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RMRK General => General Chat => Topic started by: Lominisio on January 11, 2007, 01:36:38 AM

Title: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on January 11, 2007, 01:36:38 AM
Post away. ;8 If someone gets the answer I'll post it after the question in red along with the name of who got it first. (As a spoiler of course)

Numbers 28, 49, 52, 53, and  54 are not currently solved.
Set 1
1. Sally likes 225 but not 224; she likes 900 but not 800; she likes 144 but not 145. Which does she like:
1600 or 1700? Why?
Spoiler for:
Djangonator - 1600. Sally likes perfect squares.

 2. If two typists can type two pages in two minutes, how many typists will it take to type 18 pages in six minutes?
Spoiler for:
Djangonator - 6

 3. If it were two hours later, it would be half as long until midnight as it would be if it were an hour later. What time is it now?
Spoiler for:
Djangonator - 9:00 PM

 4. Which of the following proverbs is closest in meaning to the saying, "Birds of a feather, flock together."?
 "One swallow doesn"t make a summer."
 "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."
 "A man is known by the company he keeps."
 "Fine feathers make fine birds."
 "Don"t judge a book by its cover."
Spoiler for:
Arrowone - A man is known by the company he keeps

 5. What is the number that is one half of one quarter of one tenth of 400?
Spoiler for:
Arrowone - 5

 6. If you count from 1 to 100, how many 7"s will you pass on the way?
Spoiler for:
arlenreyb - 20

 7. Each number shown below follows a certain rule. Figure out the rule and fill in the missing number.
January 20
April 10
May 5
November 15
July ?
Spoiler for:
Djangonator - 10

 8. Two men, starting at the same point, walk in opposite directions for 4 meters, turn left and walk another 3 meters. What is the distance between them?
Spoiler for:
Djangonator - 10

 9. If a circle is one, how many is an octagon?
Spoiler for:
Arrowone - Eight

 10. Which of the following sentences given below means approximately the same as the proverb: "Don"t count your chickens until they are hatched?"
 -Some eggs have double yolks, so you can"t really count eggs and chickens.
 -You can"t walk around the henhouse to count the eggs because it will disturb the hens and they won"t lay eggs.
 -It is not really sensible to rely on something that has not yet happened and may not ever happen.
 -Since eggs break so easily, you may not be accurate in your count of future chickens.
Spoiler for:
Arrowone - It is not really sensible to rely on something that has not yet happened and may not ever happen.

 11. There are 1200 elephants in a herd. Some have pink and green stripes, some are all pink and some are all blue. One third are pure pink. Is it true that 400 elephants are definitely blue?
Spoiler for:
Djangonator - No

 12. Which word of four letters can be added to the front of the following words to create other English words?
Spoiler for:
Arrowone - Post

 13. Following the pattern shown in the number sequence below, what is the missing number?
1 8 27 ? 125 216
Spoiler for:
arlenreyb - 64

 14. What is the following word when it is unscrambled?
Spoiler for:
Arrowone - Parachute

 15. The same three-letter word can be placed in front of the following words to make a new word:
Spoiler for:
Arrowone - Day

 16. The same word can be added to the end of GRASS and the beginning of SCAPE to form two other English words?
Spoiler for:
Arrowone - Land

 17. What is the word coiled inside this circle?
  N   G   
 O     E 
 R     R 
  T   S   
Spoiler for:
Arrowone - Stronger

 18. Only one other word can be made from all the letters of INSATIABLE. Can you find it?
Spoiler for:
Arrowone - Banilities

 19. Which vowel comes midway between J and T?
Spoiler for:
Arrowone - O

 20. Pear is to apple as potato is to?
Banana Radish Strawberry Peach Lettuce
Spoiler for:
Arrowone - Radish

 21. Which of the following is least like the others?
Poem Novel Painting Statue Flower
Spoiler for:
Arrowone - Flower

 22. Which of these is the odd one out?
Cat Dog Hamster Rabbit Elk
Spoiler for:
Arrowone - Elk

 23. Continue the following number series with the group of numbers below which best continues the series?
1 10 3 9 5 8 7 7 9 6 ? ?
Spoiler for:
Arrowone - 11 5

 24. Which number comes next in this series of numbers?
2 3 5 7 11 13 ?
Spoiler for:
arlenreyb - 17

 25. Which letter comes next in this series of letters?
B A C B D C E D F ?
Spoiler for:
arlenreyb - E

Set 2
26. We are given three brothers named John, James, and William. John and James (the two J's) always lie, but William always tells the truth. The three are indistinguishable in appearance. You meet one of the three brothers on the street one day and you want to find out whether he is John. You are allowed to ask him one question answerable by yes or no, but the question cannot contain more than three words! What question would you ask?
Spoiler for:
Kioku - Are you James?

