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What kind of Story you Like???

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Level 92
Guns don't kill people. Magic missiles do.
The only games that I've ever played that have every aspect of gaming that I look for (expertly-written dialogue, healthy humor, deep/unique storyline, believeable/awesome characters, and fun-fun-fun gameplay) are Zelda: Majora's Mask and a little-known RPG on the Game Boy Color titled Magi-Nation.  Freakin' greatest games ever.

Level 90
I liked the plot in Kingdom Hearts, it was easy to follow. I also liked the plot in FFX, I actually was addicted to that game (My first FF played), FFVIII was confusing, the reading got my eyes tired, Bomberman world was heaps of fun, full of bright colors and heaps of suspense, but the story line is really original but it alright. Devil May Cry 1 was good, but short and last but no least, all the anime and manga series I have watched/read till episode/volume 2 were good.


Level 88
0w/\/Z0Rz im back Baby!
Sonic and Mario=no good

hardly a storyline..just stoping eggman or bowser from taking over the world or castle

now DBZ(Dragonball Z) has a great sotryline...stoping evil to save the earth and dealing with some everyday stuff
September 13, 2007, 06:56:52 PM <-  Last Login
I returned and better than ever!
Don't mess with me.

Level 88
What a drag...
I like story lines that are completely different from what you expect... like this one game my older sister made... it was awesome, she made it out that the main character and his friends were going to reunite their nation with three other nations. In the end, a great war broke out. The main character went to each of the nations and stole something precious from each of the rulers. And he had this whole speach for when the rulers came to get their precious items, but totally blew the speech. In the end, he was hanged for treason against the three nations, and though the three items (which were actually two 21 year old girls and a 13 year old boy) were returned to their homes, no peace came to the nations. In the fourth nation's (the mages/elves) desperate attempt for peace, they created a race called 'humans' which were kind creatures. They hoped these humans to bring peace, but instead the other nations resented and tried to destroy them.

That's the end of the game 'Precious Peace', but a prequel to her game she's working on now, 'Birth of Legend'

Anyway, it's a plot you don't see too often... main character getting killed and screwing everything up worse... it was kinda a twist, sorta, and I liked it.
Cap'n Jack Sparrow: Mr. Gibbs, you may throw my hat if you'd like.
Gibbs: Hooray! *throws hat*
Cap'n Jack Sparrow: Now go and get it.

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
This is what I belive makes a great game.

1. Memorable PCs.
2. A villian who is unique... Hey sorry guys, I think Sephiroth was totally generic.
3. At least one thing that pushes the limits of whats acceptable.
4. A constant underlying theme, E.G. When does the line between right and wrong blur... Or something.
5.The setting, characters and villian need to fit together.

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
Sonic and Mario=no good


lol it really is
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Level 92
Guns don't kill people. Magic missiles do.
Hey, I played Secret of Mana (Seiken Densetsu 2) for the first time about a week ago... and I just have to wonder...

Did Tales of Symphonia steal their entire plot from Secret of Mana?!

I think... anyone who has played both games will know exactly what I'm talking about...

For the record, Yggdrasil was a sucktastic villain.  While far from generic, his whole motive for ...being evil... was just way lame.

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
Yggdrasil is the world tree, Yossy. It connects all planes of exsistance. They just bastardized a part of my religion, that's all.

Level 92
Guns don't kill people. Magic missiles do.
I know all that, but Yggdrasil was also the name of the villain in ToS.  They pronounced his name wrong, too.  Actually, every character pronounced his name differently, which is even more pathetic because not even one of them got it right.

Level 88
My ex girlfriend's brother loved gay werefox porn
Hey, I played Secret of Mana (Seiken Densetsu 2) for the first time about a week ago... and I just have to wonder...

Did Tales of Symphonia steal their entire plot from Secret of Mana?!

I think... anyone who has played both games will know exactly what I'm talking about...

For the record, Yggdrasil was a sucktastic villain.  While far from generic, his whole motive for ...being evil... was just way lame.

Actually Secret of Mana originated with Final Fantasy Legend. Both are very good games!
I review RPG Maker Games. If you want me to review yours PM me. If you want to read my reviews, check out the review forum.

Level 88
Now do you know who I am??
I'd have to say I like a good Fantasy with a classic story, like Kingdom Hearts, who ever knew such a used storyboard could make a great game.

Level 88
Don't get down one me man, FF8 might have been too sci-fi for you, but you have to admit..... The plot of the game was good. It had a lot of twists in it, and the gameplay was fun as ever. But in my opinion, FF X was the greatest Final Fantasy Simply for all the new features and graphics, that goe along with a dynamite storie and traditionally, plenty of playable characters.

