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[MV] Gender Message Codes (yea I made a script OK)

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The Hero of Rhyme
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Gender Message Codes
Version: 1.1
Author: yuyu!
Date: March 16, 2016

Version History

  • <Version 1.1> 4-26-2016 - Removed useless code that interfered with other scripts. Oops.
  • <Version 1.0> 3-16-2016 - Original Release


This plugin will allow you to swap between male and female gender text. I recommend that you use this for a game with one main character, namely if you can select or customize that character. You can also specify a switch for the character's gender. :]

*This is my first script, so please bear with me if I goofed up the code somewhere. It's pretty simple though, so hopefully I didn't screw anything up. ;o


Spoiler for:


Save the .js file in your plugins folder and import it through the Plugin Manager.  Please make sure that the file name is "Yuyu_GenderMessageCodes.js ". ;o


Code: [Select]
// Yuyu!'s Gender Message Codes
// Yuyu_GenderMessageCodes.js
// Version: 1.1
// Neko - Who's gender script inspired this one
// Yanfly - Who's code I looked to when I got lost
// SoulPour - Who's tutorials I looked to when I got lost
// (also I love boe)

var Imported = Imported || {};
Imported.Yuyu_GenderMessageCodes = true;

var Yuyu = Yuyu || {};
Yuyu.Message = Yuyu.Message || {};

* @plugindesc Use message codes for gender text!
* @author Yuyu! of RMRK.net

* @param Switch ID
* @desc The switch ID used for the player's gender.
* ON = Male, OFF = Female.
* @default 1
* @help
* ============================================================================
* Introduction
* ============================================================================
* This plugin will allow you to swap between male and female gender text.
* I recommend that you use this for a game with one main character, namely if
* you can select or customize that character.
* ============================================================================
* Message Codes
* ============================================================================
* Below is a list of pronouns and their lowercase (ex: "man")
* and capitalized (ex: "Man") codes. These codes will be replaced
* with the player's chosen gender when used.
* Most of the codes will be the two swapped words (ex: "\hisher").
* There are a few exceptions (himself/herself, prince/princess,
* guy/gal), which will be indicated by a "*".
* Note: For contractions and plural forms, simply add "s" or "'ll"
* at the end of the code. The game should read the code and add that
* part on its own.
* Ex: \heshe'll will create "he'll" or "she'll".
* Ex: \BoyGirls will created  "Boys" or "Girls"
*  ** Codes ARE CaSe SeNSiTivE! **
* -------------------------------------------------
* -------------------------------------------------
* Man/Woman: \manwoman       \ManWoman
* Men/Women: \menwomen       \MenWomen
* Boy/Girl:         \boygirl        \BoyGirl
* He/She:           \heshe          \HeShe
* Him/Her:          \himher         \HimHer
* His/Her:          \hisher         \HisHer
* His/Hers:         \hishers        \HisHers
* *Himself/Herself: \self           \Self
* Lad/Lass:         \ladlass        \LadLass
* Sir/Ma'am:        \sirmaam        \SirMaam
* Dude/Chick:       \dudechick      \DudeChick
* Lord/Lady:        \lordlady       \LordLady
* *Prince/Princess: \prince         \Prince
* King/Queen:       \kingqueen      \KingQueen
* Mister/Miss:      \mistermiss     \MisterMiss
* Mr./Ms.:          \mrms           \MrMs
* *Guy/Gal:         \pguygal         \pGuyGal
* Brother/Sister:   \brothersister  \BrotherSister
* Bro/Sis:          \brosis         \BroSis
* Son/Daughter: \sondaughter \SonDaughter
* Father/Mother: \fathermother \FatherMother
* Dad/Mom:          \dadmom         \DadMom
* Daddy/Mommy:      \daddymommy     \DaddyMommy
* Papa/Mama:        \papamama       \PapaMama
* Husband/Wife:     \husbandwife    \HusbandWife

// Parameter Variables

var params = PluginManager.parameters('Yuyu_GenderMessageCodes');
var switchId = Number(params['Switch ID'] || 1);

// Code Set-Up

Window_Message.prototype.convertMessageCharacters = function(text)

var gender = $gameSwitches.value(switchId);

// -------- MAN/WOMAN --------
text = text.replace(/\x1bmanwoman/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "man";
return "woman";
text = text.replace(/\x1bManWoman/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "Man";
return "Woman";

// -------- MEN/WOMEN --------
text = text.replace(/\x1bmenwomen/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "men";
return "women";
text = text.replace(/\x1bMenWomen/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "Men";
return "Women";

// -------- BOY/GIRL --------
text = text.replace(/\x1bboygirl/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "boy";
return "girl";
text = text.replace(/\x1bBoyGirl/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "Boy";
return "Girl";

// -------- HE/SHE --------
text = text.replace(/\x1bheshe/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "he";
return "she";
text = text.replace(/\x1bHeShe/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "He";
return "She";

// -------- HIM/HER --------
text = text.replace(/\x1bhimher/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "him";
return "her";
text = text.replace(/\x1bHimHer/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "Him";
return "Her";

// -------- HIS/HERS --------
text = text.replace(/\x1bhishers/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "his";
return "hers";
text = text.replace(/\x1bHisHers/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "His";
return "Hers";