 27. Suppose we change the above conditions by making John and James both truthfull and William a liar. Again you meet one of the three and wish to find out if he is John. You are allowed to ask him one question answerable by yes or no, but the question cannot contain more than three words! What question would you ask?
Spoiler for:
Kioku - Are you James?

Set 3
28. Using all of the letters A to Z, each once only, complete these words:
Spoiler for:
Zylos -

29. This is a famous one but still one of my favorites.  :D
As I was going to St. Ives,
I met a man with seven wives.
Each wife had seven sacks,
Each sack had seven cats,
Each cat had seven kits.
Kits, cats, sacks and wives,
How many were going to St. Ives?
Spoiler for:
Kioku - 1. They guy who's talking.

30. Another old one. :D
A man rode into town on his horse. He arrived on Monday, spent six days in town and left on Friday. How is that possible?
Spoiler for:
Kioku - His horse was named Friday/Monday

31. Assume that penguins live with a density of 1,000 penguins per square mile and can run at an average speed of 7 miles per hour on land and swim at 20 miles per hour. Also assume that a polar bear has a territory of 10 square miles, can run at 25 miles per hour and swim at 10 miles per hour, how many penguins will an average polar bear eat in any given month, remembering that a polar bear could, as a maximum, only eat one penguin per hour and 7% of the land is next to the sea.
Spoiler for:
Kioku - None. Penguins and Polar Bears live on opposite poles.

32. How can you throw a ball so that it goes a short distance, comes to a total stop, reverses its motion, and then goes the opposite way. You are not allowed to bounce it against anything, hit it with anything, or tie it to anything.
Spoiler for:
Arrowone - Throw it up

33. Yet another famous one. :D
Three people check into a hotel. They pay $30 to the manager and go to their room. The manager suddenly remembers that the room rate is $25 and gives $5 to the bellboy to return to the people. On the way to the room the bellboy reasons that $5 would be difficult to share among three people so he pockets $2 and gives $1 to each person. Now each person paid $10 and got back $1. So they paid $9 each, totalling $27. The bellboy has $2, totalling $29. Where is the missing $1?
Spoiler for:
Nightwolf - See the cashier had 30 gave the bellboy 5 to give the men back
so the bell boy gave the cashier 2 back which makes 27$ AND THEN HE GAVE THE MEN $3 EACH SO 27+3=30$
so the dollar never GOT MISSING! YOU JSUT CONFUSED US.

34. Everything Mr Red owns is red, he lives in a red bungalow and his chairs are red, his tables are red. His ceiling, walls and floor are all red. All of his clothes are red, his shoes are red, even his carpet, television and phone are red. What color are his stairs?
Spoiler for:
Kioku - Bungalows are one story, so presumeably there are no stairs

35. According to the American Constitution, in order to became President of the United States there are only five pre-requisites. The candidate must:
1. be at least 35 years old.
2. be a citizen of the United States.
3. have resided in the United States for at least 14 years.
4. have been born in the United States.
What is the fifth requirement?
Spoiler for:
Lominisio - be elected. xD

36. A group of Englishmen are travelling on a German plane, piloted by an Norgwegian, bound for Finland. If the plane was to crash in Sweden, where would the survivors be buried?
Spoiler for:
Kioku - You don't bury survivers. ;)

Set 4
37. The class only had nine pupils.
Three girls sat in the front row, three boys sat in the back row, while in the middle row the sexes sat alternately.
Altogether, including the teacher, the sexes were equally divided.
When their homework was returned and marks were compared and the children were suprised to discover that the total marks gained by those in each row were the same, as were also those for each column from front to back and for each diagonal of the square in which they sat.
Exitedly they pointed out that fact to the teacher who replied that, when checking theur work, which had been marked out of ten, he noticed that every digit had been used once and only once.
Three was the lowest mark given to a girl.

What was the highest mark given to a boy?
Spoiler for:
Kioku - 9
Spoiler for:
Detailed answer by Lominisio:

As the sexes are equally divided and the teacher is a man, the middle row is girl, boy, girl.

Every digit is used pmce amd sp the scores were 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. These numbers have the sum of 54 and will form a Magic Square with a row sum of 18.

The central digit must be 6. (For the sum of the cental row, central column, and two diagonals is 72 and this must be 54 plus three tumes the centre.) Now 2 cannot be in a corner because there are insufficient large numbers to make up its three rows etc. to 18. Also, obviously, 4 cannot be in a line with 2 so the four corners are 3, 5, 7, and 9.

