Ah, HUD means Heads-Up Display. In this case it is the HP and SP bars, but in some games it would involve minimap, etc.. It is essentially just information displayed on the maps at all times, or at least all times that it is necessary.
Anyways, after playing the prologue, I am quite impressed by the event systems. The battle system is quite enjoyable. The things I disliked were first, the hero. Aluxes (or Arshes) is kind of disliked. It would be worth it, I think, to enlist the help of someone to make a sprite for your main character. With the gameplay he sees, he would probably be happy to also make additional sprites for casting spells and swinging the weapon. That would improve the graphical element immensely, as would better mapping. Another noticeable thing is the absence of a CMS. You do some clever things with status and equipping spells, but with the default CMS and a 1-person party, there will always be a lot of empty space, and so I would also suggest getting someone to make a CMS for you. Aside from that, the battle system is quite fun, and the game is good as it is. But with just those minor improvements, it could be a lot better. In any case, good work, I enjoyed it and I will probably finish it.