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Stash system

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Level 89
Hey, I have no clue if there is a place to post something like this... about events, but since this is general I figured at least this is a place I could.

Anyway, I am developing a game called Kings of Ethristah, in it there is a bank system that lets you withdraw/deposit items/gold. (Since it is a bank, and not just a small chest, you can depost however many you want). I have seen several people do things on this, but I know there are some people who do not want interest, at least I am counting myself among those people, lol. And then there are those who do no know how to make a stash type bank without scripts. I am posting this so maybe this can answer some questions, or so someone can help me make it better, lol. Please tell me what ya think, lol. ;)

Anyway I have a banker that asks what you want to do, the choices are:
Save (The only place you can save in my game)
Store Items
Store Gold

As far as what each thing does, here is how it works...

~Save is self explanatory, you allow saving, ask if the player wants to save, then open the save menu, then you disallow saving, and that is it.

~Store Items is a little more complicated, here is the event that I have for it.

@>Text: What would you like to do?
@>Show Choices: Withdraw Item, Deposit Item, Nothing
_: When [Withdraw Item]
__@>Show Choices: Item1
___: When [Item1]
____@>Text: Are you sure?
____@>Show Choices: Yes, No
______: When [Yes]
_______@>Conditional Branch: Variable[0001: StoredItem1> 0
_________@>Text: You have \V[0001 stored.
_________@>Text: How many do you want to withdraw?
_________@>Input Number: [0009:WithdrawingItem], 2 Digit(s)
_________@>Conditional Branch: Variable[0009:WithdrawingItem] > variable[0001: StoredItem1
___________@>Control Variables: [0009: WithdrawingItem] = variable[0001: StoredItem1]
___________@>Change Items: [Item1] + variable[0009:WithdrawingItem]
___________@>Control Variables: [0001:StoredItem1-= variable[0009:WithdrawingItem]
___________@>Text: You withdrew \V[0009] (Item1)
___________@>Change Items: [Item1] + variable [0009:WithdrawingItem]
___________@>Control Variables: [0001:StoredItem1] -= Variable[0009:WithdrawingItem]
___________@>Text: You withdrew \V[0009] (Item1)
__________:Branch End
________@>Text: You have \V[0001 Item1 stored.
________@>Text: You do not have any stored.
______:Branch End
_____:Branch End
_: When [Deposit Item]
__@>Show Choices: Item1
___: When [Item1]
____@>Text: Are you sure?
____@>Show Choices: Yes, No
_____: When[Yes]
______@>Conditional Branch: [Item1] In Inventory
_______@>Control Variables: [0002:PossessedItem1] = In Inventory
_______@>Text: You have \V[0001] Item2 stored.
_______@>Text: How many do you want to deposit?
_______@>Input Number[0012:StoringItem], 2Digit(s)
_______@>Conditional Branch: Variable[0012:StoringItem] > variable[0002:PossessedItem1]
________@>Control Variables: [0012:StoringItem] = [Item1] In Inventenory
________@>Change Items: [Item1] - variable[0012:StoringItem]
________@>Control Variables:[0001:StoredItem1] += Variable[0012:StoringItem]
________@>Text: You deposited \V[0012] Item1.
________@>Change Items: [Item1] - variable[0012:StoringItem]
________@>Control Variables:[0001:StoredItem1] += Variable[0012:StoringItem]
________@>Text: You deposited \V[0012] Item1.
_______:Branch End
______@>Text: You have \V[0001] Item1 stored.
______@>Text: You do not have any of those.
_____:Branch End
____:Branch End
_:Branch End

For this part you need two variables with the names "Withdrawing Item" and "Storing Item" or whatever, and then two variables for each item in your game named something like "Stored(insert item name)" and "Possessed(insert name here).

~Store Gold
Hmmm... man that took a lot of time to type, lol... I will do this one if it is requested of me to do so.

Cannot wait to get people's opinions. Please reply, I will take Destructive/Constructive Critsism, and Compliments... and I guess if you say it, I will have no choice but to accept insults, lol. ;)
Arc-Angel Entertainment
Bringing Christian values to the gaming world.

Level 91
not only have you forgotten to take away the item (change item: -1)
as well as giving it back..

but you also forgot a normal game will have at least 100 items so this solution cannot possibly be used.

and anyways, without having the possibility to lose the items or gain extra items over time banking them or having max amount of possible items in the inventory is a dumb and pointless idea

how's that for a destructive criticism?

edit: btw, this sort of "how to make stuff X" belongs in tutorial section more than in here i think
holy shit my sig was big!

Level 89
I have taken all of those things into considerations, I made a typo in what i typed, lol. when you deposit an item it does get taken away from your inventory, and when you withdraw it does go back into your inventory. And as far as having limitless number of items in the bank, in my game it will not be possible to actually acquire more then fifty of an item at a time, and I do not know about you but compared to infinite amounts that is not that big a number, is it?

