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Level 85
I need someone to create a Few RTP/ Side View Battlers for a game i'm making... I'm not very good with pixel work, and the characters are free to use by anyone. The animated side- view battlers would help me best if they were done in the 11- pose format...
Whoever does this will have their name credited in the game. Which is called Heroes of the Higher Realms
Here's my first character:

Name: Asra Khan 
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: human
Height: 5’ 9”
Hair: black, and messy
Eyes: red
Skin: whitish tan
Alignment (good, evil, ect.): good
Appearence and Physical Description: medium height, build.
Personality: outgoing, strong sense of justice. Sometimes doesn’t think and get’s himself into bad situations.
Main Weapon: The Celestiaweild "Chernobyl"
Special Skill: spirit manipulation (he has the ability to channel and control his chi to the effect of it being used for certain tasks)
Attacks: uses  chi enhanced arcana
Weaknesses: dark void energy
History: born on a particularly strange day, asra was born to two of the kings most elite guard; soraya the magiwield and roal the heavy master. Once the two began to see the strange behavior of the king and his other subjects, they fled to the outer reaches of the kingdom of Azreale. Asra grew up in a small town of rosewood as a normal farm boy. Though his father had long since disappeared. Asra’s life was changed forever when a strange race of creatures attacked his hometown killing everyone, including his mother. His life however was spared thanks to the aid of a strange elder man called Machvienta Melchizdek. Who for some reason called him “Michael”. Upon the fleeing of Asra’s hometown Machvienta gave Asra the sword that he had used to save his life earlier. He stated that the weapon was called “Chernobyl, the Celestiaweild” and that it was Asra’s destiny to wield it. He then left Asra, all alone to fend for himself…   
Spoiler for Here is Asra Khan:

Name: Adasia Norwood
Gender: Female
Species: human
Height: 5’6’
Weight: 150
Hair: medium, black
Eyes: blue
Skin: tan/white
Alignment (good, evil, ect.): no real alignment, but works with Asra.
Appearence and Physical Description: very attractive, slender, well developed features.
Personality: flirty, sneaky, and untrusting.
Main Weapon: tantos
Special Skill: ninja arts
Attacks: uses fast, swift strikes and stealth arcana
Weaknesses: difficult for her to fight in open areas
History: abandoned by her parents, Adasia was left to fend for herself. After being on her own for awhile, Adasia was adopted by an elderly ninja from the eastern kingdom of Wei. She was then trained in the art of ninja stealth and fighting technique. Her master had died not long after Adasia completed her training. So she was left to fend for herself again, though she bumped into Asra not long after and decided to follow him thinking that he was an adventurer looking for treasure, which upon finding she had planned to steal making her rich.
Spoiler for Here is Adasia:

Name: Demetrius Emmett
Age: 19
Gender: male
Species: human
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 160 pounds
Hair: black short
Eyes: brown
Skin: brown
Alignment (good, evil, ect.): good at first then evil later
Appearence and Physical Description:   tall, lanky doofy
Personality: self centered, cowardly, materialistic
Main Weapon: uses manily daggers, then switches to swords later
Special Skill: none
Attacks: none
Weaknesses: money
History: Demetrius was Asra’s good friend. After the attack on their small town, Demetrius was scared to pursue Moloch and he knew Asra was going to, so he split off early in the journey only to appear later on the evil side of things.
Spoiler for Here is Demetrius:

