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Only Event Systems get moved in. If you are wondering what the difference is between a tutorial and an event system, it is basically this:

First, tutorials cover a broader range of topics then just eventing, for example scripting and database stuff.

Second, tutorials explain not only how to do something but why it is being done and what each action contributes to the system. It is essentially a mini-lesson. Not only should you be able to use the event that is discussed in the tutorial, you should understand why it works. An event system need not be detailed, it can just give instructions on what to do without telling you what is being done or why it is being done. It can be either plug n' play (you copy the event directly from the demo)  or it can tell you what to do, without giving explanation.

If you believe that you have posted an event system which should be in here, please PM me or post in this topic.