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well I gots a problem ><

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Level 86
Rastel Maskil Magister~
Hey guys~ I was hoping you guys could help me out.

in my game I am using Rune's CMS#3, which I downloaded from here not long ago, and I came to a point where when I open the menu the status windows where my character parameters are is all screwed up and I can't get it fixed... this is the thing.

I have tried everything to change the coordinates of the char graphic (I am using facesets instead of sprites, and i took all the necesary precaution such as size and format), HP\SP parameters... but they won't move... I am making these changes in the "window_menustatus" part of the script; but no matter how much I change it it won't move, I'ved attached a paint sketch of the way I wanted it to be and the way it is right now, I could really use all you guys expertise.

thanks before hand for any help that I might get ^^

Level 86
Rastel Maskil Magister~
anyone can help me?

it shouldn't be too hard I just can't pin point the problem accurately.. little help? >< plax?

Level 85
Possibility 1, You aren't adjusting the cordinates for the picture right.
Possibility 2, There is something else in the code that tells the picture to be somewhere else.
Possibility 3, has "centered" or "left" or "right" or something in the code somewhere.

Search and destroy  :police:

Level 86
Rastel Maskil Magister~
Possibility number one I've tried, tho no matter how much i modify the coordinates NOTHING will move (not the picture or hp/sp values nothing) I've tried that nothing goes through.

I will serach any other place in the code where I can move it... I doubt im gonna be succesful since i have no scripting abilty I dont wanna end up screwing the whole thing up.

and if its the centering.. where can I find i tpyed search found some but not what Im lokking for (namely windows_menustatus)

any help is greatly apreciate but thanks for the reply too ><

Level 90
Returned from the dead.
Post the script you have.
Your conscience.