And I realize a game will have over 100 items, but if someone is just starting and they add items as they need them not all of them right off the bat, then they can update the code as they need it. And beyond that, at least in my game, there are going to be unique items that cannot be deposited, so that at least takes away a fair amount of the items. But if the developer is serious enough about their game, doing this way is not that much... and beyond that, it would depend on the developer, it takes me two minutes to add an item to both the withdraw and deposit item lists.

Oh, and thanks for the destructive critsism, you gave me the chance to say things I forgot to say, lol, and I think people would find it alot better if you help them, instead of flatout tell them they suck... ya know?
Arc-Angel Entertainment
Bringing Christian values to the gaming world.

Level 91
now it all make sense, all the player have to do is to sit and scroll the entire list of every item he could possibly get in the game in the form of:

more options

when he deposit or withdraw, assuming you say have 100, that's not much, and you scroll the 100 items and then "omfg i passed the item.. all the 100 from the start now... -.-"
and they will do it with every sad little item they got again and again..

yeah man, that idea is like the best omg omg omg pwnage

think of the player.. -.-
holy shit my sig was big!

Level 89
ok, I know this is how it would work... It is not my fault that you cannot view more then four choices at a time... and I am planning on putting a back and more choice... so that would allow you two view two items at a time... which is not great, but the thing is also divided into categories... I did not show this in the example... but It asks what type:


and each of those into some categories 'Weapon' only so far..:


I would like to see what you can do with events to make a better stash system.

Yeah, that is right, I just challenged you to make a better stash system without scripts only events.

And you know, dude... it is one thing to tell someone what they did could be better, or that it is un-useable, but you know what a kind person should do? They should not only tell them what is wrong with their idea... but also offer at least a little advice... maybe show them a script that works, or in this case a technique that really works. I have not been on here too long, and I know there are alot of nice people, but you... BlueXx... I have not seen anything from you but rude comments, especially to noobs...

Anyway... I look forward to all OTHER opinions, lol. ;)
Arc-Angel Entertainment
Bringing Christian values to the gaming world.

Level 91
Yeah, that is right, I just challenged you to make a better stash system without scripts.

tsk.. when will they learn?

check out the tutorial section for some of my work...
well i think i am on to something, i'll see what i can do ;)
(the entire "Stash system" idea is stupid btw)

meh thanks, i needed something to do with my time  :^^:
holy shit my sig was big!

Level 89
See, that was a much nicer post, lol. Kind of confusing though, lol.

I have learned long ago that people sometimes are full of talk, and not able to show what they mean... I mean to challenge you to this, because if you can make something better, I will concede and take back my idea, and depending on how yours works, probably would use your idea, as long as I had permision.

lol, I have checked the tutotials section, and I have seen some of your work, but I have not seen any stash/bank/ storage system... or whatever...
(Maybe so... but this is what I want in my game, and I hope to find a good system sometime, whether it is mine, or whoevers...)

That is an interesting passtime... Bash the Noobs.... sounds like SOO much fun... :roll: You know all a noob is a beginner at something, we were all noobs once, every last one of us. The more people help the noobs the more likely they will be able to come up with some awesome stuff, at least that is my opinion. Have lots of skilled people with different ideas rather then lots of skilled people with the same idea/skill, and lots of unskilled people with good ideas but no one to help them, lol.

~I saw your Leveling Up weaponry Tutorial...
You think editing over 100 lines of code is easier then adding this thing for over 100 different items?!? Not bashing your idea, just wondering about your hypocricy, lol.
Arc-Angel Entertainment
Bringing Christian values to the gaming world.

Level 91
the beauty of the weapon leveling up system is that it allows you to save alot of time and player money by making the same weapon stay

out of the 100 lines or so, even more maybe, there are only about 10 each weapon that you need to edit, whatsmore you will only need max of 5 weapons each player cause it will give you the power changes of 25 weapons, maybe more if you put effort, like 10 diffrent so there will be a choice and so on
but when it comes to items in storage
assuming you got 4 players, 50weapons X 4 = 200 + normal items+ armors + quest items= pain

but it really is very hard to use and takes alot of effort.

btw, i was sleeping so i didn't work on it
somehow i just don't feel like it

if you want you can build it on this idea:
for every item in the db (if you'll use a script it will save you the annoyingness of making an if for every item but have fun)

if item X is possessed then
-would you like to store item x?
-show choice: yes/no
--if yes
---remove item and add to variable X
--if no(nothing)
if item X+1 is possessed

so on so on

it will not be less pain for the maker but it will save time for the player assuming he doesn't walk with the max 999 items on him

same with withdraw

if variable(1) > 0 then
-would you like to withdraw item X?

