Plot: In a world with two kind of ppl, the seeded, and the network officers. The seeded people are humans with seeded information, they act as the network want them to act, and they think the way the network wants them to think, And the network officers which its purpose is to serve the network will and protect its wisdom no matter what.
A game with two stories, both stories join with the passing of time and each story gives you different explanations about things the other character ignores. My demo is about 5 hours of playing with fun dialogs. My demo is comming soon, I'm fixing some bugs.
This is what the full version will have
40/50 hours play time
2 different stories
Cool characters
Fun dialogs
well thought plot
Secret characters (demo includes 1)
Some battlers made by me check the link, you are free to use them as well,9216.0.htmland a lot of surprises
KCG 3D pseudocamera
Day & Night System (Blizzard's)
A great menu with several skins
Chaos Drive
ummm... Blizzard...
and yes I forgot... Blizzard lol
and of course you for playing my game
Edit: Im almost finished with the new demo. Its the same but bug free, remapped and new stuff like voices and new scripts. It wont take long
Edit 2 :
Demo version JACK version 2.0;6510579;;/fileinfo.htmlEdit 3 :
Font files, If you dont have berlin sans font you can download it here. after the screenshots