be able to pull them off is a different story):

Route #1:

Make it so that you don't learn any abilities through leveling up, and you have to buy abilities (no level cap).

Route #2:

Make it so that you have to use so-and-so abilities x amount of times before a skill appears in a shop, then have to be at the right level to buy it and use it.

Route #3:

Learn abilities naturally as right now, and have special tomes for learning other abilities (originally, Rumia's Moonlight Ray was meant to be a skill that anyone could learn. I nixed the idea out though since I'd have to make like 48 different versions of it due to people have different skillsets). However, this may hurt Koishi's performance as she's meant to be the Blue Mage of the game (taking Satori's place, since Satori was originally meant to be playable, and not Koishi).

Those are the only ideas I have at the moment for the Ability system. I'm just trying to spice it up a bit and not make it so bland, where you level up to get abilities...

Rep: +0/-0Level 82
If you can make route 1 so not every character would be identical do to their ability to purchase skills then It could really work out.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Well, I have it set so that every character (save for a very few) have completely different skill subsets, so that won't be an issue. That, and I'd make them specific to the characters anyways. Though that could also potentially break the game too so I don't know lol

Rep: +0/-0Level 74
RMRK Junior
Well, I'm just a random guy who will say something.

When I'm watching touhou vids at youtube, I suddenly saw a video of touhou rpg, then yeah obviously I checked ur profile then boom, I'm here.

When I saw your first post, I'm quite disappointed, that there will be only 3 betas and you stopped but when I read each post of yours and other people too, until the last one which is "NOVEMBER 10,2010" Yeah, as IN LATEST, JUST A FEW DAYS AGO. I'm quite Surprised that you're still doing your job!

To Make It Simple, There's one of a fan of yours WAITING FOR YOUR NEXT BETA :D

Even tho. . . I'm still just downloading your game lololol
Keep up the good work! I'll look forward into it :D
That would serve as a Christmas gift for me! whatever date it is! LOL

( ゚д゚)ο彡゜ Meiling! Meiling!

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Well, I'm still "slowly" working on it. My biggest issue is that I just don't want to do mapping. Yes, I know that that's a major part of making this, but argh! So blasted boring for me...I'm only good at story I tell you! >_<

Level 83
Haha! Take your time, Xenomic, rushing won't help the game be any better, so working on it slowly would be good. Anything worth doing, is worth doing well ;)

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Well, I've been going a little TOO slowly I think lol. But again, most of that is due to mapping (that, and some parts of the story I wasn't happy with when I did them. Still don't think they seem right right now but that'll be for later I suppose). Once the mapping of the last two dungeons for beta4 are done (storyline with those at that), I can work on adding in the monsters and stuff (which I haven't done except bosses), then work on the new ability system I think (to test it out), and then whatever else! Though I WOULD like to make unique abilities, but that'd take some programming knowledge and whatnot to do (like make a White Wind ability or something....).

Level 83
Its too bad you're not using VX. It comes with sample maps.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Twould have taken FAR too long for me to transfer everything over to that, hence why I never went to VX or XP. That, and I didn't feel like trying to script in there lol ^^;