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Rep: +0/-0Level 88
any new guys wanna form something becuase i am new to rpg making and would like peolple to help me create a game with them so any new peopke want to do that please tell me.

Level 88
Woot woot!
No one will make games with a new person. You have to practice as well as get yourself know by other people before they will openly let you make games with them.

really, people would rather have a bit of experiance.
Fat cat = fat dog

fat dog = fat lion

lion = cat

so.........fat cat = fat cat

Nothing :3

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
no i mean like we will learn the basics togther and then create a game together.

Level 88
Woot woot!
oh, I saw the new part now. OKIES. I'm new too and I need to learn teh basics of stuffs. Right now I'm trying to learn how to map for my game I wanan make call The muffin story.

But on response to my origional post, most new people want to beg up the pros to make tehir games for them, while trying to act like soemone who wants to just make a game with someone in an innocent way.

I'm in, I got music and a few SFX to use. What maker?
Fat cat = fat dog

fat dog = fat lion

lion = cat

so.........fat cat = fat cat

Nothing :3

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
i have rpg maker xp

Level 88
Woot woot!
XP eh? I can scan the scripts sections I guess if we want to do anything drastic with it. Like maybe, a tactical battle system or sumthing.

I have an idea for a stroy though: What about a guy, stuck in an RPG, and all he wants is a muffin. the problem is that the story is about the heros chasing down a guy who is destryong all muffins that exist in the present.

or do YOU have a story?
Fat cat = fat dog

fat dog = fat lion

lion = cat

so.........fat cat = fat cat

Nothing :3

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
well i was thinking of a roman game like gladiotor style who u start of as a villager and get taken into the collisuim and become a ultimate fight or somthin

Level 88
Woot woot!
Hmmm....I guess we could make it were you can enter fights, sometimes for a fee and a rank. The only problem for your character would be, he would only use the in-area shops, so you would have an idea of what the shopkeeps are holding for you in the future.

but then again with the right event-weaving that could be fixed right up. Heck maybe even remove the shops, or replace them with reward areas or sumthing. Like you have to give up so many rank points ofr such-and-such wepon ^^. and then without those rank points you can't enter the match you wanted to attend, and with that wepon you can't attend the lower fights.

or we can continue brainstorming
Fat cat = fat dog

fat dog = fat lion

lion = cat

so.........fat cat = fat cat

Nothing :3

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
yeah i quite like that idea that u need to get rank points so u can enter stronger fights.

Level 88
Woot woot!
Alright. I need to go to bed now put tomarrow I will download Rpg maker XP and get cracking.

jordus try to find some recources that we could use.

night night..........................night night.........................night night.......................night night............night night
Fat cat = fat dog

fat dog = fat lion

lion = cat

so.........fat cat = fat cat

Nothing :3

Level 88
Note: You should at least include some details, or even a name!

Level 88
Woot woot!
We need to decide all this, so blah
Fat cat = fat dog

fat dog = fat lion

lion = cat

so.........fat cat = fat cat

Nothing :3

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
ok mate i will speak to u later

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
hey again matey

Level 88
Woot woot!
Ahh yes, been lookign around the scripts sections of a few places.

I found soem good stuffs thatI m ight use in future games of mine >.>
Fat cat = fat dog

fat dog = fat lion

lion = cat

so.........fat cat = fat cat

Nothing :3

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
hey good stuff mate i can only find one good resourse site :(

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
   If Marlune doesn't post soon to my request to work with her team, I'm new too and I'd be happy to work with you guys. However, I'd be much more for a fantasy setting for the RPG.
   Also, I use the Postality Knights edition of RPg Maker. Don't know if that would cause problems or not.
Signature in progress, but rest assured it will relate to Evanescence.

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
hey dude i use that rpg maker to so thats not a problem  :D

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
Good, good. No worries then.

Okay, so the most I've really done is mapping. I would compose if we wanted original music, but a) I suck and b) I don't know a good program. I'm also more than happy to help with the story elements. Ancient Evils and Elven Mystics FTW! xD
Signature in progress, but rest assured it will relate to Evanescence.

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
ahhh cool we will all work together on a project so we will see what good ideas we can come up with

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
If this gets off the ground, I'll create us some forums. That'll help keep everything organized. Also, I'll PM you some ideas, as I'd rather not post them publicly. Theivery is all too common. :-\
Signature in progress, but rest assured it will relate to Evanescence.

Level 88
Woot woot!
You know. If we are using XP, this will be a 1 time deal for me.

I can't buy anything off the internet  V_V
Fat cat = fat dog

fat dog = fat lion

lion = cat

so.........fat cat = fat cat

Nothing :3

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
lol i hear u there mate  :)

Level 88
Woot woot!
AND..I can make us soem forums

I was closing one I can make it fit this thing >.>
Fat cat = fat dog

fat dog = fat lion

lion = cat

so.........fat cat = fat cat

Nothing :3

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
Well, ermm... no offense, but seeing as how you type... I think it'd be best if I made the foroums. Heh. ;)

Okay, let's take a vote; Where do you want the forums, InvisionFree or a phpBB host? I'm leaning towards phpBB, as it supports groups and such.
Signature in progress, but rest assured it will relate to Evanescence.

