I've had this game since July 05 and loved every second of it, sadly I stopped playing for a while (Until holiday season 07'), but I got back on track.
I only own the first game, but considering gettin either EotN or NightFall. I had a trial of Factions, but I don't think I'd buy it...
Guild: Nights of the Round [NotR]
Jack Rex (My main character) [He's as far as the Wilds, all bonuses down up to the wilds too]
Warrior/Mesmer (I think mesmer is a really powerful class, but I also think they're a pretty hard class to get used to)
Dinmer the Small (secondary) [He's as far as Aurora Glade, most of the bonuses down up to it]
Monk/Necromancer (M/N is a powerhouse class, he's my original character, but I stopped playing him.
I'm on alot, so if you see me on, feel free to ask me for any help that you may need.
(Also, Arwym plays, but I forgot her chars name.)