Name: Wong Fei Hung
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Species: human
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 185
Hair: short, blond
Eyes: brown
Skin: asian
Alignment (good, evil, ect.): good
Appearence and Physical Description:  muscular, thin build.
Personality: conceited, but overall a very good guy
Main Weapon: none
Special Skill: uses beggar Siu’s style
Attacks: drunken Boxing tailored to his own ability
Weaknesses: women…particularly Adasia
History: upon beggar Siu leaving Wei, he happened across a stowaway running from the weisian guard. This stowaway was a then five year old Wong Fei Hung. His family was killed by the weisian guard who were crushing a rebellion under the consent of the weisian emperor, Oda Nobunaga. But they did terrible things to the village that the rebels were stationed in. To keep the prestige of the weisian guard, they slaughtered every man, woman and child to ensure that their terrible deeds never left that village. Wong escaped and having nowhere to go hid on the nearest ship. It just so happened that Siu had found hung and took him in as he would his own son. Hung learned Siu’s style of fighting, and one day vowed to return to Wei to uncover the corruption of the emperor and the weisian guard. Hung has a tendency to start fights, so Siu decided to teach him the style so he didn’t have to save him all the time. In the town of balsam hung is often called “drunken master” by his friends.
Spoiler for Here is Wong Fei Hung:

Umm... i drew Adasia and Wong quick to give you guys something to work off of... (i'm a terrible artist ^_^;) I really appreciate the help on this guys... and like i said, the finished work will be free for everyone to use in their own games :D. Credit will be given to the amazing artists who lend a hand.

Level 86
I hate everyone except the ones I don't hate...
I'd love to help! I specialize in Manga and Anime style! BUT! My scanner isn't working, and you're gonna have to colour them yourself. Let me just ask my dad to fix it and I'll help ;D!
I wonder how many of my-reps are there for a reason, and not just because some jackass wanted to show off in front of some other jackasses...?
Probably a lot of them - and those people sure as hell don't deserve my pity, let alone my disgust.
That's right, let's see some more -Rep'ing! BOOYEAH!!

Level 85
Sweet! thanks alot! I can definitely color... but the part where you get them to work as animated battlers confuse me... :( anyway, pm me with what you need and i'll provide it asap!

Level 86
I hate everyone except the ones I don't hate...
I'll try, and by the way, I need a new printer entirely, so it's gonna be some time before I will be able to upload 'em, but I'll spend my time drawing ;)
I wonder how many of my-reps are there for a reason, and not just because some jackass wanted to show off in front of some other jackasses...?
Probably a lot of them - and those people sure as hell don't deserve my pity, let alone my disgust.
That's right, let's see some more -Rep'ing! BOOYEAH!!

Level 86
I hate everyone except the ones I don't hate...
Sorry, can't help! I kinda skimmed through the text, and I thought you were looking for an artist/drawer AND a spriter, judging by the last few lines. I'd be happy to draw the characters (faces, illustations etc.), but you're most likely gonna be dissapointed with battlers and sprites. Though I could give it a try...
I wonder how many of my-reps are there for a reason, and not just because some jackass wanted to show off in front of some other jackasses...?
Probably a lot of them - and those people sure as hell don't deserve my pity, let alone my disgust.
That's right, let's see some more -Rep'ing! BOOYEAH!!

Level 85
hehe well if you can do the illustrations that's fine too. i can try and do the animated battle sprites myself... but i have a really hard time :(. for example, i'll show you what i tried to do with a hayato spritesheet i found :( i was gonna set it up minkoff 11 pose style but with 7 frames so the animation looks smoother.. but it wont work right. i was gonna (once i had it working decently) draw my main character over hayato as a battler because the style i envision him using is exactly like hayato's...but i've run into a snag. If you can set it up so it works as an animated battler...(even if it's 4 frames) i can send you spritesheets of characters that resemble my character's fighting styles and you can set them up as animated battlers, send them back and i can draw over them... :( it's only the animating part that scares me... here's the hayato spritesheet i was working on... see what you can do plz :(

Spoiler for:
hayato spritesheet

Level 86
I hate everyone except the ones I don't hate...
Nice, I'd love to give it a try (AND! My printer's working, now I just need to get the scanning to work properly :P)! But uh... which side-view battler script are you using...? The one by Minkoff? And/or do the battlers need to follow Dollmages "templates"?
I wonder how many of my-reps are there for a reason, and not just because some jackass wanted to show off in front of some other jackasses...?
Probably a lot of them - and those people sure as hell don't deserve my pity, let alone my disgust.
That's right, let's see some more -Rep'ing! BOOYEAH!!

