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Level 93
2014 Funniest MemberParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)
(9:06:18 PM) Holkeye: im making a game called kpnatrr
(9:06:22 PM) Zypher: hahaha
(9:06:27 PM) Zypher: how do you even pronounce that?
(9:06:29 PM) Holkeye: its pronounced "real time"
(9:06:40 PM) Zypher: ah
(9:06:44 PM) Zypher: well we'll need character names
(9:06:59 PM) Holkeye: well theres bubble
(9:07:08 PM) Zypher: and blossom and buttercup?
(9:07:10 PM) Holkeye: hes the hero
(9:07:14 PM) Holkeye: bubble is a dude
(9:07:18 PM) Zypher: o i c
(9:07:25 PM) Holkeye: bubble bloodyhand
(9:07:26 PM) Zypher: OH I REALLY SEE NOW
(9:07:30 PM) Zypher: LOL
(9:07:38 PM) Holkeye: he's dark and brooding, but his name is confusing
(9:07:43 PM) Holkeye: like cloud strife
(9:07:48 PM) Holkeye: and squall leonhart
(9:07:52 PM) Djangonator: LOL
(9:07:55 PM) Djangonator: cloud
(9:08:00 PM) Djangonator: so soft and squishy
(9:08:03 PM) Holkeye: then we have the heroine of the game
(9:08:16 PM) Holkeye: her name is Victoria Smithstein
(9:08:21 PM) Zypher: LOL
(9:08:21 PM) Holkeye: but somehow she looks asian
(9:08:24 PM) Zypher: hahaha
(9:08:35 PM) Djangonator: and black?
(9:08:39 PM) Holkeye: no, asian
(9:09:01 PM) Djangonator: why asian?
(9:09:07 PM) Holkeye: because theres always an asian chick trying to be passed off as an american
(9:09:12 PM) Holkeye: like tifa
(9:09:19 PM) Zypher: LOL tifa was asian?
(9:09:20 PM) Holkeye: or the other one
(9:09:24 PM) Holkeye: she looks asian
(9:09:33 PM) Zypher: well that's because japan sucks at drawing americans
(9:09:40 PM) Holkeye: dude theyre all asian
(9:09:45 PM) Holkeye: theyre made in japan
(9:09:51 PM) Zypher: touche
(9:10:03 PM) Zypher: anyway, carry on
(9:10:04 PM) Holkeye: are gi joes japanese?
(9:10:04 PM) Holkeye: no
(9:10:09 PM) Holkeye: ok
(9:10:11 PM) Holkeye: so
(9:10:22 PM) Holkeye: there's the half animal/half man
(9:10:22 PM) Djangonator: it feels like I have a nosebleed but I can't tell because it's stuffy
(9:10:29 PM) Holkeye: ill call him
(9:10:34 PM) Arrow|Strangelove left the room (quit: Broken pipe).
(9:10:49 PM) Holkeye: Joof-Joof Calenkit
(9:10:53 PM) Zypher: LOL
(9:10:59 PM) Djangonator: LOL
(9:11:00 PM) Holkeye: his head is shaped like a peach
(9:11:04 PM) Djangonator: LOL
(9:11:11 PM) Holkeye: and he has the body of a rhinocerous
(9:11:18 PM) Djangonator: wait
(9:11:26 PM) Djangonator: make it half woman  half whale
(9:11:30 PM) Holkeye: no
(9:11:31 PM) Djangonator: yu can call it Djangonator
(9:11:32 PM) Holkeye: its my game
(9:11:56 PM) Djangonator: also
(9:12:01 PM) Djangonator: what unplugs your nose like
(9:12:05 PM) Djangonator: really fast
(9:12:12 PM) Zypher: a punch to the face should do it
(9:12:15 PM) Holkeye: the last of the heroes is the shy-girl-who-doesnt-know-her-magic's-strength-yet
(9:12:19 PM) HaloOfTheSun: Draino
(9:12:26 PM) Djangonator: k
(9:12:27 PM) Zypher: LOL
(9:12:29 PM) Holkeye: her name is dumkunt
(9:12:32 PM) Zypher: HAHAHAHAHA
(9:12:36 PM) HaloOfTheSun: lol
(9:12:47 PM) Holkeye: the story is
(9:12:48 PM) Djangonator: and how might that be pronounced?
