I too experienced the frozen baddy thing. To give a dtailed summary of what happened, I first noticed that the baddy attacked a weird way...
(Try and picture it, I couldn't get a screeny in....)
O represents an empty space, B represents a baddy, D represents a dead baddy, A represents the attacking baddy and V represents the victim of the attack.
I thought it was kinda unfair that he could attack through people like that, then the victim's hp bar fell to empty, but he didn't drop dead, just stood there with an empty hp bar. It then went onto the next baddy's turn and just froze, letting him flash repeatedly and the music playing....
After about a minute I decided nothing was gunna happen so just closed the application.
(insert unrelated that just hit me; how do you get full screen on XP games? That's the first rmxp game I've played....)