Level 85
Yeah, i'm working with minkoff. the battlers dont have to follow dollmage's template... :) i give you full creativity on that.. you can do dollmages though, cuz that one would be easy i guess. If you can get that spritesheet working decent we can do it like that. you can assemble spritesheets and i can draw over them with my own characters :D :blizj:

Level 86
I hate everyone except the ones I don't hate...
I got a bunch of animated battlers already (by Dollmage), and it would be great fun to try out some stuff with those!

EDIT: I just drew a bit of a quick sketch (not clean, not excactly meant for you to see/use), and I scanned it to show you some of what I do. I attached it...
And sorry about the bad quality, I was using a red pen, and you know how scanners are and colours (or maybe not, I don't really care) :P I was gonna draw legs too etc, when it hit me about you might like to see it ;). I'm gonna start on the battlers asap.

EDIT: Okay, I'm working on the battlers. I've started with Demetrius. Take a look at the first of the sprites. Is the coat too light? Do I need to change the swords? I know about the hair and skin and eyes etc, but the coat was the first part (and I'm doing it in paint...)

EDIT #2: Okay, I'm done with the first guy on the sheet, I think. Anything you want to change when it comes to shading/brightness etc.?
« Last Edit: April 07, 2008, 01:59:50 PM by Demonic Blade »
I wonder how many of my-reps are there for a reason, and not just because some jackass wanted to show off in front of some other jackasses...?
Probably a lot of them - and those people sure as hell don't deserve my pity, let alone my disgust.
That's right, let's see some more -Rep'ing! BOOYEAH!!

Level 85
It's looking great so far! and the asra sketch looks good too. i'll get started on drawing more of the characters so you can have an idea of what they look like ^_^ thanks alot man.. pixels scare me to shit

Level 86
I hate everyone except the ones I don't hate...
Well I just wish I had a program that'd allow me to change certain colours into another colour. So far, I'm having to do it pixel by painful pixel... :P
I wonder how many of my-reps are there for a reason, and not just because some jackass wanted to show off in front of some other jackasses...?
Probably a lot of them - and those people sure as hell don't deserve my pity, let alone my disgust.
That's right, let's see some more -Rep'ing! BOOYEAH!!

Level 85
Are you using photoshop? Photoshop is invaluable for stuff like this lol

I am dushbag
Level 86
its easy to sprite just ask me on Rpg Rpg Revolution were im on my home turf and None of the losers will Go "you suck" after i do something breath taking and i will be banned after this topic for im gonna start some shit

Level 86
I hate everyone except the ones I don't hate...
Yeah, but where can I get it amigo(s)? Do I have to google it or check a site like Download.com?
I wonder how many of my-reps are there for a reason, and not just because some jackass wanted to show off in front of some other jackasses...?
Probably a lot of them - and those people sure as hell don't deserve my pity, let alone my disgust.
That's right, let's see some more -Rep'ing! BOOYEAH!!

Level 85
check out piratebay.

I am dushbag
Level 86
try using graphics gale

Level 86
I hate everyone except the ones I don't hate...
Okay, I'll try that...

EDIT: (@cjonlyyou) Where can I get the full version of graphic gale for free? (and in english, if possible...?)

EDIT (@ rvl1234) and what should I download there? EDIT2: Oh, lol, photoshop, of course.

@Both of you: Should I download the full version of Graphics Gale at piratebay.com? Hmm...?

Strike it all. I'm sorry, but you might want someone to help you if you want it done fast, I'm probably not gonna get it done so soon (and my parents are getting divorced so I'm a bit depressed, and I can't work well when I'm depressed...)... :(
« Last Edit: April 20, 2008, 05:37:07 PM by Demonic Blade »
I wonder how many of my-reps are there for a reason, and not just because some jackass wanted to show off in front of some other jackasses...?
Probably a lot of them - and those people sure as hell don't deserve my pity, let alone my disgust.
That's right, let's see some more -Rep'ing! BOOYEAH!!