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
You know. If we are using XP, this will be a 1 time deal for me.

I can't buy anything off the internet  V_V
You can always use the Postality Knights edition, located here for download.
Signature in progress, but rest assured it will relate to Evanescence.

Level 88
Woot woot!
okey pokley

but does this version support scripts? I kind am with rpg maker 2000/2003 and sim rpg maker 95 right now :p
Fat cat = fat dog

fat dog = fat lion

lion = cat

so.........fat cat = fat cat

Nothing :3

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
hey guys are both are completely new to rrg making yeah

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
Guess I'm going with phpBB then. I'll let you know when I have something that's at least workable. But first, we need a name for the project, or us as a group. Not the game specifically, but something... I dunno, like a company.

Also, jordus; Did you get my PM?
« Last Edit: October 18, 2006, 10:49:33 PM by Evanescent »
Signature in progress, but rest assured it will relate to Evanescence.

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
yeah i got ur pm :) and yeah a name would be cool

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
yeah i got ur pm :) and yeah a name would be cool

Care to respond to it?  :lol:

Suggestions for name? Mine are totally rediculous, save maybe for the first one;

Crystalline Entity Studios
Omnipotence Unlimited
PwnZorS Games

Signature in progress, but rest assured it will relate to Evanescence.

Rep: +0/-0Level 88

Level 88
Woot woot!
Name.....I like that. I can think of a name. Names are good....
Fat cat = fat dog

fat dog = fat lion

lion = cat

so.........fat cat = fat cat

Nothing :3

Rep: +0/-0Level 88

Level 88
Woot woot!

The Idea weavers
Fat cat = fat dog

fat dog = fat lion

lion = cat

so.........fat cat = fat cat

Nothing :3

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
DreamWeaver Studios? Clichéd, yes, but still.
Signature in progress, but rest assured it will relate to Evanescence.

Level 88
Woot woot!

Idea artists! the idea artists studio!
Fat cat = fat dog

fat dog = fat lion

lion = cat

so.........fat cat = fat cat

Nothing :3

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
what about Rpgmakers lol

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
Dreamrpgs studio

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
Signature in progress, but rest assured it will relate to Evanescence.

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
yeah thats sounds good to me

Level 88
Woot woot!
I dunno, dream junk is cliche

Idea however, is open for licking. It tastes liek everything good in the universe, such as the feeling you get when you have a revolutionary idea, except it doesn't have the feeling you get when you relize you couldn't do it.
Fat cat = fat dog

fat dog = fat lion

lion = cat

so.........fat cat = fat cat

Nothing :3

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
yeah is it just us 3 working on a project or can more poeple join

Level 88
Woot woot!
If we are think of a name for a group, this is gonna turn into a game making team man.


Fat cat = fat dog

fat dog = fat lion

lion = cat

so.........fat cat = fat cat

Nothing :3

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
Licking? Does that mean I have to lick you two? Becase I have no problem with that...

Anyway, how about... Ideology Studios? Ideology is in the dictionary as "theorizing of a visionary or impractical nature." I like that.

And of course more people can join. Three newbs, a team do not make.


Signature in progress, but rest assured it will relate to Evanescence.

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
lol 3 newbs we will learn how to use the rpg maker tho

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
If we can't come to a concensus, it's just going to be Ideology Studios. Makes sense, right?
Signature in progress, but rest assured it will relate to Evanescence.

Level 88
Woot woot!
Well, I need to post osmething in the computing board.

I can't seem to get my installer to work
Fat cat = fat dog

fat dog = fat lion

lion = cat

so.........fat cat = fat cat

Nothing :3

Level 89
if by ur installer you mean for RPG XP download the one from crankeye
Zypher, Veltonvelton, and Dalton are secretly having a homosexual affair in hidden messages just like this one
research shows Fu is also involved, but not in a gross and creepy way

Level 88
Woot woot!
no, the windows installer it'self. but I guess I would try that then >.>

EDIT: it was that one
« Last Edit: October 18, 2006, 11:30:08 PM by Commondragon »
Fat cat = fat dog

fat dog = fat lion

lion = cat

so.........fat cat = fat cat

Nothing :3

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
That's a good idea.

Okay, I'm setting the forums up under "Ideology Stuidos."
Signature in progress, but rest assured it will relate to Evanescence.

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
Forums up!

Ideology Studios

I'll get us a .tk soon, a nicer skin, and a banner when my Photoshop stops being dead.

Now, Dragon; Why'd you mention licking?
Signature in progress, but rest assured it will relate to Evanescence.

Level 88
Woot woot!
I dunno, wanted to say something that didn't fit in with what I am saying

I'm random that way >.>
Fat cat = fat dog

fat dog = fat lion

lion = cat

so.........fat cat = fat cat

Nothing :3

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
lol this is so cool

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
Well, I lick people quite often. I'd back away slowly.

-licks jordus-

Signature in progress, but rest assured it will relate to Evanescence.

