Swap Tilesets in VX Editor
Author: BulletXt (bulletxt@gmail.com)
Version: 0.2
Date: 24/12/2009
This software is a small GUI meant to be used while you are mapping in VX editor. The use of this softare makes sense if you are using my script
Swap Tilesets .
While mapping, by simply clicking on the appropriate button in the GUI, it will swap the tileset to the new one and it will show directly in the VX editor (by clicking on a new map in the list). It is very easy to use and can be very useful while mapping.
In order to make this software work you will need:-
The software *.exe and dlls must be located in the root directory of your VX project (the folder that has Game.exe etc)
You must copy all your default tilesets in Graphics/System folder. This means there must be TileA[n],TileB,TileC,TileD and TileE. Of course they can be either default RTP ones or customized, the important is that there is a copy of all tileset numbers.
That's all, so as said
the use of this software only makes sense if you are using my Swap Tilesets script. Be sure you have read the instructions of that script before even trying to use this because it wouldn't make sense. The script is the one that actually swaps the tilesets while playing, this software
only swappes the tiles when you are mapping to make it easier for you.
Screenshots:License:The software is written in C++ with the
Qt4 Framework toolkit.
The software is released under the
GNU General Public License 3.
Sources are available: