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Linking Items to Battle Animations properly [2K3]

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Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Yeah...this is a bit awkward but here goes! Alright, so I'm making battle animations for some items now (since well...it'd be nice if they had some...). Most are easy to do, since they only deal with like restoring certain HP, MP, or statuses. The issue I'm having atm, is with items that deal with %s that cannot be covered by skills...like for instance, I have a Healing Potion that restores 50% Max HP to one party member, and another item that revives a party member from Death with 10% Max HP...which obviously I cannot do in the Skills tab. Any suggestions on how to do the animations for these (which I'm going to assume is in the Common Events tab, but not sure on how to go about doing so in there right now) while retaining what the items are supposed to do?

Level 86
Sonic Dog -> Light Spear -> Overlimit -> Slash
You actually can revive & heal by percentages under the skills tab. It takes more work, but you can link the skill to a common event that raises your character's HP by an HP variable (which I believe you should have set somewhere by now ???)

You can also remove the "death" condition through common events. Sorry I'm not more thorough; I'm a bit tired at the moment. If you need me to elaborate more, I can, and if I'm completely off on your query, then I guess you can dismiss this post. Heh..

Hmm, I wonder if you could just link a battle animation to an item... Maybe. I'll stop blabbering.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
No, I actually haven't set up any variables for that, since I didn't think about doing this until recently. I was thinking of doing this a LONG time ago when I was thinking of making Gravity-based attacks like Demi and the such, but never got around to them.

As for that last line....I really wish there was a way to do that...that'd be great. lol