Mirror images (left to right) are not relevant to this puzzle, so below are the four relevant possibilities, with the top row being the front of the class.

    A                 B                  C                D
9   2 7          5 4 9          3 10 5          7 8   3
4   6 8        10 6 2          8   6 4          2 6 10
5 10 3          3 8 7          7   2 9          9 4   5

As no girl gets less than three marks, A, B and D are ruled out. In C the highes mark awarded to a boy is 9.

Set 5
38. If 8-22-5-22-13 equates to seven, and 7-4-12 makes two, how would you write ten?
Spoiler for:
Kioku - The numbers are the place that the corresponding letter falls in the alphabet backwards (i.e. S is 8th from last, so it's 8, E is 22nd from last, so it's 22, ect.) Thusly, "ten" would be 7 - 22 - 13

39.The following word square makes a fractured proverb. If you start at the corrent letter and proceed in any direction, one letter at a time, using each letter only once, you will find the fractured proverb.
Spoiler for:
Kioku -

40. Back in the day where there were maidens around who could see unicorns, two of the young ladies passed a field in which some unicorns and some rams were prancing about. One young lady remarked that she could see a total of fourty-four horns. The other young lady remarked that there were twice as many unicorns as rams. How many unicorns and how many rams were there?
Spoiler for:
Modern Algebra - 22 Unicorns, 11 Rams

41. The same five letters, if rearranged, can be used to fill in both sets of blanks in the following sentence, to make a sensible sentance:
Each bank _ _ _ _ _ that is has the very best plan for each _ _ _ _ _.
Spoiler for:
Lominisio - Raves, Saver (This was a question from MESNA)

42. What comes next in the following series? Why?
J-31  A-31  S-30  O-31  N-30 _-__
Spoiler for:
Modern Algebra - D-31 for December, 31 Days

43. What is the next letter in the following sequence? Why?
A D G K O T _
Spoiler for:
Modern Algebra - Y, based on the idea that each letter of the alphabet corresponds to a number 1, ..., 26 and the pattern seems to be +3, +3, +4, +4, +5, __. Assuming it is +5, the answer would be Y.

Set 6
44. Tony has just bought a new car. On his way home from work on Friday evening he is so excited at the prospect of showing off his car to his girlfriend that he isn't paying attention. He goes past a red light without stopping, bumps into somebody in front of him and then turns into a "No Entry" road. A police officer observes his actions but makes no attempt to stop him. Why?
Spoiler for:
Modern Algebra - He was walking, not driving.

45. On hiliday in the Pyrennees, Stuart and Matt are skiing fown the mountainside when suddenly an avalanche strikes. Stuart is nearly saved, but Matt is nearly buried under the snow. Who is more grateful?
Spoiler for:
Modern Algebra - Matt because he isn't dead.

46. In which month are fewest daily newspapers sold?
Spoiler for:
Modern Algebra - February

47. A building that was constructed in 30BC was destroyed by a fire three-quarters of a century later. In which year was it destroyed?
Spoiler for:
Mastermoo420 - 46AD

48. The wife of a dead man was explaining to the doctor that her husband had been watching a programme on the evening of his death about the Beast of Bodmin Moor. Afterwards, she explained, he had a nightmare in which he was being chase down a hill by a huge black panther-like creature. The husband was tossing about so violently in his sleep, she said, that he rolled off the edge of the bed and died instantly from a concussion. Why was the doctor not convinced by the widow's account?
Spoiler for:
Modern Algebra - She wouldn't know his dream if he died instantly

49. A vinyl record measures 32cm across. There is a 1cm margin around the edge and a centre label, which mesures 10cm across. There are 30 grooves per cm. How far does the needle travel if the record is played from start to finish?
Spoiler for:
Snailer - 10 cm (slightly over because the needle follows a a cirved path)

50. In five years, I will be three times as old as I was three years ago. How old am I now?
Spoiler for:
Modern Algebra - 7

51. Can you guess the next lettter in this series? "CYGTNLIT"
Spoiler for:
Modern Algebra - S

Set 7
52. Five girls entered the Village Beauty Contest. Each of the five judges had to put them into a definite order and then allot fifteen marks between them. The aggregate marks for eachgirl decided the issue. The judges each gave a different maximum mark and also chose a different girl to be top. No girl had two identical marks in her score.
Joe gave the maximum possible to Rose and he placed Gwen above Linda. Tom gave Ann one more than Sam did. Pam had no zeros in her score and although she finished ahead of Rose she didn't win. Ann scored the only 5 that was allotted. Dan placed the girls as closely together as he could.
The judge who put Gwen first put Rose last. Brian succeeded in putting them all in their corrent final order.

