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Request: Level Monitoring Script

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Level 90
Alright, I don't know how I'm going to explain this, but I'll give it a shot.

I would code this myself, only I just do C++ and HTML and I'm not familiar with this language. I'll try to explain it the best I can using "fake" code.

Code: [Select]
if (var "x" = 5){   //If the variable "x" (whatever you choose) is equal to 5
   Stop level;       //Do not allow the ability to level
   Print "You have reached the max level. Defeat Coyote to move on."; //Message stating you must beat person to be allowed to level again.
       Print.Choice "Teleport to arena now?"; //Give a choice to go to arena.
       Wait (3000);  //Wait (not pause game) 30 seconds
       Print "Will so-and-so please come to the arena at this time.";
       Wait (500);   //Wait (not pause game) 5 seconds
   }while (switch "x" = off);
   if (switch "x" = on){
        Start level;    //Allow the ability to level
        Set var "x" = 6;   //Set variable "x" equal to six

I want to have multiple of that code, allowing for several start and stops. This is for a tournament and giving level caps so you don't become too powerful at one time. I basically used a C++ format (some C++ code), but I'm sure my little comments off to the right will give you a good idea of what I want.

That was the best way, I feel, that I could explain the code I want - by making my own code and showing how I want it. Like I said, if I knew the language I would do it myself, but I don't, so I can't.

Alright, I'm done now.

Er... Couldn't you just do that with events?

Level 91
quite easy actually

firstly if you want levels to be actual true levels and base on exp then make 2 heroes that are perfectly the same, one will start at level 1 and his end level will be setted to 5 and the other will start on 5 and his last level will be 99

start with the normal hero and condition the door or whateva teleport event to
if switch donewiating=off then
-if hero(say arshesssssssssss) level is 5 then
--teleport to the arena now?
--show choices yes/no
----*play weird sound*
----wait 20-30frames
----"we are dancing like mad coes come back say ... later...."
----switch (countdown) = on
---message: bah maybe later
--message: you are not level 5 mate
-message : ok we are done
-teleport event.

then make a para proccess event precondtioned by countdown=on
once started make it do:
wait X frames (say 400)
switch (donewaiting) = on
switch(countdown) = off

hope it helps

(oh and whenever you wanna go above level 5 remove the first hero and add the 2nd hero you made. (do the adding first)
holy shit my sig was big!

Level 91
So, basically a conditional, with a level as the condition. I think he wanted it the other way around, maxing stats at certain parts of the game.

Level 90
That's not what I was looking for, because they still need to have the choice to go earlier if they want to, this just stops them from "ubering" out the other fighter.

I also intend to have about 6-8 times this happens, and I think that an event would be kind of annoying, requiring me to put it on all the maps. A script, in my opinion, makes things much more simpler.

If nobody would like to make this, then I need a link on a good place to get information on this language so I can go and make it myself.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The nice kind of alien~
Level 92
Martian - Occasionally kind
What about making a common event (on parallel process) do the trick?
That way you only have to make 1 event. You could make it so it was reading the max level from a variable, so you could control the max level by time.
You would only have to make the event once and just change the variable anytime you want to change the max level.

I have tested it, and it works that way. Though a scripting solution probably be better, especially if you have a lot of heros you need to check.
If it's only few heros you need to check, you can just as well do it that way.