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RMVX Script Index

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Version: 2.0
Category: Menu Systems
Spoiler for Description:
This demo contains the original MOG Menu & Status Scenes, with the VX versions of the ITEM, SKILL, EQUIP, and SHOP XP scripts. Also contained is an adjustment to the Skill Shop by Nechigawara Sanzenin to fit the SEL style.

« Last Edit: January 13, 2010, 07:34:51 PM by modern algebra »

Level 97
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Battle Backgrounds
Version: 1.00A
Category: Battle Systems
Spoiler for Description:
This simple script allows you to have a battle background instead of the abstract background which is the default for RPG Maker VX. Simply define the Background filename in the customization section, along with your Map_ID.

Regenerate HP/MP on Defense
Version: 1.2.0A
Category: Battle Systems
Spoiler for Description:
With this script, the developer has the ability to allow players to regenerate HP and/or SP (Now MP) when they defend. The customization is at the top of the script. This script was made by analyzing the Scene_Battle script in the Trial version and then remaking it in XP, so there may/may not be bugs.

Good VS. Evil
Version: 1.0.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows the end user (you) to give each playable character an alignment and alignment points. The system works similar to the Baldur's Gate 'reputation system', where x amount of Upgrade points increase the actors alignment. The script automatically draws the alignment in the status screen.

« Last Edit: January 13, 2010, 07:36:42 PM by modern algebra »

Level 97
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Equipment Constraints, with modern algebra
Version: 2.5b
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows the user to set prerequisites for equipping weapons and armors.

Equipment Requisites
Version: 2.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Allows the game designer to designate requisites for the equipment. Items will not be equipped unless all requisites are met, and will be unequipped if the item they require is unequipped.

« Last Edit: January 13, 2010, 07:38:34 PM by modern algebra »

Level 97
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Crissaegrim ABS
Version: 2.0.5
Category: Battle Systems
Spoiler for Description:
An Action Battle System that allows you to fight enemies on the map. This type of system is seen in Zelda.

Input [included in miget_man12's Miniature Script Collection]
Version: 1.0
Category: Scripting Utility
Spoiler for Description:
A rewritten Input module that allows for full keyboard & mouse input.

Vampyr Net Gaming, by Vlad
Version: 1.0.5
Category: Miscellaneous
Spoiler for Description:
Allows for the creation of a server so that your VX game can become playable by multiple players over the internet!

Vampyr SBABS, by Vlad
Version: 9
Category: Battle Systems
Spoiler for Description:
A great Action Battle System for VX. It includes party battling.

« Last Edit: September 28, 2009, 07:19:28 PM by modern algebra »

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1-Dir Movement Style [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Movement is like resident evil. Left and Right turn the character, Up moves the character forward and Down moves the character backward

Advanced Scroll Screen [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Category: Event Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Gives more advanced options for scrolling the screen, such as decimal speeds

Animation Bug Fix [Also included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Category: Miscellaneous
Spoiler for Description:
I'm not sure how many people noticed that...

when you show animation on character,
and you move in the map that bigger than 17 x 13 which cause map to scroll.
The animation will move with the screen, instead of stay on character.

So I scripted this one to fixed it~

Auto Backup [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Category: Miscellaneous
Spoiler for Description:
Automatically backup your rx/rvdata files when you run the game.

Auto Event Properties Change [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Category: Event Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Add tag in 'comment...' in event to change event's properties automatically

Auto-Repeat Animation
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This is a little snippet that will allow you to set repeat animation on character in map.

Repeat animation will show again and again after the last animation in that character finished~

Balloon SE [Also included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Category: Event Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script will play SE when show balloon.

Basic HUD [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Category: Map Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Basic HUD that shows HP and SP of first character in party on map

+ [ Battle Result Window ] + [Also included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Systems
Spoiler for Description:
I discussed about battle result window for VX with my friend for a while.
The problem is that there is no built-in battle result window in VX.
(The result will show in message box instead)

So I try to script this to see if it's possible to make one.
I put the same information as the battle result window in XP.

+ [ Call Event ] + [Also included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Category: Event Utility
Spoiler for Description:
It's a little snippet that will add thing like event command 'Call Event' in RM2K.

If you haven't use RM2K before, 'Call Event' use to run event commands in other event.
Basically, it's similar to 'Call Common Event', just change from common event to event in map.

I also added option to use call event with event from other map.

Change Windowskin [Also included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Category: Event Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This is a small snippet to change your windowskin by call script~

Character TextBox II [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 2.0
Category: Message Systems
Spoiler for Description:
Show text box over character (player or event)

+[Custom Title Screen Menu]+
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This script will help you add, arrange, and edit menu in title screen easier.

You can easily move, change its size, change skin, and  change opacity.

Enemy Status Filter [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Systems
Spoiler for Description:
Can hide parts of enemy status during battle

Event Duplicator [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Category: Event Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Replace event's page with other event's page

+Extra Movement Speed+
Version: 1.0
Category: Event Utility
Spoiler for Description:
You will allow to change character's speed by decimal point. e.g. +0.5, -1.2

And you can increase speed more than 6, which is the limit of speed that you can change by event command.

Extra Title Screen Button [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Add extra buttons in title screen

Floating Event's Name [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Category: Event Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Show event name over event on map

Full HP/MP upon Level UP [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Restores HP and MP to full when actor levels up

Get Item Window [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 2.0
Category: Message Systems
Spoiler for Description:
Allows you to show a window on screen when the party gains items

Gradient Bug Fix [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Category: Miscellaneous
Spoiler for Description:
Fixes a default bug with the gradient bar

Icon Preview Window [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Category: Miscellaneous
Spoiler for Description:
Allows developer to easily select icons and discover what its index is for use in scripts

+[Improved & Special Move Commands]+ [also included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Category: Event Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script will edit old move commands and add new move commands.

It script will be good for minigame, ABS (for enemy's move route), or any system to do with move thing~

Item Price Changer [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Change prices of items, weapons and armors in game.

Lite Menu
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Systems
Spoiler for Description:
This script will change your menu style similar to Dragon Warrior style menu.

+ [ Lock Screen ] + [also available from Wora's GiftBox]
Version: 1.0
Category: Event Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script will lock the screen from scroll when the switch that you choose turn ON.
I think this should be good for cut scene or something like that

Map Credit [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
A Credit screen for your game

Mix Skills System [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.1
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
Mix 2 or more skills to get new skills

Monster Book [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
A tool that allows you to view data on monsters that have been encountered

Mother-Style CMS, with Arrow-1
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Systems
Spoiler for Description:
This script, edited from Worale's "Lite Menu" script, is meant to be a replicate of the CMS in the Mother series. I'm using this to sort of learn the ins and outs of RGSS2.

Multiple Fog [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Category: Map Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Allows you to set unlimited number of fogs per map

NEO Gauge [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Category: Scripting Utility
Spoiler for Description:
A nicer gradient bar than the default

Neo Message System
Version: 3.0
Category: Message Systems
Spoiler for Description:
I've used AMS in RMXP before. When I changed to RMVX, I wonder why I can't find any Message System Script. That's reason why I scripted this~ for myself to use, and share to anyone who'd like to use
Basically, most of the features now (Version 1.0) are from AMS.

Neo Save System, with Helladen
Version: 5
Category: Menu Systems
Spoiler for Description:
This is the new update to Wortana's Save System. Its my favorite save system in Rpg Maker XP and VX combined, so I had to try and improve it.

- Unlimited save slots, you can choose max save slot
- Many configuration options
- Swap tile support
- You can use image for scene's background
- Choose your save file's name, and folder to store save files
- Choose to show only information you want
- Editable text for information's title
- Draw tile map for map that player is currently in
- Remove text you don't want from map's name (e.g. tags for special script)
- Choose map that you don't want to show its name
- Include save confirmation window before overwrite old save

+ [ On-Screen Shop ] + [also included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
It's not really new interface
Mostly just move windows and change the size.

But I think it's look not too bad though. So I'd like to share.

Outline Text [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Automatically outlines all text in the game

+[Quick Face Border]+
Version: 1.5
Category: Message Systems
Spoiler for Description:
This script will add the border on Face,

The border will create from window skin you choose

Quick Save / Load / Delete [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Category: Event Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Save/Load/Delete save file you want with call script

+Random Title Script+
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script will random your tile screen.
To make player not get bored every time they start game.