Who won, and what were her individual marks from each judge?

53. Decode the following to find out where the Rajah's jewels have dissapeared to:


54. Here's a magic square for you to solve along with a few hints to get you started. You must complete it by putting 8 different prime numbers in the eight empty squares, so that the lines, the columns and the diagonals add up to the same total; and it must be the smallest possible total under the conditions.
The number in the middle square is the average of the two numbers directly above it and below it. The third largest number is NOT in the right-hand column. Every square contains one or two digits. Can you solve the magic square?

Set 8
55. NYI
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Arrow on January 11, 2007, 02:23:18 AM
Couldn't figure them all out, busy, but here's what I have. The one's I couldn't get are marked as "(X.)".

4. A man is known by the company he keeps
5. 5
6. 14
8. Not enough information. Do you mean my left, or each man's left personally?
9. Eight
10. It is not really sensible to rely on something that has not yet happened and may not ever happen.
12. Post
14. Parachute
15. Day
16. land
17. Stronger
18. Banalities
19. O
20. Lettuce
21. Flower
22. Elk
23. 11 5
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Moss. on January 11, 2007, 02:25:29 AM
13. 64
24. 17
25. E
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on January 11, 2007, 02:39:23 AM
Arrowone got a lot right a few wrong. :)
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Arrow on January 11, 2007, 02:41:11 AM
6. 17?
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on January 11, 2007, 02:45:41 AM
Nope.  ;8
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: haloOfTheSun on January 11, 2007, 02:55:38 AM
Number six should be 1
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on January 11, 2007, 02:56:27 AM
Number six should be 1

How do you come to that conclusion? ???
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Arrow on January 11, 2007, 03:04:02 AM

You said how many 7's, not 17's, or 27's, or 37's, etc.
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on January 11, 2007, 03:34:36 AM
it does include 17 27 etc... But you're still all wrong. :P
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Arrow on January 11, 2007, 03:37:23 AM
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Moss. on January 11, 2007, 03:37:55 AM

7   1
17  2
27  3
37  4
47  5
57  6
67  7
77  9
87  10
97  11

edit: fuck you a1
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on January 11, 2007, 03:39:23 AM
Still wrong. :)
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Arrow on January 11, 2007, 03:51:33 AM

Arlen forgot 70
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on January 11, 2007, 03:52:49 AM
Still Wrong.  ;D;8

Any more guesses?
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Arrow on January 11, 2007, 03:53:50 AM
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Moss. on January 11, 2007, 04:37:25 AM
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Arrow on January 11, 2007, 04:46:20 AM
If you count directly from one to one-hundred...
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on January 11, 2007, 05:01:25 AM



Now can you solve the rest of the puzzles?
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Arrow on January 11, 2007, 05:33:50 AM
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on January 11, 2007, 05:38:07 AM
It's so easy that it's hard?

Anyway, try the rest.  ;8
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Arrow on January 11, 2007, 05:45:17 AM
July is 5

Also, Sally likes 1700, because it's an odd number

54 typists

potato is to peach

and I'm done for the evening I think
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on January 11, 2007, 05:48:07 AM
Nope. All three are wrong. :)
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: haloOfTheSun on January 11, 2007, 05:48:22 AM
Number six should be 1

How do you come to that conclusion? ???

Because the number seven only appears once DUH, just like the number one only appears once, and the number two only appears once. If you count the 7 in 17,27,37, etc. that's just stupid.
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Arrow on January 11, 2007, 05:49:40 AM
DAMN. Oh well, my brain is burnt...see ya.
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on January 11, 2007, 04:45:51 PM
Potato > Peach is wrong. More guesses?  ;8
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Arrow on January 11, 2007, 08:53:10 PM
It's a radish. Now that I am awake, it has become inherently obvious that the analogy is about the way the objects are grown.

Apples and pears frog on trees, and potatoes are both radishes.
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: GilgameshRO on January 11, 2007, 09:00:20 PM
Number six should be 1

How do you come to that conclusion? ???

Because the number seven only appears once DUH, just like the number one only appears once, and the number two only appears once. If you count the 7 in 17,27,37, etc. that's just stupid.

