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Disable AutoShadow Plus

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Level 83
Disable AutoShadow Plus
Author: BulletXt (bulletxt@gmail.com)
Version: 0.1
Date: 25/04/2009
Special Credit: Modern Algebra (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,24428.0.html)

This script will make you choose what tiles on map must have autoshadow disabled. This can be very useful for good-professional mappers out there. There isn't much to say about it, this script is plug&play and it's very easy to use (instructions inside script).

Please report any issues you encounter and be sure to attach the map file so I can fix the script way faster.

Download Script: here


Level 97
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Looking good. I should warn you that someone once noticed that my script also takes the legs off of tables, so I should probably fix that :(

Level 83
Yea I've read that issue in your thread :) But I think people will use this script mostly for walls and similar things... well, at least that's why I "created" this script :)

pokeball joyOfflineFemale
Level 85
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That's the intended use...but tables still need legs ;p

Level 84
so I should probably fix that :(
I betcha that's his "ulterior motive" to make you finish that awesome script. =]
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