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
lmao hey guys both of u seem to know alot more than me about rpg making :(

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
I live on the internet; sleep in a blanket of HTML, under a roof of CSS. I feed off RSS (yay, pun!).

And that's okay, I still love you! -hugZ- ^^
Signature in progress, but rest assured it will relate to Evanescence.

Level 88
Woot woot!
I practice with my muffin game.

I really hope someone comes to post with my windows installer problem
Fat cat = fat dog

fat dog = fat lion

lion = cat

so.........fat cat = fat cat

Nothing :3

Level 89
would help if you post what the problem is
Zypher, Veltonvelton, and Dalton are secretly having a homosexual affair in hidden messages just like this one
research shows Fu is also involved, but not in a gross and creepy way

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
Try rebooting your computer. It's my cure-all for computer problems. That or format C: and reinstall Windows. :lol:
Signature in progress, but rest assured it will relate to Evanescence.

Level 88
Woot woot!
Actaully, I found it on the microsoft website. I need to restart my comp. so I'ma put down the links/download everything I've found for RPG maker XP scripts so far ^^.
Fat cat = fat dog

fat dog = fat lion

lion = cat

so.........fat cat = fat cat

Nothing :3

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
Actaully, I found it on the microsoft website. I need to restart my comp. so I'ma put down the links/download everything I've found for RPG maker XP scripts so far ^^.

Told you. ::)
Signature in progress, but rest assured it will relate to Evanescence.

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
u do no i am male

Level 89
well I know you can't spell...
Zypher, Veltonvelton, and Dalton are secretly having a homosexual affair in hidden messages just like this one
research shows Fu is also involved, but not in a gross and creepy way

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
whos cant speel

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
u do no i am male
Of course I know you're male, silly. I've been up and down your profile multiple times! Okay, once. :lol:


Anyway, would the two of you please register on the forums?
Signature in progress, but rest assured it will relate to Evanescence.

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
arent u male

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
arent u male
Aye. You have a problem with that?
Signature in progress, but rest assured it will relate to Evanescence.

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
no i just fot u fot i were female lmao

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
no i just fot u fot i were female lmao
Oh, so you are interested? ;)

Anyway, I'm off for the night. See you tomorrow!

-licketh jordus-
Signature in progress, but rest assured it will relate to Evanescence.

Rep: +0/-0Level 88

Level 88
Woot woot!
BACK! I foudn out I had too much internet on at once in order for it to work right.

I too kso long because I had to do my paper for school. I only needed PART of a rough draft for a story but my mom made me do teh whole thing >.<

anyways, blah :D
Fat cat = fat dog

fat dog = fat lion

lion = cat

so.........fat cat = fat cat

Nothing :3

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
lol so u got it working good :)

Level 88
Woot woot!
Anyways, I think our games will become top notch once we learn how to make things well as well as get a few spriters under our feeties.
Fat cat = fat dog

fat dog = fat lion

lion = cat

so.........fat cat = fat cat

Nothing :3

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
yeah we sure will it was be great

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
Spriters...under your feet? YOUR FETID FEET? *takes offense*


Level 88
Woot woot!
anyways, we are taking too many bumps with all the small posts. We should move this discussion to teh forum of our newfound partnership.
Fat cat = fat dog

fat dog = fat lion

lion = cat

so.........fat cat = fat cat

Nothing :3

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
say i have made a map how do i let u see it i mean how do i take a picture of it

Level 88
Woot woot!
Screenshot software, or we could use a file sharing system to get things back and forth......maybe MSN messanger?
Fat cat = fat dog

fat dog = fat lion

lion = cat

so.........fat cat = fat cat

Nothing :3

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
yeah i have msn but would sending files threw it work?

Level 88
Woot woot!
It should. I you have winrar yo ucould always make it a rar file and then we couild update the files. or we could jsut update them by wtichign them back and forth and emptying teh contents f one file into another or soemthign liek that.

but yes the file share should work.
Fat cat = fat dog

fat dog = fat lion

lion = cat

so.........fat cat = fat cat

Nothing :3

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
ok sounds good to me

Level 88
Woot woot!
MY MSN messanger adress is commondragon@aol.com....don't send it e-mails though. I don't have aol anymore :p
Fat cat = fat dog

fat dog = fat lion

lion = cat

so.........fat cat = fat cat

Nothing :3

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
-sigh- There's a much easier way to do it. All you need to is start the game, press the Print Screen button (should be next to F12, above Insert) then paste the image in some program (like Word) and save the image. Piece of cake. Then put it on ImageShack and give us the link. :)

Unfortunately, that gives us the rest of your screen as well, so either crop it or put the game in full screen mode (which I'm at a loss as to how to do).
« Last Edit: October 19, 2006, 10:05:09 AM by Evanescent »
Signature in progress, but rest assured it will relate to Evanescence.

Level 89
actually, the link can be sent thru a PM and then only whoever you want to see it will get the link and they will be more likely to read it
Zypher, Veltonvelton, and Dalton are secretly having a homosexual affair in hidden messages just like this one
research shows Fu is also involved, but not in a gross and creepy way