Halo is 100% correct.
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Arrow on January 11, 2007, 09:36:31 PM
Maybe if he said, how many times will you pass by the numeral seven as a digit, either singularly or within another number, along the way?
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Djangonator on January 11, 2007, 09:46:41 PM
1- 1600. 225, 900, and 144 are all perfect squares, which is why she likes them.
2- 6. proportions, ftw
3- 9 p.m.? Since 2 hours later (11 p.m.), leaves half of what the time would be if it were one hour later (10 p.m.).
7- This one was a little tough. Multiply the number of syllables in the month by 5. JU-LY: 2.  July 10.
8- 10 meters. Pythagorean theorem plz.
11- No, because the rest could be any color.
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on January 11, 2007, 10:19:44 PM
Meh. They've all been solved. I'm gonna add more!!  ;D ;8 ;D
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Djangonator on January 11, 2007, 10:24:50 PM
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on January 11, 2007, 11:37:13 PM
I added more.   :D ;8
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Arrow on January 12, 2007, 01:30:40 AM
26. "Are you John?" Will would say he is William, and John would say he is James. James would say, "Yes, I am." So logically I just have to see if he says no.

27. "Aren't you John?" Again, need him to say no.
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Christina on January 12, 2007, 02:31:09 AM
omgz u ppl are so smart :o

talk about nerds...

lol jks be proud ur smarter than me.

or a lot less lazy than me to read all those and think of an answer ;D
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Kioku on January 12, 2007, 02:38:47 AM
I think that may be a little off, arrowone.

#26. "Are you James?". James will lie and say no. William will tell the truth and say no. Only John will (lie) and say yes.

#27. Again, "Are you James?". James will say yes. William will lie and say yes. Only John will (tell the truth) and say no.
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Arrow on January 12, 2007, 03:08:44 AM
Damn it. I hate it when I get stuff mixed up like that. :\

Good job though Kioku, pretty good post.
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on January 12, 2007, 03:16:09 AM
Arrowone, sorry, you lost. :P

Nice job Kioku. :)
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on January 13, 2007, 04:49:46 AM
I added more questions!  ;8
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Arrow on January 13, 2007, 05:16:31 AM
29. 2402
30. He crossed the GMT
31. No way I am going to sit here and do math on my day off from school.
32. Easy, throw it directly upward
33. My brain fucking broke.
34. Blue
35. Must have been in the military for some time? How sad is it that I don't know my own nation's constitution...
36. In the ground?
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on January 13, 2007, 05:21:40 AM
29. 2402 wrong
30. He crossed the GMT wrong
31. No way I am going to sit here and do math on my day off from school. wrong
32. Easy, throw it directly upward right
33. My brain fucking broke. wrong
34. Blue wrong
35. Must have been in the military for some time? How sad is it that I don't know my own nation's constitution... wrong
36. In the ground? wrong

Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Arrow on January 13, 2007, 05:43:08 AM
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Zeriab on January 13, 2007, 11:30:26 AM
Loads of new riddles ^_^
Just answering one:

30. He arrived monday morning and left friday night.
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on January 13, 2007, 04:42:33 PM
30. He arrived monday morning and left friday night. wrong
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Moss. on January 13, 2007, 09:37:48 PM
;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8 ;8
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Kioku on January 14, 2007, 12:42:21 AM
I'll try answering a few more, though some still have me boggled:

#29 Just one, the speaker
#30 He came/left on two different horses, named Monday and Friday, respectively
#31 Penguins and Polar Bears live in opposite hemispheres (Though, don't ask me which), so a polar bear wouldn't be eating any penguins
#34 Bungalows are one story, so presumeably there are no stairs
#36 You don't bury survivors (Typically speaking)
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on January 14, 2007, 05:33:40 AM
All of your answers were right.  ;8
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: SexualBubblegumX on January 14, 2007, 08:21:22 AM
I'm confused.... and tired.
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Knownot on January 14, 2007, 12:00:07 PM
These are probably Lominsio's homework.
if he goes to school
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on January 14, 2007, 08:16:19 PM
Nah. I wish my homework was like this. That'd be easy.
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on January 15, 2007, 01:30:23 AM
Anymore guesses?  ;8
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: SexualBubblegumX on January 15, 2007, 01:10:59 PM
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Nightwolf on January 18, 2007, 01:29:31 PM
The answer to the bellboy and the dollar

See the cashier had 30 gave the bellboy 5 to give the men back
so the bell boy gave the cashier 2 back which makes 27$ AND THEN HE GAVE THE MEN $3 EACH SO 27+3=30$

so the dollar never GOT MISSING! YOU JSUT CONFUSED US.

Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on January 18, 2007, 01:50:34 PM
ZOMG!! Nightwolf got it when no-one else did! :o :o
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Arrow on January 18, 2007, 09:14:59 PM
33. You wouldn't add to the number for the bell boy, you would subtract. They gave thirty dollars to the manager. Five of which were SUPPOSED TO BE returned.

So the manager gives back five, leaving himself with                                              (25)
The bell boy pockets two.                                                                                        (02)
The men get three.                                                                                                  (03)

You wouldn't add to the number twenty seven- that would be accounting for the bell boy's money twice.


Good job nightwolf. ;D
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Nightwolf on January 19, 2007, 10:07:32 AM
Thanks, i was trying to say something like that, but you know i cant frame a really long sentence when im like

"Oh Leave the Grammer"
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Snailer on January 19, 2007, 12:29:36 PM
I got one

1 = 0.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

How comes ^^ ?

And i know 35
 the last is "enter the selections !"
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on January 19, 2007, 01:34:30 PM
No to 35. and I'll answer the 1 = 0.999 when I get home from school.
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Snailer on January 19, 2007, 03:56:49 PM
Be not black ?
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on January 19, 2007, 10:19:30 PM
Be not black ?

No again.

Now in response to YOUR question. Let me start out by saying it's wrong. 0.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 DOES NOT equal 1. However, 0.9 repeating DOES equal 1.

Here's a site to prove it. ;8 (
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Kioku on January 20, 2007, 03:02:06 AM
That whole "infinite .9's repeating equals one" is still up for debate, it hasn't really been agreed on. I, for one, don't agree with it. I've read all the debates, and I even read that site you linked to, but I feel their logic is faulty, in that they fail to grasp the real concept of infinity.

They go off the idea that .9 repeating forever is a number, but it's not, it's a concept. Specifically, the concept of the the number closest to 1, but not actually 1.

For example, the guy says, "If it doesn't equal 1, then what is the number halfway between it and 1?" which is absurd, and shows this guy doesn't grasp the idea of infinite. What if you asked, "What number is halfway between 15 and infinity?" Those infinite .9's aren't a number you find averages with, it's a concept, like infinity.

Though, that's just my humble opinion.
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Snailer on January 20, 2007, 11:50:27 PM
both wrong..
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on January 21, 2007, 12:02:13 AM
Anyway... We can discuss this in a whole other topic. This is for my puzzles.  ;D
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Snailer on January 21, 2007, 12:07:42 AM
:D sorry ^^

35 = Have a group !
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: nevfx on January 21, 2007, 03:22:03 PM
35= Has not been the President for more then three terms...or four...
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Snailer on January 21, 2007, 03:38:04 PM
Damn you !!
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: nevfx on January 21, 2007, 03:59:45 PM
Is that right? We may never know....

Unless Lominisio replies anyway.
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on January 21, 2007, 07:10:10 PM
Meh. It's taking too long. I'll add spoilers to the rest of them. Solved by Lominisio. :P
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: nevfx on January 21, 2007, 07:16:51 PM
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on January 25, 2007, 04:22:55 AM
I added another question. I made this one slightly harder as I'm busy working on my pokémon game. :P
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Nightwolf on January 25, 2007, 04:25:57 AM
Highest marks to a boy =8
As only then can the girl get lowest which is 1 and 1 more one
or 10 and the other two get 0

MAN UR GOOD! nice question, cant find the answer
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on January 25, 2007, 04:27:41 AM
Highest marks to a boy =8
As only then can the girl get lowest which is 1 and 1 more one
or 10 and the other two get 0

MAN UR GOOD! nice question, cant find the answer

Lowest a girl got was 3. :)

Remember that they sit in a square

0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0

And each line adds up to the same number
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Nightwolf on January 25, 2007, 06:38:20 AM
Then boy wouldve got 7

Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on January 25, 2007, 02:21:36 PM
That's wrong. But you still need to prove it.

In order to prove it you need to show where each person was sitting and what marks they got.

0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Kioku on January 29, 2007, 01:00:22 AM
I'm slightly confused. You say in the question the teacher is male ("he noticed that"), but I can't figure it out without the teacher being female. On the off chance the teacher is a woman dressed as a man or something, I got it to work like this:

4  3  8
9  5  1  <-- With this one being boy, girl, boy, and why it won't work with a male teacher
2  7  6

So, the highest mark for a boy would be 9. If the teacher really is male, though, I can't yet come up with the right arrangement, and unless I'm missing something, I can't think of one there could be. 3 needs to be across from 7, and neither 3 nor 7 can be in the same row as 9, so 3 and 7 can't be on the diagnols, and thus neither can 1 or 9.  If 3 and 7 are vertical, like I have them, 9 and 1 are horizontal, but if the teacher is male, those are both girls, and they can't score less than 1. So, if 3 and 7 are horizontal, 9 has to be in the top row, since that's the girl's row, and can't have the 1. The problem there is the 2 and 4 have to be next to 9 (Since 8 or 6 is too much), and that puts 2 in the girl's row, which again breaks the rule.