Recover HP/MP/States when Level Up
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Here is a little snippet I scripted after lost one VX game.
I just think that it should be easier (for player) if actors' status are recover when they level up.

Simple Debugger [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Category: Miscellaneous
Spoiler for Description:
Can speed up the frame rate of the game by pressing F5

Simple Mouse System [Also included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.5
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
- Support to use mouse in many scenes / windows
e.g. Battle Scene, Shop, Name Input Screen
- Click on map to move player using Path Finding
- Click on NPC when player is close to that NPC to talk.

Skills from Equipment [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Allows the player to learn skills from equipment

Skip Title [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 2.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Allows you to skip the title screen

Sprite Mover [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Allows you to position sprite by pixel

Tone Tester [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Category: Miscellaneous
Spoiler for Description:
Allows a developer to test screen tones to choose the perfect one for the mood.

Window ImageList [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Category: Scripting Utility
Spoiler for Description:
A command window that uses images instead of text

Wora's Christmas Giftbox
Version: 1.0
Category: Miscellaneous
Spoiler for Description:
A compilation of a number of wora's best known scripts.

« Last Edit: May 08, 2011, 06:54:19 PM by modern algebra »

Level 97
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Patching System
Version: 2.0 Beta
Category: Miscellaneous
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to "patch" your released RPG Maker VX game with small-ish files, rather than having to upload the fixed version every time.  The script has the ability to alter game data (Actors, Enemies, Items, Maps, etc.), graphics, and even music and sound effects.  It can even add to existing scripts!

RM Data Checker
Version: 1.0
Category: Miscellaneous
Spoiler for Description:
This program scans through your RMXP or RMVX project for unused or missing graphics and audio, and tells you what database elements are used.  Future versions will of program will provide a more in-depth analysis of your game data, and even make an attempt to fix certain things, like corrupt data files.
I'm sure that this program will be of great assistance to those developing your games, and I hope you will use it to check all of your games.

« Last Edit: June 08, 2010, 10:53:25 PM by modern algebra »

Level 97
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Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Quote from: Zeriab
This script creates a caterpillar of the party members by using events present on the map. (You need to actually make the events in the editor)
When the caterpillar is deactivated they act just like any other event. Most event commands still works on the events when the caterpillar is activated, but the results be strange.

Dialog System
Version: 1.0
Category: Scripting Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This is a framework for making dialogs. What is a dialog? You can consider it as a scene that runs on top of the current scene.

F12 Fix
Version: 1.0
Category: Miscellaneous
Spoiler for Description:
This fixes the stack error that occurs when pressing F12 due to certain methods being aliased.

It will close the current game and open a new game.
If you have Vista it might require you to give permission since it actually opens a new application.
There might be issues with it, so tell me if you find any.

Version: 1.0
Category: Scripting Utility
Spoiler for:
How many of you tried creating a parallel process where you put in an amount of frames and then a script call or something else afterwards?
Basically a simply way of doing something after an amount of frames. This is the principle behind the script. To schedule pieces of code to be executed after an arbitrary amount of frames. No making decrementing counters. The scheduler takes care of all that or well most of it. It is still not as simple as using the wait event command.

« Last Edit: August 29, 2010, 11:48:53 PM by modern algebra »

Level 97
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Equipment Level Bonus
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script makes equipment give a bonus based on the character's level. If the bonus is 5 and the characters level is 5 then the bonus would be 25.

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest CBS
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Systems
Spoiler for Description:
This battle system closely replicates the one found in Final Fantasy Mystic Quest. See the topic for details.

Gradual Levelling
Version: 1.1
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script modifies attributes such as HP, MP, Attack etc, So that they are gained as you receive experience rather than all at once when you level up.

Idle Title Intro
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
Allows you to start a map for an intro after idling for a preset period of time in the title screen.

Lufia II Enemy Movement
Version: 1.0
Category: Event Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script replicates the enemy movement alongside the player on map from the game "Lufia II".
It makes events move with the player.

Lufia II - Rise of the Sinistrals Menu
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Systems
Spoiler for Description:
This is a replication of the  Lufia II - Rise of the Sinistrals Menu for VX.

Sprite Reflection
Version: 2.4
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Reflects the characters sprite on the water or other reflective surfaces chosen in the tileset editor.

TDS Control Self-Switch
Version: 1.0
Category: Event Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Just a simple script that allows you to control self switches of events even if they are on other maps.

Vehicle Maps
Version: 1.0
Category: Map Utility
Spoiler for Description:
When you are in a vehicle, This script gives you the option to enter a specified map by pressing SHIFT. The idea is that you can make that map to be the inside of the ship or aircraft or what have you, and thus you can enter your vehicle and talk to the people on board.

Weapon Unleash
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
Spoiler for Description:
A Script that replicates the "Weapon Unleash" system from the game series "Golden sun". It allows a weapon to randomly use a skill instead of an attack.

« Last Edit: October 07, 2011, 10:49:34 PM by modern algebra »

Level 97
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AWorks Input Module
Version: 3.0
Category: Scripting Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script simulates the RGSS2 module "Input". It is not the original module, but it has all the original module functions and some new.

« Last Edit: June 05, 2009, 03:20:58 AM by modern algebra »

Level 97
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Actors Options in Status Window
Version: 2
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Adds the Actor's Options in the Status Window.

« Last Edit: June 05, 2009, 03:17:59 AM by modern algebra »

Level 97
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Most of these scripts (except for the engines) have dead links. If you want these and other Yanfly scripts, go to this thread

Actor Item Synthesis
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This item synthesis script is influenced after Gust RPG's famous synthesizing systems. To synthesize an item, one would need a recipe and the required actor in your party. Different actors can yield different outcomes, but they all possess and use the same ingredients.

Another thing this script will provide (for the player) is that any items that were synthesized through the shop's recipes can then be bought without need to synthesize them again. The need to constantly resynthesize items to get more of them becomes rather tedious and that really isn't something we should put the player through.

This script also allows playing events after item creation similar to that of the Gust RPG's. There you can play out little skits and such or even unlock certain parts of the game for synthesizing a particular item.

Common Event Menu
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
Similar to the Common Event Shop, the Common Event Menu lets you create your menus to list various common event options. Now, you don't have to use all of those obnoxiously tedious Show Choice branches and conditional branches just to let the player get somewhere in range.

This script lets you create your own generated common event menus with ease. Set the style of the menu, the nature of the menu, and the contents of the menu. Afterwards, set the switches (if required) for the common events to even appear, any pictures to go along with it, and descriptions on what the common event can do for the player.

Common Event Shop
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
Sometimes the lack of things you can do with money can become a little boring since it's only ever used for buying items and equipment and that's it. Well, now your players can expend their funds on common events (that you can decide what will happen). They can purchase common events that may unlock extras, recruit characters, teleport to unique places, anything your eventing ability allows you to do.

Debug Shortcuts
Version: 1.0
Category: Miscellaneous
Spoiler for Description:
Testing things over and over can get lame and stupid when you have to go through so many different things just to see if you can get one thing working properly or not. Well, I bound some effects to some of the FKeys at the top of the keyboard. These shortcuts will only trigger during test play. There's not much currently, but you can do stuff like instantly kill the enemy party, heal your own party, increase or decrease gold when shopping, or pull the save menu on the map field. Go check it out.

Display Scanned Enemy
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Systems
Spoiler for Description:
Similar to the Display Skill Query script, I've made one for enemies. This was mostly to replace my Display Target Data script, considering it didn't display much data at all about the target. This one was also made on the account of making a proper scan skill property in addition to different parts of enemy data that it can scan.

I've disliked scan systems where you would have to keep rescanning an enemy to see its HP, MP, etc. It felt counterproductive on the player side since valuable turns are wasted just to view some numbers. This system allows you to pull up enemy data upon enemy selection (where I believe it matters most). After all, providing convenience for the player is absolutely important since it reduces metagaming, which is something that should never have to happen for an RPG Maker project.

For the users who fear giving too much information to their players, users can disable parts of the script and prevent certain pages from appear at all. You can limit how much and how little you want to show your players through <hide> tags, too, for the enemies' noteboxes.

Display Skill Query
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Sometimes with all the features I add to skills, there's always the question of what stat affects what. There's also questions of how long some skills will take to charge and all the other fun stuff. Well, hopefully this script will provide a solution to that.

