The RPG Maker Resource Kit

RMRK RPG Maker Creation => Projects => Abandoned Projects => Topic started by: blueXx on July 02, 2010, 07:58:08 PM

Title: [2D action shooter] Xna-built project Namless
Post by: blueXx on July 02, 2010, 07:58:08 PM
-=A small disclaimer.
This wasn't done with any "maker" but I couldn't find any other sub forum that would be more suitable
I don't know where I could stick it at.
I hope the mods could understand and move this thread to a better place if there even is one.
It's been a very long while since I last visited, so please don't get angry with me =-

Since I already pretty much posted twice, both being completely unrelated to games.
And since the only reason I even consider being here is the game making community
I am going to take a step in the right direction.

I dedicate the post to a project I started and stopped 1 year ago.
Project Nameless.
At a fun time before I knew OOP I started this odd 2d action game.
The star was a sheep, and the sheep had a cannon.
And the cannon was using fish.
Oh the senseless fun.
Spoiler for:
( (

Later on it even got it's own background image.
Spoiler for:
( (
Enemies were lacking but that got fixed
Spoiler for:
( (
However sheep is buggy, hard to use and you can't tell one weapon from another.
You can swap weapons using the numpad, run with ctrl (if I recall correctly... look at the readme on nameless if you want) and so on.

Being a big fat playground the sheep-styled game is packed in a rar named
found here: (
This is buggy, but a little bit more interesting than it's big brother the real project Nameless
The sheep project is a long track, featuring 15 minutes of absolute torment and bad drawing carnage.
Spoiler for:
( (

his slightly older brother is a great display of what I learned.
Using the exact same so called engine I built in XNA Nameless features a lot more.
Nameless is a yet another single-stage carnage, only that this time you are trapped in your little screen.
You have voice added and you can figure out what weapon you are using.
The sheep is replace with a yet another horrible creation of mine and you are set on a survival mission as enemies are storming you faster and faster with each frag.

Use bat granades
Spoiler for:
( (

Landmines and odd .. laser... thing
Spoiler for:
( (

To outlast the mobs, top spawn-rate reached at 300 kills.
It's tedious and horribly boring to get to where it really kicks off at about 200~
But all the bugs from sheep are fixed and this was supposed to be a display of what could be.
It ended up being the whole project nameless due to the fact that I can no longer look at my code.
It's bad code and it's trash.
I will start making a new game, I hope I could realize my ambitions and make a fully functional MORPG (yeah that's right, I dropped the Massive's M)
This will be done using pure c#, both to give me a bigger challenge and to avoid the user's need of downloading the XNA distributable (.net framework will still be required but a lot of computers already have it)

Nameless can be found here: (

I hope you'll enjoy playing this game 1/10th of as much as I enjoyed making it.
Btw the end of sheep is when you enter a huge room and you fall all the way down and it seems like there is no way out.
I originally thought I'll put a huge boss monster there.
But... you know... I didn't.

List of keys (Both version excluding F5 for sheep , sheep is auto-full screen)
F5 toggles full screen mode (800X600 resolution)
ctrl makes your walk faster
the arrows make you move, up jumps, down ducks and makes your drop off a platform
numpad or normal numbers 1-5 swap weapons
spacebar to shoot.
esc to quit playing at any time.

List of weapons in their order (push the numbers to swap, ammo shape unchanged in sheep):
1. Handgun
2. Machine gun
3. Landmines
4. Grenades
5. Rocket Launcher
Title: Re: [2D action shooter] Xna-built project Namless
Post by: Poetic_Alias on July 07, 2010, 01:51:15 AM
This might just be me but maybe you might want your little monsters to fit the background. Somehow it just doesn't work. Still, I like the idea :)
Title: Re: [2D action shooter] Xna-built project Namless
Post by: blueXx on July 07, 2010, 06:09:24 AM
The monsters were kinda designed for the first background (in sheep)
And then they moved to the bugless version of the game, which was then supposed to actually become a game but didn't so that's why I didn't remake the monsters  :P
No worries, I'll start working on a new actually full scaled game soon.

Thanks for the comment.