so on and so on.

using a script you can loop the very same line in both to avoid seriously annoyingness of making it again and again

also when you deposit add input number for how many and do:

variable(looper) = inputted number
-if item X is possessed then
--variable (xinstorage) = +1
---remove item X
--end loop
--message :omfg you didn't have as many as you said, all in anyways , you now got \v[xinstorage] of item X in storage!
-looper= -1
-if looper >= 0 then
--message: it's all in , thanks for using the storage, you have \v[xinstorage] of item x in storage
--end loop

it's more simple in withdrawing since you can comapre the variable without looping

now you have to avoid the 99 max items
if player withdraw 98 and he got 2 he will lose an item Oo
upon withdraw

variable(withdraw) = input number (2 digits)
(basic checking if there is such amount in storage here)
-if item X is possessed then
--variable (xininventory) = +1
---remove item X
--end loop
if variable(withdraw) +(xininventory) > 99 (make a new variable for both to make this line)
-message: bah you'll have over 99! so i'll give you to the max now and come back later, k?
-add itemX= +99
-variable withdraw+xininventory =-99
-variable xinstorage=withdraw+xininventory
-add item X: +variable(Withdraw+xininventory)
-variable(x in storage) = - withdraw
-message: here ya go

have fun -.-
holy shit my sig was big!

Level 89
Ok, I do like how you do yours, except if they are holding 20+ items they are forced to automatically go through each thing asking if they want to deposit/withdraw that item... I like your concept though. I was thinking about something like this:

Conditional Branch: Item(whatever1) is possessed
-Conditional Branch: Item(Whatever2) is possessed
--Conditional Branch: Item(Whatever3) is possessed
---Display item Whatever1, whatever2, whatever3
--Else {for the the third branch}
--Branch End
-Else {For the second branch]
--Conditional Branch: Item(Whatever3) is possessed
---Display item: Whatever1, Whatever3
--Branch End
Else {For the first branch}
-Conditional Branch: Item (Whatever2)is possessed
--Condition Branch: Item(Whatever3) is possessed
---Display item Whatever2, whatever3
--Else {For the second whatever3]
--Branch End
-Else {For the second whatever 2}
--Conditional Branch: Item (Whatever3) is possessed
---Display Item Whatever3
--Branch End
-Branch End
Branch End
Basically what that would do is the developer would have to sit through it alot and everything, but for the player the item would only appear if they have an item...if they do it goes to the next item if they do not have that one, then it goes to the next anyway, and so on and so forth... it is just an idea that came to me while I was sleeping, so opinions? I look forward to hearing your opinion BlueXx.

Ok, I see your point of the Weapon Leveling system, it sounds cool, I do not know if it fits in my game or not

Anyway... Later
Arc-Angel Entertainment
Bringing Christian values to the gaming world.

Level 91
hmm you are just going to get yourself in a big mass
cause you condition them in diffrent menus so on, it saves the player about 3sec of switching menus but it takes the developer hours over hours more than it should have

i think sticking with

if item(1) is possessed then
-display item 1
if item(2) is possessed then
-display item 2

and so on will come in a lot easier to modify as i am sure you'll be very annoyed at some point doing it your way, but if you think you can make over 100 items your way then it will be better, i am just not sure if it's really worth the whole torture of eventing your way Oo

i liked your idea though i think 20 might come in very painful in late stages of the game maybe making it a little bigger, say 40,50 (unless your monsters don't drop "normal loot")

as for my weapon leveling thing, to be honest, it doesn't fit in almost any game ;)
but it does give the option to equip and unequip during the battle which can come in handy if you use elementals, but it's hard to set it..
and annoying...
and hard...
holy shit my sig was big!

Level 89
lol, well I think this topic has turned into a decent discussion, lol. I too think it might get annoying, but again I am more devoted then the average developer.
 The only thing with the method you are talking about is this...
The banker would greet you and then start rattling off options. (Each item could have a choice of Previous, Next, Withdraw, Deposit or whatever) but if you categorize them in anyway I guess it would not be too bad, but let us say they have ten different kind of potions, but the one they want is the tenth one... it would go something like this...

Potion1, what do you want to do?


Potion2, what do you want to do?


Potion3, what do you want to do?


potion4, what do you want to do?


potion5, what do you want to do?


potion6, what do you want to do?


potion7, what do you want to do?


potion8, what do you want to do?


potion9, what do you want to do?


And then finally after all of those choices they would finally get to the one they wanted... but lets say they had 30 different kind of potions... needless to say, it could get just as monotonous as my method.

as far as making the develop spend over two hours working on something the player will do in 3 seconds.. that is the point of scripting, it makes the developer's job harder,and longer, but the players job more fun, and enjoyable (you hope) Beyond that developers should have one person in mind... the player... they should do all that is possible to help the player have an easy time playing instead of complicating everything and requiring they read this twenty chapter manual, lol.

I think we can combine our ideas into one, I think we could come up with an ultimate system, we both have good ideas, and can see some flaws in the other person's, so if we worked together to make a system, then who knows we might be onto something, or we might just be wasting our time... But what is the worst that can happen? A) we succeed, AND find a new friend, or B) we 'fail' (No such thing as failing, just finding ways that do not work), and become good friends, or I guess there is the chance of C) We 'fail' and we do not become any better friends, but I do not think either of us have anythign to lose, do you?

*Extends hand out for agreement in plan*
Arc-Angel Entertainment
Bringing Christian values to the gaming world.

Level 89
lol, well I think this topic has turned into a decent discussion, lol. I too think it might get annoying, but again I am more devoted then the average developer.
 The only thing with the method you are talking about is this...
The banker would greet you and then start rattling off options. (Each item could have a choice of Previous, Next, Withdraw, Deposit or whatever) but if you categorize them in anyway I guess it would not be too bad, but let us say they have ten different kind of potions, but the one they want is the tenth one... it would go something like this...

Potion1, what do you want to do?


Potion2, what do you want to do?


Potion3, what do you want to do?


potion4, what do you want to do?


potion5, what do you want to do?


potion6, what do you want to do?


potion7, what do you want to do?


potion8, what do you want to do?


potion9, what do you want to do?


And then finally after all of those choices they would finally get to the one they wanted... but lets say they had 30 different kind of potions... needless to say, it could get just as monotonous as my method.

as far as making the develop spend over two hours working on something the player will do in 3 seconds.. that is the point of scripting, it makes the developer's job harder,and longer, but the players job more fun, and enjoyable (you hope) Beyond that developers should have one person in mind... the player... they should do all that is possible to help the player have an easy time playing instead of complicating everything and requiring they read this twenty chapter manual, lol.

I think we can combine our ideas into one, I think we could come up with an ultimate system, we both have good ideas, and can see some flaws in the other person's, so if we worked together to make a system, then who knows we might be onto something, or we might just be wasting our time... But what is the worst that can happen? A) we succeed, AND find a new friend, or B) we 'fail' (No such thing as failing, just finding ways that do not work), and become good friends, or I guess there is the chance of C) We 'fail' and we do not become any better friends, but I do not think either of us have anythign to lose, do you?

*Extends hand out for agreement in plan*
Arc-Angel Entertainment
Bringing Christian values to the gaming world.

Level 91
you can't possibly fail if i am here...
if we fail then this event is not possible which is not a possibility for me

i was thinking:

deposit/withdraw/forget it
if deposit:

if item(1) is possessed
-deposit? yes/ no
--yes: how many
--no(nothing which leads to the next item like finishing yes)
if item(2) is possesed
-deposit? yes/no

so on so on so on, i hope for the player he won't have 300 items on him
i would event suggest putting no as the first option allowing the player to cancel easier

if withdraw:
if variable(item1stored) > 0 then
-omg withdraw item1?
---yes: how many?
----got enough/don't have enough check
---no: nothing, resulting in moving to checking item number 2

if forget it then the chat is canceled.

maybe dividing it like you said to potions/ misc/ weapon / armor will make it less annoying to move all over the player's item list it will also slightly shorten each event part making easier debugging, hopefully there won't be any needed, the harder stuff never have bugs

how about it then?
holy shit my sig was big!

Level 89
Lol, I like your thinking, lol.
I am glad you are willing to help. ;)

Actually I really like that idea, I think it would work, and having no first would make it better. Dividing would kind of be a must... but then again you don't want to divide to the point that each category has only two items in it or whatever, but you want to subdivide it to the point that it is manageable. I will start working on this as soon as I can get RPGMaker back, for right now it is expired...

But if you want to get a demo up and going, that would be great, lol, and if not, I think i can wait until I have RM back, lol.
Arc-Angel Entertainment
Bringing Christian values to the gaming world.

Level 92
Guns don't kill people. Magic missiles do.
Mind if I cut in?

You wouldn't have to scroll through four choices at a time if you used combinations of Pictures, along with a bunch of events set on "below hero" and "on hero touch," surrounded by "same level as hero" events that do nothing, then set the hero's sprite to be transparent so they can walk around in the background and activate all that stuff.

That's what I do.

 :whoa:  I confused myself.

Level 91
hmm i know what you mean but it gonna come in quite tricky seeign as instead of the normal plan of "item found, deposit- yes/no?" you'll have to make (50 avg weapons + 50 armors +200itmes) at least 300 events of pictures and err...
ok no way no how...

it's a creative solution but it lacks the ability to actually work with a normal sized game
holy shit my sig was big!