This script adds a new window to your skill menu both in battle and outside of battle. When pressing Shift (or whatever button you bind it to), the skill query window will appear and list various information about the skill. The information provided ranges from base damage to MP costs to status changes, and elements. If you have some other Yanfly Engine ReDux scripts, there are even more pages that will appear.

For the users who fear giving too much information to their players, users can disable parts of the script and prevent certain pages from appear at all. For users who have lots of custom skills and are afraid that the skills won't reflect properly, there are tags they can add to the skills' noteboxes to force reflect information and data properly.

Display Victory Aftermath
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Systems
Spoiler for Description:
I'm remaking this script for multiple reasons. Biggest of which is so that the code's a whole lot cleaner. The second biggest reason is because I actualy know what I'm doing this time around. And the third reason is that out there in the VX scripting community, a decent victory aftermath script has yet to be made. This will hopefully provide everything adequate for a victory aftermath.

This script consists of a couple of phases. The first being displayed exp for each member prior to gaining the experience earned in battle. Nothing too special here, you basically see what happens before the experience is applied.

The second phase goes into giving each of the actors experience. This supports multi-leveling as well as learning a whole bunch of skills. Actors that level up will create a window that displays their previous stats in comparison to their new stats. Alongside that is also a list of the new skills they have learned from the level up.

This script leaves an "extra" phase if there's any add-ons made for Victory Aftermath in the future. By default, there's nothing visible here, but should add-ons be made, this phase will be providing for it without need to actually modify the script itself.

The last phase goes into the drop listing. This generates a list of drops and displays them from most to least number of drops. This means that drops of the same type will stack upon another. If no drops present, this phase is skipped.

Enemy Level Control
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
Spoiler for Description:
I actually rewrote this script three times just to make sure I'm doing things right, and to ensure enemy levels would be a bit more manageable. Oh well... I didn't like the enemy leveling scripts out there that would require you to set the stats for an enemy to be at level 100 and then calculate the level stats as a percentage from that. It felt a bit too unnatural and would essentially mean that from level 1 to level 2, enemies would double in stats and the increase from there would feel for lower. This script allows you to adjust all of the level aspects for the enemy including the minimum and maximum levels, the individual stat growths, and special traits they can earn after reaching x levels.

For those that would like enemies to grow a little bit here and there in stats or otherwise, this script will allow for such possibilities. Enemies will adjust their stats based on your party's levels. The stat growth can include a set amount per level as well as a percentile amount (of the base stats) per level. Also, functionality of "Party Level" under the enemy action lists is now changed to reflect the enemy's current level instead of party's.

Menu System Options
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
The "End Game" option is quite possibly the most useless function in RPG Maker VX games. Not only does it have little functionality but its functions can be reproduced by Alt+F4 and F12. This script replaces "End Game" with a new menu altogether and giving the player some familiar options seen in many of today's commercial RPG's such as changing window skins, adjust sound volume, turning off animations during battle, and the like.

Scene Menu Redux
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Systems
Spoiler for Description:
This is more or less a revision of the menu scene. Included in the script are a couple of features. Note that I will NOT take credit for KGC's custom menu command script as all I did was merely import it into this script and finished up the excluded functions that he's left behind. Everything else I did add to the script.

Add, remove, and re-order commands akin to KGC's CustomMenuCommands. Akin to this feature will include what KGC's original script was missing and that was easy functionality to include custom menu commands without hassling the core script itself. Also added is the ability to launch common events from the main menu itself for those who wish to event unique commands.

The redux menus are completely optional and are mostly nothing other than visual changes to the menu scene. You can add icons to the command window, display more than just gold on the main menu screen, and added experience bars to the party window.

Scene Shop Redux
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
The shop scene was more or less fine by itself aside from a few efficiency issues. This script patches up those efficiency problems in and displays more data given for buyable items. Before, we received nothing but a blank number input window only to show us how much of the item is being bought. The script makes use of that empty space to give a little more detail on what is being purchased. The status window also more or less compares only one stat. This script will increase that to the four ADSA stats. For games with more than 4 party members, you may have experienced that the status window didn't have enough room to show. Imported from KGC is the ability to scroll that window to allow for a more comfortable and informative shop scene.

Scene Status Redux
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Systems
Spoiler for Description:
There's not a whole lot of reason for the player to visit the status menu. Not too much to see aside from things you can already view in other menus such as the equipment menu for stats. This script will provide additional functionality to the scene in addition to allowing the game maker to free up additional space in the main menu for the not actor-oriented stuff. For those that have used KGC's Custom Menu Command, this script works akin to that in the way that it's there for the status menu rather than the command menu.

Swap Dummies
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
RPG Maker VX took away the ability to provide easy conditional faces that RPG Maker 2000 had. However, neither version had the ability to provide easy sprite swapping. Now, using swap dummies, you can easily grab the face and/or sprite of the desired party member or actor. However, if you decide to use this script, make sure you download the Swap Dummy images before you try to run this script.

Subclass Selection System
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
There's been a lot of scripts where class changing is possible, but I've yet to see anything about a subclass system. Although this script allows changing primary classes, its main focus is the subclass system. There are many rules you may set for your subclass system. You can enable or disable equipment sharing amongst classes. You can choose how subclasses affect your base stats or not at all. You can determine how skills can be learned via subclass, etc.

Classes are now split between primary and secondary classes. You can set many different rules for each class here inside the script. Secondary classes will expand the skill pool and equipment pool an actor has. With the class system, actors can also get a change in their base stats depending on which class they have equipped at the time. They can also get different amounts of boosts for their stats upon leveling up. The possibilities are vast.

There is a new stat for each actor called JP. This new stat can be earned through various ways. It can be earned in battle, from items, attacking, using skills and items, and guarding. All of that can be modified. What JP does is allow your actors to learn new skills through a JP purchase system. These skills are unlocked when JP is spent on them and an actor will permanently have the skill at their disposal.

Variable Controlled Backdrops
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Systems
Spoiler for Description:
One of the greatest things to come out of RPG Maker 2003 that didn't appear in any of its successors was moving backdrops during battle. There was a front layer and then a back layer and it broke the monotony of a static background. This script lets you recreate all of that with ease and control it with ease. Just change a variable value inside the event editor and you'll receive the listed backdrop found in the hash within this script.

Yanfly Engine Melody [included in Pockethouse Scripts]
Category: Miscellaneous
Spoiler for Description:
This is the fourth generation of Yanfly scripts, again revamping many of the default systems and adding new features with a focus on efficiency. It is a collection of a number of wonderful scripts, designed to work with one another.

Yanfly Engine ReDux [included in Pockethouse Scripts]
Category: Miscellaneous
Spoiler for Description:
This is the second generation of Yanfly scripts, revamping many of the default systems and adding loads of new features. It is a collection of a number of wonderful scripts, designed to work with one another.

Yanfly Engine Zealous [included in Pockethouse Scripts]
Category: Miscellaneous
Spoiler for Description:
This is the third generation of Yanfly scripts, sharing the goal of revamping RMVX but focussed on greater customizability. It is a collection of a number of wonderful scripts, designed to work with one another.

YEZ to YEM Status Biography, adapted by heisenman
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This is a patch that brings back the YEZ Biography command in YEM Status Menu Melody. The Biography window displays actors biographies or classes descriptions.

« Last Edit: June 27, 2011, 04:20:48 PM by modern algebra »

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Audio Engine XT
Version: 1.1
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This audio engine will:
- pause BGM when a battle starts and resumes from where it stopped when battle ends!
- BGM is normally set from VX editor as you normally do!  The audio engine is fully integrated with VX editor!
- by turning a switch to ON, BGM will continue playing in battle!
- by turning a switch to ON, you will have support for Random Battle BGM!
- BGM always automatically loops!
- by pressing a key, it will Pause the game with BGM/BGS volume lowered/muted!
- at battle end, Victory ME will fade out (so ME can be as long as you want)!

Auto Save VX
Version: 0.1
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script by default will automatically save when you do a map transfer, after winning a battle and after exiting menu.
You can also manually call an autosave inside an event by simply doing a call script like this:

The script doesn't disable normal saving system so player can still save on his slots, he will not be able to overwrite the autosave slot.