PS: FF7 was the greatest of it's time, but it's time to let go..... Nah, It's always gonna be the best FF  ;D Sephiroth, I mean c'mon do i need to say more?
What seems to be your boggle?

Art Master
Level 90
No. You need not say more. We need  no more Sephiroth. Hojo & Jenova were THE best IMO. The end  :)

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
Sephiroth fears Kefka. End of story.

Level 88
The light in the middle of a night
Hmmm i love games that have a bit of everything. Humor is important!
I like that when the heroes are trying to sneak into the bad guys base, one of them starts shouting "WAHAHAHA! YOU CANNOT DEFEAT ME BECAUSE I'M PSYCHODUDE!" out loud and suddenly a guard comes and they are caught. "Look at the bright side! We get free cookies!"
I'm a multitasker!
Project Nakabi: Dark Killer, and The Dark Clock

Level 92
Guns don't kill people. Magic missiles do.
Free cookies.  :tpg:
That's an awesome first post.  Welcome to the forums!

Level 88
If anyone has played Kingdom Hearts, the first one, I say that game had the best story plot ever. Not the part where ur going to disney worlds. But the fact that you, your best friend, and ur Girlfriend all get seperated (on different worlds) and desperately search for each other makes for a great game. Then to top it off, you have to lose one friend in order to save the world, yet you still can't go back to your home world to be with ur girlfriend. A lose lose situation. The plot was phenominal if you ask me. But that's just me!!
What seems to be your boggle?

Level 89
I am yourself!
For me, best thing is...
My story!

Long and Complicated...
Symphony of Alderra : Memoirs of Life

Storyline : 200% (Overimaginatives)
Scripting : 100% (At last...)
Eventing  : 100%
Mapping   : 0.125%

Level 87
ppl with B&W pics are not emo, ppl with anime are.
Well I hate the old before cars type stuff. im not a fan of space storys either. i like mine to be somewhere between 1800-2200. As for romance, most games just do it wrong. its not realistic. In real life I'm and underground pick-up artist, so i know exactly what to do to get a girl and lose a girl under most situations. in most games the main character does the exact OPPISITE of what would attract a woman -their insecure, they compliment her, they puther on a pedistal, buy her gifts,call her beautiful, treat her like a princess" which is the oppisite of what attracts a good looking girl. so basically if games have this horrible romance that is very unbelievable, i dont play them. now if they have realist romances, kinda like ashe sorta liking balthier in ff12, thats realistic. i like that. I hate having a "must find and kill the main bad guy" type of game. it makes the game seem like you just wondering around buying time until the final battle with the villian. i like ff8 alot so storys like that where you dont know how the gamaes going to end. all the .hack have great storylins too. anything where you dont know whats going to happen. oh and they gotta be philsophical and question what is human or the meaning of life. and its good if your not sure if your the bad guy or the villian is. you could both be fighting to improve the world, but yoru views clash. hell im going to be a writer someday -part time pick up artist- and i ask myself when playing a game "If this were a book would i actually read it?"
"Your already not f*cking her, what have you got to lose?" - Mystery

"What I'm really after," Mystery finally
said, "is for people to be envious of me, for women to want me and men to want to be me."
"You never got much love as a child, did you?" Style  asked
"No," he replied sheepishly.

Mystery is THE greatest pick up artist ever and my dream is to become his wing someday, that or AMOG him!
 www.venusianarts.com <- mystery's site

"Attraction IS NOT a choice!" - David D.

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
me i like a good long story line, and with LOTS of battles big bosses, and puzzles lot and lots of puzzles, and good story line. for me if the story line is awesome i will play it(any FF)

Level 87
ppl with B&W pics are not emo, ppl with anime are.
Yes, storyline and music make the game! Thats why I didn't like 12. it was by far the longest FF so far, but when i finished it with like 130 hours it felt like a shot game, because there were only a few scenes and bits of storyline in the game, it was mostly dungeons, getting from area to area, and monster killing, but nobody remembers that sort of stuff.
"Your already not f*cking her, what have you got to lose?" - Mystery

"What I'm really after," Mystery finally
said, "is for people to be envious of me, for women to want me and men to want to be me."
"You never got much love as a child, did you?" Style  asked
"No," he replied sheepishly.

Mystery is THE greatest pick up artist ever and my dream is to become his wing someday, that or AMOG him!
 www.venusianarts.com <- mystery's site

"Attraction IS NOT a choice!" - David D.

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7