Hey, all. Before you settle into a thread posting info on your game, you deserve to know how things work around here.
First and foremost:
RPG Maker games (and Game Maker) ONLY!!As for the content of your posts:
This is what you do not want to post:
yo guys i was thinkin about this idea for a game. dunno if i'll actually go thru with it. just wonderin if anyone would be interested if i did.
Topics like this one will never be moved into the main section. You can post your game topic only in the
New Projects subsection. If you want your game to be moved into the main section and get the attention it deserves, your game topic has contain at least...
1.) Basic background info about the game. At least one paragraph dedicated to plot or story background. Also, please mention which maker is being used. This is also a good place to mention if your game boasts any unique features, such as a custom battle/menu/adventure/dialogue/etc. system.
2.) Info of at least the main character. Remember that you're trying to make us interested in playing your game. The deeper the character information, the more we'll look forward to seeing them in the game.
3.) SCREENSHOTS. In the very least, show us the title screen. If your game utilizes anything unique (see rule #1), show that to us as well. Screenshots are more informative if a short caption is included. For example, a screenshot of the overworld is more impressive if you include a caption of something along the lines of "The hero traverses the expansive plains of [insert kingdom name here]. This particular area has had some touble with monsters as of late..." Okay, you don't really have to say anything like that. I just know, from my experience, I am more interested in viewing screenshots that have can be interestingly described.
4.) If your game uses unique resources or artwork, please give credit to the source. Too often, I see battlers or other resources that have been downloaded from another website, but no credit is given. This leads to future posts leaving comments such as "Omg ur such a gud artist!!!!111one" even though no art was actually created.
5.) DEMO! No demo, no moving. At least half an hour playtime required.
So, there are the rules. I will be doing my best to enforce them, so DO NOT EVOKE MY WRATH. If I encounter a thread which does not contain these basic requirements, a private message will be sent to the creator of the thread as a warning. This then gives them a chance to fix their posts without fear of the thread being deleted. Of course, if they fail to fix the post, their thread will be locked. I will give you 48 hours to fix the post after the initial warning has been sent. I think that's fair.
There you have it. Happy RPG Making!