The script also lets you set how many saving slots you want.

Continue Map's BGM after Battle
Version: 0.1
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script will make your map's bgm continue playing after battle ends instead of restarting. It uses parts of Audio Engine XT, however this is a "light" edition, less intrusive and totally plug&play.
The demo includes the script and all necessary files. It should be compatible with all scripts. And before you ask, it does support ogg

Disable Autoshadow Plus
Version: 0.1
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script will make you choose what tiles on map must have autoshadow disabled. This can be very useful for good-professional mappers out there. There isn't much to say about it, this script is plug&play and it's very easy to use (instructions inside script).

Please report any issues you encounter and be sure to attach the map file so I can fix the script way faster.

Minigame: Win the Lottery!
Version: 0.1
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
A great minigame for your game. Player can play the lottery and win a jackpot prize! It's very simple, there are 10 balls and three of them get extracted. Player must choose and guess the three numbers that will get extracted!!

According to Probability, the chances player wins are 1 out of 120~. There isn't much to say about, it's a lottery minigame!

Swap Tileset
Version: 0.1
Category: Map Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Did you ever dream of having more tilesets in your game? Did you ever dream of changing walls or terrains in real time? Did you ever dream of having more passage settings for the same tileset?
Well, tell your dreams the waiting has finished!
This script does all that, and it's very easy to use! You can have unlimited tilesets, each tileset can have it's own passage setting and you can load/unload them any time.... even on the same map in real time creating cool special effect like a wall changing its tile type!

The script is very easy to use, you just have to place the tile file in a folder, do a simple script call inside an event and then turn a switch on! You can then unload it by simply turning the switch off!

I uploaded a fast demo to show you its features! The script is inside it. Please read instructions for more details.

Thomas Edison VX
Version: 0.1
Category: Map Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script is an enhanced version of the well known Light Effects written from Kylock. I decided to pick it up, fix some things and add some new important features. The most important one is that you can enable/disable a light through a switch call based on its type. For example you can make all FIRE lights go on/off with a switch, and with another switch make all GROUND lights go on/off. There are also new lights, for a total of 12. The script is also smart when using KGC Day Night system! When it's day, the lights keep off and when it's night they automatically go on! Instructions are inside the script.

« Last Edit: May 08, 2011, 06:44:41 PM by modern algebra »

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miget man12

5 Line Messages
Version: 1.1
Category: Message Systems
Spoiler for Description:
Allows you to have messages that changes the maximum number of lines shown in the message window from 4 to 5.

Battle Background Modifier
Version: 1.1
Category: Battle Systems
Spoiler for Description:
Allows you to change aspects of the default battle background, such as whether or not it has a radial blur, whether it's wavy, or how blurred it is.

Bitmap Flipping
Version: 1.0
Category: Scripting Utility
Spoiler for Description:
It flips bitmaps.

Different Size Icons
Version: 1.1
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Allows you to make iconsets with larger icons.

Fast Forward & Slow Motion
Version: 1.1
Category: Miscellaneous
Spoiler for Description:
Allows the player to press a key and speed the game up or slow it down.

Version: 1.1
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Allows for the ability of user-input jumping based on tile IDs

Message Filters
Version: 1.1
Category: Message Systems
Spoiler for Description:
Allows you to set word filters for the message window that will automatically replace certain text.

Parallax In-Game
Version: 1.1
Category: Event Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Allows you to change the parallax of a map in-game with a script-call. Is not a permanent change

Relatively Simple Fogs
Version: 1.5
Category: Map Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script takes a different approach to fogs. Instead of having you enter a script call to make a fog appear, it will draw a different fog every time you transfer. In other words, each map has it's own fog that is automatically drawn. I originally made it for use in Twilight1300's Legend of Zelda: Realm of the Gods, then I decided to use it in my own project. I eventually edited it quite a bit, and I did some research, and I found that Woratana's is one of the few working fog scripts. I don't know about every one else, but that script creates a ton of lag for me Cheesy. Anyway, I decided to post this for others. Version 1.5 gives you the ability to use multiple fogs!

Saving Events
Version: 1.1
Category: Event Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Useful for: saving event locations, saving event graphics, and makes lack of self switch amount issues go away

Script Inputter
Version: 1.1
Category: Scripting Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Allows you to type in and evaluate script expressions while playing. Requires Vlad's Input script.

Simple Footsteps Script
Version: 2.0
Category: Map Utility
Spoiler for Description:
I made this because I wanted to be able to use footsteps without having to use the confusing (in my opinion) configurations of DeadlyDan's Footstep's script. I also made this to have the ability to have events have footsteps, which DeadlyDan's lacks.

« Last Edit: May 08, 2011, 06:43:58 PM by modern algebra »

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2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2014 Most Unsung Member2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Most Mature Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Favourite Staff Member2010 Most Mature Member

Change Actor Options, with jet10985 [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 2.0
Category: Event Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet allows you to change the options of an actor such as auto battle, super guard, and two swords style.

Different Ways to Die
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
Spoiler for Description:
It makes so when a certain status effect happens to allof your party members, it's game over.

Like Petrify in Final Fantasy.

« Last Edit: May 08, 2011, 03:19:19 AM by modern algebra »

Level 97
2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2014 Most Unsung Member2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Most Mature Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Favourite Staff Member2010 Most Mature Member

Default Font Options
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Simple script to change the default font options of the game.
With just a few changes to the script, the user can easily input which font name('face') they wish to use in their game.
The user can also change the default font size, boldness, italics, and shadowing.

Level 97
2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2014 Most Unsung Member2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Most Mature Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Favourite Staff Member2010 Most Mature Member

Actor Cloning
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Based on a suggestion on this forum, i have created a script to allow the cloning of actors.

Area Plus
Version: 1.0
Category: Map Utility
Spoiler for Description:
So i add 3 more features :
- The name of the area you're currently in is now displayed (only the first one if you are in two areas) .
Of course , if the hero is not in an area , nothing is displayed .
- If you put "[AREA]" in the name of the event and put this event in random move , the event will never go out the area .
This is based of the name of the area , so if you have 2 areas with exactly the same name , the event can move in both .
In the demo , some soldiers are affected to specific streets .
- The event can tell you in what area he is .

Version: 1.0
Category: Event Utility
Spoiler for Description:
I have added some functionalities :
- you can add time to the timer .
- There is now a "pause" . There is also a Fastforward (2 times or 3 times faster) .
- the timer can start to 00:00 and increase until you stop it .
- There is a top10 per race and you can also have a Top10 at the middle of one race . For the name to put in this TOP10 , you have many options : ask the name before , when the timer starts or when the timer stop . You can also put the name of one of the actors .
- There is a function to know what is the last result .
- I have included the yanfly script "YERD_variable_dash" .
There is exemples in the demo . Have a look and take what you need .

FFTA-like World Map
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This script will help you to display a world map like in FFTA

« Last Edit: May 18, 2011, 10:17:21 PM by modern algebra »

Level 97
2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2014 Most Unsung Member2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Most Mature Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Favourite Staff Member2010 Most Mature Member

Level Up Effects
Version: 1.4
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Tired of not having your HP heal when you level up? Well this script will help fix that.  It has a feauture to manage how much HP and MP are healed as well as if and which states are removed.


-Manage how HP and MP heals on level up
-Manage how states are healed on level up
-Give player items upon level up
-Plays common event upon level up

« Last Edit: September 12, 2009, 05:01:23 PM by modern algebra »

Level 97
2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2014 Most Unsung Member2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Most Mature Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Favourite Staff Member2010 Most Mature Member

Monster Collapse VX, with modern algebra
Version: 1.2
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This is a complete rewrite of Minto's Monster Collapse script in order for it to function optimally in RMVX. While the implementation was entirely rewritten, the basic algorithms are Minto's and so he deserves much of the credit for this script.

The script is very simple and allows for two basic functions:
  1) Can play a specified animation upon the death of a monster
  2) Can specify a special collapse effect, rather than the default fade.

« Last Edit: June 26, 2010, 01:01:30 AM by modern algebra »

Level 97
2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2014 Most Unsung Member2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Most Mature Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Favourite Staff Member2010 Most Mature Member

Battle Cry
Version: 1.00
Category: Battle Systems
Spoiler for Description:
Plays user configured battle cries for characters at the start of battle and at the end of battle.
Pre-battle cries are selected by the difficulty of the enemy troop, and post-battle cries are selected by the remaining hp percentage of the actor that scored the final blow.