// -------- HIS/HER --------
text = text.replace(/\x1bhisher/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "his";
return "her";
text = text.replace(/\x1bHisHer/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "His";
return "Her";

// -------- HIMSELF/HERSELF --------
text = text.replace(/\x1bself/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "himself";
return "herself";
text = text.replace(/\x1bSelf/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "Himself";
return "Herself";

// -------- LAD/LASS --------
text = text.replace(/\x1bladlass/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "lad";
return "lass";
text = text.replace(/\x1bLadLass/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "Lad";
return "Lass";

// -------- SIR/MA'AM --------
text = text.replace(/\x1bsirmaam/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "sir";
return "ma'am";
text = text.replace(/\x1bSirMaam/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "Sir";
return "Ma'am";

// -------- DUDE/CHICK --------
text = text.replace(/\x1bdudechick/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "dude";
return "chick";
text = text.replace(/\x1bDudeChick/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "Dude";
return "Chick";

// -------- LORD/LADY --------
text = text.replace(/\x1blordlady/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "lord";
return "lady";
text = text.replace(/\x1bLordLady/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "Lord";
return "Lady";

// -------- PRINCE/PRINCESS --------
text = text.replace(/\x1bprince/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "prince";
return "princess";
text = text.replace(/\x1bPrince/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "Prince";
return "Princess";

// -------- KING/QUEEN --------
text = text.replace(/\x1bkingqueen/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "king";
return "queen";
text = text.replace(/\x1bKingQueen/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "King";
return "Queen";

// -------- MISTER/MISS --------
text = text.replace(/\x1bmistermiss/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "mister";
return "miss";
text = text.replace(/\x1bMisterMiss/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "Mister";
return "Miss";

// -------- MR./MS. --------
text = text.replace(/\x1bmrms/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "mr.";
return "ms.";
text = text.replace(/\x1bMrMs/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "Mr.";
return "Ms.";

// -------- GUY/GAL --------
text = text.replace(/\x1bpguygal/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "guy";
return "gal";
text = text.replace(/\x1bpGuyGal/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "Guy";
return "Gal";

// -------- BROTHER/SISTER --------
text = text.replace(/\x1bbrothersister/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "brother";
return "sister";
text = text.replace(/\x1bBrotherSister/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "Brother";
return "Sister";

// -------- BRO/SIS --------
text = text.replace(/\x1bbrosis/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "bro";
return "sis";
text = text.replace(/\x1bBroSis/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "Bro";
return "Sis";

// -------- SON/DAUGHTER --------
text = text.replace(/\x1bsondaughter/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "son";
return "daughter";
text = text.replace(/\x1bSonDaughter/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "Son";
return "Daughter";

// -------- FATHER/MOTHER --------
text = text.replace(/\x1bfathermother/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "father";
return "mother";
text = text.replace(/\x1bFatherMother/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "Father";
return "Mother";

// -------- DAD/MOM --------
text = text.replace(/\x1bdadmom/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "dad";
return "mom";
text = text.replace(/\x1bDadMom/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "Dad";
return "Mom";

// -------- DADDY/MOMMY --------
text = text.replace(/\x1bdaddymommy/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "daddy";
return "mommy";
text = text.replace(/\x1bDaddyMommy/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "Daddy";
return "Mommy";

// -------- PAPA/MAMA --------
text = text.replace(/\x1bpapamama/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "papa";
return "mama";
text = text.replace(/\x1bPapaMama/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "Papa";
return "Mama";

// -------- HUSBAND/WIFE --------
text = text.replace(/\x1bhusbandwife/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "husband";
return "wife";
text = text.replace(/\x1bHusbandWife/g, function() {
if (gender == true)
    return "Husband";
return "Wife";

    return text;


  • Neko - His/her gender script inspired this one
  • Yanfly - Who's code I looked to when I got lost
  • SoulPour - Who's tutorials I looked to when I got lost
  • Modern Algebra - Because he's awesome and I sorta copied this post from his script posts :>
  • Pacman - So he doesn't get mad at me for not crediting him again :V (ilu pcmn)

Terms of Use

Free for commercial and non-commercial use. You can credit me if you want, but the simplicity of this script doesn't really warrant that (due to my limited programming knowledge). :)
« Last Edit: April 26, 2016, 05:07:57 AM by yuyu! »
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wow you can't use a boolean for gender because gender isn't binary

looks neat e3e;

The Hero of Rhyme
Level 83
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The script that inspired this one did have non-binary choices, but I couldn't get it to work (I think the parameters were messed up) and the codes confused me because pronouns are too technical, mang. :( So, I decided to make this cis white script.

Or rather, I decided to make one that worked for the game I'm working on and then wanted to share it with the class. :)

also heil booleans !!!
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The Hero of Rhyme
Level 83
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
2014 Queen of RMRKProject of the Year 20142014 Best RPG Maker User - Story2011 Best Newbie2014 Kindest Member2014 Best RPG Maker User - Creativity2013 Queen of RMRKBronze SS AuthorBronze Writing ReviewerSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.GOOD!For frequently finding and reporting spam and spam bots2012 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)2012 Best Yuyubabe Smiley;o
Updated to remove useless code that interfered with Yanfly's Message Core  D:
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