Oh, and how I got the numbers in the first place: From 1-9, every number has a pair that adds up to 10, except for 5 (i.e. 1+9, 2+8, 3+7, 4+6, 5), so I put 5 in the middle, and all the pairs on either side, so they'd add up to 15 all around. Getting them spun the right way was trial and error.
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on January 29, 2007, 01:30:53 AM
Ok. You're on the right path BUT THE TEACHER IS MALE.

The grades between the 9 people use the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 0
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Kioku on January 29, 2007, 07:21:51 AM
Now I just feel silly for not knowing they used 0. Okay, got it now:

3  10 5
8  6  4  <-- Girl, boy, girl, this time
7  2  9

So, the highest score for a boy is 9

As for showing how I got the answer, just added 1 to all the numbers in my first guess and moved them around a little bit
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on January 29, 2007, 01:43:56 PM
Wow... +rep for being so smart. ;8

I'll update the first post with the answer when I get home. I'll end up being a bit more elaborate in my explanation though. :D
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on March 08, 2007, 05:04:39 AM
Added a few more rather nice puzzles for you all to work on. ;8
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: modern algebra on March 08, 2007, 06:04:53 AM
Set 5
38. If 8-22-5-22-13 equates to seven, and 7-4-12 makes two, how would you write ten? Why?

39.The following word square makes a fractured proverb. If you start at the corrent letter and proceed in any direction, one letter at a time, using each letter only once, you will find the fractured proverb.

40. Back in the day where there were maidens around who could see unicorns, two of the young ladies passed a field in which some unicorns and some rams were prancing about. One young lady remarked that she could see a total of fourty-four horns. The other young lady remarked that there were twice as many unicorns as rams. How many unicorns and how many rams were there?

41. The same five letters, if rearranged, can be used to fill in both sets of blanks in the following sentence, to make a sensible sentance:
Each bank _ _ _ _ _ that is has the very best plan for each _ _ _ _ _.

42. What comes next in the following series? Why?
J-31  A-31  S-30  O-31  N-30 _-__

43. What is the next letter in the following sequence? Why?
A D G K O T _

40. 22 Unicorns, 11 Rams

42. D-31 for December, 31 Days
43. I'm not sure about this one, but I am going to guess Y, based on the idea that each letter of the alphabet corresponds to a number 1, ..., 26 and the pattern seems to be +3, +3, +4, +4, +5, __. Assuming it is +5, the answer would be Y.

...I'm too tired to think about the others.

Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on March 08, 2007, 01:20:13 PM
Correct. ;8
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on March 09, 2007, 06:07:09 AM
Any more guesses? :-\
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: modern algebra on March 09, 2007, 06:56:55 AM
38. I know that this is totally wrong, but ... (8 + 22 + 5 + 22 + 13) mod 21 = 70 mod 21 = 7 mod 21, and (7 + 4 + 12) mod 21 = 2 mod 21, so if that's not a total coincidence then you could write 10 as any number with remainder 10 when divided by 21 ... so for example (8-12-6-22-5-22-19) = 10 mod 21. My only other idea is that it is the # of digits - 1, in which case the number I gave would still work. As I said before, it's definitely wrong.

For the bank one, are the words restricted to 5 letters, or could it have repeated letters, like the word teller is composed of only 5 letters, but is 6 characters...
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on March 09, 2007, 12:35:21 PM
nimber one is wrong. The bank one has 5 letters, they don't repeat.
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Kioku on March 10, 2007, 06:38:50 AM
#38  The numbers are the place that the corresponding letter falls in the alphabet backwards (i.e. S is 8th from last, so it's 8, E is 22nd from last, so it's 22, ect.) Thusly, "ten" would be 7 - 22 - 13

#39  "All the glitters gets stolen"

Alas, no idea on 41, that one seems tough
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on March 10, 2007, 07:13:52 AM
39, all THAT glitters gets stolen. But you were right on all of them. 41 is really hard though. Me and my friends couldn't solve it until my teacher gave us the answer. :(
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Kioku on March 10, 2007, 07:21:29 AM
Ah, thanks for fixing my typo, that's embarrassing. I got a bit ahead of myself, it seems.