« Last Edit: January 21, 2010, 03:23:09 PM by modern algebra »

Level 97
2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2014 Most Unsung Member2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Most Mature Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Favourite Staff Member2010 Most Mature Member
Actors & Enemies
These scripts change aspects relating to actors or enemies, such as new stats

Actor Options as Class Options, by cozziekuns
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
Each "Actor Option" is now avaliable through classes. For example, if you want your Paladin to dual wield swords, that can be done. If you want your bowman to auto-battle, that can be done. The only reason I find that this could be useful is if you have a class changer or something. So if Ralph was a Viking with the inherit ability of "Super Guard", he could now become a Ninja with the ability of "Two Swords Style".

Actor Prefixes, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
This allows you to set prefixes to your classes that are based on actor level. Perfect if you want your classes to be rank based. For instance, with this script, your warrior can be Squire Philip between levels 1 and 10, Sir Philip between levels 11 and 30, Lord Philip between levels 31 and 60, and King Philip after level 60.

Added Actor Options, by cozziekuns
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
Before, there were only six actor options that you could choose from, and they were a bit dull. The only ones that most people actually used were two swords style and critical bonus, and even then they were used quite sparingly. I find that actor options add a lot of variety into the game, so I took it up as my job to create the best actor options I (and Square Enix, as most of them are ripped of FFTA2) could think of.

Note: The best way to use these skills would be with Modern Algebra's Editable actor options, or with that equipment skill that allowed equipment to have actor options (whoever wrote that script, contact me so I can credit you and your script)

Concentration: Gives the actor an added accuracy bonus.
Halve MP: Halves the MP for all skills. Does not stack with the armour option.
Immunity: Grants immunity to all states, good or bad.
Monkey Grip: Allows the actor to equip a shield regardless of whether their weapon is one-handed or two-handed.
Spellbound: States will stay in effect for two times as long.
Razzle Dazzle: Nice name for Auto-Regen.
Unscarred: When the actor is on full health, attack is increased.
Adrenaline: When the actor is on critical health, speed is increased.
Burdened Soul: When the actor is on critical health, he is knocked out and all other party members HP and MP is fully recovered.
Vigilance: When the actor is on critical health, defense is increased.
Blood Prince: Skills take up HP instead of MP.

Automatic Description, by Lecode
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
This script Write automatically the help window of weapons, items, and armor.
It is completely editable.

Boss Options, by Craze [included in Craze's Script Asylum in Pockethouse Scripts]
Spoiler for Description:
This script lets you customize boss enemies a little more, and balance specific skills so as to remain useful - but not overpowered - against your boss enemies. Some features are effective on normal enemies, too. It can be found under the Craze subheading of Other Pockethouse Scripters in the Pockethouse Scripts thread.

Damage Cap and Damage Multiplier, by Ahnez67
Version: 1.0b
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to set the max damage that one attack can cause.
This works much like Final Fantasy, where attacks can't deal more than 9,999 damage.

Database Breaker, by game_guy
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
Database Breaker is a simple GUI ruby app designed to break RMVX's database limits. For example, you just happen to need more then 999 items, RMVX won't let you. So you can use a script to change the items or you can use this.

Cthulhu knows why I'm releasing this or why anyone would need over 1000 items or weapons etc. but it gets the job done. I made it mainly for practice and I don't expect anyone to use it.

Description Codes, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
This script is essentially for the lazy person inside all of us. It basically allows you to use replacement codes inside a description for an item, weapon, armor, or skill. So, \n[1] would print the name of the Actor with ID 1, and \vocab[hp] would print the Vocab you set for HP in the Terms tab, etc...

Different Ways to Die, by BigEd781
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
It makes so when a certain status effect happens to all of your party members, it's game over.

Like Petrify in Final Fantasy.

DT's Level Up +, by DoctorTodd
Version: 1.0.1
Spoiler for Description:
Gives the option to play a sound effect, ME, and/or animation when you level up.

Element Immunities, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to make it so that only weapons, skills, or items with a certain element can target an enemy, as denoted by you. So, if you want to make a flying enemy that can only be hit by ranged weapons, then you can set it so that only weapons with the element 'Ranged' can hit that enemy.

Enemy Level Control, by Yanfly
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
I actually rewrote this script three times just to make sure I'm doing things right, and to ensure enemy levels would be a bit more manageable. Oh well... I didn't like the enemy leveling scripts out there that would require you to set the stats for an enemy to be at level 100 and then calculate the level stats as a percentage from that. It felt a bit too unnatural and would essentially mean that from level 1 to level 2, enemies would double in stats and the increase from there would feel for lower. This script allows you to adjust all of the level aspects for the enemy including the minimum and maximum levels, the individual stat growths, and special traits they can earn after reaching x levels.

For those that would like enemies to grow a little bit here and there in stats or otherwise, this script will allow for such possibilities. Enemies will adjust their stats based on your party's levels. The stat growth can include a set amount per level as well as a percentile amount (of the base stats) per level. Also, functionality of "Party Level" under the enemy action lists is now changed to reflect the enemy's current level instead of party's.

Enemy Stat Variance, by modern algebra
Version: 1.1
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to attach a variance to each enemy stat, so that enemy instances aren't all just clones of each other but can have stat differences.

Enemy Summon Skill, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to make skills for enemies where they can summon or call additional enemies to the battlefield. This is NOT a summon skill that can be used by actors - it can ONLY be used by enemies.

Evasion Upgrade, by cozziekuns
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
Actors and classes now have their individual evasion properties, and states can now change an actors evasion. Originally, I was just going to make the alter the state properties, but I realised that you cannot set actor and class evasion through the database, so I added them in as a bonus.

Gold/EXP Boost, by Craze [included in Craze's Script Asylum in Pockethouse Scripts]
Spoiler for Description:
Allow certain states and pieces of equipment to raise the amount of gold and experience that enemies grant. Similar to KGC's version, but expanded and definitely compatible with Battle Engine Zealous.
It can be found under the Craze subheading of Other Pockethouse Scripters in the Pockethouse Scripts thread.

Improved Damage, by Lecode
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
This script will change the damage received on a target that has a specific state.

Individual Collapse Sounds, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to set individual collapse sounds for your enemies and actors. Want humans to scream when they die but robots to break down? This is what this script does.

Luck Stat, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
Lots of things in RMVX are determined randomly - whether you hit or critical or they evade, whether a state attaches, when a state lets go, etc... This script introduces a luck stat which makes good things more likely to happen dependent on this stat's value and bad things less likely.

Menu Use SEs, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
This script restores the lost RMXP ability to set individual sound effects when using items and skills in the menu.

PAC Advanced Enemies Swap, by Pacman [included in PAC Build]
Spoiler for Description:
So, you're lazy when it comes to databasing. Fair enough, a lot of us are. This script won't cure your ridiculous habit, but it will do the next best thing: make it easier for you. This script will take away the need to create hundreds of different troops in the database with a simple notebox command to diversify your battles. Simply create a dummy enemy to as a placeholder swap from, enter the notetags, put it in a troop and watch the script make your life easier.

PAC Stats Overhaul, by Pacman [included in PAC Build]
Spoiler for Description:
RPG Maker VX's status system is not very changeable. Sure, you can set what changes the values to what, but you can't set the limits on those values. This script makes your life that much easier by allowing a break of limits to make a long game more interesting with more varied stats, or more fixated stats.

Percentage of Damage, by jet10985 [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.1
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet will allow you to set items and skills to deal a percentage of remaining hp/mp instead of a random amount.

Set Actor Max Level, by jet10985 [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.1
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet will allow you to set each actor to have an individual maximum level that they can reach in-game.

Special Damage, by Mr G W
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
Allows creation of weaknesses and resistances independent to the enemy's elemental weaknesses.

« Last Edit: April 27, 2012, 12:29:17 AM by modern algebra »

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2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2014 Most Unsung Member2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Most Mature Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Favourite Staff Member2010 Most Mature Member

Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This script opens a gallery with pictures from the Pictures folder that the player can view. It allows you to add as many pictures as you like to as many galleries as you like, so you can, for instance, have the player unlock them as bonus achievements or use them as photo journal for the game, or do both in separate galleries!

