I'm posting this script, after searching for this but not finding a script which do this (:
What does this script do?Allows you to forbid for certain actors from an equiptype a weapon or an armor.
I know I could create a new equiptype, but why should I do it, if it's only for 1 weapon
per actor or 1 armor per actor? It's easier and faster to do it with this script
How to use?Write in the notetag of a weapon or armor:
<restrict_actor: x>
<restrict_actor: x,x>
As an example:
if you want that the weapon with the ID 1 won't be available for the actor with
the ID 5 then do this: <restrict_actor: 5>
if actor 5, 7, 10 and 12 shouldn't be able to use the weapon then set it up like
this: <restrict_actor: 5,7,10,12>
I hope you understand what I mean (:
Where is the script?Here we go:
Pastebin LinkVersion Historyv1.1- fixed a huge bug, which would cause an error if the actor has some equipments
equiped from beginning.
v1.0- Got this Script to work
- Allows to restrict certain actors certain weapons from their equipment type
Terms of UseFeel free to use it.
If you want to use it in commercial games, then also ask MephistoX if it is possible to use his ReadNote Script (without that script, mine wouldn't work)
CreditsFlipelyFlip for the Actor Equip Restriction
MephistoX for the ReadNotetag script.