Hi there, M00s here. If one of you fantastic scripters has the time, I hope you'll ponder the following...
Yanfly made a ton of really cool engines, replete with scripts that did fun stuff like, in my case, give you complete control over what your skills did or allowed your characters to change class. However, the YERD Subclassia script (which allows changing class among other things) has JP functions that interfere with the JP and extended skill notetags in YEM Skill Overhaul. Specifically, the YERD script works as intended, and so does the YEM script... with the exception of awarding JP after a battle!
So here's what I'd like you to help answer for me:
1) Is there a way to make the YERD Job Class Change compatible with the YEM Skill Overhaul? I only want the job class change functionality of the YERD script, and in a perfect world that script would fit into the YEM Menu Melody.
2) If not, is there a script or event system you know of off the top of your head that might point me in the right direction?
3) If the above do not apply, do you know anyone who might be willing to write a script that will add class change functionality while allowing characters to keep their learned skills? (I'll let ya pick from my Pokemon...)
I've been all over the net today, and nothing I've found is what I'm looking for. I'm beginning to think there is no such animal. Additionally, Yanfly no longer offers support for scripts this old, and apparently no one else has ever had this problem. I doubt that, but I don't see any threads on the subject.
Anyhow, I've attached the YEM demo with all the scripts I'm using from Yanfly, including the YERD script... you know, just in case any of our rock star scripters wanna play with it.
I hope to hear from you soon!