(9:12:57 PM) Holkeye: doom kewnt
(9:13:00 PM) Zypher: doom koont
(9:13:04 PM) Zypher: LOL yeah what he said
(9:13:09 PM) fullmetalboy: dumb kunt
(9:13:14 PM) Djangonator: LOL
(9:13:15 PM) Holkeye: the story is that one day a long time ago
(9:13:27 PM) Holkeye: a piece of the moon fell to the earth or some weeaboo bullshit
(9:13:33 PM) Zypher: hahahaha
(9:13:39 PM) Djangonator: lmfao
(9:14:05 PM) Holkeye: and all of a sudden, there were monsters everywhere, and they kept attacking people randomly
(9:14:30 PM) Holkeye: and when they hit into people, little numbers would appear on their chests for a second
(9:14:34 PM) Zypher: LOL
(9:14:37 PM) Zypher: AHAHA
(9:15:03 PM) Djangonator: laughing so hard has done the trick, and I do in fact have a nosebleed
(9:15:05 PM) Djangonator: brb
(9:15:08 PM) Holkeye: so the four heroes decided that they werent afraid of the sudded onslaught of evil shit that wasnt there two seconds ago
(9:15:21 PM) Zypher: LOL
(9:15:24 PM) Zypher: god
(9:15:25 PM) Holkeye: and set out on a journey to EVERY FUCKING CITY ON THE PLANET
(9:15:28 PM) Zypher: I can't stop laughing
(9:15:50 PM) Djangonator: Holk. are you consuming an alcoholic beverage?
(9:16:01 PM) Holkeye: their first mission was to walk up to everyone and not say anything, but expect the people to tell them what to do
(9:16:04 PM) Holkeye: no, i am not
(9:16:06 PM) Zypher: LOL
(9:16:11 PM) Zypher: I can't stop
(9:16:12 PM) Djangonator: LOL
(9:16:39 PM) Zypher: ferris bueller is on and yet I am laughing more at this
(9:16:51 PM) Holkeye: after they did that for a while, they had to go to the "cave"
(9:17:10 PM) fullmetalboy is now known as FMB|Tv
(9:17:14 PM) Holkeye: and inside were normal things, like bats, rats, and you know, giant fucking snails
(9:17:25 PM) Djangonator: LOL
(9:17:32 PM) Holkeye: and dumkunt cast THECLAPAGA on them
(9:17:34 PM) Zypher: ahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahaha hahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaa hahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahah
(9:17:39 PM) Djangonator: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
(9:18:00 PM) Djangonator: just killed the poor creatures?
(9:18:23 PM) Holkeye: after they stole everything from everywhere in the world that wasnt part of a background pre-render
(9:18:27 PM) Zypher: LOL
(9:18:32 PM) Zypher: this is
(9:18:36 PM) Holkeye: they finally made it to the moon tower
(9:18:40 PM) Zypher: holy shit
(9:18:52 PM) Holkeye: and were treated to a cutscene that lasted around 3 hours
(9:18:59 PM) Djangonator: LOL
(9:19:18 PM) Djangonator: i cant breeeeeeeatttthhhhheeee
(9:19:29 PM) Holkeye: after that was over, they climbed the tower battling flying eyeballs and other everyday animals
(9:19:39 PM) Zypher: my face is hurting so much
(9:19:39 PM) Holkeye: and made it to the final confrontation
(9:19:56 PM) Djangonator: LMFAO
(9:20:02 PM) Holkeye: the person that knocked the moon piece down was none other than... THE FIRST PERSON THEY FOUGHT IN THE GAME
(9:20:08 PM) Holkeye: but he was in disguise
(9:20:22 PM) Holkeye: and now, like 2 days later, he is 4 screens bigger
(9:20:27 PM) Holkeye: has a second head
(9:20:42 PM) Holkeye: and the ability to pull snakes out of his ass and sic them on the heroes
(9:20:50 PM) Djangonator: i am
(9:20:53 PM) Djangonator: laughing so hard
(9:20:56 PM) Zypher: going to die
(9:21:33 PM) Holkeye: so after it took him an hour to tell the heroes his brilliant plan that obviously didnt work because why would they be in the fucking tower right now if it did?
(9:21:47 PM) Holkeye: he attacks!
(9:21:54 PM) Holkeye: and the intense music comes on!
(9:22:03 PM) Holkeye: the weeedddlleey wweeedddllleeyy
(9:22:05 PM) Holkeye: guitars
(9:22:08 PM) Zypher: hahahahahah
(9:22:11 PM) Djangonator: LMFAO
(9:22:17 PM) Holkeye: the huge brass crescendo
(9:22:18 PM) Djangonator: WEEDLLLEEY
(9:23:04 PM) Holkeye: and then two seconds later the moonstealer dies because most of the party's quest was spent walking around in a little circle and fighting frogs.
(9:23:14 PM) Zypher: ahahahahaha
(9:23:32 PM) Holkeye: thus, the world of asscrakonia is saved

Level 91
Blah blah blah...
Project of the Month winner for November 2008
Wow, I can't wait for this to come out. You should keep that chat log and use it as a strategy guide.

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