Still no ideas on 41, though I have a feeling I'm going to kick myself after someone else gets the answer right
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on July 20, 2007, 08:28:57 PM
It's been quite a while since I've updated this so I supposed I may as well. I've been busy lately and haven't gotten around to it. It's currently been updated with another set. :)
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: modern algebra on July 20, 2007, 08:35:44 PM
Oh, I haven't seen you around for a while Lominisio, hi  :police:

I'll take a look at the puzzles

44. He's not driving the car home, he's walking.

45. Matt, since he's not dead

46. February?

47. 45 AD

48. Because if he died instantly, she wouldn't have known what he was dreaming about.

50. 7
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Kokowam on July 20, 2007, 08:36:07 PM
I'ma do them now. Long time no see, man. I'll edit this post if noone posts once I get an answer. XD
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on July 20, 2007, 08:54:42 PM
Oh, I haven't seen you around for a while Lominisio, hi  :police:

I'll take a look at the puzzles

44. He's not driving the car home, he's walking.

45. Matt, since he's not dead

46. February?

47. 45 AD

48. Because if he died instantly, she wouldn't have known what he was dreaming about.

50. 7

You only got #47 wrong. I need to put some harder ones up. These seem too easy to solve. :P

And hello everyone. ^_^
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Kokowam on July 20, 2007, 09:03:11 PM
Wait, for 49, the needle doesn't move at all so technically it doesn't travel. :D Also, for 47, is it 46 AD because there is no such thing as 0?
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on July 20, 2007, 09:06:17 PM
The needle does move. :)

And yes, it is 46AD. ^_^
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Kokowam on July 20, 2007, 09:09:40 PM
I also got the CYGTNLIT but I cheated so I'm not going to reveal it. Or, I might reveal it and Lom can give credit to whoever guesses why it is.
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on July 20, 2007, 09:17:55 PM
Meh. Cheater...  :police:
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Kokowam on July 20, 2007, 09:29:36 PM
Yeah, which option should I do? Also, I thank my cheating because I found a wonderful puzzle site. XD
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: modern algebra on July 20, 2007, 09:32:21 PM
errm... S

Can You Guess The Next Letter In This Series

If not, it's a huge coincidence.

Can you link to the puzzle site moo?
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Kokowam on July 20, 2007, 09:39:05 PM
That was right. It's not that wonderful but it's still enough to keep me occupied.
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on July 20, 2007, 09:42:27 PM
It's right. Did you cheat too?  :police:
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: modern algebra on July 21, 2007, 12:08:50 AM
of course not! I have more integrity then mooface  ;D

I wonder if he minds me calling him mooface
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Kokowam on July 21, 2007, 12:10:01 AM
I don't care. I JUST WANT MORE RIDDLEZ! Er, Puzzlez, my bee.
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on July 21, 2007, 12:37:16 AM
Meh... I'll see what I can find.
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Forty on July 25, 2007, 06:59:00 PM
Plz give us the answer to the bank one, it's so HARD
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on July 25, 2007, 07:53:46 PM
Plz give us the answer to the bank one, it's so HARD

I put in the answer to #41.
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Leventhan on July 26, 2007, 12:30:03 PM
Whoa, I didn't realize this topic existed.
Well then, this should be interesting. ;D
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Kokowam on July 26, 2007, 12:55:16 PM
Hey levvy, you should make ZOMG! It'z Riddelz!
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on July 26, 2007, 03:33:58 PM
Numbers 28 and 49 are not currently solved.

Number 37 has been given a rather detailed answer.

I am currently added more puzzles.
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on July 26, 2007, 04:19:09 PM
Updated: Added three more puzzles.  ;8
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Kokowam on July 26, 2007, 04:49:36 PM
53) WTF? The numbers? How do you use them?
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on July 26, 2007, 04:55:01 PM
I'm not supposed to tell you. That'd ruin the puzzle. ^_^
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Snailer on January 14, 2008, 02:36:53 PM
49 = 10 cm
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Zylos on January 14, 2008, 03:36:41 PM


I haven't checked my work, but I think that's right.
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Zylos on January 14, 2008, 03:55:46 PM

I'm probably dead wrong on this, but is it 9cm?

Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Zylos on January 24, 2008, 02:14:39 PM

Sorry for the triple post, but I wanna know if my answer was right or not.
Title: Re: ZOMG! It'z Puzzlez!!
Post by: Lominisio on January 25, 2008, 10:28:51 PM
Sorry for not answering right away. I wasn't aware anyone had posted. >.<

That's right

Snailer, you're right.