IconSet Creator
Version: 1.0
Category: Miscellaneous
Spoiler for Description:
This little "tool" allow you to manage your IconSets in a very easy way. You can create new icons, resize ones that are an incorrect size, compose new iconsets, etc...

Lockpicking System
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This script simulates a lockpicking system similar to that in Oblivion which allows you to set certain chests to only open once successfully picking the lock. Essentially, the system requires the player to successfully push all of the "sticks" into the up position - a failure results in a destroyed lockpick. Once all sticks are up, self-switch A of the particular event is turned on and you can put in the success results

Notebook VX
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This script permits the game player to have a notebook to jot down reminders of a quest or draw special symbols or any number of cool things. It allows complete user input on a canvas, in addition to shoosing a larger size for the pencil or a different colour. Can make for a great tool for the player to take notes to remind him/herself of their objectives or as simply a way to pass the time!

It also supports mouse input in addition to key input

Random Fadein
Version: 1.0
Category: Map Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to use transition files for regular teleports instead of default fade, similar to the battle transitions. it selects from them randomly 

Skill Tree
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This Script allow you tu use your own individual SkillTree for your Game.
  • Up to 99 Skills possible
  • Individual SkillTree for everyone
  • Simple using

« Last Edit: May 08, 2011, 06:40:51 PM by modern algebra »

Level 97
2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2014 Most Unsung Member2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Most Mature Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Favourite Staff Member2010 Most Mature Member
Dark Gaia

3 Character Menu
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Systems
Spoiler for Description:
This is a simple menu rewrite that makes it so your menu only shows three characters, instead of the usual four. This is designed for games that use three character parties, like Final Fantasy VIII and Chrono Trigger. It also adds a window displaying the player's current location along the bottom of the screen, just in case you don't already have one.

Fullscreen Toggle Menu Option
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Every RPG Maker VX user knows that to toggle full screen mode you just hit Alt and Enter at the same time. But what happens when you give your game to people who aren't very familiar with RPG Maker (such as your friends and family) and they don't know this? As someone who presents their games to people outside of the RPG Maker community, I for one know that people will eventually send emails asking "how the hell do I put the game in full screen?"
This simple, plug and play script remedies that by adding a simple "Full Screen" option to your title screen menu, which will put the game into full screen upon selection.

Simple Battle HUD
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Systems
Spoiler for Description:
Sick of seeing the same old boring battle status window in your game? Want something a bit different to the same old list with just your party's names and HP bars? That looks a bit dry, doesn't it?
This simple plug and play script will change that for you, by swapping over your battle status window for a nice looking HUD complete with facesets!
Plus, there's no need to make your own HUD image!

The reason I made this script is simple; I wanted to use EvenAngel's HUD script in my game but lacked the graphical skills to make a HUD image for it, so I decided to make my own HUD script which uses the normal battle window instead of a custom image.

« Last Edit: December 24, 2010, 06:19:50 AM by modern algebra »

Level 97
2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2014 Most Unsung Member2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Most Mature Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Favourite Staff Member2010 Most Mature Member
Event Utility
These scripts add additional functions to event commands or restore event commands from previous makers

Advanced Scroll Screen, by woratana [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
Gives more advanced options for scrolling the screen, such as decimal speeds

Auto Event Properties Change, by woratana [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
Add tag in 'comment...' in event to change event's properties automatically

Balloon SE, by woratana [Also included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
This script will play SE when show balloon.

Boat/Ship Passability for Events, by modern algebra
Version: 1.1
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to set events as boats or ships, and thus forces them to adhere to the passability of boats or ships. The most obvious use for it is for making a boat or ship event with random movement. Or really, any boat or ship events

Change Actor Options, by jet10985 & BigEd781 [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 2.0
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet allows you to change the options of an actor in-game, such as auto battle, super guard, and two swords style.

Change Battle Transition, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to change the transition graphic in-game, so you can have multiple different transitions and can even randomize between them.

Call Common Event By Variable, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to call a common event by setting a variable to its ID.

+ [ Call Event ] +, by woratana [Also included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
It's a little snippet that will add thing like event command 'Call Event' in RM2K.

If you haven't use RM2K before, 'Call Event' use to run event commands in other event.
Basically, it's similar to 'Call Common Event', just change from common event to event in map.

I also added option to use call event with event from other map.

Change Gameover, by jet10985 [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.1
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet will allow you to change the graphic shown at the GameOver screen with a simple event command

Change Windowskin, by jet10985 & Woratana [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet allows you to change the windowskin of all the windows with a simple script call in-game.

Change Windowskin, by woratana [Also included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
This is a small snippet to change your windowskin by call script~

Character Hover Graphics, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to place a graphic to hover over any characters in the map. Like in Diablo, when an NPC has something important to say, you can place an exclamation mark or any other thing over his/her head.

Chronoooo, by dricc
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
I have added some functionalities :
- you can add time to the timer .
- There is now a "pause" . There is also a Fastforward (2 times or 3 times faster) .
- the timer can start to 00:00 and increase until you stop it .
- There is a top10 per race and you can also have a Top10 at the middle of one race . For the name to put in this TOP10 , you have many options : ask the name before , when the timer starts or when the timer stop . You can also put the name of one of the actors .
- There is a function to know what is the last result .
- I have included the yanfly script "YERD_variable_dash" .
There is exemples in the demo . Have a look and take what you need .

Diagonal Map Scroll, by jet10985 [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet will allow you scroll the map diagonally during events.

Editable Actor Options, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to change the actor options of Two Swords Style, Fix Equipment, Auto Battle, Super Guard, Pharmacology, and Critical Bonus in game, so that actors can learn these special feats in-game instead of either having them at the start of the game or not at all

Event Duplicator, by woratana [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
Replace event's page with other event's page

Extra Event Pictures, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
For complicated Picture eventing, it is quite clear that 20 pictures is not enough. This script allows you to use more, albeit in a slightly non-intuitive way

+Extra Movement Speed+, by woratana
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
You will allow to change character's speed by decimal point. e.g. +0.5, -1.2

And you can increase speed more than 6, which is the limit of speed that you can change by event command.

Extra Self Switches, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
This is just a wrapper to make it easy to create and control more than four self switches for each event.

Fix Pictures to Map, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
This allows you to set the position of a picture by the X and Y position of the map, rather than the screen, so that the picture won't move with you when the screen scrolls. It also has a couple other features, such as allowing you to set the Z value to show below characters, or below the tiles to add another parallax (kind of).

Floating Event's Name, by woratana [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
Show event name over event on map

Global Timer, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to have the timer update in any scenes you want, not just Scene_Map and Scene_Battle

"If Party Has Equipped", by jet10985 [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet will allow you to check if anyone in the current party has an item equipped. This simplifies the many conditional branches..

"If Party Has Skill", by jet10985 [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet will allow you to check if anyone in the current party has a skill learned. This simplifies the many conditional branches.

+[Improved & Special Move Commands]+, by woratana [also included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
This script will edit old move commands and add new move commands.

It script will be good for minigame, ABS (for enemy's move route), or any system to do with move thing~

In-game System Audio Definition, by modern algebra
Version: 2.0
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to change what sound effect files are associated with the system at any time during the game. That's a bit abstract, so an easier way to explain it would be that if, for whatever reason, you want to be able to change the sound effect that is played when you press enter on something, then this script allows you to change that in-game. In other words, you don't have to have only one decision SE for the entire game.

+ [ Lock Screen ] +, by woratana [also available from Wora's GiftBox]
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
This script will lock the screen from scroll when the switch that you choose turn ON.
I think this should be good for cut scene or something like that

Lufia II Enemy Movement, by TDS
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
This script replicates the enemy movement alongside the player on map from the game "Lufia II".
It makes events move with the player.

Mimic Event, by jet10985 [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet will let you make evhts that will move with the player. As in, they press up, and both the player and event wil move.

More Self-switches, by game_guy
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
Ever need more than 4 self switches? With this small script, you can now have as many self switches you want. You aren't just limited to letters either. You can have names for them.

Oversized Event Support, by Exhydra
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
Have you ever assigned large graphics to your events only to find that your huge dragon has just has one square which triggers its code? Oversized Event Support can help! You can easily assign a larger grid to your fierce dragon and allow it to become the terror it was meant to be!

