Hi AteOneZero! Thank you for trying the demo! I'm thinking about making the credits map long enough to fit the credits. It wouldn't be too hard to at all! I'll put that in my plans. Maybe even add some stuff happening in there.
I know the infobook input needs an overhaul and it's on my long list of things to do. I just got so used to pressing page up and page down/q and w, but trust me, it's on my list
I'm not sure if maybe you changed your default buttons with F1, but I think those settings carry over to every RM game. So I feel like I will have to implement some kind of controller setup in the options menu at some point to make sure people are ok with the button scheme and can change it to fit how they want to play. It's in my plans, I just need to figure out how to do it. Then I can change all of the prompts to point to the button defined by the user.
Whitney's heal can be used on the field randomly, I don't know why it is acting that way. I will look into this.
The line breaks are a problem with modern algebra's ATS system that I can't seem to fix. I noticed this too and I saw that he posted an update for it recently. I have that version, but it still does the line breaks for me
I'll go and ask in his topic in a bit to see if he can look into it because I just can't pinpoint why it is happening. I was first thinking that maybe it's because it thinks there's a face there and so it will knock off 96 pixels from the last bunch of space, but I'm not entirely sure that's what's happening. It is definitely something I noticed and it was driving me crazy too!
Indicators are on my list of things to get done/do. I even get confused as to who I am attacking on the line and it has been asked for a lot too. So once I figure out how to do it, I will add that in. It should be as simple as just putting an image over the order circle, but... things are never so easy with coding
Diving, I will see about making it so that you can dive in that spot, I changed it because it would look weird to dive there 1 tile away from land. I will make the map 1 or 2 tiles taller so there is more room to jump.
You are indeed supposed to be able to enter that hole. You should just press enter (or what button you have set to the confirm button) and it will work out. It has no switches attached to it or anything, so it should ALWAYS work. If you are still having trouble with it, please let me know. I've never encountered this problem and it would be something that I need to look into.
Also, I didn't get what you meant with the voice acting. If you think it breaks immersion, there is the option to turn it off. I added that option because I know there are some people out there who like the old school experience and like to give their own voices to the characters, etc.
Thank you for playing it, and I hope you enjoyed it so far!
I'll be working on those fixes for 1.04!