PAC Window Changer, by Pacman [included in PAC Build]
Spoiler for Description:
This scriplet (I invented a word!) will allow you to change the windowskin used in your fabulous game via script call. It's simple.

Parallax Change In-Game, by miget man12
Version: 1.1
Spoiler for Description:
Allows you to change the parallax of a map in-game with a script-call. Is not a permanent change

Path Finding, by modern algebra
Version: 2.0
Spoiler for Description:
This script finds the shortest path from an event's current position to a target position specified by the user. It then sets that path into action. Be careful when using it though. Depending on the layout of the map, it can take a fair amount of time to calculate. So, don't use it for any huge, funky mazes or anything.

Quick Save / Load / Delete, by woratana [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
Save/Load/Delete save file you want with call script

Record Target Variable, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to save the ID of an actor or enemy targetted by a skill or item to a designated variable. It is perfect for use in Common Events that are called by using items or weapons, as you can add additional effects that effect the specific target through the common event.

Note that it only works for targetted items and skills - if the scope has multiple targets, than it will not update the value.

Saving Events, by miget man12
Version: 1.1
Spoiler for Description:
Useful for: saving event locations, saving event graphics, and makes lack of self switch amount issues go away

Show Animated Pictures, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to show animated pictures through the regular event commands.

Simple Self Switches, by XaiL [included in Simple Scripts Pack]
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
This gives you options to control switches from outside of the event.

Sound Emitting Areas/Events, by modern algebra
Version: 2.0
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to set a bgm, bgs, se, or me to areas or events and it dynamically calculates the volume depending on how far the player is from the area or event, creating the impression that the sound is emitting from that area or event.

Switch Operations, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to very easily set the value of an ingame switch to check a number of particular values that would normally be accessible only through knowledge of Ruby syntax and RGSS2 methods. It is also easy to add new checks to this interface and requires very little scripting knowledge.
By default, you can set a switch to check if:
  • the current playthrough is a Play Test
  • the player is in a given area
  • the player is in a vehicle
  • the player is on a given square
  • any map event is on a given square
  • the self-switch of another event on the same map is ON
  • any type of weather is currently active
  • the message window is open

TDS Control Self-Switch, by TDS
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
Just a simple script that allows you to control self switches of events even if they are on other maps.

Tile ID, by Dils & sojabird
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Description:
Actually, this is based on SojaBird's Tile-HUD, so ALL credit goes to him. Well, my dad helped a lot as well, so if you find a gamer on Halo that shoots himself, credit him too.

This Script changes the A Tile you're standing on to 3 Variables which can be used for eventing and/or Scripting. I wanted to make this since I was inspired by the Camo Index from MGS 3.

« Last Edit: December 30, 2011, 12:22:24 AM by modern algebra »

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2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2014 Most Unsung Member2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Most Mature Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Favourite Staff Member2010 Most Mature Member

Actor Options as Class Options
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Each "Actor Option" is now avaliable through classes. For example, if you want your Paladin to dual wield swords, that can be done. If you want your bowman to auto-battle, that can be done. The only reason I find that this could be useful is if you have a class changer or something. So if Ralph was a Viking with the inherit ability of "Super Guard", he could now become a Ninja with the ability of "Two Swords Style".

Added Actor Options
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Before, there were only six actor options that you could choose from, and they were a bit dull. The only ones that most people actually used were two swords style and critical bonus, and even then they were used quite sparingly. I find that actor options add a lot of variety into the game, so I took it up as my job to create the best actor options I (and Square Enix, as most of them are ripped of FFTA2) could think of.

Note: The best way to use these skills would be with Modern Algebra's Editable actor options, or with that equipment skill that allowed equipment to have actor options (whoever wrote that script, contact me so I can credit you and your script)

Concentration: Gives the actor an added accuracy bonus.
Halve MP: Halves the MP for all skills. Does not stack with the armour option.
Immunity: Grants immunity to all states, good or bad.
Monkey Grip: Allows the actor to equip a shield regardless of whether their weapon is one-handed or two-handed.
Spellbound: States will stay in effect for two times as long.
Razzle Dazzle: Nice name for Auto-Regen.
Unscarred: When the actor is on full health, attack is increased.
Adrenaline: When the actor is on critical health, speed is increased.
Burdened Soul: When the actor is on critical health, he is knocked out and all other party members HP and MP is fully recovered.
Vigilance: When the actor is on critical health, defense is increased.
Blood Prince: Skills take up HP instead of MP.

Cozziekuns Custom Title Screen
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
What do you get if you combine Yanfly's Main Menu Redux and a title screen? Something pretty awesome, that's for sure. This Custom Title Screen is supposed to make creating your own title commands easily, as well as ensuring as much compatibility as possible.

Cozziekuns Status Screen
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Systems
Spoiler for Description:
A touched up version of the dull scene status.

Critical Bonus States
Version: 1.0
Category: Skills, States, & Elements
Spoiler for Description:
Gives states the ability to imbue critical bonuses on the one inflicted with the status effect. Somewhat like Sharp Eyes in Maplestory, except critical damage isn't altered (was not meant to be anyways).

Earthbound-ish Battle System
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Systems
Spoiler for Description:
My first battle system, so I hope it's a half-decent one. It basically a remade version of the different Earthbound battle systems. Features from both Earthbound and Earthbound 2 come in this battle system, and maybe one or two things snuck in from Earthbound Zero. The rest of the battle system is purely custom.

There might be a bit of lag from the odometer, but it shouldn't be too bad.

Element Imbuing States
Version: 1.0
Category: Skills, States, & Elements
Spoiler for Description:
States that imbue elements, akin to those in Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 2.

Evasion Upgrade
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Actors and classes now have their individual evasion properties, and states can now change an actors evasion. Originally, I was just going to make the alter the state properties, but I realised that you cannot set actor and class evasion through the database, so I added them in as a bonus.

Final Fantasy VII Menu System
Version: 1.1
Category: Menu Systems
Spoiler for Description:
A menu system similar to that of Final Fantasy VII's. You MUST be using the font "Calibri", as this was basically made for my own, secret purposes. I might make a version for all fonts, but that depends on your feedback. Seriously, if this script is shunned, I'm not going to bother upgrading it. Because I'm lazy.

Glow in the Dark Sprites
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows for sprites that change their tone depending on the screen tone. Essentially for making glow-in-the-dark sprites, however has a smoother transition from Dark to Bright than other light effect scripts.

Hexyz Force Encounter System
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Systems
Spoiler for Description:
Allows you to set up encounters like the ones in Hexyz Force. This means that you can choose to have a severly weakened enemy if you attack them from the back, a normal enemy if you attack them from the front, and an aggro'd enemy if they run into you. It also makes a (sloppy) swing animation that can be called with the keyboard button S by default.

Pseudo 3D Battlebacks
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Systems
Spoiler for Description:
This script is a completely plug and play solution to the aesthetically dull default, wavy looking battle background. It instead takes a snapshot of the screen and then renders a Pseudo 3D image that varies depending on your settings.

Roguelike Random Dungeon Generator
Version: 1.0a
Category: Map Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Randomly generates a different map each time the player enters the area; randomly relocates events and the player; is always solvable (so long as you make an exit).

Scrolling Window_Help
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to auto scroll the text in Window_Help if it becomes too long for the window to hold. Originally, RPG Maker would auto resize the text to make it thin and aesthetically displeasing to the eye.

Show Slip Damage
Version: 1.2
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
A system designed to show the amount of slip damage dealt to both actors and enemies. Originally found in my Tales of Icarus Script Package.

Simple Mail System
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
A simple mail system akin to the one in Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, and Final Fantasy III DS.

Simple Map Screenshot, with Zeus91
Version: 1.0
Category: Miscellaneous
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to take a screenshot of a whole map, depending on the map id. The screenshot will not include the characters.

Simple Pedometer HUD
Version: 1.1a
Category: Map Utility
Spoiler for Description:
A simple pedometer HUD. The only reason I can see that this could be useful is if you have an item akin to an egg in pokemon, where the item will hatch, break, etc on a specific step count, and you want your player to be able to see how many steps his walked.

Simple Sort Inventory
Version: 1.0
Spoiler for Desription:
Like in Tales of Phantasia, this inventory allows you to sort your items in the categories: All, Items, Weapons and Armours.

Simple Sort Skill Inventory
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Systems
Spoiler for Description:
This skill inventory allows you to sort your items in the categories: All, Damage, Healing and Status. You can even make your own categories, if that's how you roll.

Simple Word Processing
Version: 1.0a
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
A simple word processer which lets the player create, store and open various pieces of text. Not really practical, as I did this more as a challenge than as a utility, but it could be useful for things like player journals, organizers and the like.

Tilemap to Bitmap
Version: 1.0
Category: Scripting Utility
Spoiler for Description:
A scripting tool which converts the RGSS2 Tilemap class into a usable Bitmap

« Last Edit: December 30, 2011, 04:35:02 AM by modern algebra »

Level 97
2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2014 Most Unsung Member2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Most Mature Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Favourite Staff Member2010 Most Mature Member

Actor Approval Rating [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet will add a approval system to all your characters. This means that doing certain actions, determined by you, will add to their approval.

Blue Magic, with Fomar0153 [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: Skills, States, & Elements
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet will allow you to use to create a blue mage-type character. This means that the character will learn special enemy skills when they are used on the blue mage.

Break States, with gsxiii[included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.1
Category: Skills, States, & Elements
This snippet will allow you designate states to be "break" states. This means that while the character is inflicted with the state, the next hit will kill, or drain the character's mp to 0. This script has: 2 customization options.

Change Actor Options, with BigEd781 [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 2.0
Category: Event Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet allows you to change the options of an actor such as auto battle, super guard, and two swords style.

Change Gameover [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.1
Category: Event Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet will allow you to change the graphic shown at the GameOver screen with a simple event command

Change Map Encounter Rate Formula [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet will let you change the default random encounter rate. The problem with the old one is, if you set the rate to say... 30 You will get an encounter anywhere from 1 to 61 steps.

Change MessageBack [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: Message Systems
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet allows you to change the messageback for the message window when you select the Dim Background option.

Change Windowskin, with Woratana [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: Event Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet allows you to change the windowskin of all the windows with a simple script call in-game.

Cheat System [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This script will add a cheat system

Diagonal Map Scroll [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: Event Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet will allow you scroll the map diagonally during events.

Disable Battle Commands [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Systems
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet allows you to add a hotkey type system to let players have a handy button to automaticly run or guard. Cannot use with ATB. This script has: 2 customization options.

Gameover to Map [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Systems
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet will send the character to a map with 1 hp when a gameover occurs instead of a regular gameover.

Hide Text Box, with Piejamas [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: Message Systems
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet allows you to add scenes where the player can hide the textbox to maybe look at a picture then bring the box back up.

Hunger/Thirst [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script will add a hunger and/or thirst factor to every actor. These can effect a lot of things, such as stats in battle, disabling dashing, or even life or death.

"If Party Has Equipped" [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: Event Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet will allow you to check if anyone in the current party has an item equipped. This simplifies the many conditional branches..

"If Party Has Skill" [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: Event Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet will allow you to check if anyone in the current party has a skill learned. This simplifies the many conditional branches.

Immortal States [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: Skills, States, & Elements
This snippet will allow you designate states to be "immortal" states. This means that while the character is inflicted with the state, they will not die. This script has: 1 customization options.

Item SE [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet will allow you to specify a sound effect that will be played when a specific item is used.

Jet Engine [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Category: Scripting Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This is my handy module i use to hold my regularly used methods. It also stores which of my scripts people are using. I release this to help people write patches for my snippets if needed or they just want my methods.

Jet's Alignment System [also included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script adds a simple and easy-to-use alignment system to your game. This will allow the character to be good, evil, or anything in-between. You can even change it up from alignment to other stuff like Rank or Vampirism.

Jet's Code Snippets
Version: 1.0
Category: Miscellaneous
Spoiler for Description:
This is my collection of code snippets i make for fun. I just release to the public in case they want them or see them as handy. This is not a shop, don't ask me to write you a snippet. I write these in my spare time and therefore, requests ruin my fun.

Jet's Item Gauge [also included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This is my annoying to program item gauge script. I worked on and off on it because i always ran into something wrong. Now though, i have it basically done, and i'm liking it so far. Hope you enjoy it as much as i suffered for it

Note: It allows you to give actors item gauges, and to assign costs to items. So it's essentially MP for items.

Jet's Stamina System [also included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Full functional Stamina system
Optional Menu and Map windows
Prevents dashing when stamina runs out
Fully compatible with most extra movement system (swimming, jumping, climbing, etc.)

Jet's Time System [also included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This is my time system. It has a whole lot of features and customization options. I have obtained opinions from users like you to know what they want in a time system. This has all the features of the time system you may already use, PLUS MORE! Enjoy. =)

Learn a Skill Items, with Jens009 [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet will allow you make an item that will teach the actor that it is used on a skill without all those conditional branches.

Level Up Effects [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet allows you to add extra effects to the level up process that will happen everytime that a character levels up.

Level Up Items [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet will allow you make an item that will level up the actor that it is used on without all those conditional branhces for each actor possibility.

Level Up SE [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet allows you to add add a sound effect that plays when an actor levels up in battle or by an event.

Load Menu [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 2.0
Category: Menu Systems
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet adds a load option to the main menu for quick loading.

Map Actor Name Window [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: Map Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet will show a window on the map with the first character's name in it. Not sure what it's useful for, but someone may need it.

Map Tint Carry-over [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: Map Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet will make it so if the map has a tint applied when the character enters battle, the tint will be applied to the battle screen as well.

Mimic Event [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: Event Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet will let you make evhts that will move with the player. As in, they press up, and both the player and event wil move.

No Actor EXP [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.1
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet allows you to define actors throughout the game that will not gain exp AT ALL. Note: They can still level up trough the event command.

No Encounters Condition [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: Skills, States, & Elements
This snippet will let you make conditions that will make it so the player will have no radnom encounters on the map.

No Failure Display [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This allows you to designate some skills to not display a failure message when they fail.

Parameter Icons [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet allows you to add icons next to parameter names whenever they are shown in windows. Currently Incompatable with Enelvon's Luck and Resistance.

One Press Sprint [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet will make it so they only have to press Shift to sprint, and they will have this sprinting state until they press shift again.

Pause Menu [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet will allow you make a "Paused" menu that can replace the old menu for simpler games, or just be an add-on to look nice.

Percentage of Damage [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.1
Category: Database Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet will allow you to set items and skills to deal a percentage of remaining hp/mp instead of a random amount.

Pokemon Statistics System
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script is the Pokemon Statistics System that will mimic the Pokemon Stat calculations. This means IVs, EVs, Base Stats, Natures and Level will all be taken into account when calculating attack, defence, spirit, and agility. Agility is considered the equivalent of speed, and Spirit is both Special Attack and Special Defence combined. Spirit being both, I now some of you are thinking “But some natures lower one and higher the other! BAHHHHH!” Well, I did not do anything about that =(
Anyways, enjoy the script, and credit if used.

Random Battle Transition [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet makes the battle transition random. The name is self-explanatory. All the transitions MUST be in the Graphics/System folder.

Records Window [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.1
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet will allow you to show some variables in a window at the bottom-left corner of the screen in a window.

Remove Dead Actors, with Piejamas [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.2
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet will allow you to remove actors from the party all together when they are inflicted with "incapacitated" state. I re-made this from Piejamas' code to make it compatable with a couple of my snippets and to improve checking.

Run/Guard Hotkey (+ ATB version) [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Systems
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet allows you to add a hotkey type system to let players have a handy button to automaticly run or guard. Cannot use with ATB. This script has: 2 customization options.

Screensaver [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: Miscellaneous
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet will allow you to set a screen dim to occur if the program has been left idle for a certain amount of time.

Set Actor Max Level [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.1
Category: Database Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet will allow you to set each actor to have an individual maximum level that they can reach in-game.

Singular EXP [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet will allow you to use a singular actor as a lead actor. This means, only that actor gains exp and the others level up with the leader.

Speed Save, with [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet adds a hotkey to open the save menu quickly on the map.

Success Bar, with Darklich [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet allows you to call a success bar, a bar with an area of success you have to hit by pressing the designated button.

WindowSkin [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet allows you to change the windowskin of every default window in the program.

« Last Edit: October 08, 2011, 09:15:20 PM by modern algebra »